View Full Version : Baby crying in tree.
09-02-2014, 02:18 PM
Today is my cage cleaning day and as I'm outside washing stuff I hear a sound I know very well: A crying baby squirrel. I've been watching the tree for the last 45 minutes, the baby is crying every 2 - 4 minutes, and I see two adults up in the tree but neither seem to be responding to the cries. Is it normal for a baby in a nest to be crying that much over 45 minutes? The cries have gotten a little quieter in the last 5 minutes, but he's still crying.
Just thought I'd see what the Squirrel Board thinks. :)
09-02-2014, 02:21 PM
I think it would be unusual for a momma squirrel to allow another adult so close to her baby? I would keep a close eye on it for now. Can you get to the baby if needed?
09-02-2014, 02:27 PM
I can make a hearty effort! I'll climb up there if I have to. Both of the adults I can see are very engaged in flinging and eating acorns, I don't know if that means they're distracted or what... Baby is still crying as of 2 minutes ago.
09-02-2014, 02:39 PM
Mom should return to the baby before sunset. If not, then she might have abandoned him or she might be hurt and these adult squirrels are not his mom.
I would wait till the evening. If no mom, I would grab him tomorrow morning.
Hopefully some baby experts can chin in here, my experience is with adult wilds.
If Mom doesn't come home by sunset, there is something very wrong! baby shouldn't have to call for help/Mom long at all--that's been my experience. I wouldn't wait till morning, a lot can happen to a lone baby(or more) at night.
09-02-2014, 03:43 PM
I just walked out there and he is still crying, but it's in shorter chirps now... And there are at least 3 adult greys in the tree now.
I'm brainstorming ways to get up that high if I need to. I just don't understand why none of the adults are responding to him! The couple of times that I've put fallen babies in boxes and let mom come back to get them it was always the cries that gets their attention and they don't waste any time! I'll start trying to get up there around 6 or 7 if he keeps crying.
09-02-2014, 04:20 PM
The drey has been quiet since my last post. Really hoping Mama Squirrel got home to her babies while I wasn't looking. I will keep watching.
09-02-2014, 04:52 PM
Make sure it didn't come down.
09-02-2014, 05:47 PM
Make sure it didn't come down.
09-02-2014, 05:54 PM
The area beneath the suspected drey has mostly leaves and few weeds growing, I've been eyeballing that patch for awhile so I'm sure I would've seen him if he came down.
I just went out and stood under the tree for ten minutes and I played baby squirrel cries on my phone, hoping if Mama was in the nest she'd stick her head out and look around. No heads came out. No squirrels were to be seen.
A few minutes later I saw one squirrel chase another squirrel, but both of them looked like very young adults; could it have been a young adult squirrel screeching like a baby?
There have been no more cries since 3:45. I'm hoping if it is a baby crying then the silence means Mama must have at least visited.
09-02-2014, 06:51 PM
Just walked out to look for fallen babies and saw what may have been a mother squirrel, but not sure. As soon as she saw me watching her she flattened out along the branch she was on.
Also just heard the baby cry again. :(
I think, and my brother has agreed, that even if we put our tallest ladder in the bed of his truck, we'd still only have about 20 feet. The nest is at least 30 feet up.
I'm almost done with cages and as soon as I am I'm going to go sit out there and read. If a baby falls I will be there.
09-02-2014, 07:19 PM
Two babies have fallen! They look in terrible shape. They're on heat now and I'm going to Petsmart. Is Esbilac still okay? I'm out of Fox Valley. And for re hydrating I should get clear Pedialyte, yes?
09-02-2014, 07:22 PM
Oh darn. Yes Esbilac puppy formula with probiotics and prebiotics (tiny blue band at the top that says this). Pedialyte or you can make your own. 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 quart of water. Good luck.
09-02-2014, 07:36 PM
Two babies have fallen! They look in terrible shape. They're on heat now and I'm going to Petsmart. Is Esbilac still okay? I'm out of Fox Valley. And for re hydrating I should get clear Pedialyte, yes?
Of course check for more when you get back. Poor things, something must have happened to momma squirrel. So glad you heard them!
09-02-2014, 08:00 PM
Just got back. Going to give them the home solution now. Esbilac is here when they are hydrated.
Checked for more and did not see any.
Will post pictures soon.
