View Full Version : Izzy is continuously crying out. Can't be comforted.

10-12-2014, 01:26 PM
Izzy is making a noise that sounds almost like a cat. it is continuous & he can't be comforted. He is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday and has been on Baytril. What does this mean and what can I do.

Please help

10-12-2014, 01:30 PM
What's the surgery for? Can you post a vid?

Nancy in New York
10-12-2014, 01:47 PM
Izzy is making a noise that sounds almost like a cat. it is continuous & he can't be comforted. He is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday and has been on Baytril. What does this mean and what can I do.

Please help

Are you sure that he isn't scared or that he saw something that frightened him?
Where is he right now, has he stayed in the same position since this started?
Yes a video would help.
Does he appear in pain?
How long has this been going on?
If you can post a video, that would help.

10-12-2014, 01:54 PM
I'm so sorry I didn't give details. About two weeks ago I noticed a lump on the right side of his neck. It's illegal to have squirrels where I live & there isn't a lot of information about them. My vet is really nice but wasn't sure what to do, so I went on the internet & thankfully found this wonderful board.

I got lots of info...got formula for him, picky blocks, etc. One of the board members was kind enough to offer to take Izzy to her vet. I would drive a few hours, give him to her, she was going to call her vet & I was to pick him up when he was better. I know this makes me a terrible person, but I just couldn't do it. I paced and paced. I love this little guy with all my heart and while I was so very thankful for the offer of help, the idea of turning him over to someone I didn't know just scared me to death.

My vet was to lance/biopsy it this week but was unable to it because of some difficulty at her clinic. We have to sneak him in. So he is scheduled for Tuesday. He's been taking Baytril twice a day. He took Clindamycin 0.20 ml twice a day for a few days but was discontinued because there was a question about the dosge & went back on the Baytril.

I am so technologically challenged. Cannot get a video but hope I have attached a picture of the lump that some members helped me upload. He is panted & seems disoriented. He has stopped making the noise & is just sitting there. I opened the door & he didn't even try to get out.

The lump has grown & now covers the front part of his little throat. He seems to have no problem eating or drinking.

Please let me know if the attachement didn't come through. Sorry to be so long in replying I was trying to get the picture uploaded again & checking on him.

10-12-2014, 01:58 PM
Are you sure that he isn't scared or that he saw something that frightened him?
Where is he right now, has he stayed in the same position since this started?
Yes a video would help.
Does he appear in pain?
How long has this been going on?
If you can post a video, that would help.

He has his own room and nothing has changed. Truthfully, I don't think he's afraid of anything. He plays with the cat & used to play with my dog. He almost seems disoriented. He made the noise a few minutes before I posted. I was looking for a cat in the closet. That's what it sounded like & I thought one of the cats was closed in. Then I realized it was him.

10-12-2014, 02:01 PM
What's the surgery for? Can you post a vid?

The surgery is to lance/biopsy the lump. I'll attach the picture I managed to get posted of the lump and will try again for video.

10-12-2014, 02:13 PM
In regard to the lump on Izzy's neck ... if the vet finds that this is an abscess, of course lancing will be needed BUT I wanted to let you know that Baytril is not a good antibiotic for this site.

The Clindamycin or Clavamox would be much better choices.

Here is the dosing information from the Wild Mammal Babies book:

Clavamox: 20 mg/kg BID
Clindamycin: 5-10 mg/kg BID
If the vet has any questions about dosing this, you can get instructions here.

I hope Izzy gets better soon.

10-12-2014, 02:23 PM
In regard to the lump on Izzy's neck ... if the vet finds that this is an abscess, of course lancing will be needed BUT I wanted to let you know that Baytril is not a good antibiotic for this site.

The Clindamycin or Clavamox would be much better choices.

Here is the dosing information from the Wild Mammal Babies book:

Clavamox: 20 mg/kg BID
Clindamycin: 5-10 mg/kg BID
If the vet has any questions about dosing this, you can get instructions here.

I hope Izzy gets better soon.

Another member did provide me with a dosing chart. The vet wanted to have him on Baytril till we see what it is. I will suggest that Clavamox. It was next to impossible to get the Clindamycin in him. Where can I get a copy of the Wild Mammal Babies Book? Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., don't have it. I even contacted our State Library & they couldn't help. I would love to have a copy. Thanks so much for your help.

10-12-2014, 02:29 PM
. Where can I get a copy of the Wild Mammal Babies Book? Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., don't have it. I even contacted our State Library & they couldn't help. I would love to have a copy. Thanks so much for your help.
Here is a link for the book.

I didn't find the book anywhere else. It is a bit pricey but it is well worth the cost.

10-12-2014, 02:34 PM
Can you get a bit of molasses into his mouth? I am wondering if it is a seizure of some kind. The molasses will NOT harm him either way and might help to get his blood sugar up if it is/was a seizure.

10-12-2014, 02:36 PM
What amount of Baytril are you giving twice per day and can you tell us what the bottle says for strength?

Nancy in New York
10-12-2014, 02:39 PM
auntnin, I can copy any pages of the WMB that you want, and I will send them to you.
IF you have a printer you can copy them. Did you want to show your vet?
IF so you can pm me her email, and I will send whatever you want from the book to your vet.

The problem with the Clind. is that the vet prescribed the dose at 0.20 TWICE daily and
the strength is 25 mg/ml.
The vet also doesn't have the updated weight on Izzy so it was suppose to be dosed for a 181 grams squirrel.
Then the vet put Izzy back on Baytril.
I did say that Izzy could have the Clindamycin, but the dose was MUCH lower.
IF the vet is going to do a culture on this Tuesday, I'm not even sure Izzy should even be dosed with anything. :dono

10-12-2014, 02:42 PM
Here is a link for the book.

I didn't find the book anywhere else. It is a bit pricey but it is well worth the cost.

Thanks so much. He's worth anything!!

10-12-2014, 02:45 PM
Could you text me a pic of the Baytril label so that we know what we are dealing with for making sure the dose is correct? I am NOT saying anything bad about your vet, just know that squirrels are far different from anything that they are used to dealing with. If you can text the label you can do it to(203) 214-7427

10-12-2014, 03:10 PM
He has his own room and nothing has changed. Truthfully, I don't think he's afraid of anything. He plays with the cat & used to play with my dog. He almost seems disoriented. He made the noise a few minutes before I posted. I was looking for a cat in the closet. That's what it sounded like & I thought one of the cats was closed in. Then I realized it was him.
I'm praying that Izzy is going to be OK. Squirrels take hold of our hearts--really fast.
BTW...please keep Izzy 100% separated from your other pets --esp. the cat.. Cat saliva is deadly to a squirrel. Thanks.

10-12-2014, 03:11 PM
Here is a link for the book.

I didn't find the book anywhere else. It is a bit pricey but it is well worth the cost.

That's where I recently got my copy also.

I ditto the warning on the pets. Esp if izzy will ever be released. But our pets still have that instinctive predator behavior...

Anyhow hope the surgery is a success. I am not familiar with his age.. But if he is around 12/13 weeks he could be finding his voice. And the noise sounds like the quay moan or "chirp meow" then well he could be starting to be come aware of your pets as a threat OR. He could be hearing some squirrel warnings from outside his house.

Mine started doing this around ten weeks... And if in the distance I could hear another wild one making the same noise .. Like they were communicating. Which I think they were.

But certainly try the molasses as suggested by the others.

10-12-2014, 03:22 PM
In regard to the lump on Izzy's neck ... if the vet finds that this is an abscess, of course lancing will be needed BUT I wanted to let you know that Baytril is not a good antibiotic for this site.

The Clindamycin or Clavamox would be much better choices.

Here is the dosing information from the Wild Mammal Babies book:

Clavamox: 20 mg/kg BID
Clindamycin: 5-10 mg/kg BID
If the vet has any questions about dosing this, you can get instructions here.

I hope Izzy gets better soon.

thanks so much for your help. I'll let you guys know how he makes out Tuesday. If you don't hear from me, you'll know it wasn't good. the vet is very nervous about sedating him.

10-12-2014, 03:31 PM
That's where I recently got my copy also.

I ditto the warning on the pets. Esp if izzy will ever be released. But our pets still have that instinctive predator behavior...

Anyhow hope the surgery is a success. I am not familiar with his age.. But if he is around 12/13 weeks he could be finding his voice. And the noise sounds like the quay moan or "chirp meow" then well he could be starting to be come aware of your pets as a threat OR. He could be hearing some squirrel warnings from outside his house.

Mine started doing this around ten weeks... And if in the distance I could hear another wild one making the same noise .. Like they were communicating. Which I think they were.

But certainly try the molasses as suggested by the others.

