View Full Version : Too early to wean!!

09-11-2014, 01:05 AM

I found my little guy (grey squirrel) Monday before last, so I've had him 10 days. He had his eyes still closed when I found him. We estimated 3-4 weeks old but weren't positive. 2 days later he opened his eyes and on that day I estimated him to be 4 weeks old. Does this sound right? He is doing wonderfully so far!! The last few days the normal amount he's eaten is about 8cc per feeding give or take. I introduced a rodent block a few days after his eyes opened which he nibbles on daily. 3 day ago I introduced a piece of banana (just one time) which he went insane over! But that's the only solids he's had. Today he's drank his formula like normal but tonight when I went to give it to him he was only interested in biting and nibbling on the syringe. I figured he was still full from his last feeding so blew it off. (I feed him every 3 1/2 - 4 hours). I just tried to feed him again and the same thing happened. Only had about 1/2cc and only wanted to nibble the syringe. I was worried he may not feel well since this is unlike him so offered him a piece of apple for the first time just to see if he had an appetite. He surely does. He was obsessed with the apple. I took the apple away and once again tried to formula and he had no interest. I put it in a bowl thinking he may want to drink it that way, no luck. I know he's way too young to be without formula!! Has anyone experienced this in such a baby?? This is my first squirrel. (Plan to release).
Thanks in advance!

09-11-2014, 02:46 AM
I think your trying to feed to often. Try every 6 hours. He
could be teething and have a sore mouth.

09-11-2014, 09:03 AM
What type of formula are you feeding? Also, how much does he weigh?

09-11-2014, 10:24 AM
Yes, what type of formula? And what type of blocks?

Sometimes they prefer a shallow dish instead of a syringe when a bit older.

They open their eyes at five weeks.

09-11-2014, 10:28 AM
At 4 weeks old I would be feeding him 5-7% of his body weight every 5 hours..... any more than that and he will not be interested in eating and his poops may become mushy indicating that you are overfeeding your little guy. (and) --I would hold off on giving him any fruits until he has accepted his hhb and vegetables as part of his diet..... if you introduce the sweets to soon then he will only want the sweets and nothing that is healthy for him to eat.

09-11-2014, 02:04 PM
At 4 weeks old I would be feeding him 5-7% of his body weight every 5 hours..... any more than that and he will not be interested in eating and his poops may become mushy indicating that you are overfeeding your little guy. (and) --I would hold off on giving him any fruits until he has accepted his hhb and vegetables as part of his diet..... if you introduce the sweets to soon then he will only want the sweets and nothing that is healthy for him to eat.

4 weeks and he is losing interest in tha formula no way!! Watz ur secret? Lol :),, my babies r 7 weeks old now and prefer their formula more then nethng! Btw their milky is tha best for them at their age still ;)