View Full Version : Sick flying squirrel SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!
08-04-2014, 12:08 PM
Ok Wednesday night I found this little guy in my yard, I had no idea it was a flying squirrel. His head is tilted and he's walking in circles I assumed he fell out of a tree and broke something. Fri I finally found a vet to see him and we did xrays nothing is broken also found out hes neutered. I can't figure out whats wrong with him hes fighting and hanging on. The vet thinks we should put him down but hes still fighting. He now just lays there he moves a little at night walking around (still leaning to the side) and I've been feeding him with a eye dropper. Does anyone have any clue whats wrong with this little guy.
08-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Round worm?:dono
08-04-2014, 12:23 PM
Hi emma6811
:Welcome to TSB
First, thank you for helping this little guy. I doubt very seriously that you found a neutered flyer in the yard. My younger male flyer didn't drop his testicles until he was 15 months old. Good grief, I thought he was a girl. Your guy is probably young, less than a year old.
Could you post a picture so we can determine an age? Is his fur smooth or is it greasy looking? Young flyers have greasy looking fur. He has probably been injured from a fall or was cat caught. The circling is usually neurological. With care, many of these injured babies can be saved. Some actually can return to normal and be released. Just so you know, they make great pets. They bond to people and love their peeps a lot.
I wanted to add that they are nocturnal so they only move around at night. :)
08-04-2014, 12:31 PM
Without more info it would be hard to say. Sounds like head trama of some type, remember they are gliders and sometimes they don't land just right. Owls wreak havoc on the little guys, but you didn't note any obvious injuries. If he has been neutered then he was most likely someones pet that got away or they got tired of and put him out :soapbox. He may not know what he can and cannot eat and have eatin something that could have a narcotic/neurological effect on him. Prednisone or dexamethasone may be an option if injured, but dosing the little guy is going to be a crap shoot because they are so tiny. No picture to estimate age but as long as you can keep him hydrated he has a chance. Possibly try some Ensure drink, some of our guys take it quite willingly and it is loaded with nutrients. I would not recommend euthenasia if he is not suffering in pain. That is a last resort for us!!! We have had several deer come back in various stages of allergic reaction to something they have ingested, with swollen faces, and eyes swollen shut. Have seen them come up in the evening drooling and then vomit, which by the way people will tell you they cannot do. Mom wasn't there to teach them what to eat and not eat so apparently they tried something nasty. If you could post a pic or estimate his age and give a weight that would be great. Lastly it could be as simple as MBD depending on his diet history and calcium may pull him out of it. You may try crushing up a tums and giving him some, maybe a quarter every 4-6 hours for a day, if it is MBD you should see improvement within 24 hours if not you won't hurt him with that much.
08-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Ok Wednesday night I found this little guy in my yard, I had no idea it was a flying squirrel.
His head is tilted and he's walking in circles I assumed he fell out of a tree and broke something.
When this happened to my Buttercup and I took her to a wildlife vet, he said the head tilt and going in circles was
due to head trauma, so the vet prescribed Metacam for her..... 1x a day for 7 days (and) she totally recovered.
..... amount of Rx is based on weight.
Buttercup's Story:
08-04-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm sure hes not wild the vet said hes fixed. I just want to help him. He just lays there I rub him with a warm wash cloth to wake him enough to get fluids in. His fur is getting oily and hard I'm not sure how to clean him. When I first found him he was walking in circles now he just lays still I feel so bad for him. I went to the vet again today and got some Rx- Calcium Glubionate. 240273240274
08-04-2014, 08:14 PM
I'm sorry no one's replied yet. Hopefully our flyer people will be on later tonight. Has he eaten anything? For ones that aren't eating, we recommend Ensure (pecan or vanilla flavor) or Nutra-Cal for dogs, which can be gotten at many pet stores, even Walmart often.
08-04-2014, 08:18 PM
He is drinking liquids for me, he's getting formula right now. Before he just laid there now he moves his legs and "runs" in his sleep. I think its a good sign because before he would get really stiff in his sleep I was scared we lost him a few times. I'm trying everything I can to save him but I feel really uninformed of what is the best way to help this poor guy.
08-04-2014, 08:57 PM
He is drinking liquids for me, he's getting formula right now. Before he just laid there now he moves his legs and "runs" in his sleep. I think its a good sign because before he would get really stiff in his sleep I was scared we lost him a few times. I'm trying everything I can to save him but I feel really uninformed of what is the best way to help this poor guy.
Emma, it's hard for me to tell how old he is from the pics. In the 'wet look' pic he looks very small and young but in the other pic he looks older. Maybe some of the others will have an idea. My guess is that he is young as in less than a year but I will defer to the flyer experts.
If he is taking formula, that is fantastic. He's getting hydration and nutrients together. Normally I would suggest only giving him healthy solid food so that he doesn't become a picky eater but in his present compromised condition I think we can bend the rules a little to get this boy back on his feet. Have you tried offering him any solid foods? I would offer him a small piece of apple and maybe a small piece of nut. Some will eat yogurt. The full fat type of yogurt is the best but it is difficult to find. Usually the kid yogurts like Yobaby are the ones with full fat.
Flyer are omnivores so they eat vegetables and meat. I feed my flyers meal worms or WaxWorms as a protein source. Sometimes I will bake chicken wings for my flyers. Some flyers will eat eggs but mine will not. In the link below you will find out which vegetables are good for flyers and many details related to flyer diet.
Here is the link to the healthy flyer diet. The info you need is on post #1 of this thread.
You will need to get a rodent block for your boy. Henry's Healthy Pets (online) makes a block specifically for flyers. It provides all the vitamins and minerals that a flyer needs on a daily basis. They only get 1-2 blocks a day. Mine won't eat 2.
