View Full Version : New to board and new to taking care of baby.
08-20-2014, 07:45 AM
I got our little guy on Sunday night. Have been giving him Epsibilac (ordered FV). He had diarrhea last night. Went from hard poops, to golden nuggets (which i was inordinately delighted with!)to diarrhea, which has made me realize that I might love this guy already because I got up twice last night to check on him). Tried to give pedialyte this morning for rehydration but he absolutely denied it. Drank 3cc's of formula.
Should I be overly concerned yet as it has not even been 24 hours. Is there something I should be doing differently to alleviate diarrhea? How do I know when he has had enough to eat at each feeding? Should I insist on Pedialyte? (I know not to mix the two but think I could convince him to take some at later feeding when he is not so ravenous)
He is about 5 weeks old, maybe 6. I will add some photos later today. (lifeguard at the pool where my daughter works heard him chirping all day, finally investigated and found him under the dumpster.)
My husband built him a HUGE cage last night.
08-20-2014, 08:00 AM
They will steal your heart , quickly. I am no pro but one should get here soon. They will want pics and weights and a list of foods. Which sounds like it shoild be formula and or water. Good luck.
08-20-2014, 08:38 AM
Congratulations on you new little one! Yes, a weight on this baby is absolutely necessary in order to figure out how much to feed. The rule is 5 to 7% of body weight at each meal. You can usually find a scale in the kitchen utensil section of most larger chain stores or a postage scale in the office and shipping supply section.
Pictures would be great as well to help determine condition. When you get the FV in you will need to gradually transition to it from the Esbilac. Many of us are using just Esbilac but this little one should be old enough to do fine on the FV. Please only use 1cc or 3cc syringes. No pet bottles or eye droppers since you can aspirate baby very easily. Remember to feed baby on it's tummy, head up and tail down. Make sure formula is very warm. I use a shot glass in a glass of hot water to help maintain formula temperature during feedings. A cup warmer is even better.
Make sure to have him in a plastic container, half on and half on and half off of a heating pad set on low. Make sure it doesn't have auto-shut off. Plastic helps with the humidity levels. Fleece and flannel or old t-shirts are best to use for bedding. Towels can catch those little nails and injure them.
08-20-2014, 10:30 AM
Knowing hos much and how often you feed will help. When you get the FV, many people here have found that the ideal formula is 50% FV, 50% Esbilac. You are using the powdered Esbilac that has probiotics on the label, right?
08-20-2014, 11:08 AM
Yes only using 3cc syringe...debating ordering nipples. Knew about the towels and so I raided the Salvation Army sack of donated clothes and reclaimed all tshirts. (I know they like to smell their own scent, but I think they might need a often to wash bedding?)
Glad for confirmation on 50/50 FV and many opinions and I was leaning this way and yes, it does have probiotics. And I have been keeping his formula in a bowl of hot water to maintain heat during feeding. Your comments have made me feel like so far so good.
Just bought a scale.
Next question. I wake him up for a 4 am feeding because I have to be at work at 5 and won't be home again until 9. The question is do I need to wake him every four hours or do I wait for him to tell me he's hungry.
Pictures are downloading from phone as I type and I will upload asap...(I hope)
08-20-2014, 11:21 AM
Yes only using 3cc syringe...debating ordering nipples. Knew about the towels and so I raided the Salvation Army sack of donated clothes and reclaimed all tshirts. (I know they like to smell their own scent, but I think they might need a often to wash bedding?)
Glad for confirmation on 50/50 FV and many opinions and I was leaning this way and yes, it does have probiotics. And I have been keeping his formula in a bowl of hot water to maintain heat during feeding. Your comments have made me feel like so far so good.
Just bought a scale.
Next question. I wake him up for a 4 am feeding because I have to be at work at 5 and won't be home again until 9. The question is do I need to wake him every four hours or do I wait for him to tell me he's hungry.
Pictures are downloading from phone as I type and I will upload asap...(I hope)
I change bedding when it starts to feel the least bit damp and I recommend trying to feed on a pretty tight schedule. Most of the time they will eat, maybe not as much. Watch the milk line and make sure it's going down between feedings. Stimulating them to potty in the middle of the feeding will sometimes make them eat better and then stimulate them again at the end. I use cotton swabs to get in all the cracks and crevices and then wipe down good to remove the urine. Also clean all formula off to prevent milk burn which can cause fur loss. A gentle, warm bath every few days is good but just make sure to dry thoroughly afterwards. Unscented baby wipes work well for wiping them down.
