View Full Version : two baby squirrels 5—6wks Help! KY
09-15-2014, 07:34 PM
My cat carried like a kitten to my front door. No teeth marks, nothing. First one, 15 min later another. I put cat in and put the babies back near tree. Hours pass, no mamma. I hydrated with pedialyte in a small o ring syringe. Today introduced the puppy formula. I need to order the fox formula? I am seriously so scared ill do something wrong. Im located in lexington, ky. I was a vet tech but wildlife is a whole other thing.
One has eyes open, one does not. I am trying to get them to pee, but im not getting anything. I need to know how many ccs, how to properly mix the formula. Numbers, measurements. They are just so small. How much should they be sleeping? So many questions. They are so fragile i dont want to hurt them.
I hsve a hot water bottle but read a heating pad that wont turn off? Just any info please, educate me. The humane society here puts them to sleep and i heard our wildlife office is too full to take on more lil ones.
Thank you,
09-15-2014, 07:44 PM
Hi and welcome, Rebecca!
A few basic things until the experts will be on the board guiding you along:
1. yes, a no shut off heating pad set on low, positioned UNDER HALF of the container - so that if they feel too warm, they will be able to crawl off onto the unheated half.
2. They may not have much to pee yet.
Pedialyte should not be given for longer than 24 hrs. After that, if extra hydration is still needed - only slightly sweetened water.
3. As to which formula, due to some recent experienced with different formulas, rehabbers do slightly different things. BUT - you can get new Esbilac with probiotics for sure (the new can has a band running around the top that says "with probiotics" or something along those lines). If the can does not have that - don't get it.
Esbilac only with probiotics.
Some rehabbers use half Esbilac half FV - they will share their experiences, but Ebsilac with probiotics will be a good place to start.
You can start with a slightly deluted formula - say, instead of mixing it 1part formula 2 parts water, you can do 1 part formula 3 parts water.
Do that for a couple of feedings, see how their tummies react and if there are no problems, you can proceed to the full strength formula (regular mixing - see instructions on the can).
4. They open eyes at about 5 wks.
5. How much to feed: 5-6% of their body weight. Which means you will need a kitchen scale to weigh them. THis is a rule of thumb, some babies may take slightly more, some just a teeny bit less.
Watch the poop - if the poop is becoming paler and paler in colour and mushier and mushier - you are overfeeding.
Don't put any "loopy" types of fabric - their nails can get caught. Give them old t shirts, fleece and safe stuff like that.
Sorry, got to go.
Experts will be on here to guide you further, but this should get you started.
09-15-2014, 07:45 PM
Until some comes along tonight or the morning that can take and care for them you will need to hydrate over night, then start formula in the morning. If you have a heating pad place a cover over it with a blanket for them to snuggle up in and place in crate. You will hydrate with homemade pedialyte tonight and can buy some Esbilac with Probiotics in the morning...... squirrels are feed at 5-7% of their body every 4 hours at this age. (eyes open around 4 or 5 wks old)
Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup hot water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
09-15-2014, 07:47 PM
proper feeding technique:!!
as for how much they will be sleeping - all the time when they are not eating :).
For the most part, they will be eating and sleeping until they get a bit older and will want to explore their surroundings - watch out then ;)
09-15-2014, 07:53 PM
:Welcome And thank you, thank you, for taking them in....there is so much info to give you...first, yes on the heating pad, half under their container.....lots of fleece or T'shirts to snuggle in (no towels, can hook their claws and break a toe) and yes, they sleep a lot right now...basically, sleep, eat, pee and poop :eek they will be exploring soon now that their eyes are opening ...which makes them approx. 5 weeks old. You need to weigh them on a gram scale and feed them 5-7% their body weight (ex: 100 g- 5-7 cc's) pottying can be tough....I find sometimes using your finger with Vaseline or plain A&D ointment on it simulates mom better....but, a wet (very warm water) tissue or cotton ball will work also. And, they are getting close to the stage where they don't want you to :dono and they'll be fine.
Lastly, I'd be very concerned about the cat contact....even if she was mothering them....the salvia from kitties is poisonous to squirrels :dono we usually recommend a treatment of Baytril...for 7 days :dono
That's about it...for now :grin3
:bliss Thank you're a lifesaver...literally :thumbsup :hug
09-15-2014, 07:55 PM
oops, it's no-AUTO shut off heating pad (in a rush I typed "no shut off", so don't want it to be confusing).
Also, would like to emphasize that the heating pad goes under the container, not inside of it (sorry, have to specify as some people in the past put it inside. Inside - wrong, outside under half - good :))
09-15-2014, 07:59 PM
Until they are fully re-hydrated don't feed. Pinch the skin between the shoulders. If it pops right back you are good to feed, if not continue with the re-hydrating. Pedialyte and the homemade recipe are only used for the first 24 hours, after than just use the homemade without the salt. All formula and rehydration solutions should be very warm and the squirrels should be warm too. Never feed a cold squirrel or cold formulas, they won't digest it.
