View Full Version : twitchy little bugger wont eat
08-13-2014, 07:21 PM
I found this baby squirrel (about 3-4 weels old) outside my house at 8 am. It started pouring rain so I immediately ran out. There were 2 others with him. They seemed to have fallen out of the tree (long way down) one was crying for its mother one was just silent and the other seemed to be extreamly injured. The mother had come down and checked only 2 of the 3. 1 ended up dying. The mother only took 2 back up the tree (including the dead one) and left the other for about 2 hours before I had to move it. (It was about to be run over. He was soaking wet and freeking so (while wearing gloves) I warmed him up and dried him off and tried to get him reunited with his mother. After 4 hours, she did not come (its now 8:30 pm) and still hasnt come. His breathing is fine, he seems well alert. Wiigling around and making little grunts however ive tried and tried and he does not want to eat. All he does it sleep near the heating pad holding my pinky. Fusses and moves and does it again. he seems to twitch quite a bit as well. What do I do?
08-13-2014, 07:34 PM
So I usually find that when they first come in, they aren't too excited to eat. I do force the nipple into their mouth and put a drip, IOW, one drop of Formula. Then they open their mouths to try and spit it out and then they latch on and start drinking.
So what have you tried so far? What formula are you using and what nipple do you have?
Don't give up, s/he is confused and upset, but hunger wins out eventually. So sad, I wonder how they fell out of the tree. What a bummer the mother took the dead one and not this one :(
Let me know
Kim - Currently feeding 7 that look just like your guy :)
08-13-2014, 07:41 PM
So this morning, about 8 am, I heard loud screeching from outside. I looked to see 3 baby squirrels in the middle of the road (clearly fallen out the tree) I went to go see. One was extreamly injured, the others where silent but breathing. I waiting and waited making sure care went around them while the mother came. 1 started screaming so the mother checked it, then the (by then) dead one and didn't give the 3rd a look at all. She then took 2 up the tree (including the dead one) I then waited and waited. by 1pm id had enough (while wearing gloves) took the 3rd one, Dried him and heated him and waited outside for the mother to return to hopefully reunite them. Its now 8:30 pm and she has not returned.
Hes a fussy little guy. Ive done the pinch test and he does seem dehydrated but very very slightly. hes very vocal (Lets out plenty of grunts) and it seems all he wants to do is sleep near the heating pad and hold my pinky (He makes a huge fuss when I move my hand away from him.)
Only thing is, Ive been trying for hours and he will not eat or drink at all. he does a lot of twitching, yawning, whining and wiggling but he will not eat nor drink. Its been 12 hours. help?240834
08-13-2014, 07:45 PM
You could try offering a little water with a little bit of
sugar in it warmed just like formula.
Not wanting to eat for us at first is not at all unusual.
Sweet baby is waiting for momma. Keep offering.
08-13-2014, 08:11 PM
Yes, what kind of formula are you using?
Also, please pay attention to proper feeding technique - head pointed down, syringe pointed up:!!
08-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Ive called vets and a few people I knew personally who have raised some and they all recommended pedialyte and watered down puppy formula. he doesn't seem to want any of it.
right now im using small syringes I got from the vets office when my kittens mother died during birth. I had a few unused.
Unfortunately all the vets and pet supply stores in my area don't have nipples small enough so im stuck with syringes for a little while.
Apart from not wanting any water or food he seems very needy. He throws a huge fuss of crying and jumping around if I take my hand away from him. very sweet little guy. My dog seems to like him as well. my dog cries along with him when he cries. its quite a sight haha,
Should I still be stimulating him? I did it once this morning thinking maybe that's why he wasn't eating or drinking and also to see how hydrated he is and everything seems 100% in that department. How long could he resist food and water before I should really worry?
island rehabber
08-13-2014, 08:18 PM
I have had stubborn new "patients" refuse everything for 12-15 hrs. I eventually get them with a mixture of either warm water and honey, or warm water and a little apple juice or apple sauce mixed in. The apple flavor is often irresistable to babies and can be the thing that finally gets them to start drinking. Try honey water or apple water. When you say he seems ok in the hydration department, is his urine clear or almost clear? If it's at all yellow, he's dehydrated.
Make sure what you are giving him is VERY warm. It should be the temp of his mamma's body, because that's where he thinks food comes from and he cannot even relate to lukewarm liquid at all. 102-103* is best.
Good luck...keep us posted -- we want to help!
08-13-2014, 08:32 PM
Thanks so much! I will.
