View Full Version : Weaning and solid food

10-03-2014, 06:17 AM
My 4 little (or not so little anymore!) guys are approaching 10 weeks, and for the last week have been fairly uninterested in formula feedings (with the exception of my suckler, who still does try to suckle on his brother, but Timmy is getting bigger now and is not afraid to let him know it's not okay). Yesterday, they skipped formula altogether. They're eating rodent block well (shredding through their full bowl every day! I'm using Oxbow until I can get a payment made on my CC to order HHB's) and eating a good portion of their salad as well (a mix of endive, dandelion greens, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy, radicchio, kale and romaine). Yesterday I added 1/3 of a golden delicious apple and a chopped up slice of acorn/pepper squash to their salad bowl and they didn't leave a piece of them behind! I added an antler chew to the cage yesterday as well. I worry about them not getting everything they need coming off of formula, hence the reason I'm trying to give a large variety. How often should they get pieces of fruit? A couple pieces daily, or added like I did only a couple of times a week? (This was the first time). Also, nuts as treats - again, should this only be a few times/week? What would be a safe limit on the group 3 items like squashes, cucumber, sweet potato and avocado? Would a 75%-25% split in the groups in their bowl daily be safe? Is there anything else I should be adding to ensure they have all they need in terms of nutrition?

Just want to be sure I'm doing everything right! :)

10-03-2014, 06:28 AM
They may not still want formula from a syringe but you can try placing it in a shallow heavy dish with a few decorative rocks so they don't dunk their noses. Many will continue on formula for a while this way.

I usually do a tiny bit of fruit 3 x per week and a about one acorn or pecan per squirrel 2 x per week as treats but only after they eat their veggies and blocks first.

10-03-2014, 09:19 AM
They may not still want formula from a syringe but you can try placing it in a shallow heavy dish with a few decorative rocks so they don't dunk their noses. Many will continue on formula for a while this way.

I usually do a tiny bit of fruit 3 x per week and a about one acorn or pecan per squirrel 2 x per week as treats but only after they eat their veggies and blocks first.

The formula goes cold fast this way. Will they still want it? And how long should I leave the dish in there if they don't finish it? Being a type of "milk", I just worry about it souring :)

Acorns ... lots of what I've read screams "TOXIC!!!" ... we have a TON of acorns around here (Southern Ontario, Canada) ... I would think that they're a fairly normal and large part of the squirrels' diet in this area. Is the general consensus that they're safe to have? And do I just give them whole, cap and all? The nuts I've given as treats so far are just walnuts and almonds (shells off, nuts whole), and only one each 2-3 times per week as a treat before bed.

Once they no longer want the formula, do I need to add anything to their diet to ensure they're getting adequate calcium, etc?

10-03-2014, 10:21 AM
The formula goes cold fast this way. Will they still want it? And how long should I leave the dish in there if they don't finish it? Being a type of "milk", I just worry about it souring :)

Acorns ... lots of what I've read screams "TOXIC!!!" ... we have a TON of acorns around here (Southern Ontario, Canada) ... I would think that they're a fairly normal and large part of the squirrels' diet in this area. Is the general consensus that they're safe to have? And do I just give them whole, cap and all? The nuts I've given as treats so far are just walnuts and almonds (shells off, nuts whole), and only one each 2-3 times per week as a treat before bed.

Once they no longer want the formula, do I need to add anything to their diet to ensure they're getting adequate calcium, etc?

I usually leave it out between feedings. My flyers get theirs at bedtime and they seem to figure out when it's not good anymore and won't touch it after that, so I just get the dish out first thing in the morning. Blocks, calcium rich veggies, yogurt and some cheeses are great sources of calcium. As to the acorns it is recommended that you blanch them in boiling water before serving or freezing for later use. Even then it's recommended to crack them open and check for mold before serving. You can keep giving the almonds and walnuts but give them with the shell on as getting into them will help with keeping the teeth ground down.

10-03-2014, 10:29 PM
I usually leave it out between feedings. My flyers get theirs at bedtime and they seem to figure out when it's not good anymore and won't touch it after that, so I just get the dish out first thing in the morning. Blocks, calcium rich veggies, yogurt and some cheeses are great sources of calcium. As to the acorns it is recommended that you blanch them in boiling water before serving or freezing for later use. Even then it's recommended to crack them open and check for mold before serving. You can keep giving the almonds and walnuts but give them with the shell on as getting into them will help with keeping the teeth ground down.

Sounds great! I'll leave them a bowl tonight! :)

Gave them each an almond (still no shell until i pick more up tomorrow). They're like catnip for squirrels! Holy cow the squeaking and squaking and trying to pry them out of eachother's mouths! Do they always do this with their favourite things?? LOL

12-16-2014, 06:05 AM
my squirrels are 10nweeks yesterday, and I heard not to wean them, but what is the next step in the addition to the formula????I don't have any baby blocks from henrys yet, but I do have the adult ones... I need help on this,I tried giving them a pecan a week and a half ago, and my little girl almost choked! I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-16-2014, 10:24 AM
They're still drinking he formula, right? What kind? If they're getting their formula, the blocks aren't a huge concern yet, so the adult blocks will be fine until the others arrive. Have you seen the healthy diet guide?