View Full Version : Our furry little neighbor is hurt bad :(
07-09-2014, 09:39 AM
Let me start out by saying I'm a complete newbie to the board and aiding a squirrel in need so I plead for compassion and patience with my ignorance. Now, about our little injured fur neighbor. We keep our bird feeders squirrel friendly and offer different Fruits and veggies as treats for our little wild friends. They are very accustomed to our presence and check daily for new treats. Two days ago we noticed one of the "teenagers" acting strangely. He was sitting at the base of a tree looking helpless. Then we realized the Little fella was paralyzed from the waist down and dragging hits hind quarters when mobile. We live on the lake and have many predators so I knew this little guys time would very limited if we didn't act. So with a beach towel and a storage tote we brought him inside. I was a bit shocked to see he survived his first night so yesterday I purchased a medium rabbit cage, alfalfa hay for a bit of bedding water bottle and food dish. I have no idea what I'm doing but am very dedicated to this little guy. Here is a breakdown of efforts and info so far:
• no apparent spinal breakage
• small wound on head
• small swollen puncture wound on left ankle that has moderate swelling
• treating hind quarters as if completely lame
• slowly grips my finger with right back foot
• have notice some ability to move both hind extremities
• Bowles and urination appear normal (but I'm not able to define normal)
• first night ate half ear if dry corn (I'm now aware this has no benefit)
• have offered: almonds, Brazil, and sunflower seeds all in shell
Mushrooms, romaine lettuce, and peaches with peaches being the only receptive
Food thus far. Also have a verity rabbit mix that appears untouched.
• very eager to eat the peaches
• water intake appears void. Have tricked the little fella with some puréed peaches
On end of water filled syringe and got him to take 3ml that way but as soon as he
realizes it's water he shuns it.
• he is very mobile utilizing front extremities only
• he has finally stopped chattering his teeth at us in what appeared to be a warning
• there is very little vocalization except for some minor grunting/chirping sounds
• he bites (totally understandable)
• he hangs from top of cage for concerning times
• water intake
• stress level
• acceptance of food verity
• doing more harm than good to the little fella
• treatment of wounds
• keeping him comfy and happy
*thoughts and intentions:
• ultimate goal is rehabilitation to get him back with his family
• willing to open our home permanently if injuries are irreversible
• giving him love and care while protecting him from an inevitable outcome if we had not acted.
Any and all advice is more than appreciated.
07-09-2014, 10:00 AM
This is Nancy's cell number (2nd hand ranch.) She is in Illinois and may be able to help. 309.738.7480
07-09-2014, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much for taking this little one in! :grouphug
I am really pressed for time so I'll be quick and hopefully someone else will pop in to help soon...
But some things to start you off:
Do you have a squirrel-friendly vet in the area who won't euthanize? Call Nancy, she's an excellent rehabber and may be able to offer advice/help. :thumbsup
Can you take some pictures of your guy and post them? We can sometimes tell a lot from pictures.
Keep him in a warm, dark, quiet area for now. The hay isn't the best for squirrels, you might want to just cover the bottom of the cage with fleece or flannel, baby blanket, or something like that (no towels - they will get their nails caught in the loops). Then on top of that put some cut up pieces of fleece/t-shirts/flannel for him to snuggle in and hide.
Check to see if he is dehydrated by doing the pinch test: Pinch up the back of his neck into a small 'tent' and let fall. Count the seconds until it goes back to normal. The longer it takes, the more dehydrated he is. Let us know how long you count. If he is dehydrated, you will want to get him hydrated by syringe if possible (use 1cc or 3cc syringes).
Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
Check the healthy food for squirrels nutrition chart:
Take out the sunflower seeds, for sure. Give him foods to help with hydration, as well, like watermelon. If you are going to have him for a while, you will want to get some rodent blocks (which are the most important food in an indoor squirrel's diet). Go to ( for the blocks that most of us use.
Is he peeing on himself? Or is his belly staying dry?
I've got to run. Try to take some pics!
07-09-2014, 10:31 AM
Dark, warm, and quiet. And yes, call Nancy. She's in Princeton. Keep calling if she doesn't return the call. Is he peeing and pooping? Is it controlled? Do you have access to the drug Prednisone or other anti-inflammatories. Depending on the drug, we can help dose if we have a weight on the squirrel. He may have taken a fall and that's what's causing the paralysis. You can try flavoring the water with a bit of sugar or juice to see if he'll like it better. Watermelon is great for ones that won;t drink. It's almost all water and actually has minimal sugar. You could got out to a pet store and get some Kaytee Forti-Diet rodent blocks for rats and mice (blue bag). He may not like them but we can give you tips on how to maybe doctor them up a bit. Rodent blocks should be the staple of a sq's diet. Henry's are the best, but you have to order them online. Here is the diet guide:
07-09-2014, 10:36 AM
Hi guys!
