View Full Version : should be pooping more?

07-22-2014, 06:28 PM
I'm new to squirrel rehab, but not new to wildlife rehab. I was wondering if someone could look over what I was doing and give me advice. The main thing I need advice on is feeding....in particular pooping. I've been reading lots of great advice from this site but could use a little more.
I received three baby orphaned red squirrels that were living in someones wall about 5 days ago. Two of the squirrels have just opned their eyes and one has yet to. I rehydrated them with an elctrolite solution with no taste (can't remember the name-begins with a P)...after they were hydrated I worked them up to a full concentrate of lambs milk replacer that I received from another rehabilitator (1 part milk powder to two parts water) and I heat it up and give them ~5-7% of their body weight every feeding. When I feed them every ~3-4 hours they seem really really hungry. I then stimulate them to go the bathroom. They always pee, and lots of it-and it's very clear, but don't seem to poop as much. I usually see some droppings in their "house" of blankets but not as many as I would expect. Is there anything else I should be giving them substance wise that they would poop more? I'm temped to but wanted more advice about giving them baby cereal in with their food-I read to not mix in baby cereal with the milk because it can constipate them? They are very lively and seem to be in good health other then not pooping as much as I would think.

I have also placed rat/mice rodent blocks with them and the two with their eyes open seem to naw on them. Any advice appreciated! let me know if you want/need more info.

07-22-2014, 06:36 PM
Welcome to squirrels! :fireworks Where are you in the northeast? Maybe one of us in the area can share some Fox Valley formula that is made specifically for squirrels. The other formula that is used with the FV is Esbilac puppy replacer powder that has probiotics in it. I am not aware of lamb replacer being good for squirrels as I suspect it is far too low in fat for them. I am in Connecticut and I think that I have formula I can share if you are nearby.

07-22-2014, 06:56 PM
Also, here is the proper feeding technique thread with video:


And a pic of the Esbilac you can get at many pet stores. Get the can of powder with probotics on the label.

07-22-2014, 08:10 PM
I'm located in N.H. so a good ways from Connecticut but thanks for the offer. Maybe I can order some :) Would adding some heavy whipping cream be a good idea to add some fat? The rehabilitator I got the lambs milk replacer from is someone I have worked for in the past and have used it successfully on many other orphaned small mammals. Obviously I want to do what's best for the squirrel so if I need to order something I don't have any problem doing that.

07-22-2014, 09:04 PM
You definitely need to order the Fox Valley and buy the Esbilac puppy with probiotics. We know that this is a tried and true formula for raising healthy squirrels. You can get Fox Valley at http://henryspets.com as well as many other supplies that you may want to order including Henry's Healthy Blocks that are made specifically for squirrels. The Esbilac you can get locally at someplace like Petco or Petsmart. Be sure it says "with probiotics..."

07-22-2014, 10:02 PM
Awesome, thanks-I will order some tonight!

07-23-2014, 01:20 AM
They seem to be doing well. I was concerned about the lack of poop but they now seem to be pooping and always plenty of clear urine pee every time they are stimulated. Until my new formula arrives, I will continue to feed them 1 part lambs milk replacement and 2 parts water (warmed)...is that the best ratio? Anything else I should be feeding them or adding like heavy whipping cream?

P.S. They have rodent blocks that get nibbled occasionally.Third (and last) red squirrel opened her eyes today :) Feeling a lot better about them!

07-23-2014, 05:11 AM
I'm located in N.H.

Glad to see some one else from NH :grin2

07-23-2014, 08:01 AM
That is an adorable little one! Thanks for posting a photo. And good luck with them.

07-23-2014, 10:24 AM
Such a little cutie :Love_Icon. I had 3 baby reds that I found in my in laws yard 1 unfortunately passed 30 min after finding the 2 I brought home were very very different from each other one very very active the other active in spurts but slept a lot a lot and didn't enjoy when his brother kept waking him trying to play. That one passed 2 days into having him :sad but my lil Alvin here has always been a feisty lil guy and continue to get stronger braver and extremely playful. Very good to hear that yours are doing so well. Your going to have so much fun caring for them and they'll have you laughing your butt off they are characters and hyper omg hyper. :grin3

07-23-2014, 10:25 AM
What kind of rodent blocks do you use? Some are crap. We recommend these:


A bag would last a month. And here is the proper adult diet:


07-23-2014, 10:24 PM
These are the rodent blocks I have been giving them. Don't seem to be eating them a lot-they naw now and then but I think it's more of an age thing. Thanks for the links!!!


07-24-2014, 12:03 AM
Those blocks are horrible!

LM Animal Farms Mouse Rat Diet features a 100% complete and balanced blend of healthy seeds and tasty pellets enhanced and fortified with a rich mixture of peanuts, cracked corn and fortified nibbles mixed specifically to meet nutritional needs.

You should throw them out or let the wilds have them. Until you can get Henry's or at least something like Oxbow or Harlan Teklad, you should go out to the pet store and get a bag of Kaytee Forti-Diet for rats and mice (blue bag). Not great, but much better than what you have. The big no-nos for squirrels are peanuts, corn, and seeds and that's all these things are made of. All of those things are high in phosphorous, which blocks calcium absorption, which causes very serious and deadly disease in squirrels.

07-24-2014, 12:24 AM
Btw, yes, a bit young to eat blocks consistently, but reds mature quickly.

07-24-2014, 01:03 AM
Good info-thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely use the links you posted.

Something like this while I wait for Henry's?
http://www.petmd.com/news/alerts-recalls/nws_kaytee_forti_diet_pro_health_mouse_rat_hamster _recalled-19976