I think what you are doing now, with the formula is the best thing you could possibly do for him. I'm pulling for your boy.
08-04-2014, 09:29 PM
Right now he will only take liquids, We've tried solid food and he can't eat it :(. He weighs 54grams if that helps. He has been very inactive since Fri. Tonight is the first time that he is moving his legs and tail while laying still. He is fighting very hard. The vet couldn't diagnose what is wrong with him, I know its nothing broken and no brain tumor.
08-04-2014, 10:23 PM
Hi Emma,
To me he looks like a juvenile or a tiny adult...which may mean he isn't neutered and his balls haven't dropped yet. If he had a brain injury that would explain why he is so easy to handle as it is possible he could have been a wild. As others have suggested he may also have been a pet. Have you tried leaving something like a mushroom in with him (mine have always liked baby Bella)? Or leave a rodent block in with him. I hope he makes it. How much formula is he taking?
flyer girl
08-05-2014, 02:45 AM
I have had chipmunks come in with head tilts we have always use C/M to help with any brain swelling.. The technical name is chloramphenicol it comes in a liquid form but you can only get it from a vet.. Hope this is helpful.. I will pray for this little boy..:grouphug
08-05-2014, 11:15 AM
My best guess for his age is about 6 months, my boys are almost a year old and their testies have not dropped yet. If you could place some fleece or and old tee shirt he would burrow in it, they like to hide when they sleep. As far as the neuro issue he probably did miss his landing (mine do this alot) and hit his head hard. Others are much more experienced than I am, best wishes for your little guy, they are amazing little animals. :grouphug
08-05-2014, 01:03 PM
What kind of formula are you feeding, how much and how often?
Proper diet is the #1 issue with keeping squirrels. Please go to the diet link that was posted for you. Most of us follow it religiously. This is of the utmost importance in having a healthy squirrel.
It is almost certainly a head injury, walking with a tilt and in circles is indicative of this. UNLESS, you see any bite marks, which is another emergency in itself.
Often with head injurys we give dexamethasone, to help reduce cranial swelling, but it sounds like your little guy is starting to come out of it on his own, so it may not be necessary. If he doesn't keep improving on his own, let us know, and we can tell you how to dose it.
Do yo have a 1cc syringe? If not, you need to get some, your vet will give them to you. You should be using a 1cc syringe to feed him. Go very slowly, so you do not aspirate him. His head should be on top, with the syringe below his head for the proper feeding technique. VERY important!
I am in agreement with the others that his testicles have not descended yet, indicating that he is young. It would be extremely rare to find/have a neutered flyer. Most regular pet squirrels also aren't neutered.
Its very important to keep his hydration up, and it sounds like you are doing a super job. You might try offering some watermelon, good for hydration and easy to eat.
Having a pet flying squirrel is loads of fun, but they are nocturnal. Many owners keep their pets in bonding pouches, that they wear around their necks, or under their clothes. I would not do this just yet. I would let him heal, and then you'll need to decide whether to keep him or release him, which we can help you with.
Are you offering him a heat source? We use heating pads that don't have a shut off switch, set on low, and placed under his container, with fleece/or old T-shirts in the container, on top of heat source. Place the heating pad only under half of the container, so he can crawl off if he gets to warm. Ordinarily, at his age he wouldn't require heat, but because he is injured, sometimes they have problems regulating their body temps.
Be advised that they are relatively expensive to keep as pets, but as everyone here will attest, worth every penny of it.
Also, in almost all states, they are illegal to keep, so I would not tell many people that you have him. I don't know the laws in your state, maybe someone that does know can chime in. But in most states, if they find out you are keeping one, the state will come and seize it and then euthanize it. So, the fewer people that know you have him, the better.
Good luck and. :Welcome
08-05-2014, 01:03 PM
Hi there! I'm not sure what advice to give you other than to follow what others have said above - it does sound like some sort of head thing. Poor little guy. Follow treatments prescribed by others and I'd also add in to keep him quiet, in a small cage so he can't jump around too much and accidentally hurt himself more.
08-05-2014, 01:36 PM
Sadly right now hes on kitten formula because thats all we can find. We ordered some its not here yet. Ok no hes not getting anything aside from liquid (forumla, pedialyte and the liquid calcium from the vet. I'm so scared for him and hes not burrowing himself inside anything because he cant. He seriously is just laying there. I pick him up and help him hes having bowel movements and he is eating if I rub him with a wet warm cloth to get him "awake" enough to eat. He is barely opening his eyes. He gets stiff when he sleeps we got a heating pad under him. We are trying what we can but I'm scared were going to lose him.
08-05-2014, 01:44 PM
You might try rubbing some molasses on his gums. It's brought many around over the years. The sugar can help, and it also has a lot of minerals. Maple syrup can work, and then after that, any syrup or jam.
And you might try Ensure or Nutra-Cal, both concentrated nutrition aimed at sick humans and animals with little intake.
08-05-2014, 01:56 PM
I would stop the kitten formula. He probably is not getting the proper nutrients from it. The Ensure would be much better at this point. I would go NOW and get it.
You can't find Esbliac with pre and pro biotics?
Most vets offices sell it, Petsmart, even some Wal-Marts.
Definately rub some molasses on his gums. It might be his blood sugar is really low, brains require alot of sugar to function. I suspect the kitten formula is doing more harm than good. Maybe try the Ensure, vanilla or butter pecan.
08-05-2014, 01:59 PM
Aww, this is so sad. Poor baby. I would discontinue the Pedialyte. The salt is counterproductive after 24hrs. You can make your own hydration fluid without the salt. The recipe would be 3 tablespoons of sugar in 1 quart of warm water.
