View Full Version : Elwood's Mama!

09-18-2014, 06:09 AM
Hello! My name is Emily and just a little about me, I am 19 and have been married a year (very young, I know) and I have one fur baby named Elwood. I found him after he had fallen out of a tree at my husband's aunts house. I believe he was around 4 weeks old at the time. His little eyes weren't even open! He was the most adorable little thing, so naturally I asked my husband if we could keep him, and him having a soft spot for animals, said yes! I love taking care of this little guy! There is just something so rewarding about helping something so helpless and seeing it grow before your eyes. I do hope this will not be my last little fur baby I take in.

09-18-2014, 07:15 AM
Hello! My name is Emily and just a little about me, I am 19 and have been married a year (very young, I know) and I have one fur baby named Elwood. I found him after he had fallen out of a tree at my husband's aunts house. I believe he was around 4 weeks old at the time. His little eyes weren't even open! He was the most adorable little thing, so naturally I asked my husband if we could keep him, and him having a soft spot for animals, said yes! I love taking care of this little guy! There is just something so rewarding about helping something so helpless and seeing it grow before your eyes. I do hope this will not be my last little fur baby I take in.

:Welcome From Elwood's name you must be a fan of the Blues Brothers. :grin2 They worm their way into your heart very quickly don't they? If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask.

09-18-2014, 10:15 AM
How old is he now? What are you feeding him? Any pics?

09-18-2014, 11:40 AM
I am also A huge Squirrel lover. The only thing though is I don't have any inside my house to take care of like you are doing. I have about 12-15 of them w/ names, ( & they know there names) My neighbors think I'm crazy. But I cant have kids or A dog Sooo, this is what is the next best thing for me. The adults love corn on the cob. Besides all the peanuts & little special treats they get. Best of Luck with Elwood. He is special & so very tiny. Good Luck & Best Wishes. Lindaledft http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_love.gif

09-18-2014, 04:17 PM
How old is he now? What are you feeding him? Any pics?

He will be 8 weeks tomorrow going by when he opened his eyes
I am feeding esbilac formula
Still trying to figure out pictures so here are some, hopefully, attached pictures :)

09-18-2014, 04:49 PM

09-19-2014, 10:18 AM
He is so friggin cute & adorable. I showed my husband & also thinks the same. He said "his tail is bigger then his body". He's all yours now. He's now gonna be attached to you forever. Take care & Best of Luck to you & Elwood.

P.S. When he gets older, just eat an eye on his front teeth. My husband saved "Buddy" who also fell out of the front tree twice, & after that his teeth got big for his mouth. Like if he couldn't shave them down or something. Best of Luck & Wishes. lindaledft:bliss:goodpost