View Full Version : baby flyer 4 weeks, eyes just opened, lethargic and becoming uninterested in eating

09-23-2014, 02:17 AM
Hi all, Pinnochio is having the trouble this time.

I began treating him and his sister for pneumonia the other day, she's doing GREAT (after having almost died) and he is becoming totally uninterested in eating. He's starting to ball up in my hand, which I've read isn't a good sign. He seems to lose body heat quite quickly, and I'm basically having to force down his food. He begins to feed, then gets tired and doesn't want to nurse anymore.

His pee and poop is inconsistent. He doesn't have much of either, so I've been also feeding water with his milk in case it's dehydration. But again, it's a bit of a battle to get it down.

Just tonight one of his poops was looking greenish. Both he and his sister are having loose poops because of the Amoxicillin, but his was greenish.

Any ideas?

09-23-2014, 02:20 AM
I'm feeding goat's milk mixed with plain yogurt. I nixed the Heavy Cream for now while they are on the antibiotic just to get as much probiotic in them as possible.

They are also on a heating pad, which seems to run a little warm to me, but they seem to like it. It's a Sunbeam with no auto shutoff, and I have their shoe-box and clean cloth diaper sitting on top of it and it's still keeping them plenty warm enough. (maybe almost too warm!) Could that be the issue? Too warm?

09-23-2014, 05:36 AM
Hi there!:w00t I would put only half of the heating box on the heating pad so they can crawl off of it if they get too warm. Also, how long ago did you open the yogurt? Flyers can taste when certain products go bad, even if they taste fine to people. I know the cream only lasts a few days so I freeze mine. I open a new baby yogurt every 2 or so days but I'm not sure that is completely necessary.

How much do they weigh and how often/how much are they eating?

Some antibiotics can cause a decrease in appetite. Exactly how much is the little boy taking and how often?

Sorry for the 5000000 questions. I just want to make sure we don't leave something out. :)

Also, pics would be helpful! :poke:poke:poke and cute :grin3

09-23-2014, 05:51 AM
Do you have the heating pad on low?

Yes, as pixiepoo said, heating pad only under HALF of the box. I would get a small Sterilite or Rubbermaid bin. Drill holes. Cardboard boxes/shoe boxes are drying. You can put a small baby food jar with a damp sponge or gauze for moisture in the bin. The heating pad will help increase humidity.

09-23-2014, 06:10 AM
Has someone, or can someone, PM this member Mrs. Skuls phone number?

I know - it is just beyond weird to call a total stranger based on info from the internet. Mrs. Skul is very, very experienced with baby flyers and has ASKED us to have people call her for help. She is dealing with a long term medical issue with her husband and is often in areas where she cannot check the site, but always has her phone. If someone can send you her number, which I can't seem to find right now, give her a call - leave a message and explain your situation and she will call you back. She will pick your brain and walk you through some things to try. Just do it! :thumbsup

09-23-2014, 06:12 AM
Flyers also need fleece to snuggle into to feel safe. You can also experiment with the temperature of the formula. I would go ahead and start adding the cream slowly. The flyers need the extra fat and calories.

09-23-2014, 06:39 AM
I just PMed MrsSkul's number.

Please call her. She can help.

09-23-2014, 07:04 AM
1) Their heating pad is on low. And I fixed the box so that it is only on half. So far they are hanging out on the half that's over the heating pad.

2) The yogurt was made by me 4 days ago, and I'm also using one that I bought on Saturday with full fat and super enzymes or something. It was in the organic section.

3) They are taking Amoxicillin; I diluted 1ml Amox with 7ml's water and then am administering 0.06ml to each flyer once in the morning time, and once in the evening time.

4) My syringe still sucks. I'm going to CVS later to see if I can find a good one that won't get stuck and won't cause my Belle to choke. As I suspected, Wal-Mart was a crappy place to expect to find a quality syringe.


09-23-2014, 08:14 AM
If you will PM me your address I would be more than happy to send you a couple of 1cc o-ring syringes in the mail today.

09-23-2014, 08:18 AM
1) Their heating pad is on low. And I fixed the box so that it is only on half. So far they are hanging out on the half that's over the heating pad.

2) The yogurt was made by me 4 days ago, and I'm also using one that I bought on Saturday with full fat and super enzymes or something. It was in the organic section.

3) They are taking Amoxicillin; I diluted 1ml Amox with 7ml's water and then am administering 0.06ml to each flyer once in the morning time, and once in the evening time.

