View Full Version : First timer, found baby squirrel

08-25-2014, 12:16 AM
I just found a baby squirrel week fell from his nest and the poor guy was covered in ants and barely moving. He was cold at first and i actually thought he might be dead, but he started to move a bit one my girlfriend and i got the ants off him. Everything i read said to get him warm first ten treat the dehydration with pedialyte. Is only been a little bit but we got him warm and tried to give him some drools of pedialyte but he kept rejecting it. I would like to know how often should i give pedialyte and when i should try to feed? I got some goats milk and will order some proper formula online but am flying mostly blind. He appears to be about 3 weeks old. Please any suggestions since he doesnt want to drink the pedialyte? Also he seems really skinny.

08-25-2014, 12:30 AM
Post pics please. I'll write more in a minute.

08-25-2014, 12:40 AM
Gotta make this quick. Here's basic care:


Pay particular attention to checking for dehydration. If he won't take it, you may just need to do it drop by drop. He needs to be hydrated before he can digest food.

As for food, Esbilac puppy powder with probiotics on the label is what you want. It;s sold in many pet stores. Goat milk can work too, but not as well. If you have to do GM, you will also need yogurt and heavy cream and we will tell you how to mix.


At three weeks old (a pinky) he should be fed every 3 hours or less at 5-7% of his body weight. For this you will need a scale, which are sold at Walmart, Target, etc. even many grocery stores for $10-20. They are important to get for many reasons. If a sq is 100g, he would get 5-7ccs. Understand? Formula should be very warm. Body temp is 102 degrees, so they expect it around that temp. The pedialyte too. PL should be used for only 24hrs though and then go to water or sugar water. You will also need a 1cc syringe which you can get at any pharmacy, often for free if you tell them that it's to feed a kitten. You will also need to follow proper feeding technique - head pointed down, syringe pointed up. Listen closely to his chest to make sure you never hear any clicking.


Also pay attention to the heating section. They can't regulate their temp well. We normally have their container placed half on a heating pad set on low so they can get off of it if necessary and can't chew it.

Perhaps tomorrow someone can guide you toward finding a rehabber if possible, but I'm out of time. Good luck.

08-25-2014, 12:42 AM
Btw, I'm going to request that this be moved to the Emergency section, because this is life threatening.

08-25-2014, 01:00 AM
This is the only photo i have. He may be 4 weeks im new to this.

08-25-2014, 01:10 AM
I just found a baby squirrel week fell from his nest and the poor guy was covered in ants and barely moving. He was cold at first and i actually thought he might be dead, but he started to move a bit one my girlfriend and i got the ants off him. Everything i read said to get him warm first ten treat the dehydration with pedialyte. Is only been a little bit but we got him warm and tried to give him some drools of pedialyte but he kept rejecting it. I would like to know how often should i give pedialyte and when i should try to feed? I got some goats milk and will order some proper formula online but am flying mostly blind. He appears to be about 3 weeks old. Please any suggestions since he doesnt want to drink the pedialyte? Also he seems really skinny.
Oh, he is so sweet! Thank you for taking him in and helping him!

Please make sure you read everything farrelli posted/linked.

The pedialyte should be warm. Drop by drop, go slow. Do the pinch test to determine how often you will need to hydrate. If it doesn't spring back, he's dehydrated and will need fluids more often - especially if he's only taking a drop or two each time. If he's not taking it willingly, put the syringe in the side of his mouth and squeeze out a drop - wait for him to swallow. If he's not swallowing, you can gently massage his cheek or the side of his neck, sometimes that encourages them to swallow. Don't give more until he is swallowing. But be persistent - he needs hydration.

Do you have a heating pad?

Posting the GM formula right here so you can get the ingredients early tomorrow.
If you can, get the Esbilac with probiotics. You will find it at many vets offices or pet stores.

1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

08-25-2014, 01:39 AM
Just want to be clear: he needs to be hydrated before he can eat formula. So hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and tomorrow morning post back and someone will help you with when to start the formula and how much to feed etc.

08-25-2014, 06:47 AM
The poor guy didn't make it through the night. I got up three times to give him pedialyte he started drinking some a few hours ago but looked like he was injured from his fall because kept twisting in a strange way when I tried to pick him up. I was worried that he hit his head since I found him right at the corner of a concrete sidewalk and he had a bit of dried blood in his nose. I think mommy had been gone for a while even before the fall. :(

08-25-2014, 06:51 AM
:grouphug So sorry to hear this. You may be right that he was injured and looking at his condition he was definitely without mom for a while. Sometimes all we can do is offer them love and comfort to let them cross the bridge. RIP little one.

08-25-2014, 06:56 AM
Yeah makes me sad but my girlfriend told me that at least he got to spend his last few hours in a warm bed and not covered by ants which makes me feel better knowing that he wasn't just suffering outside alone.

08-25-2014, 07:52 AM
Yeah makes me sad but my girlfriend told me that at least he got to spend his last few hours in a warm bed and not covered by ants which makes me feel better knowing that he wasn't just suffering outside alone.

Yes, I know it doesn't matter how long I have had one or how long I have been doing this it still hurts to lose one. At least now you know more and won't be flying totally blind if another squirrel comes into your life. Little fellows can steal your :Love_Icon in a matter of seconds.

08-25-2014, 08:47 AM
So sorry this little one didn't make it. Your girlfriend is right, you offered him a safe, warm, comfortable place to pass. Sometimes that is all we can do. Thank you for helping this little angel.

08-25-2014, 10:48 AM
I'm so sorry. Poor little guy. :( Thanks so much for trying. :grouphug
Rest in peace, sweet baby. :sad

Yeah makes me sad but my girlfriend told me that at least he got to spend his last few hours in a warm bed and not covered by ants which makes me feel better knowing that he wasn't just suffering outside alone.
Your girlfriend is right. Thank you both for giving him warmth and love, for having such compassion. :grouphug