View Full Version : Feeding Questions

09-10-2014, 06:56 PM
I have a sweet little girl who is 6-7 weeks old. She started a block today (they took forever to come in for some reason) and LOVES it. She sleeps on top of it like she's scared it is going to get taken away. At this age, do I still feed her 5-7% of body weight with a block? Do I need to put a water bottle for her at this age? Is there anything else I need to add besides a block - some sort of nuts or vegetables or something? She is currently eating every 4 hours (going a closer to 6 hours through the night). Should I be spacing these out longer? I have a feeding chart but I don't think it came from TSB so I'm nervous to use it. TSB is the best!!!!!:grin3:bliss
She also shows no signs of pottying on her own. Do I need to potty her less frequently hoping it will urge her to go? :dono Does she need a "cage" yet? I see where some people use the top section of a ferret cage.
Thanks in advance.

09-10-2014, 07:12 PM
Welcome! You can keep feeding formula for as long as she will take it along with the blocks. No need to add anything in until she is eating blocks really well. When you do start to give her other things, be sure to read the nutrition information here. NO NUTS! Start with a couple of veggies from the really good list.

09-10-2014, 07:27 PM
Welcome! You can keep feeding formula for as long as she will take it along with the blocks. No need to add anything in until she is eating blocks really well. When you do start to give her other things, be sure to read the nutrition information here. NO NUTS! Start with a couple of veggies from the really good list.

What is the really good list? Wait on water too? And also, how long do they need heat? Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to give her the BEST! :grin2

09-10-2014, 07:51 PM
Here is the list:

Definitely put a water bottle in. She should figure it out, but you can touch it with your fingers and touch it to her mouth to give her a clue.:thumbsup