To stimulate them (and they may not go for a while if dehydrated) use a cotton swab, cotton ball or even your fingers moistened with warm water. Some of them are a little picky about what they like so you might have to experiment. You can also massage their tummies using downward and inward strokes.
Feed 5 to 7% of body weight at each feeding. Cheat way to figure is type in 5% or 7% of (whatever they weigh) in your search bar.
Cat saliva can be very toxic so be sure to check for any scratches or wounds. They may end up needing antibiotics, fast.
09-15-2014, 08:07 PM
Thank you all for the quick replies. How can i get this medication? I am praying a rehab person in Ky will take over or at minimum give some hands on learning. I looked for probiotic formula but no avail. I need to order the one made for them. Can i get that scale in a cvs or? We need more rehabers because everyone seems full. I just cant take them to the shelter, i know what they will do. I just pray these guys live. Two boys.
09-15-2014, 08:13 PM
You can find a scale at Wal-Mart, look in the kitchen utensil section by the measuring cups.
Hopefully you won't need the medications but Baytril and Cipro are the two most commonly used. Cipro is usually given to women with UTI's. Often we have to call around to friends and family to see what ab's they have and if they can be used. You usually only need 1 pill and some of the more experienced members can figure dosage if it comes to that.
Edited, if you can't locate the right Esbilac, the powdered goat's milk is great to use and most grocery stores and Wal-Marts carry it. I'll have to look up the recipe, trying to get supper on the table. What formula are you using now?
09-15-2014, 08:17 PM
Oh I know the shelters are very bad when it comes to wildlife :shakehead the antibiotics can be the human form which is cipro....usually prescribed for urinary tract infections...I think you can purchase it from some exotic pet stores where it's sold for fish and reptiles...but I'm unclear on what it might be called....I know someone will come on who knows :thumbsup you've gotten tons of advice :grin3 when I posted, I was like'd astra and rhapsody get that on so fast? :clap I'm slow...:tilt
I believe you could even use amoxicillin in a pinch...all you need is one human tablet or capsule and we can dose it for you...not me...but we do have members who know what their doing :thumbsup
Oh and you can get a scale at Walmart...or any such department store in the kitchen gadget section...I think I paid $15 at Walmart :thumbsup
:thankyou AGAIN :serene
09-15-2014, 08:25 PM
Thanks again. Ill get the goats milk and the scale. Do i switch back to pedialyte if the skin is dry ? Or ? Ill just be happy knowing im not over or underfeeding them. Worried about that. They are maintaining a warm temp now.
09-15-2014, 08:32 PM
You should always hydrate for 8-10 hours before starting any formula..... this way your babies are well hydrated, flushed out and ready to take on a new day of eating healthy. If you ever do feel they are getting dehydrated again just omit the salt and give some sugar water in between their formula feedings to help entice them to drink more water.
09-15-2014, 08:41 PM
The skin needs to not "tent" or remained should pull back down like it has some elasticity would probably be better to wait and continue the hydration, if they are dehydrated they can stop absorbing the formula and it becomes a life threatening situation. Better to be sure they are hydrated. Also, Walmart sells the fresh goats milk in the dairy can freeze it in containers to make it last longer.
The formula is 3 parts goat's milk to 1 part yogurt (full fat yogurt) most of the toddler yogurts are full fat. After, a day you can add one part heavy cream. Mix it good, feed nice and warm...and don't make more than you'll use in 2 days (or freeze the extra) :thumbsup
Edit: oh and that's good they're staying warm...but remember they do need to stay on the heat. They don't regulate their temp on their own at this age. :grin3 Sorry for all the repeating....great minds think alike :thumbsup
09-15-2014, 09:07 PM
I live three hours away from Lexinton.. I am in Ohio so I can't take them off your hands.. But I can mail you some cipro .. Or maybe meet you half way. I own some property in Owen county. It's. About half way to you.
Just for giggles the other day .. I looked up Ky rules and in my opinion it's harder to get a permit in my old home state than it is here in Ohio. Bizarre in my opinion. Which may be why there are so few. That and I don't see many rehabbers doing education stuffs like they did when I was a kid.
Like RApTOR in Ohio.. They do education programs .
But either way... If you end up caring for them I can send you cipro.. To have on hand just in case... You can also get it from Fish stores as Fish Flox. I can't remember if Lexington has any aquarium stores.
Were they injured by the cat?
