08-18-2014, 10:59 AM
I am a licensed wildlife rehabber desperately looking for a permanent, small sanctuary for a Western gray female squirrel, now four months old, in Northern California. Abby is non-releasable due to a malocclusion of her incisors, caused by injury to her upper jaw growth plate when she fell from the nest at about 4 weeks. She is otherwise a beautiful, normal squirrel, healthy, active, playful, and gentle and easy to handle, since she has been hand-raised. Her only limitation is needing to be fed soft fruits and vegetables, warmed slightly in a microwave to soften; she is self-feeding, and can also eat leafy greens and unshelled nuts. She would need to have her front teeth trimmed regularly, or pulled, but has full molars to chew with. Because of her special diet needs, she would do best in a smallish wildlife sanctuary, preferably in a large cage and outdoors, if possible, but indoors would be okay. If there are other juvenile squirrels, I am sure she would be fine with them. If you have one available, or know of any, please contact me ASAP at npowers2@hughes.net. It would be a shame to euthanize such a lovely, healthy young squirrel, but that will be her fate if I am unable to place her soon. Thank you for any help you can offer.

08-18-2014, 11:49 AM
No, no! Please do not euthanize her! We will help you place her. We have many, very knowledgeable members, and should have no problem finding her a home.

Folks, I think we might need a train. Lets find this little one a home ASAP!

Give us a little timr, please!

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 11:58 AM
I have a very good contact in the Malibu area. I just sent her an e-mail asking if she knew of anyone.

Please give us a little time before making permanent decisions.

08-18-2014, 12:44 PM
I'm going to contact Cecil - JUST in case he might want to add a furry member to his family. :thumbsup

PLEASE don't euthanize. We WILL find this one a home if we have to train her to Timbuktu!

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 01:20 PM
Nan - I just sent you an e-mail. My contact may very well be interested. Please respond when you have a moment.


08-18-2014, 05:16 PM
Please don't euthanize this little one. I had a baby with the same issue. No reason they cannot live long healthy lives full of love and care. Give TSB a chance, they are beautiful people with a passion of mission. they will find this little one a home. if it werent for my current dilemma I would love too..praying this little one makes it to a good loving home soon! hang in there ok? :thumbsup:Love_Icon:grouphug

08-18-2014, 07:48 PM
If we can find a way to get her to IN and if I could be taught how to trim teeth, I would LOVE to have a NR.
She would be welcomed with open arms and have a very happy life.
I will love her and take the very best care of her.
It has 2 months since I've had a squirrel in my home.
I miss the company of my little buddy.
He was an absolute delight and I'm sure she will be also.

Milo's Mom
08-18-2014, 08:09 PM
I sent this member an email like she asked and I have not heard back yet.... :thinking

08-18-2014, 11:16 PM
Hello everyone. Any update or answer from the rehabber? If she agrees to a transfer, and you can get a train set up, I may be able to help with part of the drive. Please follow through with her, and try to use your powers of persuasion, or appeal to her maternal side to convince her to let someone take care of her, anyone willing and able to. (Preferrable to the other alternative she mentioned). This little creature's life is in the balance, and should be given every opportunity to live and thrive for as long as she can be helped to do so.

Concerned and hopeful.

Milo's Mom
08-19-2014, 06:22 AM
No, I have not yet heard back from Nan. I sent another e-mail this morning.

08-19-2014, 09:53 AM
I am a licensed wildlife rehabber desperately looking for a permanent, small sanctuary for a Western gray female squirrel, now four months old, in Northern California. Abby is non-releasable due to a malocclusion of her incisors, caused by injury to her upper jaw growth plate when she fell from the nest at about 4 weeks. She is otherwise a beautiful, normal squirrel, healthy, active, playful, and gentle and easy to handle, since she has been hand-raised. Her only limitation is needing to be fed soft fruits and vegetables, warmed slightly in a microwave to soften; she is self-feeding, and can also eat leafy greens and unshelled nuts. She would need to have her front teeth trimmed regularly, or pulled, but has full molars to chew with. Because of her special diet needs, she would do best in a smallish wildlife sanctuary, preferably in a large cage and outdoors, if possible, but indoors would be okay. If there are other juvenile squirrels, I am sure she would be fine with them. If you have one available, or know of any, please contact me ASAP at npowers2@hughes.net. It would be a shame to euthanize such a lovely, healthy young squirrel, but that will be her fate if I am unable to place her soon. Thank you for any help you can offer.

