View Full Version : 4 wk old flyer questions
10-01-2014, 02:47 AM
My flyer just opened his eyes today so I'm guessing he's 4 wks from what I've read. I have a few questions... (I'm new to this so forgive me)
1) he's in a cardboard box still at this point, I read somewhere that they dry out? Would just putting a damp cotton ball in a shallow bowl in there be okay or do I really need to get the Rubbermaid tote ASAP. How soon will he need a cage?
2) is it time to add blocks in with him to try to chew on? What kind do you recommend and can I get them from a pet store or on line only?
3) can I only order cages online or can you find them locally? I live in northeast Arkansas by the way. Are there any requirements to a good cage. (Size, shape, shelving?) and do I need to start out small and then go up in size as he grows?
4) at what point can I stop being terrified he's gonna die??!?!?!!!??! He was found Saturday morning.
5) what's the best and most reasonably priced scale. I can't seem to find any.
6) how does the "5% of body weight" go? Say he was 20 grams how do I figure how many cc to give? Just so I know I'm doing it right lol
10-01-2014, 03:03 AM
My flyer just opened his eyes today so I'm guessing he's 4 wks from what I've read. I have a few questions... (I'm new to this so forgive me)
1) he's in a cardboard box still at this point, I read somewhere that they dry out? Would just putting a damp cotton ball in a shallow bowl in there be okay or do I really need to get the Rubbermaid tote ASAP. How soon will he need a cage?
No putting a cotton ball in the box will not make a difference, you to go a head and purchase a rubber maid container (clear) and poke a few holes in the top.... place fleece blanket on the bottom with a pouch for him to sleep in.
2) is it time to add blocks in with him to try to chew on? What kind do you recommend and can I get them from a pet store or on line only?
At 8 weeks old you can add squirrels blocks to his diet. We recommend HHB from Henry's online only.
3) can I only order cages online or can you find them locally? I live in northeast Arkansas by the way. Are there any requirements to a good cage. (Size, shape, shelving?) and do I need to start out small and then go up in size as he grows?
Yes, it is best to start small and go big (or) work with what you got until they are big enough. I like this cage.
4) at what point can I stop being terrified he's gonna die??!?!?!!!??! He was found Saturday morning.
in a few weeks he should be ok --you just need to get him on good formula, squirrel block and a balance diet.
5) what's the best and most reasonably priced scale. I can't seem to find any.
I got mine off Ebay, but a good digital food scale at the store will work.
6) how does the "5% of body weight" go? Say he was 20 grams how do I figure how many cc to give?
Just so I know I'm doing it right lol
Take Weight x .05 = cc to feed
(exp: weight 20 grams)
20 x .05 = 1 cc
10-01-2014, 03:16 AM
Here is a pic of the cage I mentioned above and how I have it set up.
....... I got my cage off Craigslist for $40 :) (
10-01-2014, 05:30 AM
The Critter Nation cages by Midwest are very popular for these guys. They have the 1/2" bar spacing needed and unlike other cages, the bars are horizontal, making them much easier to climb. I have one - it goes together fairly easily, and they can be assembled with or without the "floor" in between the levels - so you can have two levels accessible to one another or a big open cage.
This is an excellent price for new:
If you can locate one used, even better. Another nice thing about them is that they are SO popular that lots of sources are available (we have someone here on TSB) for pre-sewn things like ramp covers, bottom tray covers, etc., which means you don't have to make anything (anything that keeps me at least 10 yards away from a sewing machine makes me very happy) yourself.
10-01-2014, 07:06 AM
Martin cages are also popular but the doors can be annoying with tiny flyer hands. I had the cage that Rhapsody posted and the bottom of it started rusting out after only a little over a year so I got a Martin cage. My only problem is that I hate the doors so I am going to cut the doors out of a panel from the old cage and go ahead and weld them onto the Martin cage (eventually! lol).
As far as being scared he won't long as he doesn't aspirate or have any defects, you should be fine. :) What type of formula and supplies (syringe, nipple,...) are you using for him? My 4 weeker is doing wonderfully on the miracle nipple mini. I am still using a 0.5cc syringe to feed him because I am paranoid.
I am glad your little fella is doing well. :grin3
10-01-2014, 08:30 AM
Craigslist is great for finding used cages at a bargain.
You can find a good scale at most Wal-Marts but look in the kitchen utensil section close to the measuring cups. Usually they run about $15 dollars or so.
10-01-2014, 02:18 PM
I found a scale! He seems to be doing pretty good as far as I can tell. I'll start watching for cages now! Thank y'all for all the great advice! And I'm feeding him with a .3 cc syringe. He weighs 15 grams is that about normal??
10-01-2014, 02:28 PM
According to above thread he's a little under weight. Can you post a picture?
10-01-2014, 02:30 PM
What formula are you using? About how much and how often have you been feeding since you didn't have a scale? Need to help baby gain some weight.
10-01-2014, 03:57 PM
I found a scale! He seems to be doing pretty good as far as I can tell. I'll start watching for cages now! Thank y'all for all the great advice! And I'm feeding him with a .3 cc syringe. He weighs 15 grams is that about normal??
That is a bit small but as long as he is growing and gaining, I wouldn't worry too much. Some just end up being tiny. And if you have him on the FV/cream/yogurt mix he should continue to thrive.
10-02-2014, 05:26 PM
I just got my fox valley formula in yesterday. I've bumped him up to .75cc ever 3 hrs. He's gaining weight and is looking better. He seems to have much more energy now too. I had been giving .3 cc every 3 hrs because that's why the vet had told me to give before that I was doing .5 cc.
10-02-2014, 05:41 PM
And can anyone tell the dosage for baytril and/or cipro for flyers? I want to have some on hand
10-02-2014, 07:29 PM
It's totally dependent on weight and strength of the drug. If you need it, just come here and there's usually someone who can dose for you.
10-03-2014, 11:48 AM
The only thing I have is like 22.7 mg baytril taste tabs. I guess I just really want to know how small a dose or mg does a squrriel typically take so I can have some on hand if needed
10-03-2014, 12:02 PM
That's fine. That single pill will last you a full course of ABs. Just let us know if you need it, and we'll tell you how to prepare it and how much to give. We would need to know how much the sq weighs.
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