He clearly wants to live and you are doing everything possible for him. When they give up they will not take fluids or formula. He is trying. Hopefully he just needs time, fluids, nutrition, love and someone to care. You clearly do! Thank you. :grouphug
How much formula is he taking?
08-05-2014, 02:02 PM
Seriously, The vet said kitten formula, What is best for him Esbilac or Ensure. I'll got get it now and molasses (where can I find molasses) Thank you all so much for your help.
08-05-2014, 02:06 PM
Get the Esbilac. You will find it at any chain pet shop, Tractor Supply, etc. It is Esbilac POWDERED formula for puppies WITH PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS. That part is actually written in a banner around the top of the can. Pricey - $25 area, but it is what you need.
If he continues to have to be formula fed, in a few days we will help you boost that formula for a flyer with the addition of a little bit of heavy cream and yogurt, but I am hoping he will be eating solids before we need to do that so hold off on that.
08-05-2014, 02:27 PM
Thank you so much just sent my husband to get some. Everyone thinks hes just laying there and needs to be put down but my and my husband are convinced hes trying to fight. We got Rx- Calcium Glubionate from the vet yesterday for him and last night was the first time in a few days he's moved he'd wiggle his tail when we pet him and move is feet in his sleep. I'm really pulling for him hes so still its scares me. A few time hes rolled into a small ball and felt so stiff.
08-05-2014, 02:29 PM
Emma, I would make a rice buddy for him. You said you rub him with a warm wet cloth to arouse him to eat. I'm afraid he might get chilled as he dries off.
Make the rice buddy by putting uncooked rice in a cotton tube sock. Tie off the end and microwave for about a minute. Squish the rice around so that there are no hot spot. Wrap it in fleece. Careful ... because you don't want to burn him. When you get him up to eat put him on the rice buddy and rub him to awaken him. I think this would work better than the warm wet cloth.
Usually heat is not recommended for head trauma babies but he does need to be kept warm. Make sure your heating pad setting is on low, check the temp with your hand. It doesn't sound like he could crawl off if he was too warm. I would have layers of fleece under and snuggled around him.
08-05-2014, 02:32 PM
Thanks for trying to help this poor little guy! We pull together for the squirrels around here :)
08-05-2014, 02:44 PM
He has a rice buddy :) the heating pad has a cover on it and we have him laying in a extra cover. I keep rotating him sides and on his belly to help him. Its almost like hes paralyzed. I think the head tilt was just a sign of something else I don't think thats whats wrong with him the xrays showed nothing broken. The vet suggested that it might be something in his brain, I'm hoping its just from being outside without the proper diet.
08-05-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes, sorry this thread didn't get more attention at first, but this is critical at this point.
First, the body burns calories for every function it performs. It even takes calories for your heart to beat. It burns calories to keep yourself warm, to breath, etc.
At this point, he has a deficit of calories. The kitten formula is harmful for them. Don't blame your vet, most vets know very little about squirrels, actually very little about most wildlife, because wildlife is not required studies, they have to take it basically on their own time, so most don't.
There are multiple squirrel experts here. Thousands of squirrel come through here, and through these peoples hands. It is a fountain of squirrel knowledge here.
Right now, prioritize.
1) your little guy needs to be kept warm. Rice buddy excellent idea. Use it in his container also, plus cover him, make sure he is not too warm, though.
2) proper hydration, sounds like you have been doing an excellent job. Pinch between his shoulder blades to see if the skin stays up in a tent, or if it goes right back down. If it goes right back down, that means he is properly hydrated.
3) proper nutrition. Mix the Esbliac as directed on the can, I think its 1 part formula to 2 parts water.
At this point, these are the two most important things you can do to help him. Keep his body warmth up, and feed the proper formula, at the proper temp, using the proper feeding technique.
At this point, I would feed small amounts every 2 hours, untill you get him stabelized.
Then we'll instruct yoj on in reasing the fat content in his formula. But for now get the right calories in him even if it is drop by drop. Have your husband get the 1cc syringes, even a pharmacy will usually give them, just say its for a kitten. REMEMBER squirrels are illegal. But you need the 1cc syringe to feed. If he brings Ensure, I would start with that to get some concentrated calories jnto him, and get his blood sugar up.
08-05-2014, 03:07 PM
We see the head tilt quite often.
Right now his main problem is lack of calories.
Also, if not properly hydrated, they will not eat.
This is very important:
Put you ear next to his chest, and see if you hear any clicking noises when he breathes? If you do, he has pneumonia, probably from aspirating, and wi need to be started on antibiotics immediately.
08-05-2014, 03:15 PM
I don;t think anyone answered about the molasses? It's at every grocery store by the syrups, sugar, or baking supplies. Black strap (a kind, nor a brand) has the best mineral content as I've heard.
08-05-2014, 03:25 PM
I can't thank you all enough for your help, as long as he is trying we are going to do whatever we can for him. He is getting enough fluids (sadly they weren't the right ones) I just gave him some of the proper formula and molasses (whats the best way to give him that?) He is very weak. You can see him breathing but he barely moves Thrusday was his last night of moving around good and he just wanted to lay in my hair. Hes is very sweet. Occasionally he will open one eye to look at me.
08-05-2014, 03:38 PM
Just rub the molasses gently on his gums, using your finger or a q-tip.
I am praying for you and sending healing energies your way.:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Ic on:grouphug:Love_Icon
08-05-2014, 03:39 PM
08-05-2014, 06:27 PM This is some of the movement he does. I really hope we can help him out.
