View Full Version : Need a safe house in NC

10-10-2014, 01:20 PM
Hi All,

Our names are Emily and Antoinette, we found a baby squirrel yesterday with an injured eye. We already have a 2 year old squirrel and don't want to risk introducing the two. Was wondering if maybe you know of a safe house in North Carolina that we can bring him to, his eye needs attention and we don't have the experience to help him. If we bring him to a rehabber we are afraid they will put him down because of the condition of his eye and that he may not be able to be reintroduced to the wild. Having a squirrel as a pet in North Carolina is illegal. When we found our first baby he was almost dead on the side of the road, we took him in and spent 24/7 with him. Emily is a stay at home mom and gave so much attention to our little one that he knows nothing other than love. We don't have that time any longer to give to this new addition and want him to have a good life and all the love he can get. Sorry to ramble but we realize that every min. counts. We need someone to pick him up and start his healing.

Thanks everyone ,

Antoinette & Emily

island rehabber
10-10-2014, 01:30 PM
What part of NC are you in?

10-10-2014, 06:45 PM
:poke Did you find help?

10-11-2014, 02:53 AM
Hi All,

Our names are Emily and Antoinette, we found a baby squirrel yesterday with an injured eye. We already have a 2 year old squirrel and don't want to risk introducing the two. Was wondering if maybe you know of a safe house in North Carolina that we can bring him to, his eye needs attention and we don't have the experience to help him. If we bring him to a rehabber we are afraid they will put him down because of the condition of his eye and that he may not be able to be reintroduced to the wild. Having a squirrel as a pet in North Carolina is illegal. When we found our first baby he was almost dead on the side of the road, we took him in and spent 24/7 with him. Emily is a stay at home mom and gave so much attention to our little one that he knows nothing other than love. We don't have that time any longer to give to this new addition and want him to have a good life and all the love he can get. Sorry to ramble but we realize that every min. counts. We need someone to pick him up and start his healing.

Thanks everyone ,

Antoinette & Emily

We live in Raleigh NC,,,he seems to be settling in more but when I tryed to get an ointment for his eye at the pet store today they said that my pet had to be seen by the vet at PetSmart before giving me anything.

10-11-2014, 02:55 AM
I told the vet that I had a pet rat and his eye was infected. Does anyone know of a homemade remedy that I can whip up? Thanks everyone for replying back.

10-11-2014, 07:00 AM
You might want to try this to bring him a little relief.
Mix 1 heaping Tablespoon of boric acid powder into 2 cups of boiling water and boil until the powder dissolves. Let it cool down until it's just warm and apply with a washrag. Just cover the eye and let it sit there as long as possible.

I have had a couple of severe allergy attacks where my eyes have swollen almost shut and were itching horribly. This has worked way better than commercial eye drops.

I don't know if it will help with infection but at least it might help his eye feel a little better.

10-11-2014, 07:08 AM
Is the injury form a bite? A fall? Can you post a picture, that would help a bunch.

10-11-2014, 10:39 AM
If you still are looking for someone to help with the healing, and nobody in the area can step up.. my wife is with friends in High Point right now, coming home early tomorrow as we have an event to attend in the afternoon. She has offered to meet you today if you can.

We have a great vet that knows squirrels and we can take her Monday morning. Having said that... if she does not heal well enough to be released we'll need help from TSB to find a permanent home. Also (full disclosure) I have no experience with helping severely injured squirrels so this will be a new adventure (and I will probably have lots of Questions if nothing else just to confirm vets orders)? I travel occasionally for work but otherwise work from home and while we can deal with babies or rehab schedules for a few months it its not feasible on a permanent basis (and my son, who was my go to squirrel sitter has moved out of state recently). Knowing all that, if someone can help with her healing as well as provide the NR home option, that might be best.

I will a PM with telephone numbers...

10-11-2014, 11:15 AM
If you still are looking for someone to help with the healing, and nobody in the area can step up.. my wife is with friends in High Point right now, coming home early tomorrow as we have an event to attend in the afternoon. She has offered to meet you today if you can.

