View Full Version : SMZ & Metacam Dose

09-21-2014, 12:53 PM
Need dose on a squirrel that weighs 65 grams --was attacked by a cat.

SMZ & Metacam (purple box) - Thank you

Milo's Mom
09-21-2014, 01:08 PM
Did anyone get back to you yet Rhapsody? If not, tell me the strengths of the meds and I'll PM you the doses.

Milo's Mom
09-21-2014, 01:21 PM
I just sent you a PM with the info based upon what I remembered from our conversations/PM's last week. :thumbsup

09-21-2014, 01:21 PM
Need HELP ASAP!! --this little guy was dosed wrong by the vet I do believe and is going down hill fast...... very weak and getting a cloudy film over both his eyes --thinking the infection may have gone to the eyes. He was just getting the SMZ once a day for three days, then stopped per vet...... doesnt seem correct to me.

Here is a pic of eyes - spot not from flash
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/Rhapsody_1/Squ_cloudyeyes_zpsaac3d842.jpg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Rhapsody_1/media/Squ_cloudyeyes_zpsaac3d842.jpg.html)

Milo's Mom
09-21-2014, 01:24 PM
Is there anyway you can get your hands on Baytril? I just feel the SMZ is too slow when it comes to certain things...one of them being cat attacks.

I sent you the info you're asking for.

09-21-2014, 01:25 PM
Did anyone get back to you yet Rhapsody? If not, tell me the strengths of the meds and I'll PM you the doses.
I am working on the dose now....... and I think you did help me with this same squirrel last week.
He is just going down hill so fast and the lady who has him is scared so its easier for me to start a
new thread and go from there as I am talking with her. Thanks - :glomp

09-21-2014, 01:50 PM
I sent you a knew PM --her vet did not mark the med bottle with the strength, but he did tell her
amount to give. I sent you the dose...... maybe we can figure this out together. Thanks.

09-21-2014, 02:15 PM
Thanks a Million MM --all INFO has been passed along and now we wait and pray this little one makes it.

Extra information for the board ......

While I am not sure while this little one (that is being taken care of by another) started to go down hill today,
one week after his cat attack and after being placed on SMZ by a vet I do want to share that I feel that the vet
over dosed this little squirrel on SMZ and now I am left wondering if this might be the reason for his down fall today.
Why he is now fighting for his life. ):

This is the dose the lady was told to follow for a 65 gram squirrel for SMZ - (1x day).
0.2 ml of SMZ 0.007ml (a little over half of 0.01 ml) *she was never given the actual strength

Metacam was 0.07ml (1x day)

09-21-2014, 02:32 PM
Another piece of the puzzle --found out he was being feed Hartz - Phooie SPit SPit. :tap
doing a body flush ASAP!! and adjusting the SMZ to the correct dose (thx MM).

Do you think the cloudiness in both eyes could be poor nutrition (or) from the
infection in the body spreading in to others parts of the body --the eyes?

... this little baby is a train wreck.