View Full Version : pneumonia?

09-24-2014, 10:15 PM
My squirrel is having rapid breathing and is sluggish. She ate all of her milk at once but it was a very slow process. Im hearing the clicking in her chest. I gave her a dose of Clavamox. What else can I do. Im not sure how much my trainer knows. Ive been getting alot of conflicting info and I am doubting myself now. Please tell me what else I can do.

Nancy in New York
09-24-2014, 10:21 PM
My squirrel is having rapid breathing and is sluggish. She ate all of her milk at once but it was a very slow process. Im hearing the clicking in her chest. I gave her a dose of Clavamox. What else can I do. Im not sure how much my trainer knows. Ive been getting alot of conflicting info and I am doubting myself now. Please tell me what else I can do.

How old is your little one, how long have you had her.
Not sure what you mean by her eating all her milk at once.
Has she aspirated?
What's her weight and how much Clavamox are you giving?
Also, are you giving her probiotics 2 hours prior or 2 hours after
giving abs?

09-24-2014, 10:30 PM
she is about 9 wks old and Im a rehabber. Have been for about 7 yrs. I give her about .03cc of clavamox. She is appx 140g.

Nancy in New York
09-24-2014, 10:32 PM
she is about 9 wks old and Im a rehabber. Have been for about 7 yrs. I give her about .03cc of clavamox. She is appx 140g.

OK. Perhaps I don't understand your original question.

09-24-2014, 11:18 PM
Are you just wanting to know what the treatment is for pneumonia? --this sounds like what your squirrel has.
You have already given the medicine, so give use your squirrels weight and they can dose how often and how
long you need to give the medicine for.

In the mean time please keep the squirrel on a heating pad, cage covered and in a quite place.

09-25-2014, 09:12 AM
Sounds like she has been a sub for 7 years and she is getting conflicting messages from her permit holder/trainer.

If memory serves Clavamox is ok.. but Baytril ( AKA cipro ) is better ( correct me if I am wrong.. I am just a newby)

Your dose sounds similar to what they had me give Pip.. but I don't know the strength of your medication. And I am not qualified at all to dose your guy .

Other things you can do.. as Rapsody said.. Back on heat - 1/2 of the cage and also on the probiotics . You can use human grade in a capsule if you have nothing else. My vet said a pinch at each feeding of a powder form or one gram a day of benebac ( name brand animal probiotic ) Thats alot.. but he said its real hard to OD on probiotics. So he is very liberal with them. I actually have two vets.. the one likes the powder .. the other the gel.. but they both are very liberal on those doses.

Hydrate if you think she is dehydrated at all.

Do you use a syringe or bottle for your squirrel? Do you have a miracle nipple? How much is she getting at a feed ?

You are discribing Pnumonia symptoms. So I think , IF CORRECT dose , your on the right track with the meds.

Keep us posted.

09-25-2014, 02:01 PM
Yes she did aspirate and she received her AB this morning too. It surprised me that she made it through last night but now she really looks bad. Isnt there anything else I can do?

09-25-2014, 02:27 PM
Yes she did aspirate and she received her AB this morning too.
It surprised me that she made it through last night but now she really looks bad.
Isnt there anything else I can do?

She needs her medicine every day for the length of time recommended (5-7days?)
You need to keep her on heat so she does not struggle to maintain her own heat.
Keep her in a dark quite room and keep her well hydrated during this time and feed.

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tps salt

09-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Is homemade pedialyte preferred? cuz all of mine seem to love fruit flavored pedialyte. Also for the last two feedings she hasnt eaten at all. Complete rejection. That includes the milk Ive tried too.

09-25-2014, 02:34 PM
Is homemade pedialyte preferred? cuz all of mine seem to love fruit flavored pedialyte.
Also for the last two feedings she hasnt eaten at all.
Complete rejection. That includes the milk Ive tried too.
If she is drinking the store bought pedialyte then by all means continue with it...... our goal here is to keep her hydrated until she feels well enough to eat again. How many days has she gone with out any formula so far? Try to get her to take some formula as soon as you can, even diluted if you have too --she will feel better once some nutrition gets inside of her and she gets her strength back.

