View Full Version : My squirrel ate part of a valium

08-20-2014, 04:23 PM
Please help! She got into my bottle and ate about 25% of a 10mg valium. She is very groggy. I gave her water and calcium. What else should I do?



08-20-2014, 04:36 PM
Lots and lots of water. Add a little sugar or fruit juice if you need to to get her to take it, but you are trying to both dilute the valium and flush it out of her system as quickly as possible. How long ago did this happen?

I would also monitor her respiration, and I would also see if you can physically stimulate her enough to keep her from dropping off to sleep - hold her , pet her, move her around in your arms, etc. Valium is a pretty safe drug - but respiration could be an issue.

08-20-2014, 04:38 PM
If you can get to a pharmacy immediately, I would get some activated charcoal. It'll absorb what's not digested. It's worth taking up to 2-3 hours after ingestion.

08-20-2014, 04:39 PM
Her breathing is slow right now and it's been about a half hour since this happened. I've been giving her water every fifteen minute's or so. Thanks so much.

08-20-2014, 04:43 PM
I would also get his some caffeine. I would really think that much v is deadly. It's shutting down his nervous system. He very well could stop breathing. Caffeine will be a CNS stimulant.

08-20-2014, 04:46 PM
I have iced t. that's about the only caffeine I have. is that good?

08-20-2014, 04:51 PM
Better than nothing, but I would take this SUPER seriously. If you can get out and get the activated charcoal and caffeine, I absolutely would not hesitate.

Got any Red Bull, Coke, anything?

08-20-2014, 04:53 PM
Oh my I am sooo sorry:grouphug just do what the other say.. keep her busy and awake.. don't let her sleep no matter what... these little buggers are sooo nosey and into everything... I am praying for you and her.. :grouphug:Love_Icon

08-20-2014, 04:55 PM
Better than nothing, but I would take this SUPER seriously. If you can get out and get the activated charcoal and caffeine, I absolutely would not hesitate.

Got any Red Bull, Coke, anything?

Lol red bull, going to have her jumping off the walls lol.. lots of prayers lots of them.. TSB is famous for their prayer..:Love_Icon

08-20-2014, 04:59 PM
I don't know if it's safe for squirrels but they recommend drinking hydrogen peroxide for dogs to make them throw up. This has to be done within the first hour though. :grouphug

Hope your little one does okay and just ends up being a little groggy from this. I do know I was able to pull up an old thread about giving valium to squirrels in order to trim teeth but the dosage was much, much lower than what your baby ingested.

Milo's Mom
08-20-2014, 05:00 PM
Vet's use valium in squirrels for stopping seizures. SO, has anyone contacted a vet and asked how much is too much for an animal that weighs XXX grams?

I tried calling mine but he is in surgery.

Be very careful with adding too much caffeine....ramping up the heart rate too much could cause a heart attack.

08-20-2014, 05:03 PM
I gave her some iced t and an almond and she's sitting on her chair with me and she is still awake and her breathing seems to be speeding back up. I am going to get some charcoal now and red bull.

Thanks everyone. I'll check back in later with an update.

You guys are awesome!!


08-20-2014, 05:17 PM
It is very unlikely that 1/4 of a 10mg Valium (2.5mg) would be fatal.

The LD50 (rats) for Valium (Diazepam) is 1200 mg/kg. That's a LOT of Valium.
With that said I would still watch her carefully to be safe.

(The LD50 is the Lethal Dose required to kill 50% of the population) The LD50 is used for toxicity studies for drugs.

08-20-2014, 05:24 PM
Thanks HRT! I feel much better, I've very surprised given that one Valium is enough to knock me on my ass. Do you think that the charcoal should still be used? I'm about to become unavailable, so hopefully you can keep an eye on it.

08-20-2014, 05:30 PM
I'm not sure Farelli. I doubt it's necessary but I would hate to say NO and then have something happen ... know what I mean. I would probably base that on her present condition.

08-20-2014, 05:37 PM
I think with the last update maybe the quick administration of fluids might have worked and gotten some a lot of it out of her system. Sounds like things are improving and unless respiration declines it might be best to just watch and wait.

08-20-2014, 06:11 PM
Honestly, I'd be scared to death to give a squirrel Red Bull....that stuff is bad news...I know lots of people use it :dono but it can cause heart trouble in humans...a squirrel :eek

08-20-2014, 07:02 PM
I agree that Valium is a very safe drug.
Also, with the rapid metabolic rate that squirrels have, it will probably be processed and eliminated rather quickly.

My daughter has a psycho cat, that occasionally requires 5mg of Valium, and all it does is gives her the big eyes. Doesn't knock her out, maybe a little less psycho, but even with the med I still can't pet her.

I would continue to watch the squirrel closely until at least 10 pm. I wouldn't give it any red bull. Maybe let it play where it gets really excited to be, like somewhere it doesn't usually get to go, to help keep it alert. The more it plays, the faster the valium will be synthesized and excreted from the system.
Good luck.

08-20-2014, 07:18 PM
Just seeing this on here, but I spoke to Monica via texting and Roxy is fine. I told them to clip her teeth while she was knocked out so there was an upside to this terrible accident. I had also told her to hydrate the hell out of her, but not to give caffeine. I wasn't on the board so didn't know she was already getting help here. So glad you were all here to help my friend Roxy...:Love_Icon

08-20-2014, 07:28 PM

08-20-2014, 07:45 PM

Great outcome! Especially being able to trim those teeth. :grin2

08-20-2014, 07:51 PM
It was a case of making lemonade from the lemons that were given...:grin3

08-20-2014, 09:19 PM