View Full Version : New Squirrel Mom! Need advice on feeding my lil baby!!

08-23-2014, 09:41 AM

Advice needed!!! I have recently adopted an infant squirrel that had fallen out of the tree. I have had him for about 3-4 days. I have done a lot of research and just became a member of this site!! I am writing this post because I am scared that my squirrel is not eating correctly or healthy enough. Since, he did not eat the last two times I have tried to feed him. I am guessing the squirrel is not but about 2-3 weeks of age, since, his eyes are not opened yet but he still has some fur and is not pink. When I first found him I warmed him up and quickly began to research what to do. I hydrated him and kept him warm, until I got the sources needed to provide him with the best care I could. He has his own cage, heating pad, etc. He is already part of the family and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him, I am just trying to help this little baby survive! I am worried because he has been eating up until the past 8 hrs. However he does eat more than 3 cc a feeding sometimes. So I just try again if he doesn't respond at the normal feeding time. I am currently feeding him Esbliac puppy replacement milk powder mixed with water and heavy whipping cream. I feed him every 4 hours. I have been mixing it up like this : 9 tbsp of water, 9 tbsp of Esbliac, 1.5 tbsp of heavy whipping cream, and I heat the water up before I mix the powder in. Am I doing everything correctly and why do you think he is not eating the past 8 hrs? Is there anything I can do?

Thank you,


08-23-2014, 10:25 AM

Advice needed!!! I have recently adopted an infant squirrel that had fallen out of the tree. I have had him for about 3-4 days. I have done a lot of research and just became a member of this site!! I am writing this post because I am scared that my squirrel is not eating correctly or healthy enough. Since, he did not eat the last two times I have tried to feed him. I am guessing the squirrel is not but about 2-3 weeks of age, since, his eyes are not opened yet but he still has some fur and is not pink. When I first found him I warmed him up and quickly began to research what to do. I hydrated him and kept him warm, until I got the sources needed to provide him with the best care I could. He has his own cage, heating pad, etc. He is already part of the family and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him, I am just trying to help this little baby survive! I am worried because he has been eating up until the past 8 hrs. However he does eat more than 3 cc a feeding sometimes. So I just try again if he doesn't respond at the normal feeding time. I am currently feeding him Esbliac puppy replacement milk powder mixed with water and heavy whipping cream. I feed him every 4 hours. I have been mixing it up like this : 9 tbsp of water, 9 tbsp of Esbliac, 1.5 tbsp of heavy whipping cream, and I heat the water up before I mix the powder in. Am I doing everything correctly and why do you think he is not eating the past 8 hrs? Is there anything I can do?

Thank you,


Nicky you need to double the amount of water in your formula.

Is he pooping good????

08-23-2014, 11:03 AM
Do you have a scale to weigh this little one so that we can figure the amount he should be eating? One that measures in grams is best.

There is a chance this little one is constipated due to the formula. If this little one is not pooping, I would switch to a 3 parts water to 1 part formula with no whipping cream until he is pooping regularly. Watch his milk line, is it going down in between feedings? Here's a link about the milk line.


Are you stimulating him after every feeding?

Once you get him to going again then you can gradually work back to a 2 parts water, 1 part formula with just a small amount of whipping cream. Increase the whipping cream amount very gradually over several feedings to allow his system to slowly adjust to it.

Be careful to watch for bloating. His belly should feel like a soft water balloon and not hard and tight. You might try soaking his bottom half in warm water and massaging his belly to encourage him to poop if you suspect he is bloated.

Good poops are mustard colored and well formed, like grains of rice. Paler and less formed means overfeeding.

Oh and :Welcome to TSB!