08-05-2014, 06:39 PM
Praying for you and this little one
08-05-2014, 06:50 PM
I just pmed you. My flyer was in the same condition about 8 months ago I gave thou my number if you call I can talk you through what I did. He is alive and healthy today. Hoping I can help
08-05-2014, 08:15 PM
Any updates
08-05-2014, 09:12 PM
Were you able to talk to new mother of three? Poor little guy looks so sick.
08-05-2014, 09:49 PM
Yes I'm doing what she suggested, he moved his legs/rear while I was holding him. Thats more than hes been doing. Hes so sick but trying so hard :(.
08-05-2014, 11:17 PM
They really have amazing recuperative abilities! You are getting great advice and I am praying that he gets better. You are really doing a great job! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
08-05-2014, 11:29 PM
Quick update bwefore I go to bed.... We are texting back and fourth! Currently he is moving his hind end, which is more then he was doing. I have her giving molasses every hour and sugar water only for the next 12 hours. He is in the same state my guy was at so we are following the same things I did. I will text her in the morning to check on him. Good news is he is still using the bathroom on his own at least some of the time other wise she is stimulating him. He is either ridged or limp when she holds him, again same as my guy but small progress is happing. Prayers are with them tonight. As soon as he pulls through ( finger crossed) we will get tums water in him and start the mbd treatment. She is doing a great job.
08-05-2014, 11:42 PM
Good news!
08-06-2014, 12:05 AM
If you want to get him to a rehabber in that area , that is familiar with flyers, let me know :tilt
08-06-2014, 12:47 AM
Thanks newmotherofthree !!!!!! :thankyou
This is great news.
Emma, you are in excellant hands now!
I will keep my prayers and healing energies coming your way.
TSB has pulled off some near miraculous saves and some miraculous saves, we are not quitters, and there is always someone available to help, 24 hours a day.
We are all pulling for your little guy, just one problem......... whats his name?
flyer girl
08-06-2014, 03:18 AM
You can also use baby food like apple sauce or the chicken one.. I use baby food when trying to get my baby flyer on solid foods you can use baby rice cereal to make the baby food a little thicker and more felling.. Ensure is good too.. If the vet could do a dexamethasone injection that would most likely help too.. If he does not want to do dex he could do C/M orally..:grouphug
08-06-2014, 06:38 AM
How do flyer peeps feel about prednisone?
08-06-2014, 08:27 AM
How is the little fella doing today?
I am a flyer squeep but I don't know much about meds. That being said, I am all for using them when they are needed. THAT being said, flyers are super tiny so you have to be very careful!
The problem with dexamethasone and prednisone is that if there is an active bleed, especially the brain, they will bleed out in no time. Used too soon and you have a dead squirrel.
08-06-2014, 10:39 AM My husband didn't want to name him because his condition. But he keeps calling him Rocky because hes fighting so hard. This is him this morning hes so stiff, hes still taking molasses for me and sugar water. I just want to help him so bad, I'll do whatever I have to.
08-06-2014, 11:03 AM
Emma my heart is with you. I keep praying he makes it..
08-06-2014, 11:20 AM
:grouphug Rocky :grouphug Emma :grouphug
I know you're already doing this but I would move those little limbs to keep the circulation flowing.
Bless you Emma and hubby! In a cruel, callous world it always touches me to see those like yourself that will go the extra mile to help the little 'Rockys' of the world. :Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Thank you, yes I keep moving them. I feel so helpless. I set an alarm every two hours at night to make feed him and rotate him on the heating pad. He is going potty by himself but he is now not taking as much fluids as before. I'm trying everything I can and I just don't know what to do for him.
08-06-2014, 12:20 PM
It sounds like you are doing everything that can be done :Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 12:36 PM
Found a vet that knows about flying squirrels, I'm getting ready to make the two hour drive to see him. Hopefully we get some answers.
08-06-2014, 12:49 PM
Ohhh wonderful news.... Drive safe :Love_Icon and prayers being sent with you :bowdown Good luck!:Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 12:54 PM
I hope there's good news at the end of your drive. You and hubby have earned your sainthood suspenders for helping this little guy. He fell into the right hands. So many would have given up or decided he was too much trouble. :Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 01:00 PM
That's so great! Thanks so much for helping him!
08-06-2014, 01:03 PM
That is great news. Bless you and your hub for all that you are doing. It is not easy taking care of the sick, either human or animal. Sending light and love..
08-06-2014, 01:59 PM
My prayers are with you. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 03:52 PM
The vet thinks there is nothing we can do and suggest I put him down :(
08-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Does he think he's suffering? If not, I'd keep him. We've seen a lot of vets be wrong. They often know little of squirrels. If he is suffereing, I would put him down.
08-06-2014, 03:56 PM
The vet thinks there is nothing we can do and suggest I put him down :(
:grouphug Did he tell you what he thinks is going on with him? :dono
08-06-2014, 03:58 PM
He couldn't tell if hes suffering or not, he has no idea without a Ct scan and we don't have the $2500.
08-06-2014, 04:03 PM
I'm sorry to hear.
Did the vet give you any inclination as to what is wrong?
If you think he is suffering, then yes let him run free once again.
If he is not, then do all you can and we will keep praying..
08-06-2014, 04:04 PM
Does he seem to be suffering, or just sleeping a lot? It's a hard call.
08-06-2014, 04:08 PM
Well, does he have white tears like he's in pain? (I'm assuming flyers would manifest pain in the same way) :dono
If he's not in pain as farelli mentioned I'd try and ride it out :dono the outcome will most likely be the same...but at least you will have given him the chance...that said, you've already given him a chance in the time you've had him and if you feel he's suffering or in pain, then we all trust your judgement and will be here for you :boohoo this is a horrible position to be in...and I'm so sorry you are all suffering :Love_Icon Let your heart and gut lead you....this little fellow was so blessed to have been found by you....I don't think he could have found more loving, compassionate hoomins :bowdown :Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 04:08 PM
Oh I forgot 2500 for a CT scan? That is ridiculous!
