View Full Version : Paralyzed girl squirrel

08-07-2014, 11:19 PM
She was found in a park tucked in a little crevasse in some rocks. The nice girl who found her wondered why she didn't run away so she walked closer and she DID run but her back legs weren't working. She tried to climb but one leg dragged and one barely moved to help. She had to drop her off by 3 and I was just leaving and wouldn't be back until later. One of my stops was by the vet so she said she would take the poor thing there. She's small--less than a pound--and scared. I put her in my squirrel room. It's cool in there but her bin is half on heat and it's dark and quiet. Tonight I gave her some sugar water and left an HHB for her if she's hungry. I'd like to give her something to make her more comfortable and maybe help with swelling. I do have Metacam and one prednisone tablet. I'm leaning toward the Metacam because it's a non steroidal anti inflammatory and will help with pain. What do you guys think. She's pooping-- didn't mess with her to move her even tho there were poops where she's laying and I guess she's peeing tho I haven't felt to see. Poor thing is terrified. PLEASE! I can use some help here. She's my first with this kind of injury. I haven't weighed her--she's just too freaked out but I'd guess three quarters of a pound. Likely a spring squirrel. She can use some of those TSB prayers.

08-07-2014, 11:37 PM
Oh CL...many prayers coming for this girl and for you. I have my Lena and it is not an easy task! I do potty her, because it seemed she was sort of more piddling/leaking than peeing on her own. I put her bottom on the edge of the sink and potty her over the edge. That way I can keep her tail draped behind her so as not to get it any messier than it already gets. She has been here for weeks and is really still very frightened. I am not really sure this is the right thing for her best interest...:sad
I hope that your little girl can be less frightened. Prayers and loving thoughts to you and your girl...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
I did use Dex along with Baytril per my vet. He combined the two just in case there was urine sitting in her bladder for longer than you would want it there. This way it would help to prevent a UTI. I am not really convinced that the steroidal approach is always the best. It really hasn't been the miracle drug for her that it is in some cases. I think I might try the pred, just to see how it goes. It is the best anti-inflammatory you can get.:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
08-07-2014, 11:39 PM
Oh bless you yet again for helping with this poor darling.
She found the right place if she can be helped.
Do you have Tramadol? She can have tramadol and prednisone.
If not, I think I would go with the Metecam and give her some relief, and
hopefully a good nights sleep.
Many many prayers coming your way.
Precious little baby. :Love_Icon

08-07-2014, 11:48 PM
I do have Tramadol. I only have one prednisone tablet. I'll need the dosing. I really don't want to mess with her tonight but I WILL get meds in her. I think 3/4 pound is a good estimate. Prednisone is 5 mg. Tramadol is 50 mg.

08-07-2014, 11:50 PM
Ohhh CL...poor girl...they said she had some use of one leg...have you noticed any tail flicking? I think you're doing it right peace and quiet, so she can gather her squirrelie wits. Poor girl....she's looks good in the pic :thumbsup Praying for you both and all the kids :grouphug
Oh and did you find the cup, syringes and nipples? Harold said when he dropped it off Wed. no one answered so he stuck them inside the door :thumbsup I don't think anything else got left behind :eek :grin3

Nancy in New York
08-07-2014, 11:50 PM
I do have Tramadol. I only have one prednisone tablet. I'll need the dosing. I really don't want to mess with her tonight but I WILL get meds in her. I think 3/4 pound is a good estimate. Prednisone is 5 mg. Tramadol is 50 mg.

I will write up the dosing now, and pm it to you.
I will dose for a 350 and 400 gram squirrel. You can
decide which after you handle her a little.

08-08-2014, 01:07 AM
Ohhh CL...poor girl...they said she had some use of one leg...have you noticed any tail flicking? I think you're doing it right peace and quiet, so she can gather her squirrelie wits. Poor girl....she's looks good in the pic :thumbsup Praying for you both and all the kids :grouphug
Oh and did you find the cup, syringes and nipples? Harold said when he dropped it off Wed. no one answered so he stuck them inside the door :thumbsup I don't think anything else got left behind :eek :grin3

Got it! You have one excellent hubby! I haven't seen anything except charging and fussing so far. She's got spunk. I'll say that for her. She has the sweetest little face. She was found in a park. I think I'll call her "Parker"

I will write up the dosing now, and pm it to you.
I will dose for a 350 and 400 gram squirrel. You can
decide which after you handle her a little.

