View Full Version : Skippy's Mom

09-10-2014, 11:59 AM
Hi Everyone! I haven't posted for quite a while. My little Skippy's "family" has now grown to six. Last night, Itsy (about a year old) appeared at my squirrel buffet and was dragging his bottom. He acted very dizzy and crawled under a little bench that I have. I immediately called Wildlife Rescue and they told me to put him in a box and they would come and get him. Well, I picked him up in a blanket and just held him for a long time because he was so scared and sick. When this wonderful couple arrived, the man took Itsy and looked at him. I thought perhaps that Itsy had broken his back legs but the man told me that he thought that Itsy's equilibrium was affected. He said that he has been seeing a lot of a virus and he put Itsy in a little cage with no resistance whatsoever from my little darling and took him home. He called me to say that he has given Itsy some antibiotic and stayed up with him last night and he seems to be coming out of it slowly. He hopes to bring him back to me in a couple of days and then I can care for him until I think he can go back outside with his mother, Princess and the rest of the "gang". Has anyone ever heard of this? I hope I did the right thing but I was so afraid for my little one and couldn't stand to just let him lay under the bench. Please let me hear your thoughts and keep Itsy in your prayers! Thank you!!

09-10-2014, 06:32 PM
Just got an update on Itzy from Rehabber. He said that Itzy is eating now and can sit up, he is still a little wobbly but is doing much better. I was just reading an article and wondered if anyone knows if this could be West Nile Virus. Itzy is a grey squirrel....and the sweetest baby ever!

09-10-2014, 08:45 PM
Do you know if he gave your Itzy anti-inflammatory and/or corticosteroid medicine? If he only gave antibiotics then I would suspect something else is wrong because from what I understand antibiotics do nothing to help with West Nile Virus. I stress my knowledge of WNV is limited, though, so hopefully someone with expertise on this subject will respond soon to allay your fears. I mainly responded so you know you are not alone and someone is thinking about your Itzy and keeping him in (my) prayers. I am glad to hear he is improving. I hope you get an exact Dx as to what is wrong.

09-11-2014, 08:30 AM
Thanks so much lovesmice!!! I will definitely ask when I talk to the Rehabber this morning. You are a very caring individual, thank you for your kind thoughts.