I ordered the book and hopefully won't have to bother you guys so much. I've had him for 3 1/2 years and release is out of the question. He left arm is damaged. I do Not let him play outside of his cage with the cat. I would never. He reaches his little arm out & she puts up her paw. That's the extent of their play. The cat food & water is in the same room as him so he accustomed to them being there. Even if he could have been released, it is out of the question. Where I live he would be dinner for someone before night fall. He's made different noises as he matured. He seldom says anything now & has never made this noise. It was over & over. Thanks again for your help.

10-12-2014, 03:36 PM
auntnin, I can copy any pages of the WMB that you want, and I will send them to you.
IF you have a printer you can copy them. Did you want to show your vet?
IF so you can pm me her email, and I will send whatever you want from the book to your vet.

The problem with the Clind. is that the vet prescribed the dose at 0.20 TWICE daily and
the strength is 25 mg/ml.
The vet also doesn't have the updated weight on Izzy so it was suppose to be dosed for a 181 grams squirrel.
Then the vet put Izzy back on Baytril.
I did say that Izzy could have the Clindamycin, but the dose was MUCH lower.
IF the vet is going to do a culture on this Tuesday, I'm not even sure Izzy should even be dosed with anything. :dono

Hopefully, they will be able to weigh Izz while he's sedated. My printer is broken & I'm not able to replace it right now, so I can't print. I asked about stopping the antibiotic before the procedure but didn't receive a reply. I've emailed her again today. How long before the procedure should the antibiotic be stopped?

10-12-2014, 03:38 PM
Here is a link for the book.

I didn't find the book anywhere else. It is a bit pricey but it is well worth the cost.

I ordered the book. Am really anxious to get it. I searched and searched for it.

10-12-2014, 03:50 PM
Can you get a bit of molasses into his mouth? I am wondering if it is a seizure of some kind. The molasses will NOT harm him either way and might help to get his blood sugar up if it is/was a seizure.

I don't have molasses. I have Kings syrup. Will that do the same thing? He's quiet now. Not making the noise. I gave him fresh water & some organic greens. He drank some & is eating. It seems whatever it is has passed. Just hoping that we make it till Tuesday & he makes it through the procedure. Thank you for helping Izzy & me.

10-12-2014, 03:54 PM
What amount of Baytril are you giving twice per day and can you tell us what the bottle says for strength?

The Baytril is in predrawn syringes. It's a very small amount. It's up to the #1 line and is a very thin syringe. The label says "twice daily until gone"
"Baytril SUSP 25 mg/ml per ml Enroflox (0.60ml). I'm sorry I don't about the size of syringes, etc but it is the smallest one I've ever seen.

10-12-2014, 03:57 PM
Could you text me a pic of the Baytril label so that we know what we are dealing with for making sure the dose is correct? I am NOT saying anything bad about your vet, just know that squirrels are far different from anything that they are used to dealing with. If you can text the label you can do it to(203) 214-7427

Did you get the text? I know no one is saying anything bad about my vet. She knows very little about squirrels & is doing the best she can. She is open to suggestions. When I told her members of the Board had said if it were an infection Clindamycin would work better, she changed the dose. Unfortunately, what she prescribed was too high.

10-12-2014, 04:07 PM
[QUOTE=stosh2010;1051307]I'm praying that Izzy is going to be OK. Squirrels take hold of our hearts--really fast.
BTW...please keep Izzy 100% separated from your other pets --esp. the cat.. Cat saliva is deadly to a squirrel. Thanks.[/Q

Sweet Molly goes to Izzy's cage. Sometimes she puts her paw up and he reaches out with his little hand. They aren't rolling around on the floor together. I would never put him in a room, out of his cage, with any animal no matter how sweet they seem. I should have explained. Now that I know about the cat saliva I'll see that the cats don't go near him. I could no information when he was found. I did it by trail and error. He's here because he's a tough little guy and I would do anything in the world to protect him.

10-12-2014, 04:08 PM
Here is a link for the book.

I didn't find the book anywhere else. It is a bit pricey but it is well worth the cost.

The book is on it's way. thank you so much.

10-12-2014, 04:11 PM
Is Izzy still crying out? If so then he is in pain, that sound is keening (a loud wailing). Wish we had a weight then we could dose infant ibuprofen which might help him feel better. A gram scale can be purchased at Wal-mart (Target, K-mart) in house wares or any kitchen store. A gram scale is a must for anyone with a small baby animal. I paid $9.99 several years ago for mine, don't think they have gone up too much in price since then.
Waiting to hear on Tuesday, prayers for you little sweetie!:grouphug

10-12-2014, 04:11 PM
Once you have that book, you always make copies of pages for your vet too. It sounds like she wants to learn and it is an awesome publication that she might even want to purchase for her practice.

10-12-2014, 04:39 PM
auntnin, I can copy any pages of the WMB that you want, and I will send them to you.
IF you have a printer you can copy them. Did you want to show your vet?
IF so you can pm me her email, and I will send whatever you want from the book to your vet.

The problem with the Clind. is that the vet prescribed the dose at 0.20 TWICE daily and
the strength is 25 mg/ml.
The vet also doesn't have the updated weight on Izzy so it was suppose to be dosed for a 181 grams squirrel.
Then the vet put Izzy back on Baytril.
I did say that Izzy could have the Clindamycin, but the dose was MUCH lower.
IF the vet is going to do a culture on this Tuesday, I'm not even sure Izzy should even be dosed with anything. :dono

Why is it a good idea possibly for Izzy not be dosed with anything before a culture.?

Nancy in New York
10-12-2014, 05:28 PM
Why is it a good idea possibly for Izzy not be dosed with anything before a culture.?

Obtaining cultures before antibiotic use improves the chances of identifying the offending microorganism.
Antibiotics may prevent a culture from becoming positive.

10-12-2014, 08:10 PM
The surgery is to lance/biopsy the lump. I'll attach the picture I managed to get posted of the lump and will try again for video.

Did your vet plan to do a culture and a biopsy? If only a biopsy I am not sure there is a reason for him to be removed from the antibiotic. But if a culture is being done, then the results could be skewed by the antibiotic use. I am not 100% sure but I think the number of days that your baby needs to be off the antibiotics is seven days to have a clean culture.

My concern with this lump so close to his head is that if it is an abscess, he does need to be on antibiotics due to infection. If it is a tumor, then antibiotics won't help or hurt.

My prayers go out to you and your boy. I will hold you in my thoughts for Tuesday.


10-12-2014, 08:30 PM
I'm not sure what she's planning to do. I have emailed & she has answered me through staff...or not answered. I emailed her twice this evening. If I don't hear from her by morning, I will call the clinic. Should it be cultured? If so, he won't be able to have his procedure Tuesday. Want to do what is best for him and gets him the best result. Thank you so much for your information. It is a learning experience for my vet and I. She's a really good person who's trying to help. Any information I can give her has to help & you guys are the experts. It is illegal to have squirrels where I live so little is known. Thanks again!

10-12-2014, 09:14 PM
First off, I want to let you know that I am not a vet. Please know that what I am telling you is my opinion. I am sure that others will chime in with their thoughts and ideas.

However, the experience that I have had with my animals, cats dogs, squirrels, etc tells me that if this little guy were mine, I would have this procedure done on Tuesday. of course it is always best if a culture and sensitivity test can be done (if it is an abscess a sensitivity test tells what kills the organism that grows in the culture). It is expensive and if it is to be done the best thing to do is have the best conditions to get a good reading. The lump on your boys neck is growing in a scary place. If it is an abscess (contained infection) it will drain when the vet lances it. If your vet decides to do a culture, this is when it is good to have a culture done if you are doing one.

Is this lump hard or soft and squishy? Is there heat when you put our hand near or on it?

10-12-2014, 09:51 PM
First off, I want to let you know that I am not a vet. Please know that what I am telling you is my opinion. I am sure that others will chime in with their thoughts and ideas.

However, the experience that I have had with my animals, cats dogs, squirrels, etc tells me that if this little guy were mine, I would have this procedure done on Tuesday. of course it is always best if a culture and sensitivity test can be done (if it is an abscess a sensitivity test tells what kills the organism that grows in the culture). It is expensive and if it is to be done the best thing to do is have the best conditions to get a good reading. The lump on your boys neck is growing in a scary place. If it is an abscess (contained infection) it will drain when the vet lances it. If your vet decides to do a culture, this is when it is good to have a culture done if you are doing one.

Is this lump hard or soft and squishy? Is there heat when you put our hand near or on it?