09-25-2014, 02:42 PM
Ive tried her milk this morning. The last time she had milk was 6pm yesterday. She wont even touch the pedialyte now.

09-25-2014, 02:51 PM
Ive tried her milk this morning. The last time she had milk was 6pm yesterday. She wont even touch the pedialyte now.
Try the HM Pedialyte and add an extra 1/4 tsp of sugar to sweeten it...... make sure the mix
is warm before feeding it to her. How is her breathing and over all physical demeanor?

09-25-2014, 02:57 PM
She has very labored breathing and she is very limp when I pick her up. She was reaching up to me to be held earlier but not now.

09-25-2014, 02:58 PM
Will she take even a drop by tiny drop in her mouth... very, very slowly? Can she swallow??

09-25-2014, 03:00 PM
I just tried some more milk and she fought it off. Im gonna go try the HM solution rq. brb

09-25-2014, 03:02 PM
She has very labored breathing and she is very limp when I pick her up. She was reaching up to me to be held earlier but not now.

How long has she been like this? While we do not like to think about it she may be trying to pass, and it this is the case the best thing you can do is be there with her during the releasing of her soul in the universe. I was in this same situation last week with my little buddy Rowlee when he took his last breath in my arms....... (((hugs))).

If you can try to get her to take small sips of pedialyte....... but if she will not swallow please do not push her to do so as she will choke on the liquid. I am here with you.

09-25-2014, 03:07 PM
She drank a little bit of the HM. About 1cc. She didnt suckle, just licked it off the tip of the nipple and she did resist it some.

09-25-2014, 03:09 PM
She drank a little bit of the HM. About 1cc. She didnt suckle, just licked it off the tip of the nipple and she did resist it some.
AWESOME!! --that is good....... you need to make sure she take 1c every hour.

if we can keep her hydrated we have a chance........ (((hugs)))

09-25-2014, 03:11 PM
She was eating and acting fine till around 6pm yesterday when she rejected her milk. Unfortunately that is the earliest I have been able to detect pneumonia. Usually they dont last this long. Im kicking myself in the pants for letting her aspirate. Maybe I rushed her too much. And thank you for being here for me. My trainer and I had a little spat so Im pretty much on my own now.

Nancy in New York
09-25-2014, 03:11 PM
Keep her warm too, you are in good hands.

09-25-2014, 03:13 PM
My trainer and I had a little spat so Im pretty much on my own now.
You are NOT alone....... You have TSB on your side and on your squirrels side. :Love_Icon

09-25-2014, 03:14 PM
She drank a little bit of the HM. About 1cc. She didnt suckle, just licked it off the tip of the nipple and she did resist it some.

Still good that she had at least 1cc. :Love_Icon Try very carefully to get drop by drop in her... even just a little bit. Anything she will take will help. Let her rest in between times. She sounds pretty sick but I have seen them come back around with love and attention. I know you give her that. :Love_Icon

09-25-2014, 03:30 PM
Perhaps needs Cipro?

09-25-2014, 03:40 PM
Perhaps needs Cipro?
I too was wondering if she might need some thing stronger, but wasnt sure how strong the Clavamox was.
..... and she is going through a rehabber that is helping her and the rehabber gave her the meds, therefore,
she probably doesnt have access to any other medicine. :dono

09-25-2014, 03:47 PM
Do we have anyone in the area that could get her a cipro.. I could repay them.. But I can not overnight it tonight or tomorrow.. I could send them cipor snail mail to replace their stock.

09-25-2014, 10:18 PM
Im so sad to say that she passed away. I think I did everything I could. Thank you for your help.

09-25-2014, 10:23 PM
:grouphug. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss casio. You did everything that you could have done for this baby.

09-26-2014, 07:26 AM
:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug So very sorry. You did do all that you could do. :Love_Icon