View Full Version : Need contact info please

08-03-2014, 08:06 PM
Hello, i know this is the squirrel board but wondering if anyone knows a rehabber around pasadena maryland. Have a looks like 2 week old baby bird. Not sure what kind. Fed him hard boiled egg (a little) need rehab #.

08-03-2014, 08:11 PM
Hello, i know this is the squirrel board but wondering if anyone knows a rehabber around pasadena maryland. Have a looks like 2 week old baby bird. Not sure what kind. Fed him hard boiled egg (a little) need rehab #.

Not super close but All Creatures Great and Small in Columbia, Md does a lot of work with birds. Judy runs the place, you can reach her at 410-740-5096.

08-03-2014, 08:19 PM
ok thank u. i will try to call. im not sure if they will answer on sunday

QUOTE=TubeDriver;1029613]Not super close but All Creatures Great and Small in Columbia, Md does a lot of work with birds. Judy runs the place, you can reach her at 410-740-5096.[/QUOTE]

08-03-2014, 08:59 PM
For now, I would just keep the bird in a warm, dark, quiet place. Thank you for helping this little bird.

I brought a baby Robin to Judy, she raised it and I was able to see it before she released it.

ok thank u. i will try to call. im not sure if they will answer on sunday

QUOTE=TubeDriver;1029613]Not super close but All Creatures Great and Small in Columbia, Md does a lot of work with birds. Judy runs the place, you can reach her at 410-740-5096.[/QUOTE]

08-04-2014, 09:22 AM
Good Morning Tubedriver,

Got phone call from Judy this morning, she is unable to take anymore birds at this time. Time to make some more phone calls :). The baby is doing well. Ate throughout the night & morning. Not moving around & I'm not sure if that is due to him falling out of the nest. (He was on concrete). I will upload pic so you can see the little one.

Thanks again :)

For now, I would just keep the bird in a warm, dark, quiet place. Thank you for helping this little bird.

I brought a baby Robin to Judy, she raised it and I was able to see it before she released it.


08-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Did you ask her about proper diet?

08-04-2014, 11:36 AM
She usually is very busy, was she able to get you the contact info for another bird rehabber?

Good Morning Tubedriver,

Got phone call from Judy this morning, she is unable to take anymore birds at this time. Time to make some more phone calls :). The baby is doing well. Ate throughout the night & morning. Not moving around & I'm not sure if that is due to him falling out of the nest. (He was on concrete). I will upload pic so you can see the little one.

Thanks again :)


08-04-2014, 11:47 AM


Kathy Woods

08-04-2014, 01:18 PM
Thank you Step ♡

I miss u



Kathy Woods

08-05-2014, 02:41 PM


Meet Gwen Big Bird, the sparrow nestling!!! (Gwen meaning "blessing" which Shannon chose & my husband has been calling him Big Bird) Our Pastors' daughter Shannon, found this little one 2 nights ago on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, his sibling that was laying close to him, did not make it. We were unable to find anyone within an hour distance to take this baby (No one were excepting anymore animals at this time...I'm guessing due to baby season?)

I was able to find some helpful information on these particular sparrows and have decided to raise him, keeping Shannon updated in the process. I was amazed to see just HOW MUCH they grow & change in ONE DAY!!!

My husband, oldest son & my brother are on their way to Home Depot to purchase materials to begin to build an outside aviary. If we were to purchase one that was already built for the most part, they cost up to $3,000.00! I'm hoping and praying that God will intervene & help us save this little guys life. I never knew that I had to teach him to sing his own song within his species. I have downloaded sound files on my phone of the different calls, alerts, and the song he needs to learn to be accepted by his other feathered friends.

BTW, Judith sounded busy when she told us that she was not taking anymore birds and before I could ask her any questions, she had another line coming in. If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I would gladly appreciate :) I have been feeding him 3 to 4 mouthfuls by syringe every hour from 6am to 10 pm (being extremely careful where to place the food within his mouth. He really is a little sweetie!!!