I'm here if you need me - Princeton IL 309 738 7480 - I'm at work but can text. :tilt
Nancy in New York
07-09-2014, 10:41 AM
I just sent her an email telling her there is help here, and to please come back on the board.
Thank you 2ndHandRanchRescue!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-2014, 10:56 AM
Christyk spoke of puncture wounds, on the leg and head. He will need antibiotics. Look and see what antibiotics you can find. Lots of people usually have a few leftover. You will probably only need 1 pill, for the full course. If you don't have any, call around to friends and family, and see what you can round up. And the prednisone. We need to know the dosage of the meds. We will be able to break it down, and tell you how to administer it.
If this is a cat attack, it is almost always fatal. There is something in their saliva that is toxic to squirrels. So you must move quickly to get the antibiotics. Do not give them until we tell you the dose and how to do it.
Also, do you have a gram scale? We need an accurate weight to be able to calculate the proper med dosage. Most stores, Walmart, K-Mart etc. have them in their kitchen departments, and they are inexpensive.
Also, please post a picture, preferably by a common item, like a soda can or can of soup, as we can estimate a weight.
:thankyou for helping this guy!
And :Welcome
07-09-2014, 11:14 AM
I am still here and can't show enough gratitude! Taking it all in, lots of info to digest.
For questions I can remember:
Don't know if it was a cat
Belly is wet
Stools are in bottom of cage
Moving him to quiet and dark place shortly
Going to text Nancy
Using iPhone (in very rural area, net is terrible) can't figure how to post pics from phone
He is making a shivering purring sound but is climbing all over cage, very active.
07-09-2014, 11:18 AM
I have a mail scale. Going to attempt to weigh him
07-09-2014, 11:46 AM
His weight is 11.4
07-09-2014, 11:52 AM
Talked to a rehabber that's kind of local. Was told he probably won't make it and I have my hopes too high. Told me to try for a cpl days and see what happens. They did tell me how to check for reaction in lower extremities and he does react so that is very good. Watched a video how to express bladder, no luck. That scares me. Getting the bedding replaced and checking for antibiotics. Wish I could post pics. Looks like I'll have to get the majority of my I from here. Hope I'm not a bother
07-09-2014, 12:12 PM
You can email them to me at (-at- is an @).
Is he peeing on his own? Did you do the hydration check? Pinch the skin between the shoulders and see if it tents or goes right back down (it should) like on the back of your hand.
I wouldn't trust that rehabber. Seems to be writing this one off very quickly, and I think I've see many more on here in this condition live than not. It's all about quick treatment.
Are you near Princeton in case you might have to take him to Nancy, even for a checkup or treatment? The fact that you're prepared to give him a home is great. They can live great lives paralyzed. There are many on here like that.
07-09-2014, 12:13 PM
Btw, I'm going out at about 2:00, so if I get the pics before then, I'll post them for you.
07-09-2014, 12:15 PM
Talked to a rehabber that's kind of local. Was told he probably won't make it and I have my hopes too high. Told me to try for a cpl days and see what happens. They did tell me how to check for reaction in lower extremities and he does react so that is very good. Watched a video how to express bladder, no luck. That scares me. Getting the bedding replaced and checking for antibiotics. Wish I could post pics. Looks like I'll have to get the majority of my I from here. Hope I'm not a bother
Most rehabbers will tell you that. But there is hope - especially if he is reacting to your checking his feet/legs. Look for the meds. Call Nancy!
He may not have much to express right now, he may be peeing on his own, or you may have to apply a little more pressure than you think (or push in gently instead of sliding your finger down).
Why can't you post pics? If you can email pics to me, I'll post them if that's the problem (
YOU ARE NOT A BOTHER - au contraire. We love peeps like you that obviously care so much! :poke:grin2
07-09-2014, 12:22 PM
YOU ARE NOT A BOTHER - au contraire. We love peeps like you that obviously care so much! :poke:grin2
Very, very true. The ones who don't ask are the ones we really get annoyed with.
07-09-2014, 12:22 PM
Just got pics. Wait a sec.
07-09-2014, 12:25 PM
Im no expert but wanted to say I think its wonderful you are trying to help the little guy. At least you care!
I feed quite a few wild squirrels. One had a very serious injury to a front paw. Over several weeks, he chewed off the exposed bone. It has now healed nicely. He is again active and feisty. Miracles do happen!