It wouldn't be that much for a human! I'm an xray tech.
You are trying to help a wild animal. The office should have given you a break!
Keep him comfortable and be with him. It does matter...
08-06-2014, 04:20 PM
I honestly don't feel like hes in pain. Its like hes paralyzed but trying so hard to come out of it. The vets reasoning is if I've been trying fluids and nothing is helping him move then it has to be in his brain and he wont recover.
08-06-2014, 04:26 PM
If he thinks it's his brain, can he prescribe some steroids or anti-inflamatories? We've seen a lot of help with Prenisone and drugs like that.
08-06-2014, 04:29 PM
I honestly don't feel like hes in pain. Its like hes paralyzed but trying so hard to come out of it. The vets reasoning is if I've been trying fluids and nothing is helping him move then it has to be in his brain and he wont recover.
Well, most vets don't believe squirrels deserve the time :dono they consider them more of a nuisance. Squirrels have remarkable healing abilities ...I'm not trying to get your hopes up too high...but, just stating there's a chance...maybe slim, but still a chance. We had a squirrel on the board, Warrior, he was found injured, dehydrated, and stiff, most would have just given him up as a goner. But his finder, Unikorngrrl, fed him nutrical from her fingers and hydrated him, I do think she sub-q'ed him, too. But, she did not give up...she gave him pred...and weeks later he started moving, and eventually he recovered. It takes time and lots of patience and sacrifice, and you must remember that it could all be for not :dono he may still not make it...but there is a chance :grouphug
08-06-2014, 04:39 PM
What would Prenisone do? or Help.
08-06-2014, 04:44 PM
The vet said all I can do is give him pedialyte and pray or put him down. When I got home I gave him pedialyte and this is what he was doing? am I wrong to continue to fight for him? Or do you think he needs put down.
08-06-2014, 04:58 PM
If he is not in pain, then no. Comfort him and keep him warm and hydrated. Does he feel cold? I will keep praying.
08-06-2014, 05:02 PM
The vet said all I can do is give him pedialyte and pray or put him down. When I got home I gave him pedialyte and this is what he was doing? am I wrong to continue to fight for him? Or do you think he needs put down.
Emma, I don't think you're wrong to continue the fight. Does he willingly suck the Pedialyte? I wouldn't use the store bought type because of the salt. I would use the sugar water or plain water for hydration? Does he swallow? He needs nutrition also. I would try to get some formula in him. He doesn't appear to be in pain to me. He looks comatose or catatonic. Does he open his eyes at all?
Honey, you need to do what your heart tells you to do. Don't let a vet or us make your decision for you. Follow your heart. :grouphug :Love_Icon
You asked what the prednisone would do. It is an anti inflammatory drug. If he has some type of inflammation or swelling in his brain it would reduce that swelling and possible improve his condition.
08-06-2014, 05:02 PM
Prednisone is a steriod used to treat inflammation. It works fast, however, if this little one has a bleed in his brain, he would bleed out quick.
08-06-2014, 05:05 PM
YES! Always listen to your heart. We are not sitting beside you (many of us wished we could). Whatever you decide it is the right decision. You have this little one's best interest in mind. You have gone above and beyond what most would. Hugs..
08-06-2014, 05:26 PM
Ok... what is all over his fur ?? you need to also remember, it is day time, and flyers are active at night... so part of his drowsiness may me attributed to that. And, you cannot hold him in that position to feed... it will cause pneumonia for sure. I have 2 baby flyers, about the same age... One of them is much smaller than the other (peewee) ... I almost lost him twice, and he was much worse than this. ... failure to thrive and pneumonia. It may be that he was a runt, and mom gave up on him... :(
08-06-2014, 06:06 PM
Don't give up on him just yet :thumbsup He heeds high calories and high protein right now... do you have any body building whey protein? avocado ? watermelon ?
08-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Could a tick cause this type of paralysis / lethargy? :dono
08-06-2014, 06:30 PM
Not likely... It would have to be grape sized by now to have done this .... I still wanna know whats all over that fur though...
08-06-2014, 06:41 PM
Not likely... It would have to be grape sized by now to have done this .... I still wanna know whats all over that fur though...
Ok, I was unsure about squirrels, I know people have had paralysis from ticks that went undetected without shaving their head (so I assume much smaller than a grape?). I know this (in people) is extremely rare, so I just wondered about squirrels so I thought I'd throw it out there....
08-06-2014, 06:46 PM
Ok we are getting Prednisone for him tomorrow, He is taking fluids its just a little at a time. I was only feeding him like that for the video sorry. I'm not sure why his fur is like that I wet the corner of a wash cloth and try to clean him but I don't want him to get cold. I'm very sorry :( If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them thank you all so much for trying to help with our little guy.
08-06-2014, 06:55 PM
I worked NICU for many years. I have been saying all along that he needs calories to heal. Even if drop by drop. Also, at this point, I think I would try steroids and a round of antibiotics.
I'm really surprised the vet didn't suggest the steroids. But he certainly can't heal without calories. That should be step one. Give him something to fight with.
I'm really sorry your trip was so fruitless.
And, we truly have seen them pull out of worse situations than this. But, not all do, but it is very true that they have an amazing ability to heal.
As the others have suggested, you must do what you feel is the right thing. We will support you either way.