I value everyone's opinion and experience. I have no idea what I'm doing & desperately want to save my little guy. The lump is very hard and not hot. It isn't sensitive & has grown since I discovered it about two weeks ago. I've emailed the vet a few times but have not heard back from her. Since he's still on his antibiotic, can a culture be done? If he had to get a lump, it's a good thing it grew quickly isn't it? He hasn't really been ill with it. Maybe not as active or eating as much but definitely eating & drinking & moving around. He always slept in his hammock but switched to his cube. Is that significant? I got him a new cage but decided not to move him until after his procedure. We live in the middle of nowhere so I don't know if my vet is equipped to do a sensitivity test. What does it require?

Thanks for getting back to me and helping my sweet little Izzy.

10-12-2014, 09:59 PM
Is Izzy still crying out? If so then he is in pain, that sound is keening (a loud wailing). Wish we had a weight then we could dose infant ibuprofen which might help him feel better. A gram scale can be purchased at Wal-mart (Target, K-mart) in house wares or any kitchen store. A gram scale is a must for anyone with a small baby animal. I paid $9.99 several years ago for mine, don't think they have gone up too much in price since then.
Waiting to hear on Tuesday, prayers for you little sweetie!:grouphug

When I first heard it, I thought his wheel was squeaking, then I thought it was a cat closed in a closet. He did it in almost evenly spaced cycles and seemed to be panting with it. He's never done it before. The lump doesn't seem painful when I touch it & though he's eating a little less, he's drinking the same as he always would. He loves fresh water, so I change it a few times a day for him. The information I gather on here is like gold to me. I couldn't find anything when he was rescued. I will definitely get a scale for him.

Thank you for your good wishes for Tuesday. I'm scared to death for him. My vet is one of the kindest, sweetest people you would ever meet and I know she will do her best.

10-12-2014, 10:02 PM
Once you have that book, you always make copies of pages for your vet too. It sounds like she wants to learn and it is an awesome publication that she might even want to purchase for her practice.

I know she'll be interested. Wish I had it to take with me Tuesday. Can't wait to get it.

10-12-2014, 10:03 PM
Obtaining cultures before antibiotic use improves the chances of identifying the offending microorganism.
Antibiotics may prevent a culture from becoming positive.

That's what I thought but wanted to be sure. Haven't heard anything from her yet.

10-12-2014, 10:06 PM
Obtaining cultures before antibiotic use improves the chances of identifying the offending microorganism.
Antibiotics may prevent a culture from becoming positive.

That's what I thought but wanted to be sure. But if it is an infection, won't there be pus? I know I'm showing my stupidity. Haven't heard anything from her yet.

10-14-2014, 03:58 PM
I'm thinking about you today :grouphug and hoping for a good report about Izzy. :Love_Icon

10-14-2014, 04:16 PM
That's what I thought but wanted to be sure. But if it is an infection, won't there be pus? I know I'm showing my stupidity. Haven't heard anything from her yet.

If it is an abscess, then that whole lump will be filled with pus. Lancing it will release the pus and an AB (Clindamycin or clavamox etc) will treat the infection. Culturing the biopsy/pus will tell you exactly what type of organism is causing the abscess so then the best AB can be added to cure the infection. The culture is not a requirement for treating but will increase the odds the the AB works.

As others have stated, not sure the culture will work if he is currently on ABs? It would certainly reduce the chances of the culture detecting the microorganism.

One last thought, is his breathing labored? Could this be a loud wheezing caused by the lump putting pressure on his airway?

10-15-2014, 11:29 AM
Any updates ?

10-15-2014, 11:51 AM
Any updates ?


10-15-2014, 12:59 PM

Nancy in New York
10-15-2014, 12:59 PM
I got this from auntnin:
I wrote her back with a link to this thread, explaining how she can alert the board of the findings.
I will also send her an email.

Hi Kiddo,
I'm not sure where to post to tell the board how Izzy made out. The vet made a small incision on the underside of his neck. (the lump spread from his right side down to under his little mouth). She could not get any drainage from the incision, so she used a biopsy punch to get a section of the swollen area to send to a pathologist. She's concerned because the lump is so hard. It will take 5 to 7 days to get the biopsy results back. She put him on Metacam 0.2ml once a day for 5 days. Thank you so much for all your help for my little guy. Linda xxxxxx

10-15-2014, 01:16 PM
I got this from auntnin:
I wrote her back with a link to this thread, explaining how she can alert the board of the findings.
I will also send her an email.

No drainage from a lump that size? Did she use a needle (sometimes pus can turn into the consistency of drying caulk) or did she lance with a blade?

It does sound like it might NOT be an abscess. :( On the other hand, I don't think it is physically possible for a tumor to grow as fast as was described (growth literally overnight). Some type of parasitic infestation? Cyst?

We will be here to help in any way we can.


10-15-2014, 01:38 PM
Yes. Tumors can grow very rapidly. I have seen this, that is why I have been so concerned.
I actually saw a large tumor eat through the carotid artery once. It was awful.

I have been very concerned about this, and I suspect the vet is also.
She may not know squirrels, but she would know an abcess, no matter what species it was on.

Lots and lots of prayers for this little one.
:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

10-15-2014, 07:29 PM
Izzy didn't get very good news yesterday. The vet made a small incision on the underside of his neck. She couldn't get any drainage from the incision and used a biopsy punch to get a section of the swollen area. The results will be back in 5 to 7 days. She's very concerned because it is so hard and said that because of the location she doesn't feel it could be removed. It now covers the right side of his neck & goes under his jaw. it's grown so quickly but it doesn't seem to be painful. He's eating and drinking normally. She said thankfully it is growing out instead of in. She put him on 0.2ml of Metacam once a day for 5 days and he's to finish his Baytril. He has three more doses.

I know I have done a terrible job of staying in touch and I so deeply apologize for that. My Mom is terminally & getting weaker every day. Then there's my little ones..my poor cat who is terminally ill is now passing blood and my dog who is in kidney failure, now is having great difficulty breathing.

Last night Izzy escaped from me. He tore open his incision. I caught him & took him in the bathroom to give him his medicine He escaped again. I was so worried about him hurting himself & everything just came rushing in. I laid my head on the sink & cried. He jumped on my back and sat there. He's such a good, kind, sweet little guy. I love him so...I can't tell you how much. The thought has occurred to me that maybe I did something to cause this. I didn't know what I was doing. Maybe something I fed him caused this. He doesn't deserve this and deserved to have a mom who knew what she was doing but he didn't. One thing he did have and does have is a mom who loves him with all her heart and would do anything for him.

Thank you all for your words of advice and your love, support and prayers for this sweet little guy who amazes me every day. I don't know how many days we have left but I plan to make them the very best days I can.

10-15-2014, 07:31 PM
No drainage from a lump that size? Did she use a needle (sometimes pus can turn into the consistency of drying caulk) or did she lance with a blade?

It does sound like it might NOT be an abscess. :( On the other hand, I don't think it is physically possible for a tumor to grow as fast as was described (growth literally overnight). Some type of parasitic infestation? Cyst?

We will be here to help in any way we can.


She shaved the area and used a blade. I can't believe how fast it's grown either.

10-15-2014, 07:34 PM
Oh Auntnin...I just don't know what to say. You and Izzy are in my prayers. Would it be possible for you to get Izzy to another vet for a second opinion? I sure don't know if we have one, but if we could find one, how far could you travel?

10-15-2014, 08:00 PM
Whatever this is, it certainly is not your fault.:grouphug Izzy has you as his adopted momma and guardian angel. You are doing everything you can so far to help Izzy.

Don't give up hope. Let us know when you get the results of the biopsy and also if Izzy has any more issues.

Izzy didn't get very good news yesterday. The vet made a small incision on the underside of his neck. She couldn't get any drainage from the incision and used a biopsy punch to get a section of the swollen area. The results will be back in 5 to 7 days. She's very concerned because it is so hard and said that because of the location she doesn't feel it could be removed. It now covers the right side of his neck & goes under his jaw. it's grown so quickly but it doesn't seem to be painful. He's eating and drinking normally. She said thankfully it is growing out instead of in. She put him on 0.2ml of Metacam once a day for 5 days and he's to finish his Baytril. He has three more doses.

I know I have done a terrible job of staying in touch and I so deeply apologize for that. My Mom is terminally & getting weaker every day. Then there's my little ones..my poor cat who is terminally ill is now passing blood and my dog who is in kidney failure, now is having great difficulty breathing.

Last night Izzy escaped from me. He tore open his incision. I caught him & took him in the bathroom to give him his medicine He escaped again. I was so worried about him hurting himself & everything just came rushing in. I laid my head on the sink & cried. He jumped on my back and sat there. He's such a good, kind, sweet little guy. I love him so...I can't tell you how much. The thought has occurred to me that maybe I did something to cause this. I didn't know what I was doing. Maybe something I fed him caused this. He doesn't deserve this and deserved to have a mom who knew what she was doing but he didn't. One thing he did have and does have is a mom who loves him with all her heart and would do anything for him.

