View Full Version : Broken leg???? HELP

05-02-2007, 01:06 PM
Ok, here is a little background info from previous posts:

Originally there were 3 squirrels that were found, but a guy who works for us (Rick)insisted on taking one female home against my better judgement. He made her his "pet" getting her used to cats and people. She is far more friendly than my 2, of course. Well NOW, he has decided, "oh she IS a wild animal and should be let go"...what an IDIOT! He lives in Buffalo, busy city street and he wants to put her cage outside to "get her used to the outside weather" and then let her go!!!

I told him he is crazy that he cant just do that, she'll be dead so fast, she doesnt know any better, she had part of her "wild" taken away, and now he doesnt want her anymore so he thinks the best thing to do is let her go..DUMB in my opinion.

SO I suggested he bring her back to my house and let her be with the other 2 and see if maybe they can help her learn some "wild" again, is this silly? Can she re-learn from my 2 how to survive in the wild? Will she recognize my 2 as being her brother and sister (family)?? I have even offered to keep her in our large cage outside if she cant survive on her own after my 2 leave.


Yesterday, we finally got the guy to let us have the other squirrel,
she is now at my house with the other 2, but she is in her own cage,
about 8'x4'x4', outside. When we picked her up, she was limping a bit, so
I asked the guy who had her what had happened, he says this: when he
was taking her cage down she got spooked?, and started tearing around
the cage like crazy!! He said he never seen her run around the cage that
fast ever. After that episode, she started babying her back left leg.

Now that she is at our house, we have not yet seen her outside her
'bed'...she is still being shy or mad or whatever. I expected this, but I
am worried about the leg. I have not had enough time to properly
"watch" her and see if it may be broken.... I just dont know yet. I hope
it is only a pulled muscle or something like that from running so fast??
Am I only wishful thinking?

My question is this: I know we should wait long at all to have it
looked at, but how long is too long? I mean, she is just now been with us
for only a day, there is alot going on in her life, dealing with the
change and all.

She does still walk and run, but really baby's that leg and holds it
up. It looks to be going the right direction, she just holds it up (this
is all from observations from the other guys house as he tried to catch
her to put her in a small carrier for us to take).

Does anyone have any recommendations? I am going to try and look up
some old posts of mine, I am in NY and not yet licensed so I need to find
a vet semi-close to me just in case I need to take her in.

There is so much going on in this little squirrels life right now, this
is a big downfall I can only hope is not so big and I am over-reacting.

Today, she was out of her bed, finally, I have been putting food into the bed so she will eat, she doesnt come out of the bed that I can see, so I am putting food in there so I know she is eating at least. Rick (previous owner) came over at lunch today to check on her, he got her to come out of her bed, she is definitely babying that back leg, she barely uses it at all, she will hold it against her side, when she sits on a log she lets it hand off the side, doesnt seem to be putting any pressure on it at all. We are worried.

Some time ago, someone from on here gave me the number and location of a vet that I thought was about 1-2 hours away from me that would let me take a squirrel in without taking her away from me. I cannot find this number anywhere, I have checked old PM's, but cant seem to read anything from "Timber", I am thinking it was probly in one of those messages.

Can someone PLEASE advise me on what to do and give me info on a vet I can take her to if need be?? Im afraid the longer I wait the worse it could be if it is broken. I am willing to travel if I have to. I am between Buffalo and Niagara Falls NY.....ANY help is appreciated, thank you!

05-02-2007, 01:24 PM
Sorry to hear her leg wasn't just sore. Gabe is in "Central NY" and may be aware of someone within driving distance to you. Hope you find someone soon! :)

[Timber left; then came back under another name; now is gone again. You don't want to know.]

05-02-2007, 01:30 PM
Thank you.

I am not really sure if its just sore or not, its only been 3 days.

I have done a search for "broken leg" and read over all of the threads, there was mention in one that just because they are not using the leg doesnt mean its broken....but how long do I wait before making that assumption?

She doesnt make any sounds when walking/running around (like its painful), but it just looks like she is uncomfortable...would she even make a sound if she is in pain? It does not look abnormal, meaning, like its broken badly (if it is). She does use it slightly but you can tell its bothering her and she doesnt want to use it, she would rather stay in one spot and take any pressure off of it.

