View Full Version : Injured Baby Not Pooping

09-03-2014, 11:47 PM
I posted a few days ago about the two little babies that I found laying in the road /mud after being blown out of their tree nest, which is about 12-15 feet high.

Sadly to say, the one baby passed later that evening. However, the other little one is coming along pretty well. It's taken her awhile to come around (recovering from the shock/trauma) after the fall, in addition to laying in the cold rain and mud for several hours before I found them. My local Vet did do a quick exam, and said that she appeared to be ok. We though at first that her leg/foot might have been broken, but today she seems to be using it fairly well. She is still a little wobbly but is getting stronger.

This was on Monday morning that I found them. I started them both on Pedialyte offering 1-2cc's q2h. The following day, I started feeding the one that survived (I named her Missy), Esbilac 4-5 cc's q5h. Today, I have been giving her small pieces of shelled pecan, a small piece of carrot, and some tiny apple bits.

She has passed urine twice while having her up since Monday. Nothing in her cage is soiled (no urine or feces smell). She has NOT pooped.

I've tried stimulating her by gently dabbing a cotton ball soaked with warm water on her bottom for several minutes. Nothing is happening.

09-04-2014, 12:05 AM
Soaking her in warm water while gently messaging her tummy sometimes helps. I have spent up to 10 minutes each time stimulating my baby until she finally pooped.

09-04-2014, 12:15 AM
Thank you. I will try that tomorrow.

09-04-2014, 12:30 AM
I would try it now, the baby has gone too long. She is really backed up if you never saw poop since you had her. Also, just try stimulating her genital only, not her rectum, that usually is counter productive, stimulating the rectum can make them not poop.

09-04-2014, 12:33 AM
OK, I will. Thanks again!

09-04-2014, 12:35 AM
I just added more information to my last post, I want to make sure you see that.

09-04-2014, 01:04 AM
Good News! I held her in the sink and massaged her abdomen and bottom for about 5 minutes. She POOPED three 'hard' sort of elongated small pieces.

Should I repeat this process again tomorrow? It appears as though she might be constipated. Should I offer her a tiny bit of canned pumpkin (raw)? Or, do you have other suggestions?

Thank you TONS for your help.

09-04-2014, 01:06 AM
I would try it now, the baby has gone too long. She is really backed up if you never saw poop since you had her. Also, just try stimulating her genital only, not her rectum, that usually is counter productive, stimulating the rectum can make them not poop.

I missed the addendum. I did stimulate more around her genital and massaged her abdomen.

09-04-2014, 01:15 AM
Yeah for :poop, but when they arent eating much remember they burn a lot of it so dont poop a lot. Keep up the good work!