View Full Version : Looks like I'll be overwintering someone?

09-09-2014, 08:23 AM
I've never had to before, I always end up with Spring babies, but the other night I was woken up from a dead sleep by a little squealing baby in the jaws of a cat. After chasing the cat down (garden hoe in tow) at around 1am I got the little guy. Eyes open and fully furred, tail fur is not fluffing out just yet, he walks fairly well (considering he was injured in the shoulder from the cat).

I'm just looking for general tips on keeping him happy and while cooped up all winter. Seeing as I've never kept an adult caged, what is a good indoor cage? I have a Double Unit Critter Nation, I feel it would be a little cramped but maybe not so much if he were allowed to run amok of the house a lot while I'm home.

09-09-2014, 08:34 AM
Oh my goodness while I was typing that I heard another one, I went out to see a momma squirrel in the neighbors yard trying hard to pick up an unresponsive, soaked baby. Finally located the second screaming one hanging 15-20 feet from a branch, I looked away for a second and she fell and hit the ground. Keep those little ones in your thoughts.

09-09-2014, 08:46 AM
I've never had to before, I always end up with Spring babies, but the other night I was woken up from a dead sleep by a little squealing baby in the jaws of a cat. After chasing the cat down (garden hoe in tow) at around 1am I got the little guy. Eyes open and fully furred, tail fur is not fluffing out just yet, he walks fairly well (considering he was injured in the shoulder from the cat).

I'm just looking for general tips on keeping him happy and while cooped up all winter. Seeing as I've never kept an adult caged, what is a good indoor cage? I have a Double Unit Critter Nation, I feel it would be a little cramped but maybe not so much if he were allowed to run amok of the house a lot while I'm home.
OMG... your baby needs antibiotics--NOW..
Cat bites--even small punctures--are DEADLY..the cat's saliva transfers all kinds on junk !!!
Others will give specific advice soon--but stay around TSB for directions on treatment...
TOMORROW is too long to wait--for the ABs treatment.
Do you have a GRAM scale (digital) The baby's weight is very important for proper dosing of medicine..

I will ask the Admin--to move your thread to EMERGENCY section of TSB----to get the proper attention to your needs--

09-09-2014, 09:00 AM
OMG... your baby needs antibiotics--NOW..
Cat bites--even small punctures--are DEADLY..the cat's saliva transfers all kinds on junk !!!
Others will give specific advice soon--but stay around TSB for directions on treatment...
TOMORROW is too long to wait--for the ABs treatment.
Do you have a GRAM scale (digital) The baby's weight is very important for proper dosing of medicine..

I will ask the Admin--to move your thread to EMERGENCY section of TSB----to get the proper attention to your needs--


need HELP here-----

09-09-2014, 09:25 AM
Need advice
Need Dosage
Need to move this to EMERGENCY---now (PLEASE)

09-09-2014, 09:36 AM
Do you have any antibiotics on hand? Amoxicillin or Baytril, or Cipro?
You need to get an accurate weight on the baby so that he can be dosed correctly. Do you have a kitchen scale?

This truly is an urgent, potentially fatal situation and that baby needs meds quickly.

09-09-2014, 09:41 AM
PLEASE move this thread to the EMERGENCY forum---
This little one needs immediate help

09-09-2014, 09:42 AM
Oh goodness I do apologize! He is already on Enrofloxacin, I should have said.
Edit* Aside from the enro we've been doing hot compresses several times a day + triple antibiotic topical ointment. His appetite is the same, definitely a tough little one.

The other two who just fell miraculously seem okay, no serious injury, good lungs, and hungry now that they are dry and warm. I think I might have been more traumatized than they. Another boy and little girl, they appear to be littermates to the 1st cat-bite baby.

09-09-2014, 09:42 AM
Where are you located? You definitely need to find antibiotics and maybe we can find a member who has them on hand.

Nancy in New York
09-09-2014, 10:01 AM
I moved this thread to the emergency section.
Thank you stosh for the alert!

09-09-2014, 10:53 AM
Oh goodness I do apologize! He is already on Enrofloxacin, I should have said.
Edit* Aside from the enro we've been doing hot compresses several times a day + triple antibiotic topical ointment. His appetite is the same, definitely a tough little one.

The other two who just fell miraculously seem okay, no serious injury, good lungs, and hungry now that they are dry and warm. I think I might have been more traumatized than they. Another boy and little girl, they appear to be littermates to the 1st cat-bite baby.

Due to cat injury I understand having to keep and treat the one,
was there no attempt to reunite the other two with mom?? :(

09-09-2014, 01:04 PM
Yes there was, unfortunately her nest was crumbling and that is why they were falling, she tried again and again to move the first who fell and was on the ground back up the tree and seemed unable to, and would drop him every few seconds into climbing. Believe me, I didn't enjoy upsetting her so and would have much preferred she take them back. I've seen her gathering material all day and doing her best to put her nest back together, but if she can't pick the babies up and take them 40+ feet up I'm not sure how else to go about reuniting them.

I do hear others up there (I sure hope they are in the nest, at least). Poor girl is having it very rough, between the group of hawks living in the direct area and the neigborhood cats + the heavy rain and wind we've had for days.

*Edit, could this be moved back to general baby questions? At this point I just need some info on keeping them happy and their minds busy this winter.

09-10-2014, 07:36 AM
Should I make a new thread? Since this is no emergency I don't see me getting many responses to my questions in the emergency/life threatening section.

09-10-2014, 10:25 AM
That sounds good. New thread with BRIEF description and bullet point questions would be great. Everyone's super busy these days.

09-10-2014, 10:50 AM
This was about an NR but I assume the basics of keeping them occupied are the same ... Hope it helps


09-10-2014, 10:56 AM
I'm just looking for general tips on keeping him happy and while cooped up all winter. Seeing as I've never kept an adult caged, what is a good indoor cage? I have a Double Unit Critter Nation, I feel it would be a little cramped but maybe not so much if he were allowed to run amok of the house a lot while I'm home.

Also.. I dunno what thread it was in but if I run across it again I'll poke it here
But... I saw a triple critter nation ( forgive me if I am wrong) that had been set up.. Looked like three double units together... That had the side panels just not installed in the joining sides. This was held together by metal clamps or something..NICE st up but probably very costly.

If your handy you could build one.

09-10-2014, 11:35 AM
I've never had to before, I always end up with Spring babies, but the other night I was woken up from a dead sleep by a little squealing baby in the jaws of a cat. After chasing the cat down (garden hoe in tow) at around 1am I got the little guy. Eyes open and fully furred, tail fur is not fluffing out just yet, he walks fairly well (considering he was injured in the shoulder from the cat).

I'm just looking for general tips on keeping him happy and while cooped up all winter. Seeing as I've never kept an adult caged, what is a good indoor cage? I have a Double Unit Critter Nation, I feel it would be a little cramped but maybe not so much if he were allowed to run amok of the house a lot while I'm home.

You can get an additional single CN cage and attach it to the top of your double CN cage. That gives him a lot of height and you can also remove the roof section from one of the sections so he has a double tall section. I think that would be fine for overwintering.

09-10-2014, 12:19 PM
Hmm.. I do know someone selling another Double unit Critter Nation. Combined those two could make one heck of a cage.

I've actually gotten some good info on overwintering babies elsewhere, so I won't make a new post, and thank you guys who replied already. :)