View Full Version : Star Baby may Have MBD.. Update from hurt paw Thread..

Stars Daddy
07-24-2014, 09:00 AM
Update on Star: Dr. Dan called and said the lab results come back on blood work and everything looked good. I told him Star had not got any better and her back leg was acting up now also. He also said to treat her for MBD. We have got 1 800 MG calcium tums in her over the last 18 hours. She still seems to be the same as of right now. Dr. Dan said to get her a few hours a day outside or a uvb light for her cage. That the vitamin D was as important as the calcium. He also said start giving her ensure/ peanut butter smoothies for nutrition since she would only eat the pecan and banana chips. She did good with the mixture crittermom give me the first time I give it to her, but now will not touch it either. He also said try to get her to eat green leafy veggies, that they give some vitamin D. Does anyone know what leafy green would be best to try? I just do not think she will eat them because She is even turning down avacado which is her favorite veggie. If there is anything else I need to try please let us know. We are leaving on our trip in just a few minutes and taking her with us. If someone thinks it is important that I do or know something else I need to do or not to do you may contact Island Rehabber, Crittermom, Stepnstone or Sammysmom for my number and then either call or text. My name is Tony or if a lady answers it will be my wife Janet. Thanks for everyone helping us right now as we are scared to death we may lose our precious baby.

07-24-2014, 09:15 AM
Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D... but I know not all squirrels like mushrooms. But some do! Some mushrooms, like portabella, have more Vitamin D than other mushrooms. I have read that exposing the mushrooms to Vitamin D also causes them to release / produce additional Vitamin D; so it would not hurt to place them in the sunlight / UV Lamp for 30 minutes before serving them to Star!

Stars Daddy
07-24-2014, 04:58 PM
Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D... but I know not all squirrels like mushrooms. But some do! Some mushrooms, like portabella, have more Vitamin D than other mushrooms. I have read that exposing the mushrooms to Vitamin D also causes them to release / produce additional Vitamin D; so it would not hurt to place them in the sunlight / UV Lamp for 30 minutes before serving them to Star!

Yes she actually loves mushrooms, the problem is she will not eat anything right now.

07-24-2014, 05:01 PM
Is it possible that she is dehydrated?

07-24-2014, 05:41 PM
MBD caused them to be in pain. A pain med and heating
pad will make her feel better. Might help the appetite too.

07-24-2014, 08:09 PM
Could she have low blood sugar? I think that, pain, or dehydration are likely. Try some molasses, put it on her gums if necessary. It's turned quite a few appetites on.

Stars Daddy
07-24-2014, 09:33 PM
She is drinking plenty of water, so I do not think she is dehydrated at all. She is taking a pain med. that Dr. Dan give her, meloxicam. I had a long chat with Marie (i believe was her name) from Henry's. I am going to try some things she said to try to get her eating the right stuff again. Wish us luck on getting her eating the HHB's and veggies again soon.