Vet tomorrow.
09-02-2014, 08:04 PM
Is iodized sea salt okay for the hydrating solution?
09-02-2014, 08:06 PM
I actually prefer the homemade hydration to the store bought type ... More natural, no chemical preservatives.
You got this. I'm glad you were persistent. They're in good hands now. :grouphug
09-02-2014, 08:07 PM
Is iodized sea salt okay for the hydrating solution?
Yikes, I don't know the answer to that. I would feel safer without the iodine.
09-02-2014, 08:23 PM
Yikes, I don't know the answer to that. I would feel safer without the iodine.
Regular table salt has iodine in it.
I am so glad you kept an ear and an eye out for those poor little babies. Squirrels present in or on the same tree doesn't mean one is Momma! For them to cry for so long, I was pretty sure they were alone up there. Thank you for your vigilance and caring :grouphug. I, too, think the homemade hydrating solution is far superior to anything that can be purchased. The iodine in the salt will not harm the babies in any way.
09-02-2014, 09:04 PM
Thank-you for being so tenacious!!! Lucky little guys to have you in their corner! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
09-02-2014, 09:21 PM
Thank you all for answering my questions! I'm pretty stressed out over these squirrels right now, so your support is much appreciated!
I fed one of them the hydrating solution, but the other is still a little cold so I'm waiting. Here are some pictures. These poor guys look so bad, I really hope they can pull through tonight so I can at least get them to the vet in the morning. They both have several bumps that I believe may be bot flies.
09-02-2014, 10:14 PM
Poor babies. :(
Thank you for rescuing them!:grouphug
09-02-2014, 10:34 PM
Awww so tiny.......thank goodness they have you. Sending prayers their way:Love_Icon
09-02-2014, 10:41 PM
They look smaller to me than other babies of this age I've had.
And they look so beaten up, I wonder what happened to them.
It's a boy and a girl, so at least it'll be easy to tell them apart.
The girl very clearly has a bot on her back. I can see the little monster's face peering out.
I know everyone has to eat, but... Argh. Stupid bots.
Both babies have received hydration. Fixing to go back and do it again.
I took an hour time out to feed all my other critters.
09-02-2014, 11:01 PM
:eek Awww poor little things. They are in bad shape. Sending :grouphug and prayers for you and them. It's going to be a long night for all of you.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-02-2014, 11:01 PM
Something must have happened to Momma, they look like they may have some bug bites, once they get some food in them they will look much better. They look about almost 2 weeks. Its seems like it is always baby season here in Florida. Is that dirt or boo boos on them?
09-02-2014, 11:11 PM
AlittleNutty, it will be a long night, but luckily being out of work has allowed me to get back into my natural sleep pattern of staying up till the early morning. It means I get to stalk around TSB all night long. :grin3
Sweet Simon's Mommy, I can almost guarantee they're all boo boos. They're pretty banged up. :(
Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-02-2014, 11:13 PM
maybe a bird pecked at them.
09-02-2014, 11:16 PM
maybe a bird pecked at them.
Do they really do that??
Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-02-2014, 11:20 PM
Yes DL birds peck at them , carry them off, drop them and eat them.
09-02-2014, 11:22 PM
Yes DL birds peck at them , carry them off, drop them and eat them.
I thought that while I was standing guard under the tree today. There were a ton of Bluejays, and even though they're one of my favorite birds, I know they can be very nasty to other animals.
I also saw a lovely little Chickadee, but he was about the same size as the squirrels themselves, so I doubt his involvement.
09-02-2014, 11:26 PM
Oh my goodness, poor little sweeties. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon Sending many prayers for these two precious pinkies. I am glad you were there to rescue them - they have a long battle ahead of them for sure, but at least you are giving them a fighting chance, as stressful as it is. :grouphug
09-02-2014, 11:51 PM
Thanks LennysMom. I always get stressed out with pinkies, they're just so tiny and they don't eat as readily as older babies do.
