View Full Version : Hattiesburg, MS - HELP NEEDED NOW!!!

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 06:53 PM
Just got an email and phone call from a lady in the Hattiesburg Mississippi area with 2 1-2 week olds that have aspirated and are clicking. She has a friend that works for a vet and is trying to get Baytril (she will be calling me back as soon as she gets off the phone with friend).

Do we have anyone in that area with meds or with access to them? Of course the finder would like to keep and raise them....I did tell her that by this time tomorrow without meds they will most likely be dead.

She does not have a computer and is working from a cell phone only so joining the board is tough (per her words).

I do not know if she is able or willing to travel, I will ask her when she calls me back. Just wanted to get the SOS out ASAP.

Nancy in New York
08-15-2014, 07:00 PM
Just got an email and phone call from a lady in the Hattiesburg Mississippi area with 2 1-2 week olds that have aspirated and are clicking. She has a friend that works for a vet and is trying to get Baytril (she will be calling me back as soon as she gets off the phone with friend).

Do we have anyone in that area with meds or with access to them? Of course the finder would like to keep and raise them....I did tell her that by this time tomorrow without meds they will most likely be dead.

She does not have a computer and is working from a cell phone only so joining the board is tough (per her words).

I do not know if she is able or willing to travel, I will ask her when she calls me back. Just wanted to get the SOS out ASAP.

I was just looking for help in Mississippi the other day, and came up with one person, but they never answered me back.
Can she get Cipro from anyone that she knows, or Clavamox anything that she can get her hands on is better than nothing IMO. We can dose this for her, but she needs to start making calls NOW. Hopefully the friend that works for the vet will pull through.

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 07:05 PM
I told her to ask for Baytril, Cipro, Clavamox, Amoxy.....basically I told her to get her hands on anything and everything and to call me back as fast as possible. I also asked her to weigh them (she does have a kitchen scale thank God)

Nancy in New York
08-15-2014, 07:05 PM
I told her to ask for Baytril, Cipro, Clavamox, Amoxy.....basically I told her to get her hands on anything and everything and to call me back as fast as possible. I also asked her to weigh them (she does have a kitchen scale thank God)
edit: we do have a new member casiokitty1 who is in Mississippi, and a volunteer rehabber.
I'm not sure where she is located. If this person can't find any antibiotics, I will email casinokitty1.

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 07:17 PM
edit: we do have a new member casiokitty1 who is in Mississippi, and a volunteer rehabber.
I'm not sure where she is located. If this person can't find any antibiotics, I will email casinokitty1.

I just sent casiokitty a PM. Thank you Nancy. :thumbsup

EDIT: I think casiokitty1 is in Northern MS, and Hattiesburg is in Southern MS.

Nancy in New York
08-15-2014, 08:02 PM
I just sent casiokitty a PM. Thank you Nancy. :thumbsup

EDIT: I think casiokitty1 is in Northern MS, and Hattiesburg is in Southern MS.

Well that's not good. :(

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 08:32 PM
Finder is running to town for some basic supplies. She thinks she located some Augmentin and will get the info to me as soon as she gets her hands on it (when she gets back from town).

She is feeding Esbilac with probiotics.

The are on heat halfway.

She got scared of their toes getting caught on towel loops so she moved them to a t-shirt and is picking up some fleece or flannel for them.

She has 2, 1 boy and 1 girl.

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 09:53 PM
pics of babies - closer to 3-4 weeks if you ask me.


Nancy in New York
08-15-2014, 09:55 PM
pics of babies - closer to 3-4 weeks if you ask me.


Precious little babies, yes I totally agree with the age guesstimate. :thumbsup

08-15-2014, 10:58 PM
Yes, precious little's, sure hope she's able to get them on meds asap.
Wonder if she aspirated them and with what she was feeding with. :thinking
Will be praying for little's and watching for updates...

Milo's Mom
08-15-2014, 11:48 PM
First dose of meds went in at 10:20pm.
She is now feeding with 1cc syringe and a nipple
Yes, they aspirated while being fed with an eye dropper (when they got anxious and started sucking hard)

They are clicking bad enough that I can hear it over the phone.