We have a great vet that knows squirrels and we can take her Monday morning. Having said that... if she does not heal well enough to be released we'll need help from TSB to find a permanent home. Also (full disclosure) I have no experience with helping severely injured squirrels so this will be a new adventure (and I will probably have lots of Questions if nothing else just to confirm vets orders)? I travel occasionally for work but otherwise work from home and while we can deal with babies or rehab schedules for a few months it its not feasible on a permanent basis (and my son, who was my go to squirrel sitter has moved out of state recently). Knowing all that, if someone can help with her healing as well as provide the NR home option, that might be best.

I will a PM with telephone numbers...

Wow Spanky:grin3 What a terrific offer :bowdown I sure hope Emily sees this while your wife is still in the area:thumbsup

And thanks Emily and Antoinette for opening your home and care to this little one :bowdown :Love_Icon

Good luck Lil Wild One :Love_Icon

Oh and Rocketjsquirrel was just talking about an ointment that worked really good..and you can pick it up at Tractor Supply or Petsmart and she/he copied the label...it does list eye infections...here's what she posted.

Vetericyn Wound & infection care is an innovative topical solution for the care of wounds, infections, and irritations caused by bacteria, viruses,fungi or spores. This steriod free, antibiotic free, no rinse solution is non toxic. Made up of compounds similar to those produced by the animal's own immune system. It will not harm healthy tissue. It is PH neutral and will not sting when applied. This product, in solution, kills 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores including E.coli, staph(MRSA), strep, Moraxella, bovis, Pasteurella, Actinomyces, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Tests free for competitive animals.
Indications: For care of traumatic wounds, cuts, abrasions,skin irritations, skin ulcers,post surgical incision sites, hot spots, rain rot, infections of the outer ear and ear canal, eye infections, yeast infections, burns, scratches, rashes, rritated skin, and wound odors.

10-11-2014, 12:48 PM
I hope they reach out to her before she has to leave too... or at least find other help.

Vetericyn Wound & infection: Can this be used in in the eyes (ophthalmologic)? I guess I have assumed and been fearing the wound is actually to the eye itself but in rereading the original post more carefully I have new hope that may not be the case... let's hope it is just in that area and not in the actual eye (and a pic would still help!).

10-11-2014, 12:58 PM
Hi Spanky! This Vetericyn is a spray and it can be sprayed directly into the eye. No burning or irritation. I have used it on a cat that got scratched in the eye by another cat and it healed it right up. They can lick it also and it is non toxic. It has been a real good medicine for me. But like I said in my original post about it, some of the expert folks on medicine that are here can say wheather or not to use it. I've never had a problem with it... ever:grin2

10-11-2014, 01:04 PM
Oh I forgot to mention that my original post is on the non life threatening thread under the title Is Euthenasia the answer. I posted everything that it says that vetericyn is all about and can be used for. :)

10-11-2014, 01:06 PM
I've used Vetricin on everything fron cuts and abrasions to infections--on chickens, cats and squirrels. It's GOOD--and doesn't burn. Your little guy is so lucky to fall into such loving hands. Hope the trade off works just fine.

10-11-2014, 01:18 PM
Hi chickenlegs! It is some good stuff ain't it! :grin3 I sure hope this little fella gets some relief somehow!

10-11-2014, 01:28 PM
The boric acid solution that ALittleNutty suggested sounds like a very good thing to do!

10-11-2014, 01:31 PM
if you don't find somebody maybe some how you can get it to me? I am in fort mill sc and have room...I am legal and have vet access.. pm me and let me know I would be glad to help.. I am probably 3 hours from Raleigh and my cousin lives there.. also have meds on hand.. dr dan is there too and is great with squirrels

10-11-2014, 01:36 PM
The Misses would be coming through Charlotte if that helps things work out...

10-11-2014, 01:39 PM
I can meet someone in charlotte.. If this is ok let me know pm me the info... I am about 7 min from carowinds

10-11-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi chickenlegs! It is some good stuff ain't it! :grin3 I sure hope this little fella gets some relief somehow!

I use the stuff on ME. I have big babies figuring out what the world is all about. They're all over me. Some nights I look like I've been dancing with Freddie Krueger. A few squirts of magic water and I'm good to go. Thanks Laura for helping this sweet baby.

10-11-2014, 05:14 PM
Dr Dan Johnson in Raleigh is safe to take your
squirrel to. And a very top notch squirrel vet.

10-12-2014, 10:44 AM
I am getting this squirrel tuesday