View Full Version : Help!!!!!

09-20-2014, 02:27 PM
I have a 7 to 9 week old baby female squirrel. I have had her for about 3 weeks or so. She has been doing great. Eating well using the bathroom and using the bathroom. She eats 2 rodent blocks a day with some grapes, avacado, broccoli and watermelon left throughout the day. She takes about 11ccs Esbilac formula halved with fox valley milk. (She weighs about 3.5 ounces)

Last night she started acting weird. Normally she is sweet and just likes to climb all over you but instead she was making the angry chirping sounds. This morning she acts like she can't see out of one eye is still making the chirping angry sounds and only took 2 ccs formula, but is eating the other stuff fine.

Please help. What is wrong with my baby?

Milo's Mom
09-20-2014, 03:03 PM
What is she doing that makes you think she can't see from one of her eyes?

Have you changed soap, shampoo, body lotion, laundry detergent, perfume, anything at all?

I have found that around 7-9 weeks old they are kind of jumpy and start alarming at everything and anything that moves and of course all noises. This behavior usually also extends into the amount of food they eat (formula). Again, this is just what I've experienced.

09-20-2014, 04:57 PM
I had the very same thought about the age. It is what I call the "scaredy cat" stage. THey act like there might be a dragon under every piece of fleece and every noise might be a cannon going off. Just be sure there are not other symptoms that you are not mentioning, but otherwise it will probably pass. Will you release her or have someone who will when she is old enough?

09-20-2014, 06:04 PM
She keeps her right eye squinted. Whenever she sees movement on her left she reacts but nothing on the right.

09-20-2014, 11:32 PM
Oh and I'm hoping she will be a release baby. That's my big hope anyways.