View Full Version : Aspiration barely

10-09-2014, 03:10 PM
I posted a week or two ago when my first baby, Shaq, caught aspiration pneumonia. I gave him Baytril per a TSB member's dosing instructions and he healed quickly. Now I have two babies, Shaq (about 4-5 weeks) and Fatty (3-4 weeks, but noticeably fatter than Shaq hence the name). They are doing really well overall. I got the miracle nipple and am feeding them fox valley formula (20/50 i think).

I am just worried that Shaq is going to get pneumonia again. The miracle nipple has helped immensely but he has still taken too big a gulp 2-3 times and a little formula has come out his nose. I can hear the clicking noise, but he's very active and seems to be breathing through his nose fine. Also, his eyes are open now (if that makes a difference). Is he going to be ok? How likely is it that he will catch pneumonia again? I am feeding him SO SLOWLY and being very focused so as not to overfeed him.

Also, do they grind their teeth a lot at this stage? Shaq's bottom incisors have come in and his top two buck teeth are coming in now and he seems to be grinding them or teething or something.

If you want to see photos of them go here: http://instagram.com/shaqandfatty

Thanks in advance!

10-09-2014, 03:43 PM
I posted a week or two ago when my first baby, Shaq, caught aspiration pneumonia. I gave him Baytril per a TSB member's dosing instructions and he healed quickly. Now I have two babies, Shaq (about 4-5 weeks) and Fatty (3-4 weeks, but noticeably fatter than Shaq hence the name). They are doing really well overall. I got the miracle nipple and am feeding them fox valley formula (20/50 i think).

I am just worried that Shaq is going to get pneumonia again. The miracle nipple has helped immensely but he has still taken too big a gulp 2-3 times and a little formula has come out his nose. I can hear the clicking noise, but he's very active and seems to be breathing through his nose fine. Also, his eyes are open now (if that makes a difference). Is he going to be ok? How likely is it that he will catch pneumonia again? I am feeding him SO SLOWLY and being very focused so as not to overfeed him.

Also, do they grind their teeth a lot at this stage? Shaq's bottom incisors have come in and his top two buck teeth are coming in now and he seems to be grinding them or teething or something.

If you want to see photos of them go here: http://instagram.com/shaqandfatty

Thanks in advance!

I am sure some baby experts will chime in here shortly. But to answer your question, a baby could indeed get pneumonia again (or the original illness may not have been completely cured). Just in case, do you have ABs available on hand?

10-09-2014, 03:48 PM
I alerted a moderator, this thread might be better in Life-Threatening since these little ones can go downhill so fast.

island rehabber
10-09-2014, 04:11 PM
Hi agora. Thx TD for alerting me to this thread.
Hold Shaq up to your ear. Do you hear clicking on both his inhale
And exhale?

10-09-2014, 04:54 PM
Hi agora. Thx TD for alerting me to this thread.
Hold Shaq up to your ear. Do you hear clicking on both his inhale
And exhale?

I don't think so. Sometimes he's not clicking at all. It's just normal breathing and he's very active! But based on his chest inhalations he seems to be not clicking on his inhale and only sometimes on his exhale.

10-09-2014, 08:08 PM
I don't think so. Sometimes he's not clicking at all. It's just normal breathing and he's very active! But based on his chest inhalations he seems to be not clicking on his inhale and only sometimes on his exhale.

We're you able to finish a full 7 days of the Baytril treatment?

island rehabber
10-09-2014, 08:23 PM
It sounds to me as if Shaq is OK. Just listen closely to him every so often to keep tabs on the situation. Remember that many babies, after they slurp down a lot of formula, will 'click' for a few minutes because of the thickness of the liquid in their throats. Nothing to worry about.

10-10-2014, 11:35 AM
It sounds to me as if Shaq is OK. Just listen closely to him every so often to keep tabs on the situation. Remember that many babies, after they slurp down a lot of formula, will 'click' for a few minutes because of the thickness of the liquid in their throats. Nothing to worry about.

That is VERY good to hear. Today he wasn't clicking at all and ate a very big and healthy breakfast. I didn't finish the full 7 days of Baytril when he had pneumonia though. He seemed healed and wasn't clicking after 5 days on it and the Baytril was doing more harm than help by that point (too dehydrated to poop regardless of how much I was hydrating him between feedings). Thanks for the advice everyone!

10-10-2014, 11:47 AM
That is VERY good to hear. Today he wasn't clicking at all and ate a very big and healthy breakfast. I didn't finish the full 7 days of Baytril when he had pneumonia though. He seemed healed and wasn't clicking after 5 days on it and the Baytril was doing more harm than help by that point (too dehydrated to poop regardless of how much I was hydrating him between feedings). Thanks for the advice everyone!

Glad to hear he is not clicking... I would watch him closely . Hope it does not come back on him. It's important to finish the course. But likely too late to do anything about that now. Just watch him closely.

Not sure baytril constipated but I am new so...

10-15-2014, 03:31 PM
Shaq is doing great! He and Fatty both are gaining grams by the day and I've upgraded them to a bigger home (cage).