08-20-2014, 11:34 AM
I just added photos to my putting one of them here too. I think I did...
08-20-2014, 11:48 AM
What a little cutie!!! Great cage too!
08-20-2014, 12:49 PM
Okay. He weighs 100 grams. I had been feeding about every 4-5 hours (not through the night) so 4 or 5 feedings a day-yesterday, which was really his first time with food. He was getting 3-5cc's each time.
this morning, as I mentioned earlier, I tried to give him pedialyte but he adamantly refused and ate 4cc's of formula. Just fed him lunch and he finished 4cc's and begged and squawked until he had 6 (which according to his weight is still not overfeeding.). I think he could have eaten more but the diarrhea has me hesitant. He rooted and rooted and made all kinds of little noises looking for more.
I took a picture of the evidence and accidentally deleted it. It looks like Gulden's mustard. It is not as runny as it was last night.
I take him out after feeding and we sit in the sun. He completely flattens out on my lap, legs splayed out and soaks up the sun. He also explored his new cage and seems very very active. Which is a great sign compared to how he was only two days ago. I have not seen fleas in over 24 hours.
I still worry about him making it....when will I be out of the danger zone?
At this point, if he doesn't make it I am going to have to find something else to live in that huge cage!
You guys have been great with your quick and helpful answers. Thank you so much for helping ease my anxiety.
08-20-2014, 01:06 PM
:Welcome. Glad you are here! You've come to the right place for answers.
Sounds like you are already. :owned by your little guy. You never, ever stop worrying about them! Ha, you're still getting some sleep at night? Good for you! They steal hearts very quickly, and will change your life.
:thankyou for helping this little one.
08-20-2014, 02:02 PM
If his poop is improving, keep up the good work. Some babies can eat all they want (usually LOTS) and some can't digest so much. Maybe your boy needs juuuuust enough and no more. I have a sweet girl who's tummy was torn up by the wrong formula. It took maybe 4 days to get her straight.
Nancy in New York
08-20-2014, 02:21 PM
Okay. He weighs 100 grams. I had been feeding about every 4-5 hours (not through the night) so 4 or 5 feedings a day-yesterday, which was really his first time with food. He was getting 3-5cc's each time.
this morning, as I mentioned earlier, I tried to give him pedialyte but he adamantly refused and ate 4cc's of formula. Just fed him lunch and he finished 4cc's and begged and squawked until he had 6 (which according to his weight is still not overfeeding.). I think he could have eaten more but the diarrhea has me hesitant. He rooted and rooted and made all kinds of little noises looking for more.
I took a picture of the evidence and accidentally deleted it. It looks like Gulden's mustard. It is not as runny as it was last night.
I take him out after feeding and we sit in the sun. He completely flattens out on my lap, legs splayed out and soaks up the sun. He also explored his new cage and seems very very active. Which is a great sign compared to how he was only two days ago. I have not seen fleas in over 24 hours.
I still worry about him making it....when will I be out of the danger zone?
At this point, if he doesn't make it I am going to have to find something else to live in that huge cage!
You guys have been great with your quick and helpful answers. Thank you so much for helping ease my anxiety.
Please be VERY careful taking him outside in the sun. Squirrels can overheat in a matter of minutes. Direct sun is never advised.
Sorry I am in a rush and no time to fully read your thread, but what are you feeding.
Also at 100 grams typically they should get 5-7% of their body weight. All of mine have taken more,
but you have to watch for bloat. Also if you decide to feed more when he is able, just go up gradually.
I will look at the thread later, but I am running out shortly.
edit: OK I just saw what you are feeding! :thumbsup
08-20-2014, 02:31 PM
Well formed poops like grains of rice, that are golden yellow in color are good. If they start to turn pale it's usually a sign of overfeeding. Of course darker like "dried" mustard and harder means not enough. Just keep a close watch, but it sounds like you are doing great. Like others have said :thankyou for taking care of this little one.
