View Full Version : Help baby squirrel has swollen anus.

09-16-2014, 09:49 PM
I have a 4-5 weeks old male Eastern Grey squirrel. I have rehabilitated baby squirrels before so I'm quite familiar with the general process. This baby was found on last Tuesaday, Sept. 9th. I started with the pedialyte and feeding the canned Esbilac puppy replacement milk (because this was accidentally bought). He was pooping fairly normal until I swapped him to the powder replacement on Saturday. Since, he developed the pasty greyish/diarrhea with traces of blood and a swollen red anus. I started spacing his feeding out more, feeding more pedialyte, and diluting the formula quite a bit. His diarrhea and bloody stool has subsided, but his anus is still swollen, but not red. After each feeding now, I must rinse him with warm water and actually squeeze his anus to get the poop out. The poop is still grey but more solid, actually pellet sized. His anus remains open afterwards. It's almost like he can contract it. Could this be due to the swelling? Any advice? Side note: he's very strong, and very eager to eat. I'm at a loss.

Summer Knight

09-16-2014, 10:25 PM
Any chance you could post a picture? It ispossible that a bit of Preparation H might help, but it would help to be sure if we could see what you are talking about.

island rehabber
09-16-2014, 10:33 PM
I am concerned about the grayish diarrhea with traces of blood -- giardia presents exactly like this.

If it continues, you'll want to put him on metronidazole (Flagyl) until it clears. Let us know if you need us to figure out the dosage for you.

09-17-2014, 05:17 AM
I am concerned about the grayish diarrhea with traces of blood -- giardia presents exactly like this.

If it continues, you'll want to put him on metronidazole (Flagyl) until it clears. Let us know if you need us to figure out the dosage for you.

I totally agree with ir
Please no more pedialyte. Too much sodium. Try
offering plain water or water with a little sweetener.

08-29-2020, 01:07 PM
I also have a male baby squirrel with a red swollen anus any idea of what it could be i found him 3 days ago with maggots all over him so i took him to a lady that rehabs them and she gave him capstar pill and i just got him back yesterday any idea why he could have a red swollen anus

08-29-2020, 01:22 PM
Could he have had loose stool while he was at the rehabbers? Maybe the cap star caused loose stool. Try putting a little desitin (baby diaper rash ointment) on it. Just a tiny bit and rub it in well.

Can you post a picture?

08-29-2020, 01:52 PM
I would be very concerned about this with the history of maggots.
You might want to touch bases with the rehabber about redosing the Capstar.
A single Maggot can kill them.

I saw a case where a baby had a massive load of tapeworms that caused a swollen anus and eventual prolapse.