View Full Version : Can I cut nail?
05-01-2007, 11:32 AM
I have a baby squirrel, well not a baby no more had him about 5 weeks now. I have a toddler and my mom, who is my babysitter of Tommy Tree. His nails are ruin my shirt and we look like runaway slaves with all the scraches.
05-01-2007, 11:40 AM
No I would not, if he is only 5 weeks he should be on a heating pad, and actually not be handled except for feedings. Do you have a recent picture? What are you feeding him?
05-01-2007, 11:45 AM
oh.. Thank you... I tried to put the slide show of him on my profile...Kinda new to this whole thing so I haven't figured out how to put pic on the thread yet. I keep him very worm. I have a heating pad, I believe he is older then five weeks, just that I have had him since March 26. He was barely alive, but is now very active., and like to jump on us instead of a tree. I tried to introduce him to outside trees and he just jumps right back on me. I would like to set him free one day. If he wishes. but not sure how to introduce him to his enviroment.
05-01-2007, 11:47 AM
It would be for the best you do not take him outside and put him in a tree, he is too little. What are you feeding him?
Handling of a baby squirrel is very stressful for them, stress alone will kill a baby squirrel. They like it in a nice quiet cage with a warm blanket.(No Towels) It will be many weeks before he can be released, probably 10 anyway.
05-01-2007, 11:51 AM
I watched your video of slide shows, and couldn't help but notice that he looks under nourished,,,,what are you feeding him?? Also, he should be kept in a cage, or at least indoors until he is about 15-18 weeks old. I noticed you put him on a tree. It wouldn't take but one fall or an attack by a cat, dog, bird of prey to injure him badly or worse. He is not near ready to be outside without the appropiate protection. He can easily get spooked and go up the tree, and then you can only imagine what may happen. I am not trying to be rude or demeaning, but since we as humans have taken on the responsibility to raise and care for these babies, you really have to be a surrogate mom to them. In the wild they have their momma to look out after them, but when you place him on a tree, he is fair game to whatever is lurking in the shadows....just please be careful....
He looks to be about 7 weeks, give or take one, and he should still be on Esbilac about 4 times a day,and I strongly suggest you add Pedilyte instead of water and being introduced to different things daily, like nuts, (can he crack his own yet?), an assortment of fruits and veggies, water bottle, and a safe house for him to call his own. (a bird house, or you can easily make your own squirrel can find how to on the main menu here...just type it in the search bar) and clean soft blankets, pine cones, and very importantly, put in his cage a variety of branches, maybe 2" round for him to learn to climb and balance. Also branches with leaves he will love to no end.
Everyone here on the squirrel board will help you if you let us....
05-01-2007, 12:00 PM
Can I suggest we help you find a rehabber in your area? It takes alot of money and time and care for these little fellows. Also, I am pretty sure you may need to have a Wildlife Rehabilitator Permit to raise one....
05-01-2007, 12:06 PM
he is eating everything under the sun. I bought all kinds of nuts and fruit for him which he is enjoying. I know the first few pics of him he was very mal nurished. He almost died, but now he is very active, and healthy. I fed him Kitten formula and now he does not want anything to do with it. I have more recent pictures of him that I have to add to slide show. Trust me I missed a few days work to take care of him, to make sure he ate and was warm. I love my Tommy Boy...I will not cut his nails. Thank you for all the information
05-01-2007, 12:16 PM
More important than fruit or nuts he needs greens dark veggies!
Also rodent block or monkey biscuit, he is to young to wean off of formula yet.
The reason he does not want his formula is because of the nuts take them away. Veggies and formula is what he needs, and rodent block can be ordered from Chris's squirrel store see green banner above.
Fill us in on the caging what is he housed in, also do not let this squirrel come in contact with a cat their saliva alone will kill a squirrel.
small amount sweet potato
unsalted only pumpkin seeds (give in place of nuts)
do not give peanuts or sunflower seeds
pamela lee
05-01-2007, 12:27 PM
If you plan on releasing him, when he's old enough, you should never cut his little nails. He will need them to learn to climb and hold on to trees and other things. The tore-up arms and legs just come with the territory. Trust me it does get worse. All you can do is just grin and bear it. I'm not a rehabber but I know that if you plan on releasing him you don't want him imprinting on to many people. He needs just on primary caregiver. Let me tell you from experience they can get away real quick. Peanut got out, got spooked and headed straight up a tree(he was older then your little guy). That was one of the worse nights of my life(I stayed under that tree all night waiting for him to come down). You see they don't usually come when called like dogs and cats. Even at Peanuts age(about 12 weeks old) he was to young and terrified. So please be very careful.