08-05-2014, 02:46 PM
What kind of food are you feeding? The syringe scares me. Most babies shouldn;t have liquid. I would PM psychobird for advice, she's a big bird rehaber.

08-05-2014, 02:55 PM
I'm feeding mixture of the following:
˝ cup mealworms (live, drowned in water with drops of avian vitamin specified in supply list)
˝ cup cat food (soaked in warm water so that it is soft and mushy)
2 tablespoons hardboiled egg, mashed up
Save the egg shell (for calcium) and grind up in a food processor/blender/coffee grinder
Add 1tsp ground shell to mix or 1tsp ground Tums tablet for calcium
Mix well; food should be somewhat „soupy‟ but a little thick

Thanks for heads up with syringe. I have plastic tweezers for next feeding. I have gradually stretched his schedule and he is eating 45-60 minutes...no water.

Thanks for contact info too! I will PM her:grin3

08-05-2014, 03:44 PM
This is why I love TSB!!! It is so good to hear that there are other people out there who care about animals. It renews my faith in human beings.

08-05-2014, 04:05 PM

08-05-2014, 04:13 PM
Were you able to speak with Kathy?
Even if she were not accepting anymore on intake she has
been known to offer advice on how to care for them.
Where did you get the info on the gruel your feeding?
Not knocking it at all, just curious...

08-05-2014, 08:59 PM
Thank you for your support guys♡

I messaged psychobird a few minutes ago (is that Kathy?) I will keep checking in to see for a response.

I also got a message from micelove (screen name is something like that) & provided me with a couple of good links to check out. (The bird forum being one).

Step, 1st I had to find out what kind of bird he is. I'm pretty positive he is a sparrow, just not sure what type (there is over 15 in state of md). The diet for all from what I have read is pretty much the same, just altered a bit. I looked for sparrow nestling bird rehab in google and found different websites that gave me info about feeding, growth, the crop, what do do on daily basis up until soft release & release... I even play his song and calls for him to learn since momma is not around to teach him. He seems to be doing really good♡ I just hope I'm doing the right things for him. He's so precious but I have to be very careful with my emotions and his. Don't wanna imprint on him because I'm afraid he will not be able to be released. He needs to fly free like he was meant to, so this is gonna be hard, but I GOT THIS! LOL!

08-05-2014, 09:02 PM

Thank you for your sweet compliment♡

I love how everyone on this board is quick to help one another! This is how everyone should live their life here, reaching out to others in need! ♡

God Bless You All ♡

This is why I love TSB!!! It is so good to hear that there are other people out there who care about animals. It renews my faith in human beings.

08-05-2014, 09:18 PM
Psychobird's real name is Jodi. I bet she'll respond tonight.

08-05-2014, 09:30 PM
Thanks farrelli,

Step, who is Kathy?

08-05-2014, 10:26 PM
Sounds like your doing a good job, sparrows are tough little birds.
Feed him until he is full at each feeding.
I feed nestlings every 1/2 hour and once they fledge and can be set up in a reptarium with food n a small water dish I go to every hour
Starling talk can guide you further.
I syringe feed, I just give a little bite wait for them to swallow and repeat until they are full within reason

08-06-2014, 01:24 AM
psychobird, thanks a BUNCH! Sterling Talk is the main place I've been getting my info.

This little guy is going 2 make it! I'm not even going to think otherwise♡

08-06-2014, 01:54 AM
The Kathy I mentioned is Kathy Woods of the Phoenix Center,
she's the one I always took birds to when I was on the island.
She offered to give me instructions many times but with my
cats I just couldn't set up safely for birds, neither did I care to.
Judy of All Creatures Great & small is not far from me here
and she took my last bird in, I got lucky because she was really
packed with critters even then. Both are ranking members of

08-06-2014, 06:53 AM
Thanks Step, I now have some good contacts to help me with this baby :)
Also, if u spent a few days with this little one, I know you would you would fall in love♡ :)

08-07-2014, 02:14 PM
Does anyone know how to mix the mazuri powder formula?