Thank you all for your words of advice and your love, support and prayers for this sweet little guy who amazes me every day. I don't know how many days we have left but I plan to make them the very best days I can.

10-15-2014, 08:12 PM
Oh Auntnin...I just don't know what to say. You and Izzy are in my prayers. Would it be possible for you to get Izzy to another vet for a second opinion? I sure don't know if we have one, but if we could find one, how far could you travel?

I will travel wherever I need to travel and do anything I need to do to help my little guy. A second opinion from someone used to dealing with squirrels would be a blessing. My vet is doing the very best she can. She's truly wonderful but she has never dealt with a squirrel before. She's been a miracle worker for my other little guys!

Any suggestions, help, advice...anything will be greatly appreciated. He so sweet and I know he's tough. He's survived 3 1/2 years with me not having a clue what I was doing. Thank you for your kindness.

10-15-2014, 08:32 PM
Sweetie, there is no way you could have caused this. Nature is just weird, and can do strange things.

I cannot imagine what you are going through. I have been worried about Izzy since the first time you posted about the lump. I was so afraid it would impede his ability to swallow, but you say it hasn't , and thats a good thing.

And no squirrel could ask for more than a mom who loves him, and you have shown that very clearly here. I am so sorry for all the stressors you have going on in your life, trying to care for all that are in poor health around you. But you forgot to mention you. As I recall, your health isn't great either, and don't you need new knees? I honestly don't know how you do it all.

The two of you have been in my prayers since I first found out about the problem, and I can assure you that there are many more strong TSB prayers going on, too.

I feel helpless. But please know that you are not alone. Give Izzy all the love you can, and keep giving him his medicine. I wonder if he would take it better if you disguised it. You said he has been running away from you, and I personally know that baytril tastes awful, and I am wondering if it is burning his throat. Did the vet mix it with some flavoring?

Tube Driver has some good ideas on how to hide medicine, so they will take it better.

There is always someone here to help, so if you need to ask, someone will be available.

Lots and lots of prayers coming your way.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

10-15-2014, 10:11 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers for my sweet little man. He really doesn't mind the baytril. I forget what flavor it is. I think he's just tired of being messed with and of course yesterday wasn't easy for him. There are a lot of things going on & I do wish I would have listened to the drs & had back surgery & my knees done so I could give them better care but they will get the very best I can give if I have to crawl. They're all so sweet. The cat Moe Moe has been my buddy for over fifteen years and the dog, Annie, I rescued. She was beaten and abused so treatment is difficult. She had to be sedated to be groomed but of course sedation isn't an option now. We've been trying to think of a way to get some xrays that won't be so traumatizing for her. And sweet Izzy opened his eyes and saw me..poor guy!! He's been my buddy practically all of his life. He stole my heart the first day I saw him.

Please continue to remember him.

Nancy in New York
10-15-2014, 10:32 PM
Oh sweetie, we are praying for you and Izzy constantly.
We are trying to find alternative vets within a reasonable driving distance.
Izzy needs a vet that knows squirrels, just for a second opinion.
God bless your vet for being willing to do what she can, she is an amazing woman
helping like she is. :Love_Icon
Your love for your buddies shows through in every single word you write. :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

10-15-2014, 11:27 PM
I wanted to try to get some new pictures but he just doesn't want messed with. Anything anyone can do will be so appreciated. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!:squirrel2

10-16-2014, 02:11 AM
Sending love and prayers to you and brave little Izzy :Love_Icon

10-16-2014, 06:48 AM
There have been so many wise and loving thoughts expressed that all I can do is to say how very sorry that the news is not any better. It sounds like Izzy did great going through the biopsy though and that is a huge plus. You are a brave and kind soul, Linda, and you sound like your cup of grief is overflowing. Know that you have a bevy of support here on TSB.


10-16-2014, 09:39 AM
I am so very sorry you and your little guy are going through this. Hopefully the biopsy will give answers and it is something they can fix. Yes, tumors can indeed pop up overnight, have seen it (in other animals). Prayers being sent out.:Love_Icon

10-16-2014, 10:41 AM
Would Milo's Mom still be an option? I know that she's probably feeling burned here and might not want to participate, but does she have an experienced sq vet? In any event, I think that time is of the essence.

10-16-2014, 01:03 PM
In all honesty, I do not think that this growth is something "specific" to squirrels. At least not in the research I have done. Please, if anyone knows this could be specifically a "squirrel issue", please speak up.

I am sure her vet is quite competent, as she has mentioned several times how amazing she is with all of her extremely ill other pets. So, I feel that she is an experienced practitioner.

Also, I don't know if money may not be an issue, as Linda sounds like she is in poor health, and meds are SOOOO expensive these days, there may not be much extra money available.:dono

Now, all of the above is just my opinion.

But, I have had a couple of extra thoughts that perhaps she might want to run by her vet.

#1. I have seen this in humans and horses:
Sometimes a stone can form in one of the salivary glands, and you can get an extreme, quickly growing lump like this. It requires a metal probe to be inserted , (in horses thru the nose, and in humans thru the inside of the jaw), to push the stone out, and all the debri that has gotten clogged up behind it.

I really think you should call your vet and see if she thinks this could be the problem. If so, pethaps we could put her vet in contact with a Florida vet, to consult how you would go about treatment in a squirrel.

#2 an inflamed lymph node

#3 a bot larva?

This is all I've got, so just throwing out ideas. And I am not opposed to a second vet opinion, was just wondering if finances might be an issue.

My prayers continue for you both.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

10-16-2014, 01:36 PM
In all honesty, I do not think that this growth is something "specific" to squirrels. At least not in the research I have done. Please, if anyone knows this could be specifically a "squirrel issue", please speak up.

I am sure her vet is quite competent, as she has mentioned several times how amazing she is with all of her extremely ill other pets. So, I feel that she is an experienced practitioner.

Also, I don't know if money may not be an issue, as Linda sounds like she is in poor health, and meds are SOOOO expensive these days, there may not be much extra money available.:dono

Now, all of the above is just my opinion.

But, I have had a couple of extra thoughts that perhaps she might want to run by her vet.

#1. I have seen this in humans and horses:
Sometimes a stone can form in one of the salivary glands, and you can get an extreme, quickly growing lump like this. It requires a metal probe to be inserted , (in horses thru the nose, and in humans thru the inside of the jaw), to push the stone out, and all the debri that has gotten clogged up behind it.

I really think you should call your vet and see if she thinks this could be the problem. If so, pethaps we could put her vet in contact with a Florida vet, to consult how you would go about treatment in a squirrel.

#2 an inflamed lymph node

#3 a bot larva?

This is all I've got, so just throwing out ideas. And I am not opposed to a second vet opinion, was just wondering if finances might be an issue.

My prayers continue for you both.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

An x-ray would rule out a stone.
There should be a bot waste/breathing hole (unless the bot died inside?).

10-16-2014, 02:57 PM
Would one of our squirrel experienced vets be willing to consult? Not knocking her vet at all but someone squirrel knowledgable may have seen this sort of thing before

island rehabber
10-16-2014, 03:03 PM
Good thoughts, czarina -- and I was wondering about a dead bot, as well.....
I hate to add to the tumor possibility but I had a German Shepherd years ago whose breast tumors literally grew daily....:(
I am praying that Izzy is ok until the biopsy report comes in and the right treatment can begin!

10-16-2014, 03:22 PM
Would one of our squirrel experienced vets be willing to consult? Not knocking her vet at all but someone squirrel knowledgable may have seen this sort of thing before

That's what I'm hoping for, to have a vet experienced with squirrels look at him. My vet is doing the best she can but has no experience with a squirrel. I feel so bad for Izzy. I know he has to be in pain. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions at all, I'd love to hear them. He's so sweet and kind. Thank for so much from Izzy and me.

10-16-2014, 03:25 PM
Good thoughts, czarina -- and I was wondering about a dead bot, as well.....
I hate to add to the tumor possibility but I had a German Shepherd years ago whose breast tumors literally grew daily....:(
I am praying that Izzy is ok until the biopsy report comes in and the right treatment can begin!

I had thought that because it was growing so quickly it had to be infection. The vet said that whatever it is, is growing out instead of in. He's able to eat and drink without any problem. It amazes me how quickly it's grown. If you can think of something I can do or somewhere I can take him, please let me know. Izzy and I thank you from the bottoms or our hearts.

10-16-2014, 04:30 PM
I had thought that because it was growing so quickly it had to be infection. The vet said that whatever it is, is growing out instead of in. He's able to eat and drink without any problem. It amazes me how quickly it's grown. If you can think of something I can do or somewhere I can take him, please let me know. Izzy and I thank you from the bottoms or our hearts.

