View Full Version : Rocket - New baby

08-25-2014, 05:04 PM
Hi Folks! Havent posted since last year! Been busy, birds seem to be my thing, this year I have done mockingbirds and blue jays and Wrens and cardinals sheesh the list of birds goes on and on

until now

I have Rocket, looks to be about 3 weeks of age, de-hydrated

I have miracle nipples and Fox Valley etc..

So hydration - how often do I offer him the glucose water? He weighs in at 2.6 ounces

I am a little concerned for they say a cat had him, looks like scratch marks rather then puncture wounds, I started him on cipro (my vet told me the dose) trust me it is like ITTY BITTY DROPS!

Side note - not sure if anyone remembers chipette, dale, spark plug and clyde..but they are all well..Chipette had her own babies this year, she was kind enough to show them off to us, but she is pretty much wild...The remaining thee boys..still hang around still come to get peanuts...

So help on re-hydrating I need a refresher course ! How often do I do it??

and we already got poop and pee!

08-25-2014, 07:12 PM
I think Rocket is dying :(

I will keep trying but i think maybe the cat did more damage then we thought

08-25-2014, 07:42 PM
Oh no firerunner!
Did Rocket take any hydration fluid?

08-25-2014, 07:45 PM
Sending prayers for this little one! Hang on Rocket and let the meds do their magic. :grouphug

08-25-2014, 07:50 PM
He seems to have breathing issues my husband wonders if maybe the cat broke his ribs?

I dunno every 30 I keep offering glucose water and he takes some but he is weak and doesnt take full breaths almost like he is hurt.

08-25-2014, 07:58 PM
Did Rocket come in today?
Unfortunately, that could be the case with the cat bite. I would think that a bite hard enough to break ribs would leave some teeth marks, but maybe not.

As long as he's taking fluid, I think it's a good sign. At least Rocket is trying, poor little fellow.

08-25-2014, 08:07 PM
Unfortunately Rocket passed away in my hands he was warm and loved if nothing else.

He had marks on his head stomach and legs form the cat so we sorta knew his chances were slim but you know we have to try to give every animal that comes to us the chance.

This always makes me sad

Time to go bury him

08-25-2014, 08:15 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry. :grouphug

Yes, it does sound like the injuries were serious. I'm glad you were able to comfort him as he passed.
This has been such a sad day. :shakehead

Rest in Peace Rocket :sad

I remember you. I live in Hillsborough County. I remember your awesome release building.

08-25-2014, 08:22 PM
Aww thank you

We still have that awesome release building and have built one more. We get so many birds to rehab and I am adamant that all the creatures that come in here get the best we can give them. So we needed more space, hence another building.

All the squirrels from last year are doing amazing. We have had none until Rocket (So I take this as a good sign) But we really have had alot of birds I have 6 here now all in different stages of rehab.

We were really hoping when the vets called that Rocket would be okay, but they sorta warned us also. Squirrels are SO much fun and they have such amazing personalities and well ..anyways

We buried Rocket and we will be waiting for the next one.

08-25-2014, 08:34 PM
I'm glad to hear that you guys are ready for babies. Rhapsody is taking a 3 month leave for surgery so there was going to be a need for help in your area. If I hear of any, I'll send them your way. Your setup is awesome so we need to send some babies your way.

Poor Rocket. Everything was prepared, waiting for him and he wasn't able to stay. That makes me so sad.

08-25-2014, 09:02 PM
:grouphug Rest in peace little Rocket. Glad you were able to offer him comfort in his last hours.

08-25-2014, 09:34 PM
Gods speed Rocket. :(

08-25-2014, 10:25 PM
:Love_Icon Rocket :Love_Icon

Thank you for being there for the lil fellow :bowdown :grouphug

08-30-2014, 05:34 PM
I'm glad to hear that you guys are ready for babies. Rhapsody is taking a 3 month leave for surgery so there was going to be a need for help in your area. If I hear of any, I'll send them your way. Your setup is awesome so we need to send some babies your way.

Poor Rocket. Everything was prepared, waiting for him and he wasn't able to stay. That makes me so sad.

Sorry for the delay in getting back here. I had a call with a nest of Chimney Swifts , so I took those on and have been focusing on getting them settled and stable.....now i am back up to 9 birds LOL

and yes I will gladly take any that are in the area, do you want me to PM my number?

and as for Rocket, it always makes me sad, but I am learning, and we save more then we lose and I have to focus on that or I would end up depressed.

I will say I am SO happy my vet works with me on these animals, He has done wing wraps for me, free of charge, given me cipro, baytril, painkillers, guided me on dosing. I am very lucky.

Mind you it is him that always calls with an animal too LOL

anyways. thank you for your kind words and if you want my number let me know and I can PM it to you

08-30-2014, 06:06 PM
That would be great firerunner. Send a PM with your number and if any need help in your area, I'll contact you. :thumbsup
In the contact notes I'll put 'Birdman' also. :grin2