08-06-2014, 06:57 PM
They way she dicribed his behavior before he went downhill, Seems he might have been a pet that got away from owner. We are trying everything and not being a negative Nancy here but she said it seemed like the vet see went to today had no idea what he was dealing with, she had to show him he was a flyer by showing the skin flaps. I am so saddened by this. Did you get my pics and video Emma? If u can text me where your located I will call every vet and see if we can't find him a true flying squirrel specialist.
08-06-2014, 07:07 PM
I think you need to dip him in warm water ...just water. rub him gently, and towel dry... then get clean dry fleece and wrap again. See if you notice any strange smell on him. Either way, the warm water might loosen up the muscles a bit. Don't let him get cold... keep changing wrap until fully dry down to the skin...
08-06-2014, 07:08 PM
maybe you could recruit some help from friends to start searching online locally for someone missing this guy ...
08-06-2014, 08:13 PM
Do you know how much Pred to give? We can dose if you tell us his weight.
08-06-2014, 08:57 PM
I'm getting his weight for u guys she will have the meds tomorrow afternoon. Please post a descriptive dosing schedule for her, so she doesnt have to think. She really cares for this little guy,she is doing awesome thanks everyone I love seeing tsb in action, even though it's under such bad circumstances.
08-06-2014, 08:59 PM
She will get current weight tomorrow but is it helps at all he was 54g as of friday
08-06-2014, 09:19 PM
Will he lap something up? You can get the nutrical at pet stores or sometimes Walmart. It's he would have to be able to swallow it if you put it in his mouth. It's very high nutritionally tho. From my understanding flyers have greasy/oily fur...especially if he's feeling ill and not grooming himself. :dono Flyer folks would know for sure. Honestly, I wouldn't stress him more by cleaning him. As long as you know it's not some foreign substance on him...I think that's what sid'smommy was worried about. I hope you start seeing results once he's on the pred .....sending love and prayers :bowdown :Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 09:45 PM
Ive seen sick flyers looking pretty scruffy, but this is pretty bad . Im worried that it is something heavy or sticky that is limiting his mobility... its like a bird trying to fly with syrup on one wing and the other wing 3 inches shorter. They are high energy squirrels that need protein to survive. Limited mobility= limited ability to hunt necessary foods.... muscle deterioration and possible MBD. Dried up tree sap ?
08-06-2014, 10:03 PM
I gave him a bath thank you for the advice on how to do it. I've never notice this area thats pushed out on him before its above his privates its hard to see in the pics its on the left side where the white fur is, does anyone know what it is? Also does anyone have xrays of a flying squirrel? We had them done and there is something I want to ask about, but need another set of xrays to compare.
08-06-2014, 11:23 PM
So Emma and I are texting back and forth and we noticed something. In the X rays the doctor took there is a black spot on his liver and now a lump has developed where the liver would be. I told her to post pics here of her X rays and a link I sent of another flyers X ray. Opinions please once posted. This little guy is fighting so hard and she is right there with him. Good news is I had her soak him in warm water and message and wash with mild soap and his yucky fur cleaned right up. All help is so greatly appreciated. Keep up the good fight Emma and "rocky":grouphug:Love_Icon
08-06-2014, 11:24 PM
First photo is our baby (sorry best pic I can get) Second photo is another flying squirrel. That black area in our pic is the same area that is pushed out on him. 240442240444
08-06-2014, 11:25 PM
that bump, and the spot on the xray are most likely his "undropped" testicles...
08-06-2014, 11:30 PM
That far up the belly though? And she said he flinches if it is touched.
08-06-2014, 11:33 PM
Not arguing with ya but my boys never had a lump.
08-06-2014, 11:43 PM
Nutrical mixed with a bit of water and syringed is a great way to get calories into this little guy. Other than that, I am no flyer expert, but will send more healing prayers as well as prayers of strength for mama.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
08-06-2014, 11:47 PM
My boys still have the lumps there...more prominent on one side... up near rib cage about a month ago... now near umbilical area... slowly descending.. lol
08-06-2014, 11:47 PM
Could testicular torsion and possibly infarction be something to look into? :thinking
08-06-2014, 11:48 PM
Why would he flich if its touched? :skwredup:skwredup
08-06-2014, 11:56 PM
Could testicular torsion and possibly infarction be something to look into? :thinking
Could that cause septic shock?
08-07-2014, 12:18 AM
Could that cause septic shock?
From what I have read, it can in humans. I have a friend who has a teenage son who experienced testicular torsion. It caused him quite a bit of pain, but he was treated right away, so it didn't go any further than that. But left untreated, it can cause testicular infarction, which then can lead to necrosis. By this point, a nasty bacterial infection can set in, and I would imagine make one feel pretty $&@!-y. It could explain the tenderness too when the lump on his belly is touched. I'm grasping here. I don't know if this is even an issue with squirrels. By why not? And especially with the little flyer boys, who can have undescended testicles for quite some time? This poor little guy. I just want to figure out what is making him so sick. :Cry
08-07-2014, 12:24 AM
My boys still have the lumps there...more prominent on one side... up near rib cage about a month ago... now near umbilical area... slowly descending.. lol
I looked at the xrays and just wondering if a vet seen hi and what he said it was? To me from what I've seen in all my squirrels xrays it could be some poops in his intestines is he going normal, it can be in one xide and not the other. I have seen it before. Maybe constipated? I will look m rocky over in the morning and post back. Sorry I just got the chance to look at ur thread and of course with my eyes I cant read the whole thing but I did skim.. soo I am sorry if I ask a question u answered somewhen before.
08-07-2014, 04:09 AM
I have a couple of thoughts. First, flyers testicles are really big, especially compared to their size.
I think it was Step who posted a pic recently, and I was wondering how that little squirrel was able to leap around at all with such huge man packs!