Has Izzy had any outside exposure or could he have been bitten by a mosquito within 3 weeks of this lump appearing? It is a long shot (as suggested by czarina) but a bot that died inside Izzy could be one possibility.

10-16-2014, 04:34 PM
What if it was an infection that was in the mouth, but pushing out? If it was an abscess that was deeper so that there was a lot of flesh around it? I have seen abscesses grow so quickly on a cat that you could practically watch them grow. I just keep going back to that in my mind. :dono

10-16-2014, 05:38 PM
auntnin, please call your vet and suggest these last 3 things. They could be VERY important. I am a nurse, and there are many medical people on this board.

Time could be a factor here. Please call and ask her if it could be:

#1 a salivary gland stone

#2 a bot larvae that has died

#3 an abcess that is growing from inside the mouth

These are all things she will know about, but may not have thought of.

These are things we have seen in squirrels.
(Not the salivary gland stone, but I have seen it in other species)

All of these things can grow very quickly.

10-17-2014, 02:16 PM
Has Izzy had any outside exposure or could he have been bitten by a mosquito within 3 weeks of this lump appearing? It is a long shot (as suggested by czarina) but a bot that died inside Izzy could be one possibility.

No he hasn't been outside at all. Wouldn't the vet realized that when she did the biopsy? I'm at a loss here how to help him.

10-17-2014, 06:40 PM
No he hasn't been outside at all. Wouldn't the vet realized that when she did the biopsy? I'm at a loss here how to help him.
I cannot recall the specifics but I do remember reading something about a specific ailment among rodents, squirrels in particular, that relate to exactly that kind of swelling. If my memory serves me right they said it had something to do with the ear… something way down inthe ear canal.

Now, knowing how painful an ear infection can be, it might be worth having your vet check that out.

I wish I had more info for you :( I'll keep checking to see if I can find the actual articles I had seen back then.

10-17-2014, 09:38 PM
I cannot recall the specifics but I do remember reading something about a specific ailment among rodents, squirrels in particular, that relate to exactly that kind of swelling. If my memory serves me right they said it had something to do with the ear… something way down inthe ear canal.

Now, knowing how painful an ear infection can be, it might be worth having your vet check that out.

I wish I had more info for you :( I'll keep checking to see if I can find the actual articles I had seen back then.

I have tried and tried to get in touch with my vet. I've called & emailed. For some reason she hasn't replied and won't be back in the office till Monday. Even then she doesn't return calls till the clinic closes. I'm at my wits end. He's out of antibiotic and has one more dose of Metacam. I got some pictures a while ago & will try to upload them. I've touched the lump & it isn't painful and haven't noticed that his ears are sensitive.

Hoping you find the article. I know it could be so many things. The biopsy results probably won't be in till mid week. Thank you for thinking of my little guy.

10-17-2014, 09:40 PM
:grouphug:Love_IconIzzy & mama:Love_Icon:grouphug

10-17-2014, 09:53 PM
Don't know if this will work or not. I've tried to download some pictures of Izzy. Hopefully, it will give you a better idea of what the lump looks like. Also, I noticed the corners of his eyes look bloodshot. What does that mean. Poor little guy. I feel so bad for him. We want to thank you all for your kindness.

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-FNHjDFJ/0/M/i-FNHjDFJ-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-FNHjDFJ/A)

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-csGGK5R/0/M/i-csGGK5R-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-csGGK5R/A)

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-PFHJkbb/0/M/i-PFHJkbb-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-PFHJkbb/A)

10-17-2014, 09:54 PM
They're huge. I'm so sorry. I'm technologically challenged but it will at least give you an idea of what he looks like.

Nancy in New York
10-17-2014, 10:03 PM
They're huge. I'm so sorry. I'm technologically challenged but it will at least give you an idea of what he looks like.

I just resized them for you sweetie! :Love_Icon

10-17-2014, 10:25 PM
I cannot recall the specifics but I do remember reading something about a specific ailment among rodents, squirrels in particular, that relate to exactly that kind of swelling. If my memory serves me right they said it had something to do with the ear… something way down inthe ear canal.

Now, knowing how painful an ear infection can be, it might be worth having your vet check that out.

I wish I had more info for you :( I'll keep checking to see if I can find the actual articles I had seen back then.
I believe Scooterzmom is referring to a Zymbal gland tumor. Rats get them and yes, squirrels get them also. They start closer to the ear. I really don't know anything about them. Maybe someone here has experience with them.
Poor Izzy and Mom.

Jackie's Rocky had a swelling on his neck similar to Izzy's. Banana also has a similar neck swelling.

10-17-2014, 10:57 PM
I just resized them for you sweetie! :Love_Icon

thank you. I was happy to get them on but was surprised at how big they came out. Do the pictures help?

10-17-2014, 10:59 PM
I believe Scooterzmom is referring to a Zymbal gland tumor. Rats get them and yes, squirrels get them also. They start closer to the ear. I really don't know anything about them. Maybe someone here has experience with them.
Poor Izzy and Mom.

Jackie's Rocky had a swelling on his neck similar to Izzy's. Banana also has a similar neck swelling.

When the vet made the incision, would she have been able to tell if it were a tumor? I don't know anything about this and am so very scared for my little guy. You all know how sweet they are and that they steal your heart.

10-17-2014, 11:39 PM
Have you tried contacting MilosMom again? This is not going well.

10-18-2014, 12:34 AM
When the vet made the incision, would she have been able to tell if it were a tumor? I don't know anything about this and am so very scared for my little guy. You all know how sweet they are and that they steal your heart.
The biopsy should be back no later than Wednesday.

10-18-2014, 05:32 AM
The biopsy should be back no later than Wednesday.

Well, we will just have to wait to get the results back.

In the meantime, we can help dose Ibuprofin if little Izzy appears to be in pain?

In the meantime, keep him comfortable, hydrated, warm and perhaps offer softer foods if the lump makes it difficult to swallow. You can soak a Henries block in formula to soften it up if needed.


10-18-2014, 07:16 AM
Just thinking out loud, but years ago, one of my gliders developed a sebactious cyst in that area. Needle biopsy did not give any insight, but it grew insanely quickly. I know squirrels rub their chins/neck on things to 'mark' them just like a glider does (gliders have scent glands in their chest). A sebaceous cyst would indeed grow this quickly, is not painful and can pop up pretty much anywhere. It is generally associated with hormones, I believe, as well. Again, just thinking out loud, but that would explain why your vet did not necessarily get anything or know exactly what it was from looking at it. When they removed Timmy's it was HUGE! And got that big in about four days time, too. They removed it because they knew it was growing fast and would eventually cut off his air supply where it was. You need to get in touch with Milo's Mom and let her get your boy to the vets. He needs this removed.

10-18-2014, 11:47 AM
Well, we will just have to wait to get the results back.

In the meantime, we can help dose Ibuprofin if little Izzy appears to be in pain?

In the meantime, keep him comfortable, hydrated, warm and perhaps offer softer foods if the lump makes it difficult to swallow. You can soak a Henries block in formula to soften it up if needed.


That's the strange thing...he has no trouble eating or drinking. The vet said it is growing out instead of in. I'll give Izzy the hugs you passed along. :Love_Icon

rusty's mom
10-20-2014, 02:22 PM
Update please first thing I did when I came home from work was check to see how Izzy is doing. I had a squirrel with a growth on her neck that grew quickly but when I opened it goop came out that looked just like cottage cheese I think her and her brother played a little to rough and he bit her. any injury could get infected like that but it's hard to lance on the neck because of the arteries. Please get better Izzy.

10-20-2014, 03:54 PM
Rusty's mom, what you are describing is what a sebacious cyst consists of. The sebum, which is basically just hair grease looks like cottage cheese, but smells foul.

They are encapsulated, and must be surgically removed, to get the shell, if not, if you just pop it, it will com back.

Saw a lot of these when I worked for a surgeon.

Maybe it is a sebacious cyst on Izzy. Thats 2 squirrels so far that had one.

Auntnin, is Izzy's growth perfectly round, or is it irregular in shape?

10-20-2014, 08:47 PM

Nancy in New York
10-20-2014, 09:25 PM
A few of us heard tonight from auntnin.
This is all she wrote, we know nothing further.

"Izzy has lymphoma."

Please pray for Izzy and her mama who loves her
so. This has to be such a sad and difficult time for her. :Cry

10-20-2014, 10:01 PM
Oh no. Heart breaking. :grouphug

10-20-2014, 10:02 PM
Oh lord. Heartbreaking. Prayers and strength for them both.

