View Full Version : Found baby - need refresher! It's a pinkie

07-24-2014, 12:19 PM
It's been 4 years since I've done this. I have the can of puppy formula..do I dilute it?

1. How long can I leave the baby alone to see it mom comes back? This just happened about 1.5 hours ago. The mom is looking...

2. If she doesn't...that's why I need the formula info.

3. P.s. What if we've already touched it during transfer to box?

Thank you!

07-24-2014, 12:25 PM
Do not use the can! First off, you must give pedialyte (either store bought, or homemade). Must be on low heat and warmed before giving anything. You will need to get the powdered Esbilac with pre and probiotics, and preferably also Fox Valley to mix them 50/50, but for now at least getting the powdered Esbilac (just make sure it says 'pre and probiotics on the top of the can).

You're touching it will not affect if mom will take it (are you sure it is mom?) Watch from a safe distance. If after a couple of hours she has not retrieved it, you will need to get it in and warm it up (actually if you can make a small rice buddy with a sock to keep in the box with it while you watch for mom, that would be ideal.)

07-24-2014, 12:26 PM
Just make sure the baby is warm...you can leave it for a while (hours, if warm and hydrated) ....but you need to be able to keep an eye on it...or the box...to make sure a predator doesn't get it first....you could put a rice buddy with it...sock with rice inside...heated until just warm...squeeze after it's warm to make sure there are no hot spots :thumbsup it's ok that you've touched it .....good luck...I sure hope there's a reunion...try to stay far enough away..or out of mom's sight:thumbsup

I'm not sure about the Esbilac ....it needs to be Esbilac with probiotics :thumbsup I use FV ....I'm assuming you follow the directions on the can...but someone else needs to confirm that :Love_Icon

07-24-2014, 12:31 PM
1. How long can I leave the baby alone to see it mom comes back? This just happened about 1.5 hours ago. The mom is looking...

If mom is looking try to reunite under supervision at a safe distence for at least an hour if possible.
Do not leave baby unsupervised, watch for predators.
Baby needs to be warm, mom will not take a cold baby.

07-24-2014, 12:51 PM
Question: is the baby calling? If the mama can't see her baby and he's not calling, will she find him? Is their sense of smell that acute?

Milo's Mom
07-24-2014, 01:08 PM
Tail's baby that she found on her own was not calling and she found him in the middle of a big bed of Pachysandra. She had to have smelled him.

BUT, I do think making the baby call out for Mom will assist in Mom finding the baby, just in case she is looking in the wrong area.

07-24-2014, 06:18 PM
I tried to weigh him- he's right under an ounce. How much should I be trying to feed him each sitting?
I'm keeping him for the night- then going back to try to reunite with his momma. She was around- but probably scared. 239641

07-24-2014, 07:03 PM
Well, an ounce is 28g so 5% of 28g is 1.4cc per feeding or 7% is 1.96cc you can go between the two amounts. Go a bit less if it is a lot less than an ounce. Does your scale weigh in grams also? Did you get the powdered Esbilac with probiotics?

07-24-2014, 08:14 PM
And be sure to follow proper feeding technique:
