View Full Version : Possible aspiration pneumonia, clicking sound, lethargy

08-22-2014, 11:34 PM
Please help...Happy is a approx. 8 day old pinkie I've had for 5 days...2.5 hours ago, went to feed her and noticed she had a rash on her skin...possibly just diaper rash? She was lethargic and not squirmy as usual....she would not take her feeding (Esbilac) or Pedialyte...I hear a faint clicking sound with breath...no respiratory distress..but severe lethargy despite stimulation. Won't open mouth or suckle...after about 1.5 hours...thought of bloat, put her in warm water and she has been pooping a lot! Thick yellow and yellow brown and white runny stuff...since then she has perked up a little but I still hear the clicking...about 5 minutes ago, she finally took a few drops of pedialyte...no local vets to treat asp. pneumonia impirically tonight....vet doesn't open until 0800....it's 12:32 now...I'm keeping her warm but I'm terrified to lose her and keep her that warm when she can't take much fluids....please help....

08-22-2014, 11:44 PM
Do you have antibiotics? What kind? Cipro is best, but can others work. Tell us what kind and we can dose.

island rehabber
08-22-2014, 11:49 PM
If you hear the clicking or 'popping' sound on each intake of breath and exhale of breath, it most likely is aspiration pneumonia. Cipro would be excellent, as would Baytril. If you have neither of those, clavamox is good as well. People often have some around for a cat or dog.....
Keeping her warm is still an absolute must. Even if you can hydrate her drop by drop, every half hour or so, it's better than not having her take anything at all.

08-22-2014, 11:50 PM
IR, if I end up dosing tonight, can you give an approximate weight on one this age, in case of no scale?

island rehabber
08-22-2014, 11:53 PM
My recent 8-day old greys have been between 19 and 25g.