She's all dosed up Nancy. Tomorrow will be hard on her as I need to see what she can do. I think the vet is closed tomorrow. I also need to get her a little larger bin. Right now she's swaddled in blankies but she can't move to poop or pee so she's on it. I don't want that. The blanket is thick and absorbent so she won't be wet.

SM. You know what I can expect. Plan on LOTS of whining and crying on your shoulder.

08-08-2014, 01:15 AM
She is a very cute girl :Love_Icon Parker sounds like a cute name. Sending prayers :grouphug

08-08-2014, 06:36 AM
Oh, poor little girl - I do hope you can find a med that will help her..
I'm so glad she made it to you though. I know you will do all you can to help her, but I'm sure you must feel badly to see her so scared. Hopefully, she will begin to trust you soon. :grouphug

08-08-2014, 07:03 AM
Praying for little Parker. She does have a sweet face. I hope she is feeling better soon.

island rehabber
08-08-2014, 07:34 AM
oh, CL, bless you for taking this little one in! SM is thinking of Lena and I am thinking of Louisa....it's not easy, for sure, but the rewards can be immeasurable. You'd be surprised how much they can recover after such trauma, and I'm praying that her injury is not serious. As for the bladder control, when and if the hind leg and tail movement returns, the bladder returns along with them. Hoping!!! :grouphug

Milo's Mom
08-08-2014, 01:53 PM
Update on Ms. Parker?

08-08-2014, 02:01 PM
Prayers going out to little Parker.....praying for the best.

08-08-2014, 02:16 PM
Well, first of all I made one teeeeeeeny error. Parker is a he. In the light of day I saw that very important aspect of squirreldom. HE has had two doses of prednisone (THANK YOU Nancy for the dosing. I hope my dosing syringes are accurate enough) and Tramadol. He takes formula. YAY! And he poops but they are hard little rocks. So far no pee and when I feel his abdomen it feels "full" so I need a crash course in expressing bladders. He's still terrified but is learning the syringe isn't going to hurt him and in fact has yummies for him to slurp up and a nice hard end to attack. Note to self: order more large syringes. I need to get a weight. I think he may be a little heavier than I first thought but sizewise he's on the small end of the squirrel spectrum. Oh PLEASE, all of you dealing with paralyzed squirrels. I need every bit of advice you can throw at me--especially in handling the wild children because even though he doesn't seem aggressive, he's wild and scared. Keep those good ol TSB prayers coming cause I've seen what they can do.

08-08-2014, 02:29 PM
Maybe a little Rescue Remedy to help calm him? I'm praying for this precious guy. Be sweet Parker! You just have no idea how lucky you are to have ended up with Chickenlegs! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

08-08-2014, 02:29 PM
oh, CL, bless you for taking this little one in! SM is thinking of Lena and I am thinking of Louisa....it's not easy, for sure, but the rewards can be immeasurable. You'd be surprised how much they can recover after such trauma, and I'm praying that her injury is not serious. As for the bladder control, when and if the hind leg and tail movement returns, the bladder returns along with them. Hoping!!! :grouphug

I love the name lena, but ir lousia is pretty too.. good luck with it. Lol I will pray for her ttoo:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
08-08-2014, 11:26 PM
Well, first of all I made one teeeeeeeny error. Parker is a he. In the light of day I saw that very important aspect of squirreldom. HE has had two doses of prednisone (THANK YOU Nancy for the dosing. I hope my dosing syringes are accurate enough) and Tramadol. He takes formula. YAY! And he poops but they are hard little rocks. So far no pee and when I feel his abdomen it feels "full" so I need a crash course in expressing bladders. He's still terrified but is learning the syringe isn't going to hurt him and in fact has yummies for him to slurp up and a nice hard end to attack. Note to self: order more large syringes. I need to get a weight. I think he may be a little heavier than I first thought but sizewise he's on the small end of the squirrel spectrum. Oh PLEASE, all of you dealing with paralyzed squirrels. I need every bit of advice you can throw at me--especially in handling the wild children because even though he doesn't seem aggressive, he's wild and scared. Keep those good ol TSB prayers coming cause I've seen what they can do.