08-07-2014, 02:19 PM
Nevermind about the mixture. Pyschobird responded very quickly!!!

08-10-2014, 06:59 PM
Hi All,

Just wanted to give update on Gwen Big Bird...
Of course I fell deeply in love with this little guy, but I wanted to do what was best for him, soooo....
I brought him to a lady who rehabs birds. She already had a few Sparrow Nestlings and Big Bird needs to socialize with his kind in order to survive in the wild.
(I was seriously a mess & it just confirms once more why I'm not meant to rehab animals) I fall so deeply in love with all Gods creatures and selfishly want what my heart desires and lose track on what is best for the animal.
It amazed me that within 11 days of having this little boy, how quickly I got attached.

For all of you who rehab these babies...I have to give it to you...You are a special kind and were obviously meant to do this. It takes a strong and special person to take an animal in and somehow separate the love and connection and focus on doing what is best....Release.

I do feel blessed and I'm grateful that I had the time with this little baby. I miss him for sure, but, I'm happy that he will be able to live the life the God intended him to live.

08-10-2014, 07:23 PM
He's adorable. I don't think that I could do rehab either, for the same reasons you specify. Thanks for helping him!

08-10-2014, 09:03 PM
Don't sell yourself short. :nono
You have a compassionate heart and sit your own feelings
aside to do what's best.
Rescue is as important as rehab, their survival depends on both. :grouphug

08-10-2014, 10:40 PM
Great job rescuing this little bird. You made the difference for this bird, without you it would not have survived!:thumbsup

08-11-2014, 01:08 AM
Farelli, u don't do rehab anymore?

Step, i think my dreams of the actual rehab process...u know the raise & release...Not sure if that's in the cards or not for me. I don't mind being the middle man :) U know I enjoyed falling in love again♡!

Tube, I was blessed 2 be used as a tool to help save this little one's life.

The animals that come to us for help in a time of need, are the biggest blessings!

08-11-2014, 01:31 AM
Never did rehab. I've rescued four or five squirrels and a fair number of ducks, geese, and a couple other types of birds (I live on a pond) but the most I do is overnight guests. I live in a tiny condo in the city (Boston), so rehabbing isn't really something I can do. I'm currently trying to move to Northern Ontario with plans to live on either another pond or wooded lot after I rent for a year or so to get used to the area, so maybe I'll do some minor rehabbing, but I don't think I could deal with letting them go. Just in my very protected little slice of nature in the city, I just see so much pain and suffering, I don't think I could release anyone I love into that horror show. Even on this board, the minute I see a squirrel released, I almost always immediately stop following the thread because I don't want to know about their eventual disappearance and worse. I have a hard enough time dealing with some of my regular friends that I feed every day out at the pond. Like my best goose friend, Gimpy, who has a bad leg. I know that some day he'll probably have a very bad end, and it kills me. I want nothing more than to take him with me when I move, but obviously I can't. He got married this spring, but if he was still single, I'd consider getting to a hobby farm before I leave so that he could spend the rest of his days in peace with someone looking out for him. But that's not to be. :(

08-14-2014, 07:27 PM
Btw, you had a little house finch there not a English sparrow :)

08-15-2014, 12:21 AM
Good people like you who help get those in need to us are also very important, so thank you for rescuing this baby. Rehab is hard- I've done it for years and I always cry when they go. But for me, it's a calling, and to see them take those steps into the wild is a huge reward. Mine usually don't come back much after the first month as I raise on as little human touch as possible. They check in their cage for food especially at first, and I leave it for them so they can have a good start. But they move on.

I take comfort in knowing they are where they belong- as wild animals. Even if they live a short life, it is a good one of freedom and sunshine and joy- not the bars of a cage and foreign human touch. I would rather they live a year as a free being than five in a cage.