05-02-2007, 01:39 PM
One time soon after release, Buddy came back from a couple of days away, battered and unhappy. No obvious wounds, but he favored his back legs in a way that made it obvious something was wrong. Because of how he was climbing on the chair (mostly with front paws) it was apparent to Gabe that it was a hind leg issue. We kept him inside for a few days and he was back to normal. Never did know exactly what it was. And from some of the other posts where there has been a "hurt" paw, it seems like if it was going to get better on its own, it did in several days. That's all I have to go by. But it would seem if she hurt it the day you got her and she STILL won't put any weight on it, that's not a good sign for getting better on its own. She's been resting it (you said she hasn't come out of her nest much, so you know she's not running around on it). :dono

05-02-2007, 02:02 PM
Ahh, I see what you are saying...makes sense.

However, taking everything else into play, shes never been outside before (since she was found at 3 weeks of age) and is in a completely new environment and away from the 2 humans she has been with her whole life....that is alot of the reason I think she wont come out of her bed hammock????????

There are soo many things here to take into consideration, its frustrating.

I appreciate your responses!:thankyou

island rehabber
05-02-2007, 02:03 PM
YG I'm trying to locate a wildlife vet who is in the Buffalo area but not coming up with much. Gabe might know of one although she is not near Buffalo....I'll keep looking and let you know ASAP. In the meantime, try to keep her as calm as possible and don't let her run, leap, or get excited for any reason and further damage that leg. This poor girl has been the victim of your neighbor's repeated bad judgment, hasn't she? Let's see if we can turn this around!

island rehabber
05-02-2007, 02:05 PM
Try this link for a few vets in that area: http://www.therabbitresource.org/recommendedvets.html#buffalo

Some, but not all, may take in wildlife. I'll keep looking.

island rehabber
05-02-2007, 02:07 PM
And this one is from our own database here:
New York, Northwest region, Monroe county (Rochester)..... 585-224-0533
Joell Calcagno, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator joeyell@frontiernet.net Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds.

05-02-2007, 02:09 PM
In the meantime, it would be helpful to jot down some notes to help the vet --- like you did in your first post above -- as to HOW she is using or not using it when she walks, sits, etc. Any clues from your observation might help in determining what is going on.

[fast work, IR -:thumbsup ]

island rehabber
05-02-2007, 02:12 PM
YG this is from an old post that Gabe responded to you last time:

Dr. Balonek is a vet and rehabber in Irondequoit, I'm sorry, but I cannot find his phone number, his practice is "Irondequoit Animal Hospital". The is also a vet in Fairport, "Fairport Animal Hospital", they are both about 1 hour from you and I'm sure they can help.

Good luck!! I've gotta leave the house now -- back here later to see how it's going.

05-02-2007, 03:29 PM
Thanks for that info!

I just found that number for Joell Calcagno in that database!

Im so afraid that someone will take her away from me....*sad* Its hard to trust people knowing that is is illegal in NYS for me to have them. I have already been basically threatened by vets in this area that what I am doing in illegal, bla bla bla.

I will see what I can find out tonight...:thankyou

05-02-2007, 03:46 PM
IR, that is the correct post you found. Dr Balonek is also a wildlife rehabilitator.

YG, I'm sure you can find his number in the phone book. I don't have one for that area and he is not listed in our rehab directory.

I have tried to contact Joell through email's in the past and have never gotten a response.

I'll pm you some names and numbers of rehabbers that are active.

I know you don't want someone to take the squirrels from you, but you are trying to release them, right? So, if your only choice in getting help is to relinquish them to a licensed rehabber then that should be ok with you, as the rehabber will provide proper medical treatment and then release. Same ending.

05-02-2007, 03:56 PM
I realize what you are saying about the release, it would just be nice to release her in my area so I may possibly be able to see her again, call it a selfish thing.

Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.

IR, that is the correct post you found. Dr Balonek is also a wildlife rehabilitator.

YG, I'm sure you can find his number in the phone book. I don't have one for that area and he is not listed in our rehab directory.