4) My syringe still sucks. I'm going to CVS later to see if I can find a good one that won't get stuck and won't cause my Belle to choke. As I suspected, Wal-Mart was a crappy place to expect to find a quality syringe.


They do not have syringes this small on the floor - go directly to the pharmacist and tell them that you are trying to hand feed a newborn kitten.

Before you use it, pull the plunger all the way out and rub some vegetable oil on the black rubber tip, then pull it in and out a few times. The drug store ones are really intended for single use, and that rubber plunger will stick after a few uses, but the lube trick will help. The feeding syringes have a different plunger and do NOT stick.

09-23-2014, 08:25 AM
Please call Mrs. Skul. I offered her number last night and looks like someone else here gave it to you. It is your best option. The woman knows flyers and how to help
She has raised many flyer babies. Flyers are much harder than other squirrels. She welcomes the calls and enjoys helping.

09-23-2014, 12:08 PM
Hey all, spoke to Ms Skuls and what really need is either A) a rehabbed near Hinesvlle GA, or B) Aubon, and Baytril.

Can anyone help me with these two problems?

09-23-2014, 03:33 PM
Bzytril or Cipro (same thing basically) are common, so ask your friends. Some pet stores sell Fish Flox, which is also the same thing.

09-23-2014, 03:36 PM
Hey all, spoke to Ms Skuls and what really need is either A) a rehabbed near Hinesvlle GA, or B) Aubon, and Baytril.

Can anyone help me with these two problems?

(A)I don't know any rehabbers in Ga. Others probably will know.

(B) Is the Aubon? Albon instead. Does she think this is coccidia?
I don't have Baytril (Enrofloxacin) but I do have the Ciprofloxacin (which is a human quinolone. We use Baytril or Ciprofloxacin interchangeably for squirrels depending on which is available). Is this what she prefers for the pneumonia? It is our first choice for pneumonia but in cases where it isn't available, we use what we have and in this case the Amoxicillin was what was available. I believe the Cipro/Baytril has less 'gut issues' although all antibiotics can cause GI problems.

Send a PM if you want the Cipro.

09-25-2014, 10:08 PM
Hey all,
Pinnochio is still hanging in there, but he's still just... kindof runty! He's become more active, but seems to get dehyrdated quickly and so gets a little lethargic. He's not as active as his sister, and looks smaller too.

Both are having dry flaky skin, not sure what that's from. I've switched them to a plastic container, and have a wet sponge in with them. I'm also using some coconut oil on their bums because it keeps them from getting chafed when they have to get voided so many times per day. I think that's partly what's causing their coats to be so thick and yucky. I gave them both small baths tonight, so they're looking a little better but still kindof oily and sticky.

He still balls up in my hand after feedings, and still isn't eating quite as much as his sister. BUT his poops are normal and firm :poop, and his pees are looking good. I'm feeding every 4 hours, and hydrating every 1-2. They're still on the antibiotic, and I'm giving straight yogurt 1 hour afterwards as well as maple syrup water (it's not too sweet, just a little).

I've started making the switch from goat's milk to Fox Valley Day One formula, so I have high hopes that he'll improve and start growing a little more.

Honestly.... he just looks kindof depressed! =( Not sure what to expect, but for now.... onwards and upwards.

Someone please tell me that it gets easier to care for these guys soon! It will be soooo nice to get a full night's sleep at some point!


09-26-2014, 01:16 AM
I went thru the same thing with Mr. Big and Peewee... yes, Peewee was the runt. . Hang in there.. It will take a while to get him better. I gave water with just a few drops of karo syrup in between feedings to keep him from getting too lethargic and stimulate his appetite.

09-26-2014, 07:02 AM
Yes ... it will get easier! :grin2

The oily looking hair is normal for baby flyers. All baby flyers look greasy. :thumbsup When they get older, it will turn silky smooth, soft and beautiful. :thumbsup

I think he will get more active when the antibiotics are finished and when they are fully transitioned to the FoxValley. Remember to watch for bloat and poop issues as you transition.

You are doing a great job. :serene

09-30-2014, 10:45 AM
Hey! I just wanted to know how your babies are doing! I hope they are still improving.:grouphug

09-30-2014, 11:11 AM
Same here :)

06-15-2015, 02:19 PM
can i have her number please

06-15-2015, 07:13 PM
can i have her number please
Sent in pm :thumbsup