Good thing the name Parker works for a female or male. :grin2
Rock hard poops, means dehydration, that will come soon enough.
Are you hydrating in between feedings? I know it might be too stressful
to keep disturbing him.
Did you get a larger container? What I do is put a rubber backed rug in the bottom
of these bins, just something short pile. I have NEVER had a problem with nails sticking, and they keep
the littles from slipping around.
I also put in what is called a diaper insert. It's a real absorbent cloth, made specifically to insert
into babies cloth diapers.
I put that at the very end of the container, under the rug to hold one side down,
and the other side sticking out about 5 inches. BUT that is for when she
can start scooting around by herself. Sort of like her potty corner.:tilt
Mine will actually go down to one end of the container
to pee, I guess to keep it off their fleece. :grin2

Here is a video of how to express a squirrels bladder.
Kiss that little angel for me.:Love_Icon


08-08-2014, 11:56 PM
Pat I found this one on YouTube and he uses basically the same technique I was taught and used :dono minus all the flicking :eek my squirrel was a female so I was above her genitals....with the male you're actually right there. I hope this helps:thumbsup


08-09-2014, 12:10 AM
Okay, I am so sorry that I have not been keeping up here! With Lena, I realized that if I sit her bottom on the edge of the bathroom sink with her tail behind her, I can stimulate her rather than having to express her bladder. I use a hold that Pappy told me to try which is like holding a snake. thumb on one side of head, index finger on top of head and middle finger on the other side of her head. It is not pleasant, but it works and no biting ability. I hold her head with my left hand and my right hand scoops her bottom like a baby.
I am praying for you to have success with this sweet boy...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

08-09-2014, 12:41 AM
Dadburnit! Where'd my update go? OK--let's try this again. He WAS full. He'd peed on himself some--just a bit, not soaked. Glad I keep baby wipes around. Thanks for the video. Not too stressful for him and he must be BUNCHES more comfortable. He poops a LOT and thank heavens they're more like poops and less like rocks. I don't see movement in his legs or tail but he's not just on his back anymore and I think that's good. He's overall more lively and less freaked out. I guess I've moved from monster to keeper of the yummies. He didn't charge the syringe tonight, just slurped it down. AND he eats--always pecan half first. He's still in the smaller bin but swaddled in less fleece so he can stretch out (he still has fleece to hide in). I just couldn't get out to get the bin I'm thinking of--long and fairly low but not as low as an under bed bin. He's a sweet boy and I sure would be happy to see him as part of the outside family. He'd be real happy with that too. Keep those TSB prayers coming. They seem to be working!

Parker and his pecan

08-09-2014, 12:47 AM
:wahoo :grin3 I'm so glad to see him off his back, too! That was worrisome...and Pee! Lord .....it's sad when we get soo excited about bodily functions :dono :rofl4

08-10-2014, 03:00 AM
Just gave him his meds. Legs still not working at all and while I thought there was tail twitching last night I didn't see it tonight. He's a sweetie. Tomorrow I'll get a weight. There is a knot low down on his back. Bet that's the trouble spot. He's on absorbent pads for humans. He IS peeing and I think I'll try getting him in a proper cage before too long--maybe after a vet appointment next week--partly because he needs some room to move and I'm sure some mental stimulation. Poor guy was sunning on a limb in the tree tops this time last week.

08-10-2014, 03:35 AM
Just sae this thread. What a cutie Mr. Parker is!
I'm sure he's much more comfortable since you emptied his bladder. Give him some time, to e
see if he can move, I know how frustrating it is to wait, but that really is all you can do, besides love the little gentleman.