05-01-2007, 12:33 PM
Wow, I do feed it greens, he loves soy bean, and green beans, and all lettuces, and he like to steal my daughter watermelon.
05-01-2007, 12:41 PM
Lettuce is not good for baby squirrels, or any wild mammal babies (even bunnies). Kale, spinach, and broccolli are all good veggies that he should be getting. He should get at least one of those with each meal.
05-01-2007, 12:41 PM
Thank you all for the information, and love to see the passion everyone have about squirrels. love it...
05-01-2007, 12:43 PM
I can see on the pic that he has milk burn.....he should have his face wiped clean after his meals to prevent this..
05-01-2007, 12:57 PM
Here is the Zupreme primate monkey biscuit & the rodent block either one are good..he should have one of them.
Secret Squirrel
05-01-2007, 01:43 PM
You have been given wonderful advice for your little squirrel. Can you post some recent photos of him ? Squirrels are concidered babys til 16-18 weeks old. Formula needs to be fed until 11 weeks or more of age for proper bone growth and development. Can you get a rehaber in your area to help you with this baby?
To tell you the truth the slides show pictures made me want to cry. The baby is soooo small and very malnurished....not healthy and here are pictures of him outside, in a tree, in a childs hands and other traumatic situations for a sick squirrel.
Please, please, please don't misunderstand me. Your baby needed to be in a warm cozy place. Quiet and not handled as much as I saw in the pictures. As finders of baby wildlife our nature is to want to cuddle a sick baby.
Believe me when I say it's not in the animals best intrest to be handled as much. Also, keep that squirrel away from your child. Your child is too young and illness can be transmitted from either your child or the squirrel. People actually have more germs than wildlife!!!! :thinking
Accidents are common with children and young animals...the squirrel can be dropped, stepped on, sat on or squeezed by a child as small as yours. All by accident.
If you are wanting your child to learn about nature....she is too young and won't remember this event. Children will retain more when they are about 5 years old.
I would love to see more pictures of how much he had grown...we are here to help you in what ever capacity we can.
Thank you for saving this little man....:grouphug
05-01-2007, 02:03 PM
I love my Tommy...I did not mean by anyway to harm it...He is in a ferret cage that I spent over 200 dollars for. I did add some branches and such for him. I only let my daughter hold him under my supervision, for maybe 10 seconds. The first two weeks I had him, I called number of places, alot of people told me I should of left it alone and let nature takes it course. I know he fell from a tree, he had a huge scratch under his belly that I put antibacteria ointment on for 10 days. Now it has healed up nicely, just a little half inch scar. I knew that if I did not take it home withme it would of not made it though the night, I thought it wasn't going to make it at all. so I started to take pictures on the 3rd day when it was more active.
There were a dog barking at it and it was getting dark. I may have not done everything right, but I did save his life. I will take more recent pictures of Tommy... I am glad to see so many passionate individual who love animals as much as I do. I will take all advice to heart. Thank you all
05-01-2007, 02:13 PM
:Welcome And thanks for coming to TSB for help. Your little one is a cutie pie!
Secret Squirrel
05-01-2007, 03:21 PM
I know you love Tommy :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon and it shows.
We are here to help and give insight and education. Some things can't be learned by reading so it takes all of our eyes and ears to help someone out.
Pictures are the best way for us to see the baby and then give suggestions. Good luck and thank you for not triming his nails. Do you have a good first aid kit??? :peace LOL!!!
05-01-2007, 03:32 PM
I am uploading pictures of him right now that I just took 10 minutes ago. give me about half an hour to figure this thing out. Sorry all still new to this forum, but think I love it. I have been reading posts all morning and many have touched me.
Secret Squirrel
05-01-2007, 03:34 PM
:wahoo We love pictures!!!!!
05-01-2007, 03:48 PM
I know you are new at trying to raise a baby squirrel, so just follow the instructions you are getting on this board. Soon Tommy will be thriving, and you will learn so much that you couldn't imagine all it takes in caring for them properly. Good luck, and Tommy is precious!:Welcome
05-01-2007, 04:20 PM
Mai we believe you are trying to do your best for little boy, we are just trying to add things to get him more healthy! You got him a cage and took off work with him when he was sick and that means a lot.
We are not trying to put you down in any way. Just want the best for baby just as much as you do also!
05-01-2007, 06:48 PM
How is the little boy doing tonight??? Any luck with getting him to drink the Esbilac?
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