View Full Version : Sammy has a warble on jaw - Any danger?

09-19-2014, 11:46 AM
We released Sammy last spring and he is an infrequent visitor. We had not seen him in more than a month but he did show up twice this week. He has suffered through what looks to be 4 bots (hairless patches and still some small scabs from the opening) and has another on his jaw. He is scrawnier than usual. I know warbles on the jaw / mouth area can be dangerous, I simply don’t have the experience to know if this one is dangerous? Sammy takes nuts form my hand and has little fear of me. But he will not climb on me or allow any touching like some of the other releases. I’d have to capture him and take him to my vet for the warble removal assuming he comes back around. Just wondering if this warble poses a threat to Sammy? And if so do the pros outweigh the cons (capture, transport, removal, transport back, and release)? I have never removed a warble, so I’d want to observe the removal this first time around?!?!

- Thanks!

09-19-2014, 03:15 PM
Spanky, I personally would not intervene. Here is the thread of my HORRIBLE experience with bots fly warbles on my release Susie.

She had about 15 warbles so I HAD to intervene because she was definitely failing. I pulled 11 of the bots myself. The others came out without my assistance. She had one under her chin on the jaw just like Sammy. The reason I did not pull that one is because I was afraid I would damage her jaw. The bots pull hard against you when you pull them. I did NOT want to put that type of force on her jaw. I was afraid of breaking her jaw or maloccluding her teeth. I wouldn't risk it.

I would watch Sammy to make sure he seems OK. If you feel he is compromised due to the location, the vet could remove it but even then I don't think pulling (even by a vet) is a good option.
In that location a more delicate approach would be needed.

I think Sammy will be fine. I had several wilds that had bots in the same location and they all did fine.

09-19-2014, 04:18 PM
It may hurt him to eat - you said he looks skinny. Grind up some rodent blocks and mix with ground nuts and enough peanut butter to stick it together and offer him that - lots of fat, a bit of nutrition, and easy to chew.

10-01-2014, 02:16 PM

While I had decided to take Sammy to the vet (he saw the pic and ask that I bring him in), if he showed up during vet hours but I had not seen him for 12 days. He showed up today, ever so briefly (just passing by?) and the warble that was on his jaw is gone. I could not get a pic of his left side and the bot remnants where there is just a furless patch left and a small scab. He still looks a little scrawny, but otherwise healthy. :thumbsup

10-01-2014, 02:24 PM
Great update. :thumbsup I think in general, the consensus is to leave bots alone (unless there is an infestation with many, many bots like in HRT4sqrls case.

Glad to hear he is doing better.

10-01-2014, 03:14 PM
Great update. :thumbsup I think in general, the consensus is to leave bots alone (unless there is an infestation with many, many bots like in HRT4sqrls case).

As long as we are on the subject... I do normally try to ignore the bots, but they are extremely bad in my area this fall. I have read that there is no need to interfere unless the squirrel has half dozen or so bots; in HRT4sqrl's case I think there were more than a dozen? So my question would be when is it time to intervene? I have attached some pictures of the wilds this year.. most bots are gone now, but we have lots of wild squirrels so I have no way of knowing if the bots resulted in any of their deaths. :dono

PS These pictures are not of the worst of the infested squirrels we have had this year, just some that I happen to take. I guess I am a little more willing to intervene with our releases versus the wilds.

Edit: Also, the squirrels seem to enjoy gnawing / eating the composite decking material. Typically the bottom of the rail (you can see where they have been nibbling). The "bot squirrels" seem to be visiting just to snack on the deck and pretty much ignore any food we put out. The more heavily infested are also the males?!?! The composite deck is an off brand (Elk Wood.. I don't believe it is made any longer) and made from Oak wood materials. We wash the deck annually, but the squirrels seem to focus on the underside of the outside rail on the top deck (20+ feet up?), which I noticed does not get as clean.. hence I suspect it has something to do with a fungus (perhaps?) they are craving? Whatever it is, I know the deck is not toxic (or we'd have lots of sick squirrels) but they are craving something the material is providing them: Anyone have any idea what that might be?!?!

10-01-2014, 03:19 PM
As long as we are on the subject... I do normally try to ignore the bots, but they are extremely bad in my area this fall. I have read that there is no need to interfere unless the squirrel has half dozen or so bots; in HRT4sqrl's case I think there were more than a dozen? So my question would be when is it time to intervene? I have attached some pictures of the wilds this year.. most bots are gone now, but we have lots of wild squirrels so I have no way of knowing if the bots resulted in any of their deaths. :dono

PS These pictures are not of the worst of the infested squirrels we have had this year, just some that I happen to take. I guess I am a little more willing to intervene with our releases versus the wilds.

I think when there are a significant number (6+ is when I would start to get concerned) or the squirrel is young/small. Also, if the squirrel seems to be losing weight/energy. In HRT4SQRLs case, besides the large number (~10+ bots), her squirrel was losing weight and looked run down and ill. Clearly the bots were taking a toll.

If a squirrel with bots looks otherwise healthy or if it is just ~1-4 bots on an adult squirrel, I wouldn't intervene. Just keep an eye out.

The one exception to these general rules is if the bot location is such that the squirrel could lose an eye or be prevented from eating.

10-01-2014, 03:41 PM
The one exception to these general rules is if the bot location is such that the squirrel could lose an eye or be prevented from eating.

The "prevented from eating" was the impetus for my original post. If the warble location was dangerous, I knew I would not have much opportunity to observe much less capture (temporarily) Sammy. He (and all the regulars) have been irregular lately. Sandy (our first release from 4 years ago) recently took up residence near the house... then within a few days moved to a recent nest box we had put up... with three babies! I cannot tell you how much we enjoy watching her and them, they have been coming out of the box for about 8 days now. Ms. Tyson (a wild wild) has a nest about 120 yards away, with babies though they have not made their appearance out of the nest yet. Between the 2 of them they have created a gauntlet that the other local squirrels have to navigate (between the house and the lake) as neither of them tolerate intruders within about 50 yards of their nest. They truly have caused an great interruption to the local "treeway freeway"!!!! Though I have to say Sandy gave Sammy quite a break today and simply stared him down when he came a took a nut from me. Its funny how they act differently with different squirrels. We also up nest box close by for Ms. Tyson hoping she'll move her babies to the safer digs.