08-10-2014, 10:11 PM
Actually he's not all that little. I tried to get a weight today but he's not havin any hands on experiences willingly right now. Best guesstimate on Mr. Wiggleself is 471 grams--plus or minus 50/60 grams. He pees--lots--and it's pretty smelly. He IS hydrated but I think I'll push more water even tho that means more cleaning him up. He's on the kind of pee pads they use in hospital or for old folks. I cut them up into fourths. Keeps him dryer--tho not by much. I really want to give him a bath but for now the baby wipes get him pretty clean. His bin is only on a little bit of the heating pad. He's got a beautiful thick coat and now the shock has worn off, he's more active and not very likely to chill. I do have a low cage but before he goes into it I need to get him checked out. Can't do it right away tho--till the replacement credit card gets here. Lost mine awhile back and it hasn't arrived YET. I'm thinkin hubby is gonna have a fit. During the meanwhile, Parker is still terrified, eats some foods--HHB and of course pecan halves dusted in calcium powder. He doesn't know he should be eating a healthy diet. He does take formula so as long as he'll do that I'm happy. Need to get him a branch to chew on. He can imagine it's my finger.

He looks pretty normal--but he just can't get those back legs workin.

08-10-2014, 11:36 PM
Poor guy, he does look quite scared. I'm really hoping those little legs will start moving again - maybe with a few more days of meds.. :grouphug

08-11-2014, 10:11 AM
Praying for sweet Parker..

08-13-2014, 01:10 AM
Parker went to see Dr Gonzalas today. She is pretty guarded about his recovering the use of his legs. He is moving around tonight some--not WALKING around but he's feeling better. Even tho he's been peeing his bladder was full so I'll be expressing it twice daily and he has Baytril for a UTI. Tonight he was thirsty. That's good and he'll yum down formula so I'm not too worried about his not eating right now. I give him skritches on places he can't get to and if his face is covered I can scratch his ears and he relaxes a little. Parker's trip to the vet was courtesy of a VERY special person who has brought animals in need to me. Yesterday it was a sweet little possum COVERED in fly eggs. She's been injured--badly. She got a bath and got rid of the evil fly eggs. She's been taking formula and a tiny bit of yogurt and baby food. I don't think she'll make it. I told him the little girl would get some Capstar just in case anything hatched and an antibiotic--and love. He handed me an envelope when he left. In it was one hundred dollars. He isn't wealthy by any means and I'm sure his gift left him strapped. He said it was for the animals and that one of them would likely need something one day and maybe it would help. That money went to help pay for Parker's visit. He would have gone anyhow but it would have hurt (thank heavens my replacement credit card came). Just about the time I'm bout ready to kick mankind to the curb, somebody like Howie comes along. Thank you Howie with all my heart.

08-13-2014, 01:19 AM
Awwwww that was sooo sweet.. I am sorry to hear about your baby. these babies.. they drive us to love and need them as much as they need us.. you never know what kind of miracle waits around the corner even if it is a trip over the bridge. anything I can do please just call.. love ya

08-13-2014, 01:25 AM
:grouphug Good Samaritans :grouphug They walk among us :bowdown and are us :bowdown Chickenlegs :Love_Icon you're one in a million :grouphug

Come on Parker..the trees are calling:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
08-13-2014, 09:28 AM
Thank you Howie for your huge heart. You gotta love people like him. :Love_Icon
Is Parker still on the Prednisone? Did you up the amount because of his weight increase?
If I calculated right, he needs one more pill to finish up, correct? I can put one in the mail
today if you send me your address.
Bless you for ALL that you do for these little ones.
You are the angel to so many.:Love_Icon

08-14-2014, 02:50 AM
Actually the container I mixed the Prednisone in leaked. He was without for a day and a half. Doc gave him a Dex injection. He's still paralyzed and I have to express his bladder BUT he's got strength in those legs--they're not entirely flaccid and his tail twitches. He's also feeling better--grouchy and scared. He wants nothing to do with me. He doesn't willingly take formula or his Baytril. I moved him I to a bigger cage and put Cafefresh on the bottom. It's absorbent so he stays dryer and he still has his fleece to hide in. I still have to trick it out--make it more interesting and give him something to do. I heard CRUNCHING tonight. He was EATING. I gave him a water bottle and hopefully he'll figure it out soon. Getting water into him is HARD.

