View Full Version : Squirrel with large upper teeth

08-18-2014, 06:41 PM
Hi everyone!
I had my second baby squirrel 3 months ago. I have a concern about its lower teeth, they are very large, and make two holes in the upper gum. Although she's about 4 months old, its upper teeth haven't developed well, it stand out just two tiny things in the gum, this avoid she can eat normally or close her mouth, it is because she has its tongue out. To feed her, I grind or pulverize a mixture of Forti-Diet, peanuts and pecans with some of her favorite fruit, like blueberries, strawberries, or pear, as well she eat avocado, banana, peas, grapes, and more. Anyway, she is in good shape, plays, sleeps and eats well. Only in last few days she is sleeping a lot, I think.

I would like solve its teeth problem to return her to where belongs.
:thankyou in advance!



08-18-2014, 07:18 PM
Your baby is beautiful. We don't have black squirrels in FL (maybe a rare one) so I really love seeing them. A malocclusion on a squirrel is a serious problem. The top teeth must meet the bottom teeth so that they can be filed down by constant chewing on bark, branches, etc. Their top and bottom teeth continue to grow throughout their life. In this case, due to the delayed growth of the top teeth, the bottom teeth have overgrowth. They will continue to grow and can even puncture the roof of the mouth. This is a serious problem.

The only way to correct this problem is by trimming the lower teeth to prevent damage to the roof of the mouth and upper gums. The problem is that this is not something that should be done by amateurs. I would be scared to death to trim a squirrels teeth. If it is done improperly the teeth can be damaged permanently. I don't know about the laws in your state. Do you have a vet that could trim the teeth? Are there any rehabbers in your area that could help you? Sometimes with a few trimmings the teeth will line up and the squirrel can be released. Other times they never line up and the squirrel becomes a non-release. I hope someone can help you. I have never dealt with malocclusion so I certainly am NOT an expert on it.

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 07:33 PM
Am I understanding that the squirrel DOES have top teeth, but they are very small?

The holes in the upper gum are from the bottom teeth and the only way to fix it is to trim the lower teeth. Ideally, it should be done by a vet. Teeth trimmed incorrectly can cause big problems which can only be fixed by expensive and dangerous surgery.

If there are top teeth, there is a chance that with a few trimmings of the lowers everything will align and the tops will grow to grind the bottoms. If the teeth do not align she is going to need a forever home (as in she will never be able to live outside on her own as a wild) and she will need to have her teeth clipped at very regular intervals and she will be deemed Non-Releasable (NR).

The holes that are there now are an invitation for infection and since you said she is sleeping more lately, I'm thinking maybe an infection has already set it.

Will you please tell us the city and state you're located in? We can try to locate a trusted experienced member to assist you.

Thank you for finding us and asking for help. Your little one has some pretty serious issues going on. :grouphug

EDIT: I see you're in Warren, MI. I just sent a PM to one of our members that is also in MI asking about a rehabber that is also in your state. Hopefully we can find you some help.

08-18-2014, 08:26 PM
Thanks so much for your quick answers.
Yes I am in Warren, MI.

I have a concern about bring my little one to a rehabilitator, in the case she might need lifelong care, this would not be a death sentence for her?

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 08:31 PM
No. That's why we are looking for a TRUSTED member/rehabber. Some wildlife centers or the Humane League yes, you are rightfully concerned.

You've got at least 2 different and equally serious things going on here and BOTH of them really require experienced help.

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Are you ready, willing and able to drive/travel a little bit if we can find someone? If so, how far? I'm not talking like to Florida or anything, most likely within your state. We just need an idea of how mobile you are.

08-18-2014, 08:54 PM
Oh, I really appreciate your help. Thanks for reassure me.

08-18-2014, 09:49 PM
To be honest, I don't drive. My mobility is somewhat limited, but I can make arrangements.

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 09:58 PM
To be honest, I don't drive. My mobility is somewhat limited, but I can make arrangements.