10-21-2014, 12:12 AM

10-21-2014, 12:15 AM
This one just breaks my heart... God help them both... I pray there is a miracle in the making...:Love_Icon

10-21-2014, 06:19 AM

island rehabber
10-21-2014, 06:38 AM
agh.....this is heartbreaking........:Cry

10-21-2014, 08:00 AM
auntnin's plate was already overflowing, and now this.

I will continue my prayers and healing energies for you and Izzy.

This is not the news any of us wanted to hear, but now we all must deal with it.
You are not alone, there is a lot of support here on TSB, and if there is anything
we can do to help, we are here.

:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

10-21-2014, 08:40 AM
:grouphugauntnin and Izzy:grouphug

I am here to help in any way I can.

10-21-2014, 01:54 PM
If mine I'd seek a second opinion!
Preferably from a veterinarian who has
a proficient working knowledge of squirrels.

Nancy in New York
10-21-2014, 04:40 PM
If mine I'd seek a second opinion!
Preferably from a veterinarian who has
a proficient working knowledge of squirrels.

As would I.

Nancy in New York
10-24-2014, 05:40 PM
I just got a picture of Izzy that auntnin wanted posted.
I will also post in part what her email said.
Please send prayers for Izzy and for auntnin. :Cry

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-x5sVX3S/0/M/i-x5sVX3S-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-x5sVX3S/A)

Wanted to show you how big my sweet guy's tumor is. The vet said I can double his prednisone because it seems to help. We're having taste testings. Don't want him to miss tasting something he might like. Talked with rehabber with a vet. She said the only thing she could suggest is acupuncture for some pain relief but we'd have to travel so far for him to get it that the trip would take away the benefit of the acupuncture. He lays in his cage & looks at me. I wish I could figure out what it means. There's definitely a message in those sweet eyes. Would you please post his pic to The Squirrel Board for me. I'm so technologically challenged. Thanks so much for all you've done for sweet Izzy and me.

10-24-2014, 05:58 PM

Nancy in New York
10-24-2014, 06:37 PM
For anyone reading Izzy's thread, I wrote back to Linda asking her about Izzy eating and drinking etc.
This is what she wrote me back. (I'm posting this all here because I KNOW she would want this shared, as people are concerned about Izzy).

He eats & drinks. He plays. I was trying to get a picture of us playing last night & couldn't. He's bright & alert. He scampers up & down& all through his cage. He hides nuts. He wears out more quickly but we haven't reached critical stage yet. My vet lives an hour a way & couldn't come to my home. I wish someone could take me so I could hold him on the way over. I could never have had enough time with him.

10-25-2014, 12:27 AM
" I wish someone could take me so I could hold him on the way over.
I could never have had enough time with him."
...And I wish there was someone to hold her.

10-25-2014, 06:36 AM
Poor sweetie Izzy. :(
I wish we could do more to help Izzy out. I bet we could probably find someone to help with the transport to the vet? Where are you located?

For anyone reading Izzy's thread, I wrote back to Linda asking her about Izzy eating and drinking etc.
This is what she wrote me back. (I'm posting this all here because I KNOW she would want this shared, as people are concerned about Izzy).

He eats & drinks. He plays. I was trying to get a picture of us playing last night & couldn't. He's bright & alert. He scampers up & down& all through his cage. He hides nuts. He wears out more quickly but we haven't reached critical stage yet. My vet lives an hour a way & couldn't come to my home. I wish someone could take me so I could hold him on the way over. I could never have had enough time with him.

10-26-2014, 04:24 AM
Oh what a cutie Izzy is! You can see it in his eyes, he is a happy boy. I am so glad that Izzy found his way into your life.

We don't always understand the way things work out, but I can feel the love between these two.

I don't think it was an accident they found each other.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Just wanted you to know that the two of you are very much in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:grouphug

10-26-2014, 04:04 PM

10-29-2014, 10:39 AM
Wanted to give you an update on Izzy. He is such a brave sweet little man. Yesterday was a bad day for him. I sat up all night thinking he wouldn't see morning but he's still here!! He didn't seem to be in pain yesterday, just not active & I could hear a wheezing sound. His tumor has probably doubled in size since I posted the last picture. He's eating and drinking but not as much as normal and has lost weight. He still has his favorite foods and I'm seeing that he gets anything he wants. He's taking prednisone twice a day.

I had heard stories about "mean" male squirrels, etc. Izzy eats gently from my hand, he gives me kisses, he loves me...how great is that?

Izzy and I want to thank you for all the love and support you have shown us. It means the world to know you are here. Thank you seems so inadequate. Please continue to remember my little man. He's the best!!

10-29-2014, 10:46 AM
Certain stories touch me deeper then others. Your Izzy and his journey is one of them. I have not posted much but have been following. My heart and prayers go out to you. Dealing with cancer in one you love is extremely hard, walked this path myself (although not with a squirrel). Please know so many surround you both with love, prayers and more love. I wish I knew a way to make it better. Give Izzy a gentle scritch for me.:Love_Icon

10-29-2014, 10:51 AM
You and Izzy have a special and rare bond! I know that your presence and love is helping him through this. :group hug

Please keep us updated and know that we are here to help in any way we can.

Give Izzy a gentle ear rub from me. :hug

Wanted to give you an update on Izzy. He is such a brave sweet little man. Yesterday was a bad day for him. I sat up all night thinking he wouldn't see morning but he's still here!! He didn't seem to be in pain yesterday, just not active & I could hear a wheezing sound. His tumor has probably doubled in size since I posted the last picture. He's eating and drinking but not as much as normal and has lost weight. He still has his favorite foods and I'm seeing that he gets anything he wants. He's taking prednisone twice a day.

I had heard stories about "mean" male squirrels, etc. Izzy eats gently from my hand, he gives me kisses, he loves me...how great is that?

Izzy and I want to thank you for all the love and support you have shown us. It means the world to know you are here. Thank you seems so inadequate. Please continue to remember my little man. He's the best!!

10-29-2014, 11:22 AM
Has Izzy been to the vet?

rusty's mom
10-29-2014, 12:53 PM
I check here on Izzy as soon as I'm home from work praying for a miracle can't the tumor be removed?

10-29-2014, 11:57 PM
Thank you so much for the update. Izzy seems to stay on my mind. I'm very sorry he had such a poor night, and that the tumor is now growing so rapidly. I would think that supportive care is all you can do at this point. I know my guy likes to lie on his back, on my lap with me just gently stroking his neck and tummy and hands, he will stay there for hours if I let him.

I would think Izzy might like some close contact with you, also. Keep him comfortable and give him anything he wants, including a little scritch from me. I will continue to keep you both foremost in my thoughts and prayers.
:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

island rehabber
10-30-2014, 05:57 AM
auntnin, you are a beautiful soul. I have not posted much on this thread either but, as pappy said above, I have been following faithfully and have kept Izzy in my prayers since the beginning. I am still praying for a miracle, but I am so thankful that Izzy has such a wonderful, loving mamma to help him through this. Please know that we're all with you on this journey. :grouphug

10-30-2014, 06:57 AM
:grouphugauntnin and Izzy:grouphug

10-30-2014, 11:47 AM
Oh what a cutie Izzy is! You can see it in his eyes, he is a happy boy. I am so glad that Izzy found his way into your life.

We don't always understand the way things work out, but I can feel the love between these two.

I don't think it was an accident they found each other.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Just wanted you to know that the two of you are very much in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:grouphug

We definitely share something special. He's still giving me kisses and eats while I hold his food (yes I spoiled him & now I'm glad I did). He's so gentle while eating from my hand. I cannot believe how much the tumor has grown. It now goes from one ear to the other and down his chest and shoulders. He's not active but not in a lot of pain. I won't let that happen. I say not in a lot of pain. He doesn't seem to be in pain but has to be in some with such a horrible growth. The prednisone helps with the pain & the vet said I could give him tramadol. I won't let him suffer. When he needs the tramadol, it's time. He deserves the very best. That's what he always given me...the very best!! What a brave, sweet, little man he is. Thank you for remembering us.

10-30-2014, 11:50 AM
Poor sweetie Izzy. :(
I wish we could do more to help Izzy out. I bet we could probably find someone to help with the transport to the vet? Where are you located?

I'll be ok. I have to be for my little man. I'm in the middle of nowhere & when it's time, maybe I can hold him and drive. He's really good with me. It breaks my heart to open the cage door & not have him jump out on my shoulder & then scamper around the room. Sure didn't think this would happen this soon but I am so very thankful for the time we had. He has truly touched my heart and will always be a part of it.