Poor scared Parker. I'll try for video tomorrow.

08-14-2014, 03:13 AM
Omg:Love_Icon she is such a cutie pie !! I hope her fear dissipates some and maybe regains some mobility in them back legs. She's lucky to have you taking care of her :thumbsup

08-14-2014, 04:55 AM
Sounds like you are doing a great job!

You probably already know this but slow, steady movements of your arms, hands tend to startle and scare wilds less than fast jerky moments.

I also make a noise (I rub my fingers together quickly) whenever I give/leave food. Later, after they have started to associate food with that sound, you can use that finger rubbing sound to get them to relax a little if they get too worked up/afraid.

08-15-2014, 01:40 AM
Hi TD. So far any movements I make are totally obscured by the fleece he hides under. How did you make your yummy medicine balls? Parker is frantic when I give him meds.

08-15-2014, 04:46 AM
Hi TD. So far any movements I make are totally obscured by the fleece he hides under. How did you make your yummy medicine balls? Parker is frantic when I give him meds.

I just scoop a small amount of peanut butter onto a plate. Make a little depression in the peanut butter. Drop the correct dosage amount onto the peanut butter and then mix in with a smooth edge butter knife. Keep mixing, mashing until meds are completely absorbed into the peanut butter. Scrape it all together and roll into ball.

I would not give breakfast until the peanut ball was eaten. They. Are usually hungry in the morning so they eat the small peanut ball quickly. Same in the late fternoon with dinner. Peanut ball first then dinner.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-15-2014, 07:03 AM
was a wild baby continued to always be very hard to pick up. I found if he had a stuffie to hold on to and he was wrapped in fleece He would not bite. I could rub his head then and only then. After mastering being able to hold him, I could submerge his hind quarters into a sink of warm water, this helped relax his muscles to help him pee. I could express him for only a few months because his legs scissored inward and it was hard to get in there and he started bruising very easily. Be careful to not be too ruff expressing, bladder infections come on very easily . Stimulating became much easier to do after a warm bath, also I would try to expel him at least 3 times a day just to keep him empty and comfortable . I find handling him in between just for gentle touch and ear rubbing good also. If you only handle him to get meds in and express, he will associate the handling with unpleasant stuff.. Make some time to just hold him and sing to him, mine love that.

08-16-2014, 05:51 PM
was a wild baby continued to always be very hard to pick up. I found if he had a stuffie to hold on to and he was wrapped in fleece He would not bite. I could rub his head then and only then. After mastering being able to hold him, I could submerge his hind quarters into a sink of warm water, this helped relax his muscles to help him pee. I could express him for only a few months because his legs scissored inward and it was hard to get in there and he started bruising very easily. Be careful to not be too ruff expressing, bladder infections come on very easily . Stimulating became much easier to do after a warm bath, also I would try to expel him at least 3 times a day just to keep him empty and comfortable . I find handling him in between just for gentle touch and ear rubbing good also. If you only handle him to get meds in and express, he will associate the handling with unpleasant stuff.. Make some time to just hold him and sing to him, mine love that.

Thank you for all of this really good info. When it was suggested we have a forum for paralyzed squirrels, I thought it was a great idea tho I had no squirrels with that issue. Now there's Parker. I'm learning to handle him and I'll begin making TD's medicated peanut butter balls so I don't have to torture him twice a day giving him meds. He stays under a blanket and I've only seen him out once when the lights were out. Maybe he needs a slipper like MJ. I stroke him and pet him under the blankie but I'm still the monster that attacks him and squeezes him and sticks a plastic thing that squirts nasty stuff in his mouth. His legs are pretty much useless but his upper body is strong. If I could take the fear away I think he could live a good life. I know that will take time. It's just hard on him right now. I worry he isn't drinking. I put a water bottle and a weighted dish with water. I offer formula twice a day and usually he treats it like acid until he gives up because I'm stronger and he laps it up. Today when I expressed his bladder there wasn't much. I think I'd sugQ him only I don't have the supplies. If he's not peeing more by Monday I'll take him in. Urine does come out, but so far it's involuntary. If you have any ideas as to how to make his environment more stimulating I'd sure appreciate hearing them. I move his legs to keep them from atrophying. I think I need to do more.