08-20-2014, 03:26 PM
Yes, 5-7% of 100g would be 5-7ccs, so he's not getting enough.
08-20-2014, 03:27 PM
Btw, you don;t take him outside uncaged, do you?
08-21-2014, 05:32 AM
Poop is getting better. I'm so relieved. Last three feedings he has had 7-8cc's each time. I find if I give him a little break after the 6th and wash off his very messy face that he slows down a little. (We also try and go potty.)
While I am wiping he pushes my had away and grunts and squeaks, just like a toddler!
Do most of you rehab them and then let them go? How does our future look if that is what i hope for him? I realize the gentle entry into the outdoors and the weaning of human contact but I am wondering what the success rate is.
Am i asking too soon? How long do we have them before we can say "Yes, he's going to make there a more dangerous time for them after captivity? He's only been with me 4 days.
Again, you guys are so awesome and helpful.
08-21-2014, 08:38 AM
Poop is getting better. I'm so relieved. Last three feedings he has had 7-8cc's each time. I find if I give him a little break after the 6th and wash off his very messy face that he slows down a little. (We also try and go potty.)
While I am wiping he pushes my had away and grunts and squeaks, just like a toddler!
Do most of you rehab them and then let them go? How does our future look if that is what i hope for him? I realize the gentle entry into the outdoors and the weaning of human contact but I am wondering what the success rate is.
Am i asking too soon? How long do we have them before we can say "Yes, he's going to make there a more dangerous time for them after captivity? He's only been with me 4 days.
Again, you guys are so awesome and helpful.
Glad to hear he is doing better!
I personally have been able to release all my grays. I do a soft release that may be faster than many do. Since I live in the south I have never had to overwinter any of them. Once they are about 8 weeks old they go outside in the outdoor release cage under our live oak tree. I go out and feed but I gradually slow down playing and talking with them over about a month. This allows them to observe the wilds and my former releases that roam our yard. Then during the day I will open the cage and they are free to go up in the tree and roam around. Many times I will sit nearby and just observe them. At night they return to the cage for food and water and to sleep and I shut them in at night. This lasts for about a month and then I stop closing the cage but continue to feed and water. 99% of the time this month is when they will start to build a nest or take over a nest box and eventually they decide not to come back to the cage at night. They will still come up for treats and visits during the day. I continue to leave food and water in the cage until they stop using it. I am fortunate to be able to release on our property which is wooded on two sides and has a small creek in the section of woods behind the house. Some leave pretty fast and others linger a bit longer but basically I let them decide when they are ready.
I haven't had any with problems though except for one that came to me in terrible shape and with a severe head injury. Chandy had balance problems at first and I babied her a lot since she was a singleton until I got a few more in. I was worried that she was going to be NR but she resolved the balance issues and left with the others. She is now a happy momma with no signs of the abuse she had suffered as a pinkie. I can still pick her out due to a slight head tilt which I attribute to the head injury because she spent so long looking at me from an angle and not head on. Most people wouldn't even notice it but I know her "look".
08-27-2014, 07:36 PM
Another update and some questions.
Last week he seemed to start eating like a mad man! He is up to 10-12 cc's each feeding and has happily started munching on Henry's blocks. I don't think he is really eating them. It's hysterical to watch because he picks it up to eat it but his balance is not so good so he just falls forward. Then he wobble with it a bit before he can get a good nibble going. He looks a little drunk. I cut the blocks in smaller more managable pieces but his balance still is not so good.
I was amazed to find out he has quite the discerning palette. I also got the Fox Valley and tried to give him that...he refused. I mixed it half and half with Esbilac...still not buying it and now is a little ticked off at me. He has been taking it two parts Esbilac, one part FV. The batch for tomorrow will be half and half...I hope!
Bathroom activities are regular and look good...although they are not golden, more brown. But regular.
Now, I think he is around seven to eight weeks...his tail is still not held up over his back. He weighs about 110 grams. I am still feeding him four times a day. I think I am supposed to start weaning him to three feedings a day. That's my question. When does he go to three feedings.
Also, I have the awesome list of foods to feed him but it doesn't tell me how much or how often I will feed him these.