Non releases are the exception. But there is still that reward there involved in helping them back on their feet, earning trust. The first kisses Timothy gave me were a gift, and every one since as well.

Not everyone can do it. But I think it's a gift to have shared in their lives and helped them on their way. :Love_Icon

08-17-2014, 08:06 PM

I do understand how you feel & it's sad that any being has to suffer. I would love to be able to create a habitat and care for the animals. I do feel they should be free in their natural setting, but than again...it's sad to see what happens in the animal kingdom. It's never going to be the way God intended in this world, but in the next, there will be no more suffering & every being will be loved. We live in a fallen world & yes, it's hard to watch anything bad happen to anyone. I hold this verse dearly to my heart...

"Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them. The cow and the bear shall be neighbors, together their young shall rest; the lion shall eat hay like the ox. The baby shall play by the cobra's den, and the child lay his hand on the adder's lair."*-Isaiah 11: 6-8

Can you just imagine how amazing this will be???

I hope you are able to find the perfect place in Ontario to call home. That will be a new start...a new journey & it sounds exciting!

Never did rehab. I've rescued four or five squirrels and a fair number of ducks, geese, and a couple other types of birds (I live on a pond) but the most I do is overnight guests. I live in a tiny condo in the city (Boston), so rehabbing isn't really something I can do. I'm currently trying to move to Northern Ontario with plans to live on either another pond or wooded lot after I rent for a year or so to get used to the area, so maybe I'll do some minor rehabbing, but I don't think I could deal with letting them go. Just in my very protected little slice of nature in the city, I just see so much pain and suffering, I don't think I could release anyone I love into that horror show. Even on this board, the minute I see a squirrel released, I almost always immediately stop following the thread because I don't want to know about their eventual disappearance and worse. I have a hard enough time dealing with some of my regular friends that I feed every day out at the pond. Like my best goose friend, Gimpy, who has a bad leg. I know that some day he'll probably have a very bad end, and it kills me. I want nothing more than to take him with me when I move, but obviously I can't. He got married this spring, but if he was still single, I'd consider getting to a hobby farm before I leave so that he could spend the rest of his days in peace with someone looking out for him. But that's not to be. :(

08-17-2014, 08:09 PM
Thank you psychobird :) I thought he was a little small to be a sparrow but I wasn't sure.
How are the crows? Is the wing working properly now? I hope so :) I do believe you were meant to care for this little guy. If not, he would have never had a chance♡

Btw, you had a little house finch there not a English sparrow :)

08-17-2014, 09:06 PM
Hi Tree Queen,

You are blessed to have Timothy with you♡
I never realized how neat squirrels were until Mercy. I still miss him to this day. I will always love him. He was the first squirrel I have ever rehabbed & the love between us is indescribable♡ He opened the window and chewed through the screen in a matter of seconds. I felt like I had lost my child! He would come in and out when he knew storms were coming & sometimes just to come in and sleep in his bed. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure he came back for me, not him. I still see him every few days but he doesn't come close. Gives me mixed feelings but I remind myself that this is a good sign. He is wild & doing beautifully! I feel blessed to have had the time with him that I did.

God Bless You♡ All of you that help these babies♡

Good people like you who help get those in need to us are also very important, so thank you for rescuing this baby. Rehab is hard- I've done it for years and I always cry when they go. But for me, it's a calling, and to see them take those steps into the wild is a huge reward. Mine usually don't come back much after the first month as I raise on as little human touch as possible. They check in their cage for food especially at first, and I leave it for them so they can have a good start. But they move on.

I take comfort in knowing they are where they belong- as wild animals. Even if they live a short life, it is a good one of freedom and sunshine and joy- not the bars of a cage and foreign human touch. I would rather they live a year as a free being than five in a cage.

Non releases are the exception. But there is still that reward there involved in helping them back on their feet, earning trust. The first kisses Timothy gave me were a gift, and every one since as well.

Not everyone can do it. But I think it's a gift to have shared in their lives and helped them on their way. :Love_Icon