08-17-2014, 02:04 AM

Biiiig breakthrough--he ate his medicine ball and I put his formula in a little dish and glory be--he drank some. He let me take a little video of him eating--with his blankie held at the ready. His legs were wet from getting washed down. They aren't working at all--dead weight. I wish they made squirrel size Huggies. Can you powder a squirrel? I put A&D ointment on him but since he doesn't get an actual immersion bath (yet) I don't want to put ointment on top of urine. At least when he looked at me tonight he didn't look like I was going to eat him. I think his thread needs to be called "Parker" he IS paralyzed but he's no girl.

08-17-2014, 02:31 AM
Awww, poor baby. :( Glad to hear he isn't thinking you're gonna eat him anymore, though!

So you're still having a difficult time picking him up? Is that why no immersion baths yet?
I was thinking once you do try a bath - bring a big bowl of water to the cage, towels, everything right there and do it immediately outside the cage. That way it will all go fast and he won't have as much time to panic. :dono Just grab, dunk, wipe dry, put back - he won't know what hit him but he'll feel sooo much better. :grin

Ideas for more stimulation, since you asked: Got a branch in there for him to chew on? Dead one, live one? What I used to do with Salix was scatter some sesame seeds around the cage every once in a while - tiny things so she'd have to move around lots looking for them. The cage was pretty small so it's not like she could hurt herself but it made her move and it gave her something to do. Also, a ton of toilet paper pieces so he can build a nest under his fleece. Put them at the other end from where he sleeps. Or give the whole roll so he can shred it! Something hanging with a bell so he can bat it? Toilet paper roll taped on ends with nut inside? Antler piece? Cuttle bone? Stuffie?

His legs really do look bad. Poor kid. I hope he improves at least to the point of not peeing on himself. I would personally help him to pee more throughout the day (gently - even just stimulate or bathing might help, too) if that means he pees on himself less. Jmo.

Hey - I started a paralyzed squirrel thread under "Other" in the Specific Ailments forum. It'll take a while to get it going but eventually I hope we can amass experiences, info, tips, etc. under one roof. :thumbsup

08-17-2014, 06:32 PM
I discovered a bath trick today with Tim, who's needing medicated soaks for a skin problem.

He likes to hold something in his paws, so when I scrub him he wraps himself around my fingers, and to rinse I set him in a large "mug" of water (it's a cup of some sort from a hospital or something). He relaxed right away, holding the edge with his front feet, and just sat there while I rubbed him in the water to get the soap out. Just a thought.

Also, after your bath, if your guy can take it, wrap him in a blanket and sit with him. I always do this, to try and make up for the icky bath time. Tim will try to groom himself and he will lick me. He's usually cold so he gets rubbed to warm up. I feel it helps build trust.

I also always talk softly to them. You can sing, you can just talk nonsense, no matter as long as it's meant kindly. Squirrels are very smart and they don't miss much, and if you can earn their trust you'll have a true friend- my boy adores me.

08-20-2014, 03:50 PM
Awww, poor baby. :( Glad to hear he isn't thinking you're gonna eat him anymore, though!

So you're still having a difficult time picking him up? Is that why no immersion baths yet?
I was thinking once you do try a bath - bring a big bowl of water to the cage, towels, everything right there and do it immediately outside the cage. That way it will all go fast and he won't have as much time to panic. :dono Just grab, dunk, wipe dry, put back - he won't know what hit him but he'll feel sooo much better. :grin

Ideas for more stimulation, since you asked: Got a branch in there for him to chew on? Dead one, live one? What I used to do with Salix was scatter some sesame seeds around the cage every once in a while - tiny things so she'd have to move around lots looking for them. The cage was pretty small so it's not like she could hurt herself but it made her move and it gave her something to do. Also, a ton of toilet paper pieces so he can build a nest under his fleece. Put them at the other end from where he sleeps. Or give the whole roll so he can shred it! Something hanging with a bell so he can bat it? Toilet paper roll taped on ends with nut inside? Antler piece? Cuttle bone? Stuffie?