I'm giving them each about 1 CC of the hydration formula every hour. I can't see a milk band, so I'm kinda going by how full their tummies feel. Does this sound okay? I wish I could subq them some liquids, but there's just nowhere on them to stick a needle, and they already have so many cuts and bruises. Edit: And I don't have a scale, it's over at Josh's house two hours away. D'oh. >_<
The girl has two white lines on her back/side. Could these be skin worms? I'm washing my hands before and after I handle them, but I think I have seen similar worm marks before I'm just not sure.
island rehabber
09-03-2014, 12:39 AM
These poor sweeties have definitely been without mamma for awhile. You sound like you've got it under control, Conker Child, and you've gotten great advice so far. I would begin some diluted formula tonight once they're both warm and somewhat hydrated -- they need calories to fight off whatever parasites have gotten to them. Do you have Capstar? It wouldn't hurt to dose them once, to kill any internal maggots. Not sure about what it would do if there is a bot on one of them, though -- anyone else know who can educate me here?
I've got you and these beauties in my prayers tonight, for sure.
09-03-2014, 12:49 AM
Oh my gosh! Those poor things. I hate when I can hear babies calling but they are too high to reach. I am so so so glad you got them. They look absolutely horrible. Hopefully you can fix them right up. Do you have ringers on hand? If it were me I would give ringers since they look so starved and dehydrated. If you don't maybe the vet can help with that in the morning. Good luck and keep us posted. :)
09-03-2014, 01:29 AM
IR: I don't have Capstar. Where can I find it? We have both a Petsmart and Petco in our town.
I gently pinched a little skin on each one's back and they're so dehydrated the skin did not even move when they moved.
Should I still try the diluted formula? I was going to keep just trying to hydrate them til the morning.
The boy did alright this last time I gave them the sugar/salt water. The girl did not do so good... I am very worried about her.
Pixiepoo: You mean lactated ringers solution? I'm giving them the homemade pedialyte orally, but there is not enough to them that I feel comfortable doing an injection. And I'm not sure that I have any fresh needles, now that I think of it. Thank you for the luck and I will post as new developments happen. :)
09-03-2014, 01:38 AM
If they're that dehydrated, I'd just keep pushing the fluids because I don;t know if they'd be able to digest formula. You're the one who'd have to make the call about need for calories though. If they need energy, you can always give them some molasses or maple syrup to try to perk them up a bit.
09-03-2014, 01:43 AM
If they're that dehydrated, I'd just keep pushing the fluids because I don;t know if they'd be able to digest formula. You're the one who'd have to make the call about need for calories though. If they need energy, you can always give them some molasses or maple syrup to try to perk them up a bit.
The girl baby could definitely use something extra, she looks so terribly wilted... How much would you recommend?
09-03-2014, 02:12 AM
We don't have any maple syrup, but we do have molasses, I am told. How much should she be given of that, instead?
09-03-2014, 02:50 AM
Girl baby pooped this time, it was lemon yellow and looked like gel, poor thing. The past two times I've hydrated them she peed a tiny bit of blood. I do notice there is a gouge near her anus, it looks like it could be another bot fly and that's bad news... Bot larvae are easy to get out on the back or shoulder, but this one looks like it's dug it's way between her thigh and her privates.
Neither one drank well for me this time.
09-03-2014, 05:35 AM
I woke up to hydrate at 5 and found the little girl had passed away, I think probably around 4:30.
Little boy is still holding up.
09-03-2014, 08:48 AM
:grouphug At least she was able to pass safe and snuggled next to her brother instead of up in that tree all alone.
09-03-2014, 09:02 AM
Gods Speed little girl. :(
Conkerchild - you are doing a great job! :grouphug One can tell from those pictures that you are fighting against the odds, I hope the little boy has the strength to fight on.
Nancy in New York
09-03-2014, 09:50 AM
:Love_Icon You are amazing! These babies are/were in terrible shape.
You saved them from their suffering. I pray the little boy makes it.
Rest in Peace
Precious Angel 242273
Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-03-2014, 09:54 AM
where are you in Florida?
09-03-2014, 10:44 AM
R.I.P. little girl:Love_Icon
Keep fighting little boy:Love_Icon praying for you :grouphug
09-03-2014, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the support everyone! TSB rocks! :grouphug
Little boy is still holding up. I think I will try some diluted formula in an hour. He looks a little less like a prune and more like a squirrel.
I went to sleep about the time I last posted and my mom took over from there. I got up about 11:30 and have taken back the squirrel duties. The vet's office is slammed today, but we've arranged to at least get a bottle of baytril. Since he's too frail to have any of the bots removed I think the only thing she'd really be able to do is some subq, and I can do that, I just have to work up a little courage, so I think we're still doing okay.