Okay. Thank you.

I've sent out some PM's and people are working on reaching out to their trusted contacts in your area.

I might be putting the cart in front of the horse here, but I like being prepared. Will you please go through any and all medication (antibiotics) you have and provide us with a list. We are most interested in thee name of the med and the strength of each.

Also, if you have a scale, it would be very helpful to know how much your little one weighs (in grams if possible).

This may not be necessary yet, but like I said if and when the time comes having the info readily available will be a huge benefit.

What is her name? Oh and she is absolutely beautiful!! Malloc's are near and dear to me and so are morphs (black squirrels).

Is she still drinking fluids/water? This is very important.

Also, what does her breath smell like? Does it stink?

I am logging off for the night but we have many members that are able to answer your questions.

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 10:07 PM
Oh one last thing, did you ever respond as to whether she has upper teeth or not?

I think you said she has them but they are just tiny little nubs. Please tell us or try to get a pic.

Thanks!!! :grouphug

island rehabber
08-18-2014, 10:17 PM
betzyman, I have an excellent contact for you, referred by a wonderful rehabber in Michigan:

Please let us know when you've copied down this info, because we want to delete her phone number. :thumbsup

08-18-2014, 10:46 PM
Her name is Pera Francisca. Pera (in Spanish) because she loved eat pear at first, and in Spanish a nasal aspirator is a 'pera'. I had to use an aspirator for her nasal discharge the first month. Indeed I gave to her antibiotic (Cephalexin 500mg, I have this for one of my dogs) for 14 days, because she breathed difficulty. She improved considerably.

Pera Francisca eats and drinks pretty well.

Lately, since 3 or 4 days she has nose discharge again, and she is sleeping more than she used, but when she is awake is very playful, runs, eats, drinks water, also she tries to open peanuts. today she opened one! She go to bed at 7:30 to 8:00 PM. until 7-8 AM take her breakfast and sleeps two hours more.

Nose discharges are green-yellow-clear.

She not smell at all.

At this time I have Cephalexin 500mg Capsule, enough for her. Also I have one tablet of Enrofloxacin 136mg.
I have not scale, but I can buy one.

island rehabber
08-18-2014, 11:05 PM
CORRECTION: her correct phone number is:

this squirrel needs a tooth clipping and a course of antibiotics. I encourage you to call Irene, ASAP.

08-18-2014, 11:07 PM
Betsyman, we are a bunch of serious squirrel lovers. We use only trusted rehabbers and vets. Ones we personally know won't euthanize our squirrels. We are VERY picky about who goes on our list.

Please let us know as soon as you copy that phone number and name as we do not like it on the open board.

Milosmom is an expert on malocclusios, ( improperly lined up teeth ). Your baby is in a very dangerous situation. The bottom teeth have punctured the roof of her mouth. Infection will/has set in and the infection can easily spread to her brain.

That is why we are asking what medicines you have on hand. We especially want to know what type of antibiotics you have or can get from a friend. Usually 1 pill is all you will need. We will tell you how to break it down, and how to give the proper dose. That is why we asked about her weight, we give the medicine according to her weight.

Please, this is a very serious situation, and is why she is sleeping so much. We will help you.

Your baby is beautiful! I am sooo jealous, we don't have black squirrels here either.


08-18-2014, 11:13 PM
CORRECTION: her correct phone number is:

this squirrel needs a tooth clipping and a course of antibiotics. I encourage you to call Irene, ASAP.

Already I copied the phone number, so you can deleted it.
Tomorrow at first hour I will call Irene.

Nancy in New York
08-18-2014, 11:35 PM
Already I copied the phone number, so you can deleted it.
Tomorrow at first hour I will call Irene.

:thumbsup Keep us posted. :grouphug

08-18-2014, 11:45 PM
Oh one last thing, did you ever respond as to whether she has upper teeth or not?

I think you said she has them but they are just tiny little nubs. Please tell us or try to get a pic.

