View Full Version : Release fell out of tree
09-26-2014, 06:25 PM
So.. My family has been watching them all day and they have done great.. untill about 30 minutes ago.. I came out and they were running and jupmping.. and with that.. my PINKIE BABY now 13 weeks old plummeted before my eyes..
He has had experience with branches.. just not that far off the ground.
He fell about 30 feet hitting branches on the way down. He got up.. and scampered up to the nest box and refuses to come out.
They are no longer used to being handled.
This is a disaster.
I have metacam if I can get him to come home.
Please tell me this could happen to anyone..?
please tell me that he will be bruised but OK?
Please tell me .. a day in the trees is better than a life in a cage.. PLEASE. Cause I am just not feeling it.
I did not even get to watch the beauty of the day.. I had taken the day free.. but as soon as they stuck their heads out to scamper off my daughter called me to her dog.. who is a dachshund. She twisted wrong cause a beetle snagged her last evening.. and now she is paralyzed with disk disease. And I could not afford the 5k plus they wanted for spinal surgery.
To day just stinks.
09-26-2014, 06:36 PM
When he recovers and comes back out of the nest box try and get him to take some Metacam, dosed per his body weight, and if you can get him back into his release cage... keep him there for another two months as he is two young to be running free in the trees just yet. (((HUGS))) and Good Luck -
09-26-2014, 10:10 PM
Well no sign of him. Except he went completely in the box.
Maybe in the am ?
Sooo 14 weeks is not the average release age ?
But 5 months is ??
I am so confused.
09-26-2014, 10:13 PM
Was he released by himself? Did you do a soft release with him?
I also think it may be a good idea to capture him if you can.....
09-26-2014, 11:33 PM
:hug Yes certainly an awful day. Hopefully his tumble didn't hurt him too badly. I'm praying that it's nothing more than bruised & sore & possible emotional trauma. I sure wouldn't blame him for being scared, poor guy:Love_Icon I certainly don't think it's your fault, release age in question or not. If he'd been in the nest with his mom he would've been just as prone to a fall when he first started playing outside of the nest as when he came out of his nest box today. It stinks about your daughters dog, too... seems like when it rains, it pours. $5k is a lot, and even if you could pay for the pups surgery there's a fair chance that it may not even help. There's probably just a much chance that with anti-inflammatory meds & time he may regain function. The body has an amazing healing capacity. Since you raised the squirrels from pinkies, I know you've seen just how strong their will to live can be, never underestimate that! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
09-27-2014, 12:04 AM
So sorry you had such a rough day ML. :( I am praying the little guy that took the fall is alright and maybe just the shock and scare of it all is keeping him hidden away in the box. Hopefully he will come out soon so you can evaluate him and possibly recapture if necessary.
That is sad about your daughter's dog too. Vet care for dogs is so expensive and I have been down that road recently.
It is so hard to watch our beloved animals suffer.:grouphug
It does help that they are in loving hands to give comfort.
09-27-2014, 01:31 AM
Sooo 14 weeks is not the average release age ?
But 5 months is ??
I am so confused.
Momma squirrels do not let their babies roam from the nest until they are 12 weeks old,
so when they turn 12-4 weeks old we take them out side and place them in a release
cage for 30 days were we allow 30 days with us interfering in their lives (other than feeding
time) so they can wild up.
Once we see they have wilded up and will be able to survive in the wild with out us then we
can open a smaller door in the release cage to allow them to come and go as they like for
another 30 days as they acclimate to the wild --during this time we will continue to supplement
their daily feeding...... and close the small entrance door every night they come home for their
own safety and open it every morning for them to roam free again.
Release Info:
09-27-2014, 07:36 AM
Thank you all for your kind words. He was not released by himself. But with three other orphans. Oddly they tolerate me more lol .. Even Basil the biter is now friendly.
And we did a soft release. He has not Been handled in a month and has been outside in cage 24/7 rain or shine. Today He is happy to come sit by my foot but I don't think he would let me pick him up. I mean if he were injured I might have a chance but .. As his is right now...
I am happy to report that this morning when I went out to give food and water he was out acting like a nut in the willow three.
He came and drank water and zipped back off to the tree. So.. He is showing no sign of injury at all ATM.
All four were in a feeder.. And they picked up a friend.. A smaller little guy is hanging around too. Dunno where he or she came from. She scampers off sometimes but returns to play.
09-27-2014, 08:20 AM
Great news Mommaluvy.
I remember well releasing three 'monkeys' last fall. They were running through the trees like they were on drugs. :squirrel3
They would leap between trees and PLOP they would hit the ground. :eek It happened several times. :shakehead
I thought I would have a heart attack watching. Everyone was fine but it sure did 'mess' me up. :squirrel2
Before I got into the 'squirrel thing', I thought squirrels were like cats and didn't fall out of trees ... YEAH they fall. :peace
09-27-2014, 08:49 AM
Yay! :serene
09-27-2014, 04:24 PM
Great news! I'm so glad:dance
09-27-2014, 04:33 PM
Good to hear he is doing well..... and remember in the future to only place them
in an outside release cage when they are 4 mths old, then release at 5 mths old.
:thumbsup :thumbsup
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