View Full Version : Loss of appetite and lethargic but no click ( * I may just be paranoid)

08-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Hello all,

I am rehabbing a pinky I found in Chicago but over the last 24 hrs he has got more lethargic and eating less (I may just be overly paranoid). I presume at 3-4 weeks old, as he was very young when I found him. Although there is no click I fear the worst and finding a vet that will take him is becoming a challenge. He has a body temp ( not cold), is still moderately active ( but he used to be more fiesty), and is eating about 2cc still.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have a call into Flint Creek wildlife rehab.

At the very least what is the best way to find a vet? In the event that this is a drill I learned how ill prepared I was

08-12-2014, 06:40 PM
Hello all,

I am rehabbing a pinky I found in Chicago but over the last 24 hrs he has got more lethargic and eating less (I may just be overly paranoid). I presume at 3-4 weeks old, as he was very young when I found him. Although there is no click I fear the worst and finding a vet that will take him is becoming a challenge. He has a body temp ( not cold), is still moderately active ( but he used to be more fiesty), and is eating about 2cc still.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have a call into Flint Creek wildlife rehab.

At the very least what is the best way to find a vet? In the event that this is a drill I learned how ill prepared I was
Do you have a heating pad on low under half of the container? Babies need warmth because they can't regulate their body temperature.
What are you feeding your baby?
Are you using a 1CC syringe to feed the baby? Bottles and eye droppers can cause aspiration pneumonia because the flow can't be regulated.

The clicking from pneumonia can be very subtle ... sometimes even absent. Put the baby against your ear and listen for even slight clicking. Lethargy is usually an indication of a problem. In case it is needed, do you have any antibiotics? A single pill is enough.

We would like to help you with your baby. Sorry for so many questions.
:Welcome to TSB

08-12-2014, 07:12 PM
:Welcome darkcatt :Love_Icon thanks for helping this baby:grouphug We have a member in Chicago...I'll contact her and direct her to your thread! :thumbsup

08-12-2014, 07:18 PM
I have a seedling mat underneath the squirrel and the temp is good. I use a syringe for feeding to regulate flow.

What can I use for antibiotics? Forgive me if this was already shared some place else

08-12-2014, 07:37 PM
ok he is 48 grams and I found and amoxacylin tab. Should I try to dose him? If so what is a proper dose/ method?

When I put him on the scale he made an almost purring sound, I cant tell if this is normal or pneumonia.

On a positive note I just got him to eat 1cc of formula and he was all about it

08-12-2014, 07:49 PM
What is the strength of the amoxi tab? With that, one of us can dose.

08-12-2014, 09:57 PM
have you did the hydration check.. they get lethargic and stop eating when dehydrated.. pinch the skin up on the back of neck and see if it goes down count and if you get to 3 before it is down he is dehydrated.. lets ceck this before starting abs..:) don't want to jump the gun here and him be ok and not need the abs

08-13-2014, 12:53 PM
I am happy to report that everything is ok! I was just overly paranoid and took extra steps.

08-13-2014, 03:51 PM
that is such good news...:thumbsup

08-13-2014, 04:40 PM
:Love_Icon Thank goodness....and hey...always better to be safe than sorry! :thumbsup :Love_Icon

08-13-2014, 07:55 PM
Darkcatt you are not being paranoid!
You are just trying to do your best with this little infant.
Please don't hesitate if you have any more questions.
We are here to help.
Thank you for taking care of this wee one.