And, it is rutting season, and yes you csn see/feel the undescended testicles in the upper abdomen. But, it would be bilateral, not just on one side.
I would call the vet back tomorrow, and ask about the liver being dark. I am wondering if it is not getting enlarged/tender from lack of calories. Like the poor little children in Africa, whose abdomens are so distended from ascites. Basically, the body scavenges itself when starving. Flyers are high energy animals. Please try to get some calories into him.
This is probably my most practical thought. Maybe someone could ask Maura if there is any way Emma could speak with Mrs. Skul. I know she has alot going on, but if anyone would know what to do, it would be her. Maybe she could use a little break from worrying about Mr. Skul and speak to Emma.
The Skuls are the FLYER EXPERTS.
08-07-2014, 07:08 AM
The black spot in the xray is alot of air in his stomach. He has gas patterns in his bowel also. Is he tender there? Air presents itself as black in xray. Maybe try getting some high density calories in him.
What is the white stuff on the xray on his head? It look like little metalic objects or something?
How are you holding up Emma? How is Rocky this morning? How was the night?
08-07-2014, 07:39 AM
I agree with ctmom. That looks like air (gas) in the abdomen. I wonder if a tiny drop of baby GasX would help by reducing the gas and the pain.
I am certainly not a radiologist but the head looks a bit asymmetrical to me. The left side looks different. I don't know if it is an illusion created by the view angle. I don't know if the jaw/orbit looks normal. It certainly looks different to me. Emma, how does the left side of his head look? Does his jaw appear normal? Does he give any indication of pain when you rub his face?
Has he taken any formula? Poor Rocky. :Love_Icon
08-07-2014, 07:51 AM
I think his head is just rotated, so it appears different from the other side on the xray.
08-07-2014, 08:28 AM
The white spots in the xray a because I tried to use my lamp to get a picture for you guys, the head looks odd because we took him when he was still moving and doing the head tilt. He is still fighting. But now that I think of it he has been pooping well by himself but I'm not sure when he peed last because he always had that "wet" look. I tried a warm cloth and a q-tip and he didn't go. The vet opens soon I'll give them a call.
08-07-2014, 09:51 AM
The vet that took the xrays is off for the next few days, I found another vet willing to look at them to see what he thinks it could me. I feel sick to my stomach watching this little guy fight and hang on but I have no clue how to help him or whats wrong :(.
08-07-2014, 10:01 AM
Can you get some formula with a little gas x in him? Will he eat? He must be starving with that big gas bubble in his tummy.
08-07-2014, 10:02 AM
I know that helpless feeling. You are doing everything you can.
08-07-2014, 10:54 AM
She is at another vet right now waiting to be seen. No changes in this little guy. Keep up the good fight "rocky" we are all routing for you. And Emma, fantastic job at caring for him. You are a true animal lover.
08-07-2014, 11:24 AM
Well the vet didn't even look at him, just the X rays and said everything looked normal. Told her he wasn't gonna make it and should be put down. We are trying to locate someone that will actually look at him and help him fight though this, but it's hard every vet so far said put him down. His condition has if anything gotten worse, very little to no movement now and she can't tell if he is peeing. I told her to pick up some infant gas drops and some whey protein to give his little body something to eat other then himself. The lump that was there yesterday has gone down in size so we think it may just be gas. He isn't taking as much formula as he was most of it dribbles out of his mouth. She is feeding frequently and slowly. Any other ideas guys? She is going to fight for him as long as he continues to fight.
08-07-2014, 11:31 AM
I think that trying to feed more frequently and gas drops are an excellent plan and all she can do. He is a noctornal mammal so perhaps he wouldn't move much in daylight. Any luck try to speak with Mrs. Skul? Perhaps she would have some better advice. Stay strong Emma and Rocky. Sending prayers your way...
08-07-2014, 11:33 AM
Did anyone give her the skulls number? If not I'll text it to her. Also ctmom they are not as active during the day but even my three move. I play with mine for Littles bits through out the day and all they are is groggy, not immobile.
08-07-2014, 11:44 AM
She called this wildlife center i directed her to and they gave her some woman's number, she said she was wrong and thought that she thought she had a sugar glider and to turn it over to her and she will try and if nothing happens put it down. So no way is she doing that. She is getting the whey protein and gas drops how much should she give him?
08-07-2014, 11:57 AM
Could she get any Nutra-Cal into him? It's for pets that can't have much intake. Or Ensure? Same deal for humans.
08-07-2014, 12:01 PM
She can get whatever everyone thinks she should. She said she is doing everything we suggest
08-07-2014, 12:02 PM
Both those things are high in calories and nutrition. But I don't know if she can ge them in. Ensure is a liquid, NC a paste.
08-07-2014, 12:03 PM
Both those things are high in calories and nutrition. But I don't know if she can ge them in. Ensure is a liquid, NC a paste.
Ensure would be the best bet i think. Any flavor they like more?
08-07-2014, 12:11 PM
She can get whatever everyone thinks she should. She said she is doing everything we suggest
I suggested nutrical back in posts 68 & 88 :dono if he's too weak to swallow now, I don't think it's going to help. He probably needs fluids subcutaneously ...but if no vets are willing to help...and we have no members close by that can do it ....isn't she a couple hours from Duckman? Or is that someone else :thinking I think I would have made that drive...if this is the same one....he's just getting weaker :Love_Icon :boohoo this is so hard to watch..and not be able to do anything :Love_Icon Emma & Rocky :Love_Icon
Edit: scratch that :dono not the one close to can do subcutaneous would need a hypodermic needle and syringe ....and ringers lactate or saline...I think Step has the directions for making your own...:dono and of course someone to talk you through the procedure :dono I'm sooo sorry you're not getting help there from people who should at least have enough compassion to try :madd
08-07-2014, 12:11 PM
Pecan and vanilla. I'd get one of the higher protein varieties. Like Ensure Plus.
