View Full Version : Squirrel We Care For Maybe Ill

07-13-2014, 02:43 AM
This morning my friend fed Sally and she seemed fine. Around 3p she showed up again looking haggard and barely able to hold herself up. She ate sunflower seeds as she usually does, walnuts and drank water. But what was startling was she was choking several times during eating and I saw she had problems opening the walnut shells so I opened them for her. She also started to get the sunflower shells caught in her mouth. Sally had been pregnant recently and she disappeared for a few days so I thought she maybe had the babies. But I am not sure now. I thought maybe she had a stroke but she walked away..albeit very slowly. She lives in a palm tree where she had an earlier set of babies in the winter. I'm thinking it was either an awful delivery, maybe she lost some babies this time or maybe she does have an illness. Weather today was in mid 80s and not like recent weeks where it was close to 100. So doubt temps were issue. Dehydration also maybe factor but she did have water. Anyone have ideas on what I should do..Hope to see her tomorrow and will give her avocado which she likes.

07-13-2014, 04:03 AM
Sounds like a possibility that she may have fell, may have injured mouth or
broke teeth which could explain both the unsteadiness and the difficulty eating.
I would definitely keep an eye out for her to observe if her condition improves
or appears worse. She may require intervention if her condition worsens.