Thank you all for your responses. It is wonderful to know so many people care. I want to assure everyone who has responded that I am not rushing to a decision here. I have been looking for a sanctuary for her for over two months, and thought I had a place for her in Butte County, northern CA, but the sanctuary has not responded again for several weeks now, so am trying other avenues. I really need to find a place for her in northern California, which is her natural climate, and preferably in an actual wildlife sanctuary, and she needs a large cage, preferably outdoors, so she can experience the wild to some degree, not in a home as a pet. I am willing to drive her to any county within a few hours of El Dorado County. I will check all your emails, which may have ended up in my spam, today.

Milo's Mom
08-19-2014, 10:09 AM
Nan, I just responded to your email. My contact is IN California, Malibu to be exact.

08-19-2014, 02:47 PM
Good work MilosMom!!!!

I am anxiously waiting to know that this sweet one won't be put down!:thumbsup

08-19-2014, 03:43 PM
If the other home falls through, I can take her in Washington, but I would need a train or someone to drive her half way.

08-19-2014, 09:51 PM
Am attaching some photos of Abby, so you can all see how adorable she is. She is eating her soft food and shelled nuts and greens well; she had a big indoor cage, but really needs a larger space. I am the Squirrel Team Leader for SWR, and all of our release cages (including mine) are full this time of year, with more babies still to reach release cage age, so hope I can get a good place for her soon. 241310241311

08-19-2014, 11:57 PM
Oh my so beautiful. Love them colors.

Milo's Mom
08-20-2014, 04:41 AM
Marcia and Nan have made contact and are discussing some details to see if it will be a good fit and of course transportation. They are approx 8 hours apart.

Abby is absolutely beautiful!!!!

08-23-2014, 11:07 AM
I have made contact with Milo's Mom and she is willing to take Abby, and even to meet me half way, but it's still a long drive, and I'm wondering if anyone in California can help us out with a "squirrel train." The drive would be from Pollock Pines, CA, near Placerville (biggest near city Sacramento) to Malibu, CA, I judge about 8 hours one way.
If anyone could help with driving her part way, please email me at npowers2@hughes.net.


Nancy in New York
08-23-2014, 11:12 AM
I have made contact with Milo's Mom and she is willing to take Abby, and even to meet me half way, but it's still a long drive, and I'm wondering if anyone in California can help us out with a "squirrel train." The drive would be from Pollock Pines, CA, near Placerville (biggest near city Sacramento) to Malibu, CA, I judge about 8 hours one way.
If anyone could help with driving her part way, please email me at npowers2@hughes.net.


Fantastic update!
I had to reread as I thought that Abby
was going to Milo's Mom. Even when I saw
the 8 hour drive time and knowing where she lives,
I thought even for her that's fast. :rolf
Nice job Betsy and Nan!

Milo's Mom
08-23-2014, 11:14 AM
Hang on, hang on! I, Milo's Mom, am not taking Abby....meeting you halfway is like a 2 day drive and we'd be meeting somewhere in the mid-west! I think you mean that you've made contact with Marcia who lives in Malibu, California, which is 8 hours from you.

Just wanted to clarify a tad bit.

I sure hope we have some help or have some help to get a train so Abby is able to make her way to Marcia. I am POSITIVE that she will have a spectacular life with Marcia. :Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
08-23-2014, 11:15 AM
Fantastic update!
I had to reread as I thought that Abby
was going to Milo's Mom. Even when I saw
the 8 hour drive time and knowing where she lives,
I thought even for her that's fast. :rolf
Nice job Betsy and Nan!

Yeah, kinda fast you think! :poke :rofl4

08-26-2014, 01:21 PM
Sorry it is Marcia, in Malibu, who is willing to take Abby. I thought her tag was "Milo's Mom," but was mistaken. Marcia and I have been emailing directly on this. I'm hoping I could get someone in northern CA just to drive with me from at least Sacramento to Fresno, where Marcia is willing to meet us, about 3.5 hours from where I live (or less from Sacramento), half-way to Malibu. I have some health issues, and am reluctant to drive that far alone. If anyone in northern CA is seeing this, would you be able to do that in the near future? If so, please email me at npowers2@hughes.net ASAP. I check my emails/SPAM daily.

Many, many thanks to anyone who can help.


08-26-2014, 05:35 PM
I hope you get someone to go with you. I would if I was close.

08-27-2014, 06:44 AM
Bumping this up for help in CA with squirrel train. Let's get little Abby to her new forever home as soon as possible!:thumbsup