08-07-2014, 12:15 PM
Ok then what members are in Illinois? Need all the help we can get.
08-07-2014, 12:22 PM
can I show these xrays to one of my vets to get you info?
08-07-2014, 12:26 PM
Long shot..I know...but how far is she from Chicago?...I could contact Marie1428 she would be able to subq....she's a vet tech and wonderful :Love_Icon
08-07-2014, 12:30 PM
can I show these xrays to one of my vets to get you info?
She said go ahead the more help the better. The top xray is her guy the bottom is a different squirrel
08-07-2014, 12:32 PM
Long shot..I know...but how far is she from Chicago?...I could contact Marie1428 she would be able to subq....she's a vet tech and wonderful :Love_Icon
She is closer to st. Louise Mo 5 hours from Chicago
08-07-2014, 12:38 PM
:shakehead Crap! :sorry that just sucks....this is so frustrating....don't we have anyone out there? :dono
08-07-2014, 12:39 PM
can you get better light behind it..
08-07-2014, 12:51 PM
can you get better light behind it..
She'll try and she is only 30 mind from St Louis anyone close that can sub q?
08-07-2014, 12:59 PM
I may know some one she is fixing to call me in what town are you in
08-07-2014, 01:00 PM
I may know some one she is fixing to call me in what town are you in
Belleville Illinois
08-07-2014, 01:02 PM
pm me ur number and first name..
08-07-2014, 01:07 PM
pm me ur number and first name..
Just pmed you the name and number. Thank you
08-07-2014, 01:21 PM
got a rehabber right there to call and send some one to help.. I just talked to her and from what she is telling me it sounds like he has head trauma. they will help her. they do lots of flyers and will be able to determine what is going on..
08-07-2014, 01:31 PM
Awesome news! You are a god send!:grin3
08-07-2014, 01:36 PM
Laura , are contacting Georgia ?
08-07-2014, 01:48 PM
all is
08-07-2014, 02:10 PM
She just picked up the prednisone, should she still give it? Or wait until she has him seen by whoever jb recommend?
08-07-2014, 02:17 PM
I would wait till she talks to them since it is soon..
08-07-2014, 02:42 PM
He just passed while I was on the phone with her. God speed "rocky" you put up an amazing fight. Emma you went above and beyond to do what you could for this little guy and will be rewarded for your efforts. Can we kindly move this thread to the bridge. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:grouphug wish I could hug you but this is the best I can do. Thank you for being an all around genuine good person we need more like you.
08-07-2014, 02:54 PM
:shakehead :boohoo So least he was loved and cared for :grouphug he would have died under worse circumstances outside ....You lived up to your name Rocky journey Lil fellow :Love_Icon
Sorry or your loss Emma :shakehead sometimes this is all we're here be there at the end to hold and comfort them...I know it's hard ...believe me when I say we all weep with you this afternoon :grouphug :Love_Icon
08-07-2014, 02:58 PM
Oh, Emma, I am so sorry. You went so far above and beyond for this little one that it is just so cruel that you did not get to reap the rewards of watching him heal. I know it doesn't feel like much right now, but he passed surrounded by more love than these littles usually ever get to experience. Sometimes that is the role we get to play - we help them over with love and dignity. I am so sorry...:grouphug:grouphug
08-07-2014, 03:03 PM
I'm so very sorry! You are the perfect squirrel parent. I don't know if you're open to it, but probably more will find you. Once you've helped once squirrel, you'll end up helping others. They find you. I usually think that kind of thing is garbage, but they really do. And even if they don't find you, perhaps we'll get someone on the board who needs help and might be in your area. You would be a great squirrel mom! There's so many who wouldn't be, but you just care so much!
08-07-2014, 03:10 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that! :grouphug You cared so much for that little guy. He was truly meant to find you for the love that he needed. You gave him that love, and you wouldn't give up on him. You were the best person in the world who he could have found.
08-07-2014, 03:17 PM
soo sorry about rocky..:grouphug
08-07-2014, 03:26 PM
Emma words cannot express how sorry I am.
You did your best. Rocky knew he was loved and cared for.
You never gave up on him!
I'm sure this expereience has changed you for the better. I'm sure this willl not be your last. They have a way of getting in your heart and leaving a mark.
I wished I could give you a hug...
08-07-2014, 04:41 PM
I'm so very sorry. He was special, and I am sure that he knew he was safe with you. You did everything and more, to try and help him. Sometimrs there is just too much damage, and they just can't sustain life. You and your hubby are very special people.
08-07-2014, 06:57 PM
Emma and Rocky's Dad, the efforts that you put forth on behalf of Rocky was nothing short of heroic. No one, and I seriously mean no one could have done more. The compassion and love that you poured into Rocky inspired me to believe that people like you guys still do exist. I sometimes get cynical due to the actions of people and then people like you come along and restore my faith and yes, hope also. :grouphug
I know your heart is broken by the loss of precious Rocky and for this I am truly sorry. You have my deepest sympathy and highest respect. If Rocky could have been saved, I have no doubt that your efforts and the love you poured into him would have saved him a thousand times over. Unfortunately, he was too broken and we will never know why. I don't want you to think of this as failing him because you didn't fail him. You gave him warmth, safety and he left this world surrounded by love. Rocky was one of God's tiniest creatures and you cared. My heart aches for you tonight. I am so sorry! :sad
08-07-2014, 10:40 PM
He's whole again and no pain. Sweet sleep little man :Love_Icon You have such a good heart. Rocky will send another little soul who needs your love.:sad
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