10-30-2014, 12:01 PM
Certain stories touch me deeper then others. Your Izzy and his journey is one of them. I have not posted much but have been following. My heart and prayers go out to you. Dealing with cancer in one you love is extremely hard, walked this path myself (although not with a squirrel). Please know so many surround you both with love, prayers and more love. I wish I knew a way to make it better. Give Izzy a gentle scritch for me.:Love_Icon

He still wanted his belly rub yesterday, though he no longer tries to play.

Though I know the time is getting close, I don't think I've fully accepted it yet. I'm going to pick up more medicine for him though he probably won't need it and to get him another young coconut. Never heard of them & found them by accident. He absolutely loves them & is one of the things he enjoys now. He loves cold water & to lick the side of the bottle when I change it, which I do frequently. I've started filling the bottle half full of water & freezing it so his water's always cold. Need to run. It's an hour's drive one way to get the meds & I sure hate to leave him. He'd never stand the ride. He sleeps most of the time, so he'll probably not even know I'm gone.

I'm crocheting him a blanket & have worked through the last two nights on it. Cancer is such a horrible disease. It is prevalent in my family. I lost the person I loved most in the world to it...my Dad! Please continue to remember us. It's a real tough time at our house. I love this little guy so much. I just don't know how I'm going to do this but do know I am going to do what's right for him.

10-30-2014, 12:09 PM
You and Izzy have a special and rare bond! I know that your presence and love is helping him through this. :group hug

Please keep us updated and know that we are here to help in any way we can.

Give Izzy a gentle ear rub from me. :hug

Not much new to report. He's less active each day but not in pain. I'm giving him anything he wants. He's eaten some really strange things. The tumor now goes from ear to ear, down his chest & shoulders. It's such a monster and I hate it more than I can tell you. I can't sleep. I'm afraid he'll need me & I won't hear him. He amazes me with the love he continues to give me. He used to wrap around my arm and go in circles. Last night the best he could do was wrap his little arms around my arm & lay his head on my arm. He had a time this morning when he was active & playing but wears out pretty fast.

The vet told me I'll know when it's time. I kept thinking last night what gives me the right to end this dear, sweet, little life who has done nothing but love me since day one but because of the love he's given me and the love I have for him so deep in my heart, I hope I can do the right thing and not let him suffer.

10-30-2014, 12:09 PM
Has Izzy been to the vet?


10-30-2014, 12:11 PM
I check here on Izzy as soon as I'm home from work praying for a miracle can't the tumor be removed?

Izzy has lymphoma. The tumor is massive and grows each day at an alarming rate. It involves the carotids and many vital nerves. There is no way it could be removed.

10-30-2014, 12:11 PM
We are all here to help in any way we can. You are doing a great job sensing what makes him comfortable and happy.:hug

If it comes down to bringing him to the vet for a last trip, please let me know if I can help out as a driver?

I would also consider giving him peanut butter or anything else soft that he would like to eat.


He still wanted his belly rub yesterday, though he no longer tries to play.

Though I know the time is getting close, I don't think I've fully accepted it yet. I'm going to pick up more medicine for him though he probably won't need it and to get him another young coconut. Never heard of them & found them by accident. He absolutely loves them & is one of the things he enjoys now. He loves cold water & to lick the side of the bottle when I change it, which I do frequently. I've started filling the bottle half full of water & freezing it so his water's always cold. Need to run. It's an hour's drive one way to get the meds & I sure hate to leave him. He'd never stand the ride. He sleeps most of the time, so he'll probably not even know I'm gone.

I'm crocheting him a blanket & have worked through the last two nights on it. Cancer is such a horrible disease. It is prevalent in my family. I lost the person I loved most in the world to it...my Dad! Please continue to remember us. It's a real tough time at our house. I love this little guy so much. I just don't know how I'm going to do this but do know I am going to do what's right for him.

10-30-2014, 12:18 PM
Thank you so much for the update. Izzy seems to stay on my mind. I'm very sorry he had such a poor night, and that the tumor is now growing so rapidly. I would think that supportive care is all you can do at this point. I know my guy likes to lie on his back, on my lap with me just gently stroking his neck and tummy and hands, he will stay there for hours if I let him.

I would think Izzy might like some close contact with you, also. Keep him comfortable and give him anything he wants, including a little scritch from me. I will continue to keep you both foremost in my thoughts and prayers.
:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

Trust me..Izzy is getting all the love he can stand...lol. I want to hold him all the time but know I can't do that. He's getting everything & anything he wants to eat, he loves cold water..I've always changed it frequently throughout the day but do it more now & am freezing water in half the bottle so it's always cold. You should see his cage..everything you can imagine, though he didn't like the heating pad, so I took it out. I'm going to pick up another fresh coconut today when I get his meds. Say a prayer I don't chop my hand off opening it...I'm so clumsy.

When I got this little guy he was a little pink adorable bit of nothing. I never imagined that I would grow to love him as I have. Holding him, feeding him, I was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes...He's stolen my heart & it's breaking my heart that I'm going to lose him. I have so many wonderful memories. He has such a wonderfully kind personality. He's so loving and strong and brave. Please continue to remember us. We need all the strength we can get right now. Thank you.

10-30-2014, 12:21 PM
auntnin, you are a beautiful soul. I have not posted much on this thread either but, as pappy said above, I have been following faithfully and have kept Izzy in my prayers since the beginning. I am still praying for a miracle, but I am so thankful that Izzy has such a wonderful, loving mamma to help him through this. Please know that we're all with you on this journey. :grouphug

My Dad used to tell me miracles happen every day. I don't think we're going to get one with this horrible tumor. Guess the miracle is that I got to love this sweet guy and share his life. I'm doing everything I can for him. If you think of anything, please let me know. Thank you for remembering us. I wish you could meet him. He'd steal your heart in a minute, just like he's stolen mine and will always have a part of it.

10-30-2014, 12:25 PM
Thank you all for your love and support. It means so very much to Izzy and me. As the time draws near, my heart is truly broken. The sun shines much brighter with my little Izzy around. Just don't know what I'll do without him. I am so blessed and honored to be his mom. He's taught me more than I could ever imagine and I love him more than I can say. I'll try to keep you updated. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

10-30-2014, 12:25 PM
Linda :Love_Icon Izzy :grouphug

10-31-2014, 08:08 PM
My heart is breaking for you and your beloved little man.


island rehabber
10-31-2014, 09:25 PM
Mine, too....

11-01-2014, 02:22 AM
It seems I am always crying when I read this thread. You and Izzy will always be in my heart. My heart is breaking, too. I feel so helpless, I wish there was something I could do to help you.

But I am sending lots and lots of prayers and healing energies your way.

You have tremendous strength Linda, and I admire you so. You are there for your boy, and thats what counts.
:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

11-05-2014, 07:08 PM
Just thinking of you both and sending love and prayers....:Love_Icon:grouphug

11-05-2014, 07:11 PM
Been following from the beginning


Sending Love and Comforting Prayers:Love_Icon

11-05-2014, 08:06 PM
:grouphugLinda and Izzy:grouphug

11-05-2014, 08:15 PM
Izzy's journey hasn't been an easy one but it is a nobel and courageous one. He's your gift and every second is precious. Please find joy in the time you have and give that joy to him when his next journey begins. There is no treasure--not in heaven or on earth--greater than love. Please give Izzy a kiss from me. It's full of wishes for God's choicest blessings for your brave little man--YOU are the first on that list.

11-05-2014, 08:27 PM
Izzy's journey hasn't been an easy one but it is a nobel and courageous one. He's your gift and every second is precious. Please find joy in the time you have and give that joy to him when his next journey begins. There is no treasure--not in heaven or on earth--greater than love. Please give Izzy a kiss from me. It's full of wishes for God's choicest blessings for your brave little man--YOU are the first on that list.


11-07-2014, 11:05 PM
As I watch this horrible illness take the life from my little one, he still continues to amaze me.

A couple days ago I look & he has this huge walnut holding it. He's not one to give up. Cracking walnuts was difficult for him when he was healthy. There was only one evening when he seemed to be in pain.

It doesn't make sense to have cancer & no pain but I am so very thankful for it. When the pain is evident, it's hard for him to breathe or he loses his joy for life, it will be the time I dread more than I can say. He tires more easily than before but still runs through the house. It seems more important to him to "store" things now. He always did but more so now.

As I watch him I think what a shame he didn't get to have a family. He would have been a wonderful provider. Here he is with this monstrosity on his dear little neck, from ear to ear, and he's still making sure there's food. It seems animals look at things differently than we do...at least Izzy does. It's not that he's sick & needs to take care of himself, it's that life go on as normal as possible.

His all time favorite nut is a Brazil nut. He can't crack them anymore, so I cracked one for him & left the rest on the counter. Next thing I know, there he goes with one. The remainder are hidden all over the house. It's going to be so hard to find them after he's gone & know he was providing for a future he didn't get to have.