I have tried to contact Joell through email's in the past and have never gotten a response.

I'll pm you some names and numbers of rehabbers that are active.

I know you don't want someone to take the squirrels from you, but you are trying to release them, right? So, if your only choice in getting help is to relinquish them to a licensed rehabber then that should be ok with you, as the rehabber will provide proper medical treatment and then release. Same ending.

05-02-2007, 09:12 PM
Hope it's not broken. I have had a similar expierence here with two of my boys I overwintered....Chevy fell from a tree, not once, not twice, but 4 times total. And I mean from 50-100 feet all 4 times. He survived, Thank God, but both times, (I tried to release him twice, and the same thing happened again), he had alot of trouble with his back legs. The first time was the worst. He could not use them AT ALL. I kept him in a small-medium cat carrier, which limited his mobility. He was in there for 4 weeks, and I knew by feeling his legs that they weren't broken, but he did have a bad, bad sprain, and his whole body was bruised.:shakehead ...I kept him on a heating pad, low, with lots of comfy blankets, lots of his favorite foods, and I mixed Vitamins in his H2O. I also kept him an antibiotic for 5 days due to cuts and stabs from fellow squirrels and branches. He healed well, for the next release when the same thing happened again, it was back to the carrier, but this time only for a few days. Now he is one fat, mean ass squirrel, pardon my language, who LOVES TO FIGHT WITH ANYTHING OR ANYONE!!!
My next boy, Tom, I had released last week. He didn't come home for 2 days after the first day, and when he did, he could not use his back right leg AT ALL. And he was beat up pretty bad. He went back to his release cage, and kept falling off of his branches, food dish, and everything else for that matter. I was thinking it just had to be broken. But Tom is a wild one too, and I couldn't get near him. I locked him in the cage for safe keeping so he could have time to heal, and so I could keep a watchful eye on him. I put food where he could easily get it, just like you are doing, and added Vitamins to his H2O, and pretty much just waited. On the 3rd day he was still not using it. I was planning on "trying" to get him to the vet, but an hour later, I went outside, and he was climbing again. Not as well as he should be, but putting pressure on it means to me that he will be okay. On the 5th day, he was all the way fine, and yesterday, I released him, again, with his sister Taco, and he is one happy, non-fighting little boy. He has even been jumping on my back for nuts! He never did that....he was only interested in attacking me. I guess he finally figured out that I wasn't here to harm him,. just help him.
I am not sure if this is going to help you at all, but I thought I would share my expeirence with you. Squirrels are a funny critter sometimes. My Sam, my angel that I have had since August of last year too, jumped off my knee last week, to a carpeted floor, and she couldn't use her legs for about 1 minute. I FREAKED OUT. But it has not happened since, THANK GOD, but I have also added more calcium and more special lighting to her cage, just for precaution. I hope this could be the scenerio for you....I will be praying that it will turn up like this. But even if it doesn't, at least she has a great person to take care of her and love her. Good Luck.....:grouphug

05-03-2007, 08:47 AM
webld4u2...Thank you, I appreciate the story.

She was out of her bed/hammock all day yesterday, not sure if it was intentional or she could not get back into the bed??????

She ate, and was walking/climbing around the cage quite a bit. When she sits to eat, she is sitting on both legs. It doesnt seem to be an issue at the joint at all, of course Im speculating. She just doesnt put any pressure on that one leg.

She will let Rick hold her and that, but not me yet. Im wondering if there is a way to find out if it is broken without hurting her? Feeling it slightly maybe? Maybe Ill see if he can do this at lunch.

She kept going into another hammock that is in her cage, that has no protection at all over it....it got pretty chilly out last night, so I kept going out there to see if she got back into her bed...she hadnt. So we went into the cage, took the bed down and sort of followed her around until she finally hopped inside. This made me feel a little better, at least she had protection from the cold last night!

I was told that if its broken it will heal in 3 weeks and would have to be re-broken and set....ugh.....

*keeping fingers crossed*

05-03-2007, 08:58 AM
When she sits it looks normal.....but she has been sitting in the hammock, which could be giving lee way (sp?) to it, but I dont notice anything stickout or out of place, it really does "look" normal.