Sweet Simon's Mommy, I'm in Marion county, south of Ocala.
09-03-2014, 01:25 PM
CC, you are amazing. :bowdown
Thanks for giving these little ones all you've got. Hopefully the boy will pull through.
Rest in peace, sweet baby girl. :sad
09-03-2014, 01:57 PM
Thanks Fireweed, I'm trying my best. :)
I opted not to give him formula yet, he's still pretty dried out... After giving him liquids all night, once every hour, I am starting to think his organs have been damaged. It's never taken me this long to rehydrate a pinky, but this is the worst shape pinky I've ever had. Going out to get the Baytril now and I'm going to go by Walgreens and try to get some super fine needles.
Is it wise to subq him some liquids and feed him diluted formula? I just feel like he really needs to get some actual food.
09-03-2014, 02:52 PM
I would begin some diluted formula tonight once they're both warm and somewhat hydrated -- they need calories to fight off whatever parasites have gotten to them.
I would definitely follow IR's advice and start them on diluted formula now. :thumbsup I'm not sure about sub-qing. You can hydrate between feedings and I'm sure someone experienced will come on soon to help you out...
Secret Squirrel
09-03-2014, 04:28 PM
I would begin some diluted formula tonight once they're both warm and somewhat hydrated -- they need calories to fight off whatever parasites have gotten to them. Do you have Capstar? It wouldn't hurt to dose them once
I agree with IR and fireweed...
...he needs diluted formula for some strength. How is his pee? I would expect it to be dark at first and lighten up with all the fluids you have been giving. Diluted formula 4 to 1 if your using esbilac for the first feeding and see how he does, increase 3 to 1 and so on for the next few feedings with the hydration in between feedings.
Your doing wonderful...:thumbsup
09-03-2014, 05:11 PM
I gave him some diluted formula about 3:30; he really enjoyed it! I'm starting to have a lot of hope for this little guy.
He had a fat little milk band, I'm positive it's the first one he's had in days!
I actually did do 4:1 with the formula, it was a guess but I figured it was a safe guess, lol. :)
I'm going back now to give him more of the homemade pedialyte.
Pee is a faint yellow, last night it was a darker yellow, so progress is being made. :grin3
09-03-2014, 05:35 PM
Awesome Possum, CC! So glad to hear he took it and enjoyed it, too. :)
Ok, since you have some hope for him, I'm hoping along with you. :grouphug
09-03-2014, 05:40 PM
That's great news ConkerChild. :) I'm glad progress is being made with the little boy. In a few hours you'll be coming up on 24 hours of hydration fluids. 24 hours is when you discontinue hydration fluid with salt. You can still give hydration but make new hydration fluid without the salt. :thumbsup
Sorry that the little girl didn't make it. :(
09-03-2014, 07:19 PM
You are doing a wonderful job!!! God bless you for working so hard for him.
Godspeed little girl...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
09-03-2014, 07:19 PM
That's great news ConkerChild. :) I'm glad progress is being made with the little boy. In a few hours you'll be coming up on 24 hours of hydration fluids. 24 hours is when you discontinue hydration fluid with salt. You can still give hydration but make new hydration fluid without the salt. :thumbsup
Sorry that the little girl didn't make it. :(
It's coming up on 24 hours and I just fed him a little more formula, I'll make a new batch of liquid without the salt in thirty minutes. :)
He has another milk belt, and he was quite squirmy this time. Hopefully this means he has some fresh energy!
09-03-2014, 07:40 PM
It's coming up on 24 hours and I just fed him a little more formula, I'll make a new batch of liquid without the salt in thirty minutes. :)
He has another milk belt, and he was quite squirmy this time. Hopefully this means he has some fresh energy!
I am no squirrel baby expert but perhaps you should not continue with any pedilyte at this point! He has been hydrated and started on dilute formula so perhaps it would just be best to continue with diluted formula?
Hope this little fellow continues to improve under your care!:thumbsup
09-03-2014, 11:35 PM
I've been hydrating every other feeding, but I believe he's ready to go strictly to the diluted formula as of his 12 AM feeding that's coming up. He's doing pretty dang well, he's really been getting into his feedings whereas yesterday he made it a real chore, and he's peeing more then this afternoon. he even pooped the last two times! Yay poops! :)
I am in the first stages of getting attached.