This little guy has totally won over my heart...he grooms me, prefers to sleep all snuggled in my hands or lap. But, despite the great joy he brings me and how much I am enjoying him, he is a lot of work! I say this only to make others realize the time commitment involved when taking on one of these guys. And I only have ONE! My hat is off to all of you that do this on a regular basis and often have more than one.
I wish he had a friend.
Also I have a bit of a peek at how hard it is going to be to set him free. It is my greatest hope that he will scamper about with the wild ones in the neighborhood but do secretly wish deep down that he would just prefer to stay at home with me!
Thanks for all your input (and again, my question is about getting him to three feedings...I am a long winded one!)
08-27-2014, 09:33 PM
Another update and some questions.
Last week he seemed to start eating like a mad man! He is up to 10-12 cc's each feeding and has happily started munching on Henry's blocks. I don't think he is really eating them. It's hysterical to watch because he picks it up to eat it but his balance is not so good so he just falls forward. Then he wobble with it a bit before he can get a good nibble going. He looks a little drunk. I cut the blocks in smaller more managable pieces but his balance still is not so good.
I was amazed to find out he has quite the discerning palette. I also got the Fox Valley and tried to give him that...he refused. I mixed it half and half with Esbilac...still not buying it and now is a little ticked off at me. He has been taking it two parts Esbilac, one part FV. The batch for tomorrow will be half and half...I hope!
Bathroom activities are regular and look good...although they are not golden, more brown. But regular.
Now, I think he is around seven to eight weeks...his tail is still not held up over his back. He weighs about 110 grams. I am still feeding him four times a day. I think I am supposed to start weaning him to three feedings a day. That's my question. When does he go to three feedings.
Also, I have the awesome list of foods to feed him but it doesn't tell me how much or how often I will feed him these.
This little guy has totally won over my heart...he grooms me, prefers to sleep all snuggled in my hands or lap. But, despite the great joy he brings me and how much I am enjoying him, he is a lot of work! I say this only to make others realize the time commitment involved when taking on one of these guys. And I only have ONE! My hat is off to all of you that do this on a regular basis and often have more than one.
I wish he had a friend.
Also I have a bit of a peek at how hard it is going to be to set him free. It is my greatest hope that he will scamper about with the wild ones in the neighborhood but do secretly wish deep down that he would just prefer to stay at home with me!
Thanks for all your input (and again, my question is about getting him to three feedings...I am a long winded one!)
At first they usually just shred and pee on the blocks so no worries there. I wouldn't worry too much about the balance issues just yet. Some take a little longer than others to figure it out. Being a singleton he's not wrestling with siblings to build up his muscles and motor skills. Play wrestle with him using your hand or even better a safe stuffie that doesn't have any hard parts that he could chew off and swallow.
Some squirrels are super finicky and others will eat just about anything.
Poops naturally darken as they get older. At this age the color of dried mustard is pretty much normal.
Tail issue may just be like the balance, but it may be something else. Time will tell.
I'd have to look up a chart on weaning but maybe someone else knows. I usually stick to four a day until they start refusing the formula. As to amounts of food, it's just a matter of trial and error. Start out small like a tablespoon each of 2-4 veggies and 1/4 cup of greens. Increase or decrease depending on whether it's being eaten or not. I offer these foods after the morning and afternoon feedings.
Yes, they are time consuming and expensive. My grocery bill goes up when I have babies due to all the fresh produce. Sounds like he is getting good and spoiled and they love to groom you. Some even do manicures. :)
You will have to do a soft release and you can do it in your yard as long as there are food sources and water. Some put out water for theirs, but I am lucky to have a creek running through the back of the property. It is hard to see them go but there is a great feeling of pride and joy when you see them running through the trees as they are meant to do. He may choose to stay around and come back for treats or he may go off when he matures in search of a mate. He may come and go. We just never know for sure when we release.
Glad to hear everything is going pretty well. :thumbsup
08-28-2014, 06:26 AM
Did I mention he is eating 10-12 cc's at each feeding? Despite only weighing 110 grams? I think he is around 7 weeks. All that I read here says that is too much but his bathrooming is normal. His belly is not overly full and he goes berserk if I stop at less than 10.
Is it possible for them to grow an inch overnight because I am pretty sure he sprouted again last night.
I have a work dilemma.