She just keeps it close to her when climbing and when she sits on a log, the foot hangs down, she doesnt use it to support herself, only the other leg.

Sorry, I can't help you with a broken leg. I was just wondering that when she does sit, does she bend the leg and sit like a "normal" squirrel would? Nothing unusual sticking out? I don't know, but I would think there would be some kind of abnormal look somewhere if it is broken, however, I could be completely wrong! :dono

05-03-2007, 09:20 AM
If you can, gently pull on both of her legs at the same time, kinda like a massage. Gently rotate out, up, down, back in.....you should be able to tell if something isn't right. I know she won't let you touch her yet, but maybe Rick can come over and get her out, and then wrap her up like a burrito, covering her face as well, and then you do it. Look for swelling, cuts, even a broke toe or nail.......is she eating and drinking as well as before?? Is this possible for you, or are you able to get to a vet yet??? I am so sorry this is happeneing to you......this has been a bad week here on the TSB.

05-03-2007, 12:41 PM
I have been putting food into her bed or hammock for her to eat, Rick kept her food on the bottom of her cage and I think she is afraid to go down there to get it! So I know she is at least eating, there is a water bottle in the cage but it drips so Im not sure how much water she is getting.

I am still curious as to whether I NEED to confine her to a smaller area such as a cat carrier?

If you can, gently pull on both of her legs at the same time, kinda like a massage. Gently rotate out, up, down, back in.....you should be able to tell if something isn't right. I know she won't let you touch her yet, but maybe Rick can come over and get her out, and then wrap her up like a burrito, covering her face as well, and then you do it. Look for swelling, cuts, even a broke toe or nail.......is she eating and drinking as well as before?? Is this possible for you, or are you able to get to a vet yet??? I am so sorry this is happeneing to you......this has been a bad week here on the TSB.

05-03-2007, 12:44 PM
I have not been to a vet yet, I was given a few numbers to try, but I was also told by 2 so far that it might not be best to take her to a vet, they may euthanize her instead of treating, so many opinions to consider.

05-03-2007, 03:06 PM
Can you put something on the bottom of the cage to snuggle up in?

05-03-2007, 03:16 PM
Can you put something on the bottom of the cage to snuggle up in?

Its possible but we have 2 dogs that walk around and she is frightened of them so she stays up near the top of the cage mostly in her bed or hammock.

I will be transferring her to a more protected cage once ours are released this Saturday,then she wont have to worry about the dogs at all!


05-03-2007, 05:21 PM
If she is still not using the leg, I would positively move her to a smaller carrier, and put in the bathroom or other room where there are no animals to upset her. She may not be happy about it, but it will give her the time needed to heal. In a couple of days add a branch and see if she is using her leg then.....hope this helps! Darcy

05-03-2007, 06:12 PM
I have not been to a vet yet, I was given a few numbers to try, but I was also told by 2 so far that it might not be best to take her to a vet, they may euthanize her instead of treating, so many opinions to consider.

You might have better luck taking her to a rehabber then letting them take them to a vet. Don't believe what people tell you over the phone without having seen the squirrel. They are not able to give you a correct answer going by what they are hearing from you, let them look at her, then give an answer.

It's getting toward the weekend and next week will be too late for a vet anyway. Darcy has some good suggestions, she is absolutely right about getting her into a smaller cage. You seem to be putting any treatment or moving her off. That is not the correct way to approach this. If you want her to heal, then you should get her into a small area now, not after this weekend.
Please, Yamaha Girl, think of this little squirrels future. If you are unable to provide adequate caging then you really need to let someone else take over her care.

05-04-2007, 07:40 AM
I am not putting anything off, I do not know what to do, I am trying to make the best decision...and for HER.

Rick took her back last night, he is afraid she is going through too much right now, his mother lives in a nearby state where it is legal to have them and she has rehabbed them before, he is making the drive down there, leaving today.

I will hope for the best and keep you posted on how she is when I hear anything from Rick.

Thanks to everyone for suggestions and help!

Ill tell you this has been quite an experience, but something I wont try to conquer again until AFTER I have my license, I got all the paperwork in the mail this past week, they offer the test 2 times a year! And Im ready!