09-15-2014, 09:24 PM
1. Place in plastic container w/ covered heating pad and fleece blanket.
2. Completely warm the squirrel (never feed a cold squirrel)... can be fatal.
3. Now check for any injuries or open wounds (treat as needed) with meds.
4. Hydrate the squirrel 8-10 hours (use a 1cc syringe) and go slow (max 24 hrs).
5. After hydration mix up Goats Milk formula, feed 5-7% of body weight every 3 hours.
6. Stimulate after each feeding to help squirrel go potty if the baby is under 5 weeks of age.
Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup hot water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
Goats Milk Recipe:
1 cup Goats Milk * (if can - dilute)
1/3 cup Full Fat Vanilla Yogurt
1/3 cup Heavy Cream (frig section)
(lasts 72 hours in frig)
DO NOT add heavy cream for the 1st two weeks of feeding the GM with yogurt
1. Heating Pad, on low with a fleece blanket on top --place the squirrel in the blanket.
2. Rice Buddy --put rice in sock (tie off) microwave for 30 sec - place next to the squirrel.
3. Fill empty water bottles with hot water and slide into a single sock then place next to squirrel.
Once squirrel(s) are settled in order formula: Esbilac w/ Probiotics or Fox Valley
1cc / 3cc Syringes & Nipples:
(32/40 birth to 4 wks – 20/50 4 wks & older)
Squirrels Nutrition Blocks are to be started @ 7 weeks old – HHB:
**Always Feed Head UP – Tail DOWN!!
09-15-2014, 09:26 PM
They were not injured not one scratch. I have pics but do not know how to upload. I cant believe how much they sleep! So far no one to take on these lil ones. Ill do everything i can.
I will call the pet stores. We have a petsmart.
09-15-2014, 09:36 PM
I have pics but do not know how to upload.
do everything i can.
I will call the pet stores. We have a petsmart.
PetSmart should have the Esbilac with Probiotics.
And here is the link to Uploading PICS!!
09-15-2014, 10:21 PM
09-15-2014, 10:36 PM
Oh they are adorable :grouphug :Love_Icon
:thumbsup What a great offer Mommaluvy :grouphug You rock! :hug
:hidechair oops....I gave my guys heavy cream "too" soon, evidently :innocent I always say I must have a guardian squirrel angel looking after my guys :dono :eek
I wish someone would comment on the cat contact :thinking I understand that she didn't actually attack and wound them...but, they were in her mouth :dono I just don't know if that constitutes exposure :dono
09-16-2014, 12:32 AM
PetSmart should have the Esbilac with Probiotics.
Look for the can on the right... :thumbsup
09-16-2014, 12:36 AM
I wish someone would comment on the cat contact :thinking I understand that she didn't actually attack and wound them...but, they were in her mouth :dono I just don't know if that constitutes exposure :dono
well, there are generally two lines of thinking about this:
1. one says that since there are no scratches and stuff, just watch and observe;
2. the other one says that there might be teeny tiny punctures and scratches not visible to a naked human eye, especially, on a squirrel that is fully furred (I mean, seriously, it's very hard to see scratches, especially, tiny ones through fur :dono).
So, according to this line of thinking, it is suggested to run a course of abs.
Because if there are teeny tiny scratches and if cat's saliva did infect those teeny tiny scratches, by the time infection flares up visibly it might be a bit too late and the abs may not beat it.
I kind of personally prefer to err on the side of #2. But that's my personal choice.
Whatever the experts suggest...
09-16-2014, 09:26 AM
well, there are generally two lines of thinking about this:
1. one says that since there are no scratches and stuff, just watch and observe;
2. the other one says that there might be teeny tiny punctures and scratches not visible to a naked human eye, especially, on a squirrel that is fully furred (I mean, seriously, it's very hard to see scratches, especially, tiny ones through fur :dono).
So, according to this line of thinking, it is suggested to run a course of abs.
Because if there are teeny tiny scratches and if cat's saliva did infect those teeny tiny scratches, by the time infection flares up visibly it might be a bit too late and the abs may not beat it.
I kind of personally prefer to err on the side of #2. But that's my personal choice.
Whatever the experts suggest...
I'm with you astra....I don't like taking chances, I have a hard time with "wait and see" :dono I have "too big an imagination" :eek
Maybe she can hook up with Mommaluvy and get some ABs.:thumbsup
09-16-2014, 09:58 AM
I'm with you astra....I don't like taking chances, I have a hard time with "wait and see" :dono I have "too big an imagination" :eek
Maybe she can hook up with Mommaluvy and get some ABs.:thumbsup
I can mail em too.. Sounds like she has a job and her schedule may be more insane than mine.... But also she could hang on to them if she just wanted to wait and see.
09-16-2014, 10:10 AM
I can mail em too.. Sounds like she has a job and her schedule may be more insane than mine.... But also she could hang on to them if she just wanted to wait and see.
:thumbsup Good idea! You're wonderful Mommaluvy :hug
09-16-2014, 04:58 PM
I have a hard time with "wait and see" :dono I have "too big an imagination" :eek
lol THAT "imagination" - tell me about it :grin3
09-16-2014, 08:34 PM
Any update? How are they today?
09-17-2014, 08:29 PM
The boys are doing good as far as someone with no squirrel experience can tell. Going to order the fox formula. For now the puppy formula.
The sad part is i found the mamma. She was hit by a car i believe. It just broke my heart.
These babies go to work with me, sleep in a box on my bed. Im just doing what you guys have told me to but mostly praying because its all too new to me. They are sweet souls.
The tails are turning up with a curl and both of them now eyes open.
09-18-2014, 09:27 AM
09-18-2014, 10:26 AM
Please ask any and all questions that you have. Ask again if you don't get an answer. The board is in a bit of disarray right now.
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