View Full Version : Possible open fracture, med dosing... WHAT to do?

09-15-2014, 06:25 PM
Very shortly I will be going to look at a baby squirrel with an open fracture, according to the finders. I got a phone call, so there is not much info right now.

This is what I know so far:

1. Age - about 7wks
2. Sounds like there is a wound AND an open fracture; or the wound OF the open fracture.
The wound might have resulted from a bite from another squirrel <---just a guess, because the finders heard a loud squirrel cry, then this baby was on the ground, one leg - totally useless with a wound.

3. I have never seen an open fracture ever. I know what the description of it is in theory, but sometimes theory does not always match practice.
So, what should I be looking for to determine for sure if it is an open fracture?
What may look like an open fracture but is not? (what should I be looking for?)

4. What are his/her chances IF it is an open fracture?
There is no vet care available here.

Also, I will need someone to dose meds for me, please:

this is what I have on hand right now:

1. prednisone - a tablet - 5 mg
2. smz-tmp - tablet 960 mg
3. baytril - 250 mg
4. - something that is probably cipro. i left a note for myself regarding them, but now, being the CDO that I am, I am not very trusting of my own note.
But the note says that it i Cipro, 500mg tablet, and on the tablet itself it says "ww928". Anyone familiar with that?
My note also says that it expires on Sept 2, 2014 (two weeks ago).
Since I have smz and baytril, Cipro is probably not needed anyway, but I thought I'd put it here just in case.

5. I could also try infant ibuprofen for pain, but it can't be used with prednisone (right?), so, I need to decide which one to use.

Please someone who can dose those meds - stand by for the next couple of hours.

When I go there, I will weigh the baby and will post the weight for the meds dosing, and will probably post pics, too.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

I will need someone's expert help and suggestions to help this baby the best I can.
I never dealt with open fractures.
So, I don't even know what I am looking at, so could use all guidance I can.

Also, IF it is an open fracture - anyone WE could do without a vet?
Or is it always surgery only, and without a surgery - euthanasia?

If it's just a matter of finding him a forever home, that can be taken care of.

But the concern is - if this open fracture isn't operated, what are the complications? Will he develop a gangrene and suffer?
Is there any way to ensure his bones heal in at least some functioning degree?
Will euphanasia be the most humane choice, or does he have a chance at a good NR life?

Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-15-2014, 06:46 PM
A picture will help..........can't say much with out one.
X-ray would be even better but I know with out Vet help that is asking too much.

09-15-2014, 06:47 PM
I'm not much help with the medical advice, but I checked on your "ww928" tablet and it IS a 500 mg Cipro. I have heard that expiration dates on meds are typically stated as way before they actually change, and the worst would be them losing some potency. I wouldn't trash that tablet just yet, at least maybe not until you get another one. You may end up in a situation where it is much better than nothing. I'm praying for this little baby!

09-15-2014, 06:52 PM
Thank you, guys, for responding so fast.

I just heard from the finder - someone brought the baby to a vet, who said that the baby has a fractured spine and paralysis. So, the finders decided to euthanize.

I completely understand the finders, but - forgive me - but I am not very trusting of vets in general. I feel like they will say whatever they need to say to euthanize.
They said the vet tested his lower body and nothing - legs, tail, spine - was responding. And the vet said that he wasn't able to defecate anymore either.
So, the vet said that most likely the spine was fractured.

I just hope that is what it is, indeed. And not just the kind of back leg paralysis that has been seen here, when they end up regaining some degree of movement.

And i know it is a tough call to make...

Poor little one...

09-15-2014, 07:16 PM
I'm not much help with the medical advice, but I checked on your "ww928" tablet and it IS a 500 mg Cipro. I have heard that expiration dates on meds are typically stated as way before they actually change, and the worst would be them losing some potency. I wouldn't trash that tablet just yet, at least maybe not until you get another one. You may end up in a situation where it is much better than nothing. I'm praying for this little baby!

I will add to my note that SugarBugFerret confirmed ;) - :thankyou!

09-15-2014, 09:05 PM
RIP little one :Love_Icon
I think I heard once tablet pills are good for a year after their expiration date? Not sure where I heard that though

09-16-2014, 07:44 AM
The Cipro will be fine for at least a year after that expiration date. If that date was taken from the prescription bottle supplied by the pharmacy, it is very typical for them to place an expiration date 1 year from when the pharmacist dispensed the product. I would use 1 year as a rule of thumb for tablet / capsule forms of antibiotics (but liquids can expire within days or weeks)... and a few weeks will be very safe. :thumbsup

09-16-2014, 10:22 AM
Sweet sleep little darlin. You're whole and free. :Love_Icon