View Full Version : Please HELP!! Chippers seems to be 'clicking"

09-14-2014, 04:40 PM
Chippers has been 100% healthy since day 1 - the only issues we have had was once when i made a batch of formula i accidentally added to much heavy cream and it stopped her up but a warm soak n massage and fresh batch of formula minus the cream fixed her right on up. She eats well, loves her HHB's and veggies (the ones ive introduced can be found in my forum from yesterday along with her feeding routine) She's active, playful and loving. She's never aspirated during a feeding (im the only human who has ever fed her and i follow proper feeding technique down to the letter lol) , pees & poos on her own in her litter pan (i do try to stimulate her to ensure shes completly relieved herself even tho she has begun to hate stimulation bc she thinks she's a big girl who can potty without mommy lol)

The problem ive encountered today is the following:

heres her normal feeding schedule/routine in case you havent had a chance to check out my last forum

*6am- 1 HHB & .5-1.5cc water(depending on how much she wants to drink)
*7am- 6cc of 50/50 FV & Esbilac formula mix
*11am- fresh veggie(baby green leaf lettuce & hearts of romaine, endive, mushroom, & fresh green bean- all natural organic no pesticide grown vegs)
*3pm- 6cc formula
*5:30pm- 'Treat Mix' which is 1/2 piece of an all natural unsalted almond, 1/4 of an HHB, and a couple all natural raisins & water to drink freely
*7pm 6cc formula
*11pm- 6cc formula
*12am- 1/4 - 1/2 of HHB depending on how much she wants & water freely

this morning she woke up 6am as usual and ate her HHB & had .5cc of water- an hr later it was time for her formula- she had no issues whatsoever- had her vegs & everything was fine- and her next formula feeding was fine as well- but i just heard her make a weird sound and i dont know if its clicking or her teeth hitting each other- shes never aspirated before and thats the first time i ever heard this sound- shes became very vocal and loves to make noises for attention but shes never made this noise before and it wasnt like the typical clicking when breathing of babies with phnemonia so im not sure. She done it a few times and then nothing more and ive listened extra extra close for the past hour and she hasnt done it again- should i be worried or should i begin abs or what i should i do? I havent heard the sound again but im still scared- oh and her appetite has not changed, her potty has not changed, and she is still active and energetic so im not sure if im overreacting ir what but id rather be safe by asking then sorry by not

thanks sooo much

09-14-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm not experienced enough to answer your question, but I'll be praying:grouphug. For now watching her closely is the best you can do.
Praying it's nothing serious:grouphug

09-14-2014, 05:05 PM
I'm not experienced enough to answer your question, but I'll be praying:grouphug. For now watching her closely is the best you can do.
Praying it's nothing serious:grouphug

:thankyou lukaslolamaus
Thanks sooo much- i def need all the prayers i can get- even if its nothing at all prayers can never hurt :)
Shes been sooo healthy and ive been extremely careful to do everything i was instructed to do from the moment i got her so its such a shock that my baby girl might be sick :(

still no more noises, clicking or otherwise - and breathing is still normal, appetite still normal, and shes still active and playing as if everything is fine.... hopefully this is a good sign

09-14-2014, 05:12 PM
The clicking will be non stop whether awake or asleep.
If this is the case then you need ab's.

09-14-2014, 05:23 PM
If you hold her up to your ear like a phone and listen, you may be able to tell if it is coming from her mouth or her chest. It sounds more like it's something else since she is showing no other symptoms of pneumonia. Generally they are lethargic and don't want to eat very well.
Prayers that is the case!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

09-15-2014, 07:30 AM
She done it a couple more times through the night- i listened very closely as instructed and the clicking that i am hearing sounds nothing like the pneumonia video clicking. The noise is coming more from her mouth... Its kinda like a clicking and grinding sound all mixed in one if that makes any sense. Her breathing has not changed her appetite hasnt changed either. However i did notice last night that her last two poops were a little darker in color than normal -they still have proper form just a lil darker than usual- they got a lil darker once she transitions to the 50% Esbilac & 50% FV but i was told that was typical so other than that there was no changes, but once she had those 2 poops last night that were odd i then gave her esbilac formula without the FV mixed in and her poops immediately went back to the correct color- but as for the clicking, it doesnt seem to be clicking like pneumonia clickin but i would rather ask and be safe than sorry-

This is the antibiotics i have on hand- please let me know if these will work in the event that it is pneumonia or what kind i need to acquire in case she ever gets sick because i know that with baby squirrels time is of the essence and id rather have everything on hand in the case of emergency and also if there are any other items that i should keep on hand in case of emergency since im a new squammy i am wanting to gather all the items i may need so that if she ever gets sick i wont have to search for things then i will only have to request which to use and how much etc.:

(Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 800 mg / 160 mg) SMZ-TMP/ Generic for Bactrim 800mg

Thanks in advance

09-15-2014, 07:42 AM
How old is she? Aspiration pneumonia is something usually seen in little babies on all formula. Baby squirrels make all sorts of cool noises - they purr, and what you may be hearing is her chattering her teeth together.

The drug you have is what we refer to here (it is the generic name) as "SMZ-TMP" and is a good, broad spectrum antibiotic for things like coccidia and quite effective on urinary tract infections. It is somewhat slow acting - for pneumonia you would want something like Baytril or it's human equivalent, Cipro.

09-15-2014, 08:01 AM
It sounds as if it's teeth grinding or chattering. I have heard this too.
As they also already stated clicking that comes and goes is not the worrisome kind.

I would hold off on the meds. And don't be embarrassed as I asked the same question weeks ago .. Mine had what I think was hiccups.

09-16-2014, 06:39 PM
Thanks soo much for all the help!!
Im not 100% sure on her age but if i go by the developments chart shes must be about 7-8 wks but shes very small so im not too sure.we thought she was a couple weeks old when we got her on 8/26 but her eyes opened on 9-1-14. shes very active & does lots of 'ADULT' squirrel things:)

She keeps her tail curled over her back, stands on her 2 legs while eating & holds the food with her hands with no problem, knows her name & comes when called, uses a litter pan, can climb like a champ, knows where shes allowed to play what not to touch- shes super smart and advanced

She has her teeth so i think the clicking may be her teeth chattering together because thats what it sounds more like. Thanks so much for all the responses and help!!!