I work on Mondays from 5am to 2pm. I can feed him at around 4 before I go in and can leave him HHB's as well. But won't be able to get back to him until 2. There is no one else around to feed him formula. He has a water bottle, but I don't think he cares about it much.
I get a half hour break, there would be JUST enough time to rush home, feed him a little and get back. I know it is a long day. The hours were just changed, it used to be 5-12. He handled that okay, and it is only on Mondays.
Also, his cage is about two feet high, three feet long and two feet wide...I let him out daily for an hour or so of play but all he does is climb all over me for about 10 minutes and then curls up in a pocket or under my chin for a nap. Then I put him back in the cage and he scrambles out in a hurry to come back to me. Again, for more snuggling, not play.
I love the snuggles and could do it all day long (monster squirrel has me wrapped around his tail!) but am worried he is not exercising enough. Any suggestions? I have been wrestling with him and we spend some time grooming each other. (I have an old tooth brush that I use on him and he rolls over on his back and lets me scrub his chin with it.)
I should have heeded the warnings that these cute things would steal my heart. My husband looked out at us last night and said "Get a room!"
I am going to try and post some new photos later today and will start a board for him under babies. Look for him under Sheldon!
08-28-2014, 07:20 AM
Did I mention he is eating 10-12 cc's at each feeding? Despite only weighing 110 grams? I think he is around 7 weeks. All that I read here says that is too much but his bathrooming is normal. His belly is not overly full and he goes berserk if I stop at less than 10.
Is it possible for them to grow an inch overnight because I am pretty sure he sprouted again last night.
I have a work dilemma.
I work on Mondays from 5am to 2pm. I can feed him at around 4 before I go in and can leave him HHB's as well. But won't be able to get back to him until 2. There is no one else around to feed him formula. He has a water bottle, but I don't think he cares about it much.
I get a half hour break, there would be JUST enough time to rush home, feed him a little and get back. I know it is a long day. The hours were just changed, it used to be 5-12. He handled that okay, and it is only on Mondays.
Also, his cage is about two feet high, three feet long and two feet wide...I let him out daily for an hour or so of play but all he does is climb all over me for about 10 minutes and then curls up in a pocket or under my chin for a nap. Then I put him back in the cage and he scrambles out in a hurry to come back to me. Again, for more snuggling, not play.
I love the snuggles and could do it all day long (monster squirrel has me wrapped around his tail!) but am worried he is not exercising enough. Any suggestions? I have been wrestling with him and we spend some time grooming each other. (I have an old tooth brush that I use on him and he rolls over on his back and lets me scrub his chin with it.)
I should have heeded the warnings that these cute things would steal my heart. My husband looked out at us last night and said "Get a room!"
I am going to try and post some new photos later today and will start a board for him under babies. Look for him under Sheldon!
Right now I have 3 that eat a little more than the recommended 7%. Main thing is that he is not getting the runs. You might consider adding about 1 or 2 Tablespoons of heavy whipping cream per cup of formula. Just add it slowly and work up. As long as he is still producing well formed poops it's all good. That may help keep him more satisfied. As to the Monday work issue he should do fine. He may sulk a bit about you being late for his next feeding. As long as he keeps gaining and growing, plus he should be eating some blocks and veggies soon to tide him over.
Yes it does seem like they can grow an inch overnight. :grin2
Cage size sounds great. Maybe some live oak or pecan branches, wooden parrot toys or some rope toys would be good to stimulate him while he is inside and encourage exploration. A favorite of mine is a ceramic plant saucer full of dirt from the yard. They love to dig and play in it. I made a sleeping bag from a pair of toddler denim overalls for mine. Cut the legs off, cut the inner pockets out and sew across the bottom. Make sure there are no loose threads to catch nails. They hang from the cage using the straps, and during the times they weren't sleeping in them they used them for a jungle gym, climbing in and out and peeking up through the pockets. You will also want to add a cuttle bone, deer antler or a rib bone for him to chew on plus it provides some extra calcium. Very important to have something they can wear those teeth down on since the continue to grow.
LOL at the hubby! They just don't understand. I miss doing singleton's, they turn into such cuddle bugs but the release process takes longer since they are so attached.
Keep up the great work!
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