Thanks!!! :grouphug

In this case it is very difficult to take a pic, but yes, the upper teeth are like two tiny pebbles into her gum.
Tomorrow I'll try to take a pic.

08-19-2014, 12:40 AM
Betsyman, we are a bunch of serious squirrel lovers. We use only trusted rehabbers and vets. Ones we personally know won't euthanize our squirrels. We are VERY picky about who goes on our list.

Please let us know as soon as you copy that phone number and name as we do not like it on the open board.

Milosmom is an expert on malocclusios, ( improperly lined up teeth ). Your baby is in a very dangerous situation. The bottom teeth have punctured the roof of her mouth. Infection will/has set in and the infection can easily spread to her brain.

That is why we are asking what medicines you have on hand. We especially want to know what type of antibiotics you have or can get from a friend. Usually 1 pill is all you will need. We will tell you how to break it down, and how to give the proper dose. That is why we asked about her weight, we give the medicine according to her weight.

Please, this is a very serious situation, and is why she is sleeping so much. We will help you.

Your baby is beautiful! I am sooo jealous, we don't have black squirrels here either.


Thank you czarina! Tomorrow morning I will call the phone you guys give me.
Right now I have Cephalexin 500mg Capsule, enough for her. Also I have one tablet of Enrofloxacin 136mg.

Here in Warren MI there are a lot black squirrels. They are very smart, territorials and quarrelsome.

08-19-2014, 11:16 AM
Your baby is beautiful. We don't have black squirrels in FL (maybe a rare one) so I really love seeing them.
I have been told to take a trip to St. Cloud --they have Black Squirrels all over the place. :)

10-08-2014, 04:39 PM
Hi everyone, here is an update about Perita:

She is ok by now. I found out she has an odontoma (http://squirrelrefuge.org/teethissues.html). :(

Meanwhile, some days are pretty good: she eats, runs, play, etc. , but others days she is sleeping and not hungry, then after some days giving her antibiotic she returns to the usual routines.

I don't know about her future, obvious she is not releasable, but I try to make her as happy as is possible.


10-08-2014, 05:07 PM
Is she a candidate for surgery?

10-08-2014, 05:11 PM
So sorry to hear that. She is beautiful! Was the presence of the odontoma discovered by x-ray? Has the vet attempted to remove the incisors or is it inoperable? What are her future prospects? We are dealing with a wild squirrel with at the very least a malocclusion issue so any info you can provide would be helpful. (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?47060-Wild-with-bad-teeth) Good luck! :)

10-08-2014, 05:22 PM
So sorry to hear that. She is beautiful! Was the presence of the odontoma discovered by x-ray? Has the vet attempted to remove the incisors or is it inoperable? What are her future prospects? We are dealing with a wild squirrel with at the very least a malocclusion issue so any info you can provide would be helpful. (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?47060-Wild-with-bad-teeth) Good luck! :)

This^^^ Was this confirmed by X-ray?

She is a beautiful squirrel, thank you for making her life as good as possible! :thankyou

10-08-2014, 05:59 PM
I spoke with the rehabilitator near to home you guys recommended, she was very nice and clear: She is not a vet, but she works with a hospital vet. I would take my little squirrel with her, she bring it to the exotic pet specialist, I would pay the treatment, but if the vet find the squirrel is not releasable, she would put my squirrel to sleep. As you see it is not a good deal to Perita.

10-08-2014, 07:11 PM
I spoke with the rehabilitator near to home you guys recommended, she was very nice and clear: She is not a vet, but she works with a hospital vet. I would take my little squirrel with her, she bring it to the exotic pet specialist, I would pay the treatment, but if the vet find the squirrel is not releasable, she would put my squirrel to sleep. As you see it is not a good deal to Perita.


We can help you to trim the bottom teeth if they become overgrown. Perhaps, her top teeth will grow in?

10-08-2014, 11:28 PM
She is beautiful!