I know I was a permissive mom before but I'm even more so now. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants. I know I'll look back at the nick in my phone, etc., and at first cry but hopefully some time be able to smile and remember this dear, tiny, sweet soul who has given me more love than I ever thought possible. I keep asking myself how do I have the right to end this dear little life. How do I do that? No more Izzy kisses, no more Izzy riding on my shoulder or sitting on the couch behind me or running through the house like a mad man but please know I will do what is right for this little man.

Nancy in New York
11-07-2014, 11:13 PM
As I watch this horrible illness take the life from my little one, he still continues to amaze me.

A couple days ago I look & he has this huge walnut holding it. He's not one to give up. Cracking walnuts was difficult for him when he was healthy. There was only one evening when he seemed to be in pain.

It doesn't make sense to have cancer & no pain but I am so very thankful for it. When the pain is evident, it's hard for him to breathe or he loses his joy for life, it will be the time I dread more than I can say. He tires more easily than before but still runs through the house. It seems more important to him to "store" things now. He always did but more so now.

As I watch him I think what a shame he didn't get to have a family. He would have been a wonderful provider. Here he is with this monstrosity on his dear little neck, from ear to ear, and he's still making sure there's food. It seems animals look at things differently than we do...at least Izzy does. It's not that he's sick & needs to take care of himself, it's that life go on as normal as possible.

His all time favorite nut is a Brazil nut. He can't crack them anymore, so I cracked one for him & left the rest on the counter. Next thing I know, there he goes with one. The remainder are hidden all over the house. It's going to be so hard to find them after he's gone & know he was providing for a future he didn't get to have.

I know I was a permissive mom before but I'm even more so now. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants. I know I'll look back at the nick in my phone, etc., and at first cry but hopefully some time be able to smile and remember this dear, tiny, sweet soul who has given me more love than I ever thought possible. I keep asking myself how do I have the right to end this dear little life. How do I do that? No more Izzy kisses, no more Izzy riding on my shoulder or sitting on the couch behind me or running through the house like a mad man but please know I will do what is right for this little man.

Have you gotten a second opinion?
We haven't forgotten you.
Izzy is in our hearts as are you.
Please post more often if possible, share your
baby with us.
I just hate seeing either of you like this, I want to reach through
the screen and give you each a huge hug, and let you know I'm
Call me if you need me. :hug:Love_Icon:hug

11-07-2014, 11:16 PM
There is nobody here who will judge you,Linda. We all dread the time that you are facing with our own dear ones. God bless both of you in this terrible time. Enjoy him and love him as he enjoys life and loves you. Know that we are here for you if ever you need us.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

11-07-2014, 11:30 PM
There is nobody here who will judge you,Linda. We all dread the time that you are facing with our own dear ones. God bless both of you in this terrible time. Enjoy him and love him as he enjoys life and loves you. Know that we are here for you if ever you need us.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug



11-07-2014, 11:34 PM
Have you gotten a second opinion?
We haven't forgotten you.
Izzy is in our hearts as are you.
Please post more often if possible, share your
baby with us.
I just hate seeing either of you like this, I want to reach through
the screen and give you each a huge hug, and let you know I'm
Call me if you need me. :hug:Love_Icon:hug

I don't think he could stand the trip & even if it weren't cancer, the tumor is so big it could never be removed. It is huge. He's such a brave little man. I can't imagine my life without my Izzy. I'll try to do a better job of getting online but my days are usually 20 hours or more & even then I don't sleep because I'm afraid he'll get bad & I won't know it. Thank you for all your support. It means so much.

11-08-2014, 08:21 AM
We are here for you and Izzy.:grouphug

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need help or just to help share the burden of this experience.

I hope Izzy has a great day today, hiding treats, running around and getting some quality time with you. :hug

Nancy in New York
11-09-2014, 01:47 PM
I heard from Izzy's Mom today and just wanted to share in part what she wrote.
I also told her that I would post pictures, as she can't resize them.
Prayers for Izzy and his Mommy. :Cry

I wanted you to see what poor Izzy is dealing with. He can't get his little arms up to hold food. He lays on his belly & scoops it up. Course mom holds it for him too. I raised his water bottle so he can access it easier. He drinks with no problem & truly seems to be in no pain. Tonight was the first time he didn't even try to get out of the cage. The door is still open & he went to bed. I feel so bad that I didn't let him run around this morning. I had the rest of the guys to take care of & thought he'd do better after his medicine had a chance to work. It went through my mind that it might be the last time he was able to get out & it might have been. I'd post these on The Squirrel Board but don't know how to downsize them. Everyone has been so kind. I keep hoping for a miracle. The most important thing is that sweet Izzy doesn't suffer & gets to pass with dignity. Thank you so much for all your support. It's meant so much.

Precious Izzy :Love_Icon

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-PjQSxqd/0/M/i-PjQSxqd-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-PjQSxqd/A)

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-6bq2fTc/0/M/i-6bq2fTc-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-6bq2fTc/A)

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-8jhswSJ/0/M/i-8jhswSJ-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-8jhswSJ/A)
http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-7Fc9v52/0/M/i-7Fc9v52-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/n-GmzqZ/i-7Fc9v52/A)

11-09-2014, 05:37 PM

11-09-2014, 07:18 PM
As usual, I am in tears reading this. What an amazing little guy, and wow, what a truly amazing mom. I can only imagine how much you love him, but I can see it in his eyes how much he loves you.

I so wish there was something I could do to help, but I am at a loss. But Linda, please know you are not alone. There are many here who have brought Izzy into their hearts, and we love him as if he was here with us.

Please give him some gentle kisses and scritches from his TSB fan club. We love you Izzy, you are quite the little man.

I love his pictures, you can see he is happy and content. O am sorry he didn't feel up to geeting out of his cage today.

Do you have him on some kind of pain medicine? If not, this might be a good time to start it. With that tumor groeing so fast, I would think he has probably developed some aches and pains.

We are here for you any time of the day or night.

:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

11-16-2014, 09:36 PM
I have been off the board for awhile, are there any updates on Izzy?:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

11-16-2014, 09:50 PM
I have been off the board for awhile, are there any updates on Izzy?:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Izzy is a trooper and doing his squirelly best to enjoy life. His momma is enjoying every second with him and we are all just hoping Izzy has lots of time left.

I think his tumor is growing at an alarming speed but he is a brave little fighter.


11-16-2014, 10:24 PM
:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_IconIzzy:Love_Icon:Love_ Icon

11-19-2014, 03:19 AM
l'm so sorry to read your little angel is hurting..Chester Sandy and l are praying for you and lzzy.l myself know nothing about Squirrels but this board will help you as much as they can. They to love our sweet little angels.SORRY ABOUT IZZY JUST KEEP PRAYING..:hug :Love_Icon

11-19-2014, 06:19 AM

rusty's mom
12-03-2014, 04:18 AM
How are you and Izzy?

12-20-2014, 08:36 AM
auntnin, you and Izzy were on my mind today. :grouphug
I know this has been so difficult for you. I also know that if there was any 'good' news, you would have told us.

:grouphug auntnin :grouphug :Love_Icon Izzy :Love_Icon

I just wanted you to know that we haven't forgotten you. :sadness

12-20-2014, 09:01 AM

I hope sweet Izzy is doing alright?

island rehabber
12-20-2014, 09:12 AM
A few days ago while driving home, I thought suddenly of Izzy and the tears came fast.....wherever he is, I pray that he is pain-free and surrounded by love. :Love_Icon

Annabelle's papa
12-20-2014, 09:27 AM
Bless Your Heart IR.:Love_Icon

12-20-2014, 10:48 AM

12-20-2014, 12:08 PM
Izzy got to me also, and I sobbed like a baby. I,too, hope he is pain free.

:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
12-20-2014, 12:10 PM
Thinking of Izzy and his Mama always.....:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
I will email Linda in a few minutes.
This story broke my heart as well.
Linda and her little Izzy......whom she loved more than life. :Cry
I will post if I hear anything. :(

rusty's mom
12-26-2014, 09:33 PM
has anyone heard anything about Izzy and her mom? This story breaks my heart. I also pray Izzy is not in pain.
.................................................. ..............................................

Nancy in New York
12-26-2014, 10:09 PM
I haven't heard a word. :shakehead
I emailed Linda again, but have heard nothing. :(
She is on my mind constantly. :Love_Icon

12-27-2014, 08:20 AM
:grouphugIzzy and his mom:grouphug

01-26-2015, 11:20 PM
Has there been any updates on Izzy?

07-24-2015, 08:04 AM
auntnin's last post was in November of 2014 and I still think about her and Izzy. There are some that you just never forget. :Love_Icon

:grouphug auntnin :grouphug