I was wondering that too because during fairly calm hour I decided to eat some apple sauce and when he started fussing I ws wondering if the smell would trigger him. but nothing. Also the pedialyte water I bought is apple flavor. (I figured best bet because I often see squirrels stealing apple cores from my garbage).
This morning it was very slightly yellow but im sure it has to be dark now. I don't have any honey but im going to google their diets and see if theres any other smells or fruits to trigger them.
&& yeah. I had read that their body temperature had to be t 99 F so I figured the formula should be around that as well.
Thank you so much I will deffinetly keep you posted and most likely be up all night with this little guy.
&& thank you so much for the video! I was doing something very similar but wasn't sure. Mainly ive been just letting him smell the water and food to see if it would trigger something.
also is it normal for him to require so much attention?
I cant take my pinky out of his hands without a loud screech. its cute but I don't really want to be bringing him everywhere especially since its cold outside
08-13-2014, 09:14 PM
Also, I was told if they are hungry they will cry. Is that true?
island rehabber
08-13-2014, 09:32 PM
They will not always cry -- in fact, most do NOT.
He must be kept warm at all times...on heat, under layers of fleece. With his mother he would never, ever be carried around in the open air unless there was an emergency of some kind, like a predator attack.
You must get fluids into him, and yes you need to introduce the tip of the syringe or nipple into his mouth and let a tiny bit of fluid squirt out (TINY bit!) so that he knows where the food is. Smell alone is not enough for him to understand that this stick thing is now his mamma. Try to think like a baby can't can barely hear....everything around you is cold and hard and pointy instead of warm and furry like mamma. We must approximate her as best we can in order for the babies to thrive.
08-13-2014, 10:24 PM
Well I finally managed to get some liquid in him. Only 2 3 tiny drops. but at least its something. He keeps fighting the syringe so I wait 10 minutes, try 3 4 times then wait another 10 15. only this time he woke up screeching scared the balls out of me hah. But after the screeching fit I got him to drink some. Only problem im having is the water seems to cool down very quickly in the syringe.
By the way, after I get him hydrated, how long should I wait for his first feeding?
(P.s. Thanks so much for your help! )
island rehabber
08-13-2014, 10:29 PM
There are lots of ways to keep the fluids or formula warm. You can use a small shot glass that fits inside a large coffee mug, for example. Very hot -- almost boiling -- water goes into the mug and the small shot glass with your formula inside goes into that. Fluids stay very warm and you can draw up what you need with the syringe.
08-14-2014, 02:53 AM
One of those coffee cup Warner's that plug in will work too.
08-14-2014, 06:47 AM
Well, After being up all night, he's finally hydrated. Ive never seen pee so clear.
Hes still fighting the formula pretty harshly. pushes the syringe away and cries and wiggles away. I think he swallowed teeny bit but I doubt it.
Finally got him to nap a little bit before I try again. Hes been running around like crazy for 20 minutes.
Is it normal for them to be so active so young?
island rehabber
08-14-2014, 06:53 AM
Well, After being up all night, he's finally hydrated. Ive never seen pee so clear.
Hes still fighting the formula pretty harshly. pushes the syringe away and cries and wiggles away. I think he swallowed teeny bit but I doubt it.
Finally got him to nap a little bit before I try again. Hes been running around like crazy for 20 minutes.
Is it normal for them to be so active so young?
ok, did you use a particular flavor in the hydration fluid? Whatever it is, when you fill the syringe with formula dip the tip of it into that fluid before putting it under his nose. In a way you will 'trick' him into taking the formula, thinking it's the hydration. Once he tastes the formula he'll come around -- they always do. BTW What formula are you feeding?
Normally they are only that active at this age when they are HUNGRY. He will learn that formula is food, but you must be consistent and patient with him.
08-14-2014, 09:01 AM
I had dipped it in apple sauce that I had warmed up and he finally took it. Not very much but just enough!
&& This morning after little fuss he finally came around to the formula. he willingly put his mouth on the syringe. he only took very little but at least hes coming around.
I ever got poop today!
it wasn't dry so I don't think hes dehydrated anymore.
I was told by a vet to use puppy formula and to dilute it. 1 part formula and 3 part water until he gets used to it. Then go to 1 part milk 2 part water. Im so happy hes finally starting to eat. At least now I can afford a nap! Haha
Also I figured since he would be looking to be close with his mother, instead of normal fabric over the heading pad I put faux fur. is that okay?
08-14-2014, 09:24 AM
Also ive just noticed this but he lets out one or two loud cried and when I check him, His little shmeckle is wet. Could he be starting to pee on his own?
I know im supposed to stimulate him before and after eating and that's what ive been doing
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