View Full Version : Squirrels eating too much ...

09-18-2014, 12:56 PM
Okay, so I have 4 8-week old healthy babies. They have been introduced to Oxbow Essentials for young rats & mice until I can order in some HHB's. They seem to enjoy them, though I don't think that any of them are eating a full serving yet (they munch on them 3 or 4 times/day, and there are crumbs EVERYWHERE lol). They are still on formula (Esbilac with pre & probiotics - FV coming in later this week) about 4x per day and I'm having issues with how MUCH they're taking during those formula feedings.

I know that everyone says 5-7% of their weight in mls per feeding, give or take, but my guys are RAVENOUS. If I stop them at this point, they are frantic and searching for the nipple again, and will nudge under one another and suckle each other (3 boys, 1 girl). I've already had to deal with one UTI from this activity, so I started letting them eat until they were full and stopped on their own. Their bellies become very round and firm (still a little give to them, not "rock" hard), but completely return to normal by next feeding, so I don't think that they're bloating. There is also no diarrhea to indicate overfeeding.

I've tried this for 2 days now as a test, and all seems to be staying normal. Still eating blocks in between, still taking large amounts of formula. Still normal poops, all are peeing well on their own (no stimulation needed), not as much suckling (except close to the next feeding).

I just worry that I may be doing something wrong, and I don't want to continue this way if it's going to be really bad for them, so I'm looking for some advice.

Perhaps I should move feedings to every 3 hours? I spaced them out gradually over about 4 weeks, starting at every 2 hrs and working my way to where I am now. I figured that by this age, they wouldn't need the feedings so close anymore? Am I wrong? :dono

Today's weights (taken every morning around 6:30am before initial feeding) and feeding amounts are listed below. Thanks in advance for any help & advice!

Wally - 224g - takes between 25-30ml per feeding
Harvey - 180g - takes between 15-20ml per feeding
Timmy - 178g - takes around 12-15ml per feeding
Darla - 173g - takes around 20-25ml per feeding

09-18-2014, 03:22 PM
I would go at least every 3.5 to 4 hours and shoot for at 4-5 formula feedings a day. At this point you might also want to start adding some leafy greens and vegetables after they have their blocks. I would do this twice a day.

09-18-2014, 03:30 PM
Okay, so here's a question, do I leave the blocks in the cage with them all day, or only put them in during a specified feeding time?

I'm going to try a new schedule that incorporates the greens and could probably use a little help spacing it out.

Right now, I feed formula around 7-8am, 11am-12pm, 4-5pm & 9-10pm. Sometimes one or two of the feedings may run an hr or so later, just due to work and travel time (I take them to and from the office with me right now while they're still nursing). But if/when that happens, then all the feedings will get pushed up so they're at least 4hrs apart. I keep blocks in their little bowl at all times.

So much to learn! :p

09-18-2014, 03:43 PM
Yes, you can leave the blocks in the cage all day. That way if they get hungry between feedings they have something to munch on. You can also add stuffies and a piece of antler or some really hard nuts like hickory or black walnuts to give them something to gnaw on and that might also help with the suckling. I have even left an extra miracle nipple in as a pacifier.