His legs really do look bad. Poor kid. I hope he improves at least to the point of not peeing on himself. I would personally help him to pee more throughout the day (gently - even just stimulate or bathing might help, too) if that means he pees on himself less. Jmo.

Hey - I started a paralyzed squirrel thread under "Other" in the Specific Ailments forum. It'll take a while to get it going but eventually I hope we can amass experiences, info, tips, etc. under one roof. :thumbsup

Hi Robyn!
I think he's doing better. He seems to be keeping his bladder empty and of course that means lots of changes of blankies and I've begun to give him baths but no dunks--it's on a towel with warm water and an animal shampoo that's hypoallergenic and contains no soap. His face and front arms are under fleece bout his hind end and tail get a good wash, rinse, dry and powder. Then he gets A&D ointment on all the parts that get peed on. He was starting to get a little red and I don't want any urine scald. I was using baby wipes and bathing him every other/ three days but when I noticed the red--change of plan. The powder is plain ol cornstarch baby powder to make sure his skin is absolutely dry before applying the A&D. One day I hope he calms down enough to let me handle him without fighting tooth and nail (underline tooth) so far he doesn't seem too interested in sticks--or even the almonds I give him. Maybe I need to get him bigger sticks. Gonna check out the paralyzed squirrel thread. I'm with hubby at John's Hopkins. He's gonna have his hip replaced. This is the first time in WEEKS I've been able to post more than once or twice.

I discovered a bath trick today with Tim, who's needing medicated soaks for a skin problem.

He likes to hold something in his paws, so when I scrub him he wraps himself around my fingers, and to rinse I set him in a large "mug" of water (it's a cup of some sort from a hospital or something). He relaxed right away, holding the edge with his front feet, and just sat there while I rubbed him in the water to get the soap out. Just a thought.

Also, after your bath, if your guy can take it, wrap him in a blanket and sit with him. I always do this, to try and make up for the icky bath time. Tim will try to groom himself and he will lick me. He's usually cold so he gets rubbed to warm up. I feel it helps build trust.

I also always talk softly to them. You can sing, you can just talk nonsense, no matter as long as it's meant kindly. Squirrels are very smart and they don't miss much, and if you can earn their trust you'll have a true friend- my boy adores me.

I do give him a massage after bath time and a couple of times a day. He's a sweet boy but I keep his head covered. He's still pretty freaked out. I humm to him any time I'm in the room.

was a wild baby continued to always be very hard to pick up. I found if he had a stuffie to hold on to and he was wrapped in fleece He would not bite. I could rub his head then and only then. After mastering being able to hold him, I could submerge his hind quarters into a sink of warm water, this helped relax his muscles to help him pee. I could express him for only a few months because his legs scissored inward and it was hard to get in there and he started bruising very easily. Be careful to not be too ruff expressing, bladder
infections come on very easily . Stimulating became much easier to do after a warm bath, also I would try to expel him at least 3 times a day just to keep him empty and comfortable . I find handling him in between just for gentle touch and ear rubbing good also. If you only handle him to get meds in and express, he will associate the handling with unpleasant stuff.. Make some time to just hold him and sing to him, mine love that.

He seems to be peeing on his own--and I'm real glad about that. I do check for urine retention but looks like it's all on his blankies. He peeked out at me today--first time he willingly had his face above fleece. Baby steps!

08-21-2014, 10:59 AM
Parker trusts me enough to come above his blankies. OK so he's chattering at me and obviously not happy with my presence, but he's showing himself. We'll see if hs new spunk causes trouble at bath time today. I'd love to look at him and see something besides terror on his little face.


08-21-2014, 11:51 AM
so precious! sendin:Love_Icon:thumbsup:grouphug:grouphug:grouph ugg many prayers your way!!!

08-21-2014, 12:28 PM
Parker trusts me enough to come above his blankies. OK so he's chattering at me and obviously not happy with my presence, but he's showing himself. We'll see if hs new spunk causes trouble at bath time today. I'd love to look at him and see something besides terror on his little face.

Well, that's a start! Hope he continues to trust you. :grouphug