Here's a picture. He's got a very cute face.
09-04-2014, 12:04 AM
Oh my goodness, he is adorable! KLUNK! :Love_Icon I'm so glad to hear he is improving some and eating his formula like a champ. :thumbsup I think the diluted formula for a couple more feedings would be ok without just strictly hydration feedings. I agree with what others have said - he really needs the nourishment and calories from the formula right now.
And I am also so happy to hear he is pooping! :poop
You really are doing a wonderful job with this little guy - continued prayers that he grows stronger and pulls through.:grouphug
09-04-2014, 01:11 AM
What a face!!!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
09-04-2014, 01:24 AM
He is awful cute... :serene
How long should I be giving him the 4:1 formula? Should I bump it down to 3:1 in the morning?
Nancy in New York
09-04-2014, 07:33 AM
He is awful cute... :serene
How long should I be giving him the 4:1 formula? Should I bump it down to 3:1 in the morning?
I'm not sure how long he has been on the 4:1 formula. But if it was at least 3 feedings, I would go to 3:1.
Watch the tummy and the poops. You can always hydrate between feedings if you feel he needs it. Just plain sugar water, OR plain water. He looks fantastic, does he have a stuffie? :grin2
He may feel better with a little body next to him after losing his sister. :9
Thank you for all that you're doing. :grouphug
09-04-2014, 09:25 AM
Great update and such a cute little face!:thumbsup
No more pedalyte, just water or lightly sweetened sugar water.
09-04-2014, 09:43 AM
Yes, I would go to the 3 to 1 now, he needs calories. As stated, if more hydration is needed, you can give some plain water (or sugar water, no salt) between feedings. He is still little so make sure to keep him wrapped up when you are feeding him, as he will drop his body temp very quickly. He looks just like the little guy I just got. How much does this little one weigh?
09-04-2014, 12:53 PM
I'm very sad to say that he passed away early this morning. I went in to give him some of the sugar water this morning and he was gone. I'm pretty bummed out, to say the least. Also woke up with a cold this morning, so double whammy... I really thought he was improving and this totally sucks.
Thanks you all so much for your support and encouragement and advice. It's been well over a year since I've raised squirrels and you all gave me the confidence to do my best with these two. I cannot say enough good things about this forum and the people on it. :grouphug
Just to tie all the loose ends, he wasn't on pedialyte, he was on the water with sugar and salt in it, and then yesterday water with just sugar. I know I called it pedialyte a few posts ago, I'm sorry for the confusion.
And I'm not sure how much he weighed, my scale was stupidly sent over to my boyfriend's house with all my other stuff, and that's two hours away so I wasn't able to run and get it. But he was definitely underweight, definitely didn't have the plumpness a pinky should have.
Secret Squirrel
09-04-2014, 12:57 PM
CC...I'm so sorry for your loss. You worked so very hard on this little fellow. He was loved and you were fighting the good fight for him. My heart hurts for you. :grouphug
09-04-2014, 04:42 PM
I really am sorry ConkerChild. :grouphug You did everything possible to save these little ones. Like you, I thought the little boy would make it also. You stayed with them from the beginning and were there for them every step of the way. I'm sorry that it didn't work out differently. Poor sweet babies. :sad
Rest in Peace tiniest precious babies. :Love_Icon
09-04-2014, 04:47 PM
Godspeed little one...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
This little guy passed knowing love, warmth and a full belly thanks to YOU. Thank-you for working so hard to save this little one. Sometimes all we can do is meet their comfort needs and you did it wonderfully...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
09-04-2014, 07:38 PM
Thanks all. At least I came out of this a little more comfortable handling pinkies, and I'll do better next pinky I get. :)
09-04-2014, 09:32 PM
Rest in peace little sweetie. So sorry for your loss ConkerChild. :sad I know you gave it your all with these two little ones - sometimes they are just too far gone. But you made their passing more comfortable where they were warm and loved. :grouphug
ConkerChild, Thank you for helping these two babies. You did everything right. They left this world peacefully and with love because of you.:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:Love_Icon:Love_Ico n
09-04-2014, 09:53 PM
R.I.P. sweet little boy :Love_Icon
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