View Full Version : Immediate help needed Washington, DC

08-21-2014, 07:39 PM
Just off the phone with Magna-he has been trying to help a 6-7 week old baby get back to momma and his nest. Baby has crippled/deformed toes/feet and can not climb. Momma won't come down for him.
Magna says baby is South of 4th on the East side of the Mall. Baby is at the 3rd inter tree, There is a bench by the tree. Please is there anyone in the area or do we has anyone close that can rescue this baby? Help is badly needed.

Milo's Mom
08-21-2014, 07:42 PM
Miriam is in DC. She's not doing that much with squirrels anymore but she could possibly stabilize and transport to a wildlife center or another rehabber.

I no longer have her number so I cannot call her. I will send her a message on FB.

EDIT: FB message has been sent.

08-21-2014, 07:55 PM
HAH!!! just found a computer at our hotel. The little guy is south of 4th street on the east side of the mall inner row of trees the third big one going away from the capitol. So facing the Washington monument he is on the left side. Behind the tree I stacked some leaves over the little guy. I thought about trying to smuggle him on the plane tomorrow morning but just no way. Talked to a Capitol officer who called the animal rescue but they close at 5pm. His fore and hind toes are all turned sideways and he can't seem to climb. Spent about two hours with him, couple good bloody fingers the first time I picked him up then a lot of affection. AHHH squirrel love. Hopefully someone can go and get him. Mama was there but would not carry him up, she did come sit at the base and he nursed for maybe a minute. Siblings up on limbs by nest running around. Broke our heart to have to leave the little guy so we are reaching out to see if anyone here can help. Thank you Anne once again you come to our aid!!! Time for a covert squirrel mission by someone!! If anyone does get him please let us know.

08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
Just off the phone with Magna-he has been trying to help a 6-7 week old baby get back to momma and his nest. Baby has crippled/deformed toes/feet and can not climb. Momma won't come down for him.
Magna says baby is South of 4th on the East side of the Mall. Baby is at the 3rd inter tree, There is a bench by the tree. Please is there anyone in the area or do we has anyone close that can rescue this baby? Help is badly needed.

I am afraid that Mamma probably won't come back for this one, if he is deformed. I have a few this year, that it appears that Mamma actually kicked them out of the nest because of deformities. They only have so many resources and as cruel as it sound, they do this because it gives the healthy ones a better shot at life. :eek

I know this was the case with Rex. He had a seizure and she dropped him out to give the other babies a better chance. It is harsh and cruel in some ways, but that is how nature works. :sad

08-21-2014, 08:34 PM

Milo's Mom
08-21-2014, 08:37 PM
Another member just informed me they had Miriam's phone number. I asked them to call her (I am on the phone right now with someone else). Hopefully she can be reached.

I think the next closest member would be Redwuff & UDoWhat

California Squirrel Lover
08-21-2014, 08:39 PM
poor baby, I hope he'll be ok. thank you to all of you trying to help this little one. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

08-21-2014, 09:00 PM
I've left Miriam some messages. But for those who have contact info for other folks in that area, I would try to contact them. This poor little one needs some help pretty quickly! Hang in there little squirrely...

08-21-2014, 09:06 PM
Thank you SugarBugFerret for calling me to let me know about this situation. I will see what I can do tomorrow. There's an off chance I can try to go get the baby but I have to work. We have a wildlife specialist at animal control and a new wildlife center but I'm concerned that they'll euthanize.

Magna what time are you leaving town? It would be extra helpful if you could show me where you found the baby.

08-22-2014, 06:09 AM
Spoke with Miriam last night and she is hopefully going to be able to find the little guy. Had to fly out this morning early. Get here and our flight was delayed for almost 2 hours..grrrr #/!%£€¥***. He may not be an NR once grown but my guess now is he will be. Woke up several times during the night wondering about the little guy. Hopefully we will hear from someone.

08-22-2014, 06:42 AM
:thankyou Miriam, at least for trying to help this baby. I hope that he received help and can live a good life someday in the trees.Magna and I have both had this little one on our minds and wish the best for him.

08-22-2014, 07:02 AM
I am in the area and can help with transportation or short term housing. I can not help till Saturday morning. Let me know if I can help out?

08-22-2014, 07:57 AM
Let me know how I can help. Can't go get him, but am able to do the rehabbing. let me know. Could have available time to travel after 1030 am today. Let me know.


08-22-2014, 09:44 AM
sending prayers for the little one!! and everyone involved what an amazing group of angels we have here!!! :thumbsup:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:grouphug:grouphug

08-22-2014, 09:53 AM
redwuff (Trysh),TubeDriver- bless both of you for your offers of help. Maybe you can touch base with MiriamS since she is in the area also.:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

08-22-2014, 10:12 AM
Thank you all for your offers to help! I have spoken to the local wildlife rescue organization that said they would be happy to take the baby but someone needs to bring it to them. I called local animal care and control and they are sending an officer out to look for the baby. I will hopefully know more in the next two hours.

I need to be honest that it doesn't look good for this baby. It may be hard to find or it might not have made it through the night. If we do find it and it has the deformity that Magna described, it will likely be euthanized. There isn't an organization in the area that needs an "education squirrel" and nobody has space to keep a NR. We'll do our best but in the end it would at least be kinder than letting it succumb to the elements.

08-22-2014, 11:04 AM
If...big if..he/she is found and they want to euthanize if anyone knows somebody at animal control and they will release it to us we are an approved exhibitor and sanctuary. We could possibly work out getting it here via a squirrel train or possibly a flight. Any word on the little let us know. Not sure what would need to be done but can find out.

08-22-2014, 12:18 PM
Just got a call and they are out looking for the baby. Will update as I hear progress.

08-22-2014, 01:43 PM
Bad news everyone. Animal Care and Control couldn't find the baby. That either means it didn't make it through the night or its mom came and got it. Let's hope for the latter. :grouphug

08-22-2014, 01:54 PM
If anything changes, I am available to transport this squirrel to any rehabber within 2 hours of DC. I can also look for this squirrel on Saturday morning if a location is provided and if anyone thinks this would be a good idea?

08-22-2014, 07:51 PM
Well friends, I went downtown and even got Magna on the phone to make sure I found the right tree, which I did, but there was no baby squirrel. I looked all around the area and didn't find it. I'm disappointed because I'm worried about the baby but I'm hoping that the mom took it back up to the nest. I guess we can only do what we can do.

08-22-2014, 08:48 PM
I'm in Richmond VA. If he is found he can come here. I can rehab and he'll go right into the back yard that is a protected area if indeed he can be released. Don't need another squirrel but can't stand the little guys being destroyed because they need some extra help.

08-22-2014, 08:55 PM
:shakehead I wish things had been clearer earlier on in this thread....I would have been glad to have met up with magna and taken the squirrel....to Chickenlegs or here. I was under the impression he was caught....and just waiting for a local to get him...I'm so sorry :dono I don't think a young squirrel could have survived on the ground all night :boohoo I just hope some other bystander maybe interceded and took him home :bowdown

I completely missed post #3 ....I wish I had seen it...I feel really bad :shakehead Poor baby :(