View Full Version : Massive diarrhea - new squirrels

08-11-2014, 09:17 AM

Boy and girl both had normal poops... Now this morning massive diarrhea . Yellow.

Only the standard sugar water / salt has been given.

Boy has bruising in pelvic area probably not related.

Finder did not speak good English - had them in a beach bag. When I asked if they had eaten anything he told me he put them in his pocket.

Ideas? Maybe move to straight water?

Not seeing any urine still but their cage was a mess of mess this am. Part normalpoo part yellow mucus . When stimulated just yellow runs.
Have not gotten around to flea issue yet.

08-11-2014, 01:05 PM

08-11-2014, 01:32 PM
Mommaluvy I'm not an expert...but I would keep up with the hydration...that is not causing the diarrhea...not to mention with the diarrhea they need it more :thumbsup just keep them warm and hydrated...I'd say more than likely the finders fed them something wrong, and it needs to pass through their system. If you're close to a store or drug store...you could give them a drop of infant kaopectate ....it's not a fix...but it will help with the symptoms ....I've used it before with no issues..on squirrels and opossums :grin3 Once they're hydrated move on to the diluted formula :grouphug

Abbi's Mama
08-11-2014, 01:59 PM
I used the Caro syrup with Abbi to stop the diarrhea she had when she was a pinkie. (old remedy)
Diarrhea in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, it helps get rid of bad things they may have been fed. Hydration is key (and keep their little bottoms clean and dry the best you can so they don't get poop burns/diaper rash).

08-11-2014, 02:48 PM
I don't know how syrup would help. Sugar draws water into the gut, which is part of why we recommend apple juice when constipated. We recommend staying away from sugar when possible with loose stools. Fiber is good though. It's a regulator. It absorbs excess water in the gut which helps during situations like this, but also softens stools for constipation. Can they eat solids, like pumpkin baby food? If not, some water soluable fiber that they sell at the drug store couldn;t hurt. But keep hydrating.

08-11-2014, 03:16 PM
Ok. They finally peed!

Will try the kayopectate and some pumpkin.

So I am thinking it's not worms since the poops were normal at first?

Maybe something they ate at the finders?

The girl is refusing fluids now.. It's litterally one drop at a time.

08-11-2014, 03:21 PM
Is she clicking or lethargic?

Not sure about the kayopectate. Did someone experienced recommend it? I've seen it used but just in real emergencies. I don;t know if it has anything bad about it.

Abbi's Mama
08-11-2014, 03:25 PM
I'm not sure why it works either, but it worked for me. And it worked for my mom/dad when they raised babies in their younger years. I was also told by the vet to use Karo syrup in the event of diarrhea. However, all of the research I've done indicates that it typically isn't an effective cure, and I do live in a pretty rural area of Appalachia...
Old wives tales. :dono

08-11-2014, 03:44 PM
I'm not sure why it works either, but it worked for me. And it worked for my mom/dad when they raised babies in their younger years. I was also told by the vet to use Karo syrup in the event of diarrhea. However, all of the research I've done indicates that it typically isn't an effective cure, and I do live in a pretty rural area of Appalachia...
Old wives tales. :dono

Yep- I have hear of this and it used to be part of the rehab world.

My gran was from the south where children would get " second summer" and get the runs. Skinned milk ( boiled with the skin removed ) was the cure. It worked for my nephew when the docs could not figure out his diarrhea .

But back to squirrel diarrhea - Far, She who wept mentioned it above. I think I'll try the pumpkin first and fiber. But have the kayopectate on hand. And if that don't work .. I'll try the karo.

I guess with the fiber it would be just a pinch?

We just had so many nice logs yesterday at intake.. Nice black seed logs.

Good thing I gotta bath them for the fleas. Clean them and the fleas at the same time.

Abbi's Mama
08-11-2014, 04:17 PM
How old are these babies? Can you post pics? And have you had experience with raising babies before? I just realized I didn't see any of that info....lol
Them having normal, black poop yesterday is typical considering they probably still had some of their mama's milk in their tummies and it had been digested. The yellow is them adjusting to new stuff.

08-11-2014, 04:27 PM
when we get a bad case of runs here I always start albon.. it is a ab and it helps especially if it is not going away. how old are they, and I would use water flavored with no sugar added apple juice. and I have been told by several pumkin. but have not tried it yet and depends on their age.. good luck..

08-11-2014, 04:30 PM
also they will need to be on some formula soon to get some calories.. it can be 50% formula and 50% water for adjustment and hydration.. the need the calories. :thumbsup

08-11-2014, 04:33 PM
Aprox 3-4 weeks . Albion is an antibiotic ?

Their poo was so normal last night. Wondering if the guy had fed them cows milk?

There is no clicking. Not really lethargic. The girl hollers when I feed. The normal Chirp of momma.. Only she is very loud.

The guy is a bit more quiet but he is really bruised up.

Yes I will start them on some formula 50/50 also. Maybe that will help bind them just a bit to get normal bm's .
Keep the squirrel prayers a coming. Man this is nasty. Poor kids.

08-11-2014, 04:35 PM
ok how long have they been on the liquids.. yes albon is an antibiotic.. it is good for diarrhea.

08-11-2014, 04:37 PM
sometimes I will get the baby warm and hydrate and start on 50/50 for the first day.. then gradually the next day move up to full strength.. they get hydration and some calories and vitamins while getting tummies used to formula.. which what are you using

08-11-2014, 04:41 PM
also most times if it is a issue with something they ate the diarrhea will clear up with this method.. if not that is when I give albon and go back to 50/50.

08-11-2014, 04:44 PM
also if you start formula don't give the other stuff,, you wanna make sure as to not make it worse

08-11-2014, 04:49 PM
They have been hydrating since ten pm last night - at first they were eager 3-4 cc

85 grams .

So normally I would have started esbilac with prob. Transition.. But I could not get them to pee. We finally caught pee!

08-11-2014, 04:56 PM
great I think they will be ok.. I sent u my number u can call anytime we just need to keep the board updated.. just soo everyone can see how they are doing and what has been done..:thumbsup

08-11-2014, 05:19 PM
I got your message to call but no number?

08-11-2014, 06:01 PM
I've talked to our top med people and they agreed in a pinch infant kaopectate is fine....the reason it's not a go to (I believe) is because it doesn't solve the problem....only treats the symptoms. I've used it many times with no problems....I used it on Baby when she was a baby...had diarrhea from ABs....it helped her. I didn't know about the board back then :dono I think it's important to stop the diarrhea, especially if it's from something they've eaten ....just my uneducated opinion....but for me "necessity has always been the mother of invention" :thumbsup Hope you see some improvenment.....I have used pumpkin in the can (unsweetened) :thumbsup

08-11-2014, 06:52 PM
sorry tried again...

08-12-2014, 12:23 AM
Here is Basil and Tess . The boy's poops are firm now. Look normal. The girls not so much . But the constant running is better. They are peeing and ate their whole meal at their last feeding.


Sorry it's upside down

08-12-2014, 07:34 AM
yayyyy I knew it would clear up... they getting formula now?? :Love_Icon

08-12-2014, 07:34 AM
did you ever get my number I sent it again?

08-12-2014, 12:57 PM
yayyyy I knew it would clear up... they getting formula now?? :Love_Icon

Yes . Transitioned up to formula - eating apropriate for weight . Just bathed them in dawn for fleas and put them in with pip.

Watching closely . He is not terribly happy. He won't snuggle them and looks offended.