You might have better luck taking her to a rehabber then letting them take them to a vet. Don't believe what people tell you over the phone without having seen the squirrel. They are not able to give you a correct answer going by what they are hearing from you, let them look at her, then give an answer.

It's getting toward the weekend and next week will be too late for a vet anyway. Darcy has some good suggestions, she is absolutely right about getting her into a smaller cage. You seem to be putting any treatment or moving her off. That is not the correct way to approach this. If you want her to heal, then you should get her into a small area now, not after this weekend.
Please, Yamaha Girl, think of this little squirrels future. If you are unable to provide adequate caging then you really need to let someone else take over her care.

05-08-2007, 07:48 AM
Here are some pics of my "monkeys" after release, they are doing great! :jump I feel so awesome now that they are back where they belong, a great accomplishment! I could not have done it without alot of you on here! :thumbsup :thankyou






05-08-2007, 07:52 AM
They are beautiful and you have done a wonderful job with their care. :thumbsup

05-08-2007, 08:02 AM
They are beautiful and you have done a wonderful job with their care. :thumbsup

Thank you so much!

I hope to get my rehabber license this fall and be able to help many others in the future!

Momma Squirrel
05-08-2007, 08:11 AM
They look very healthy and adjusted to their new life in the wild, great job :thumbsup So happy to hear we will have another rehabber and all because the love and devotion from helping a fuzzer and wanting to continue it legally. Good luck and keep us up to date on your license :alright.gif

05-25-2007, 11:40 AM
They are darling!!! :Love_Icon You have done a great job! :thumbsup They look like they are really enjoying their freedom. :wahoo Hope they stay around so you have the pleasure of watching them for a long time!! Any news on the other little baby Ricks mom has??

Sorry for the delay, my father passed away and I had to deal with that.

The one Ricks mom took is doing REALLY well, it was not broken and she is running around like she was before with no problems whatsoever. She feels she should be ready for release by the end of the summer and has asked us if we would like her to bring her back to this area for release.

Thanks for everyones help on that!!

QUESTION: We released our 2 the beginning of this month, I figure it is normal for them to venture off, the female, I see her everyday, she comes back to visit and to eat. The male takes off for days at a time. I have not seen him since I have been back in town from the funeral, about 5 days now. Is it possible he may not come back? Find his own nitch in the world? Or should I expect him to pop back. How long is too long for him to be gone and me to worry??? Lol. Thanks.

island rehabber
05-25-2007, 11:50 AM
Hi YG -- my sympathies go out to you for losing your dad.....very sorry.
Glad to hear the squirrels are all doing well! I know I've posted this before, but don't worry about the male you released. They do something called 'dispersal' -- they will take off for new territory sometimes immediately after release.....especially if there are other older squirrels in the vicinity. It's nature's way of spreading out the gene pool while protecting the younger boys from getting the crap beaten out of them by the established squirrel population. :)

05-25-2007, 11:53 AM
Hi YG -- my sympathies go out to you for losing your dad.....very sorry.
Glad to hear the squirrels are all doing well! I know I've posted this before, but don't worry about the male you released. They do something called 'dispersal' -- they will take off for new territory sometimes immediately after release.....especially if there are other older squirrels in the vicinity. It's nature's way of spreading out the gene pool while protecting the younger boys from getting the crap beaten out of them by the established squirrel population. :)

Thank you! I figured as much. There are some red foxes in our area and Im always worried. I guess I should just be happy that I did my part and let them go into the wild where they belong!

Momma Squirrel
05-25-2007, 01:38 PM
So glad to hear it wasn't a broken leg :thumbsup Hope all works out for the little boy, I am sure he will be just fine.

Sorry to hear about your dad passing, it will be one year this Sunday that my dad passed, still hard to believe but he had a very good life :grouphug :Love_Icon

05-25-2007, 01:47 PM
Hi YG I am so sorry to hear about your Father.:Love_Icon

As far as males go Rippie comes and goes, R2 & Preston I see everyday.
Preston disapeared for 2 weeks after his inital release but they are faithful coming everyday for the past 8 months. I believe every squirrel is different.