They refused food at 12 midnight and I just told her to go to sugar water and they seem to be taking it.

08-16-2014, 09:50 AM
You are awesome Milo's Mom. I sure hope those babies pull through. I am glad they are older than what (s)he thought. Definitely 4 weeks old.

Milo's Mom
08-16-2014, 10:01 AM
Babies are still clicking, but they are alive and they are eating. Slowly, but they are eating.

Next dose of meds should have been given 1 hour ago (10am my time, 9am their time).

Their Mom has a very detailed and prioritized shopping list for today. :tilt We were on the phone till nearly 2am just to give you an idea of the list she now has. :eek :grin2

They are currently on Amoxy, and the search for Baytril/Cipro/Clavamox/Augmentin continues.

As I get updates I will be sure to share them. :thumbsup

Also, a huge shout out to the members that contacted me and provided help, advice, med research, and dosing/dilution info. :bowdown & :thankyou & :grouphug

08-16-2014, 06:27 PM
Sorry I was out of state when this began. I only live about 45 minutes south of Hattiesburg and just got back home. I tried checking in on my phone but service was very bad in west Tennessee. The only meds I have on hand are Fish Flox so I am glad she was able to find meds. If she needs some 1cc syringes I have a good supply on hand and some of the smaller plastic tips.

Sending :grouphug to these little ones!

08-17-2014, 03:16 PM
Sorry that these little ones didn't make it. :boohoo:boohoo

I have tried to contact the finder and let her know that if she wants to help in the future I would be happy to pass on what tips I can but she doesn't answer my calls and my text got rejected. We would love to have some extra hands in this area since there are times we all get overwhelmed with babies.

Milo's Mom
08-17-2014, 05:04 PM
I sent the finder an email asking that she at least acknowledge your offer with a thank you or no thank you.

I too am very sorry they did not make it. If she had taken them to the rehabber in Jackson (a mere 2 hours away) the day she contacted me (Friday) they might have had a chance. She "loved" them too much.

Rant ends there. Sorry.

Rest in Peace Little Peanut & Butters

08-17-2014, 07:36 PM
I sent the finder an email asking that she at least acknowledge your offer with a thank you or no thank you.

I too am very sorry they did not make it. If she had taken them to the rehabber in Jackson (a mere 2 hours away) the day she contacted me (Friday) they might have had a chance. She "loved" them too much.

Rant ends there. Sorry.

Rest in Peace Little Peanut & Butters

If she doesn't that's fine. Not all of us are called to do this and if she isn't someone I could count on when the going gets tough it's better off she not be one of those that "would love to help" as long as there are no babies needing help. I need dependable people to work with which is one reason SammySquirrel and I work so well together. She knows if she calls or texts I am going to answer or call her back just as soon as I can.

Milo's Mom
08-17-2014, 07:52 PM
just sent you a PM, she is very interested but she said she has not heard from you???? who knows. I just PM'd you her phone number, which she just sent to me. I think I gave you 2 different numbers last night. Her phone died and she may have used someone elses phone and if you have been calling that number it might explain it all.

08-17-2014, 09:11 PM
Just sent her a text and let her know that if she is interested then she can call me tomorrow.

08-17-2014, 10:11 PM
Got a reply to my text and she is going to call me tomorrow. :grin2

Milo's Mom
08-17-2014, 10:14 PM
Got a reply to my text and she is going to call me tomorrow. :grin2


I sent her a message and said the ball was in her court and if she wanted to play she had to make the first move. Game on I guess, right? :grin2

08-18-2014, 09:05 AM
We exchanged several texts last night. She is still interested and is supposed to call me today.

08-21-2014, 09:31 AM
She didn't call but I sent her a text yesterday and she is still interested. She is going to school and working so I told her this might not be the time to get into this seriously due to her schedule. I sent her an e-mail with a list of items she would need to build a kit so that she would at least be set up to handle any rescues for a day or so until she could find another helper to pass them on to. Hopefully in the future we may have some more help in the area. :grin2