Annie in FL
07-09-2014, 12:25 PM
Here are a couple, one showing wet belly. There's a video eating peaches, but we can't post vid here, so I'll put it on my website and post a link.
07-09-2014, 12:26 PM
Pics have been emailed and thank you so much for your help!!!
He is defiantly dehydrated. Skin went back down some but not all the way. Getting a shopping list ready to head to town. Need help with that
Have antibiotic. Cephalexin 500 mg CAP LUP. No Anti-inflammatory other than ibuprophin. No steroids.
Rehabber said if he didn't regain full use if back end then needed to be put down. That was no life. I disagree. Glad their not in charge of every American that is wheelchair bound :(. This home is full of love and attention.
07-09-2014, 12:26 PM
Sorry, sideways. Don't know why that happens sometimes. No time to fix it right now though.
07-09-2014, 12:28 PM
A heads up, tell no one that you have a squirrel. You didn't give him your contact info, right? If so, and he calls back, tell him he died. Others can explain why, or I can later.
07-09-2014, 12:31 PM
Btw, Mayby Nancy would have some Prednisone.
07-09-2014, 12:31 PM
Oh yes! Please don't give up! We have many, many paralysed squirrels here who are very happy and healthy! And many that can recover from the paralysis. Most rehabbers are too quick to give up on them. We can even find this squirrel a home, if the care is too much for you.
You have come to a very unique place here, a place full of love and care of squirrels.
You will never be alone here, there is always someone to help. And we have had miraculous results, so please don't give up. There are unbelievable experts here. Your squirrel is in good hands.
There is just one problem............ your squirrel needs a name?
07-09-2014, 12:32 PM
He is currently munching the rabbit mix. Made the home made oeidolite, he said nu uh. Will purée more peaches and trick him into drinking it again. How much should his liquid intake be? I'm making an initial shopping list. Watermelon is #1. I understand he will need other stuff for maintaining a healthy life but if it's feasible I will stick to emergency shopping for now and healthy lifestyle shopping in a few days.
I plan to keep it quiet amongst us, I am dedicated to him so no worries there. If he pulls through these tough times then I will see what I need to do to get my license.
He has been chewing on the deer antler I gave him. He seems to like it!
He bit a plug out of my youngest son (14) so we have named him Chompie.
07-09-2014, 12:33 PM
Oh, and the point of the Pred is to reduce inflammation, which can help regain mobility.
While you're out, you might also pick up some vanilla yogurt, a bottle of vanilla or Pecan Ensure, and some molasses in case he runs in to problems where he becomes lethargic.
07-09-2014, 12:35 PM
The bag of Kaytee should also be on there. It's at a lot of pet stores. What is rabbit mix made of?
07-09-2014, 12:39 PM
Sent pic of puncture wound.
Can he have ibuprophin? It's anti-inflammatory
07-09-2014, 12:44 PM
The bag of Kaytee should also be on there. It's at a lot of pet stores. What is rabbit mix made of?
I emailed you a pic of it
07-09-2014, 12:50 PM
Pics of wound and food on hand.
07-09-2014, 01:15 PM
First, Thank you for caring enough about this little guy to want to help! You are in an elite minority who actually care enough to not stand by, but rather do something about it.
Second, yes, he can have Infant IB, but we will need to dose it. The 11.7 weight is Ounces, correct? If so, we can send you a PM with the dosage.
Please do not ever think you are a bother or that any question is stupid! This is what we are here for and will do all we can, if you are willing to do all you can for these fuzzies!
EDIT - I forgot to post that the puncture would looks very much like a cat bite. I don't know how you can do it, but if possible, please get Clavamox or SMZ-TMP as soon as possible, as those are the two that work best with the nasties in cat saliva. Maybe you can get some from Nancy?
07-09-2014, 02:52 PM
Thank you for all the care and help here. unfortunately Nancy is almost six hour away from me :(. I called all the local vets and no one was willing to see or treat him. Just got back from store with watermelon, strawberries, ensure, pedialite, corn on the cob, and a cpl other veggies for him. He would not eat the watermelon. I fear he may have gorged himself on the rabbit feed and is not Hungary. I did get him to take the pedialite by syringe 3ml. He didn't want to though.
• how much should he be drinking?
• how often should I get him to drink the pedialite?
• how do I know he is urinating on his own
• what else do I need to be doing?
•should I take away the rabbit feed to entice him to eat the watermelon?
07-09-2014, 03:52 PM
The rabbit food's first ingredient is timothy hay - not for squirrels. Take it away. Get the kaytee blocks for mice/rats (blue bag) or even Oxbow Regal Rat, Mazuri, Harlan Teklad. Order from ( and get HHBs if you think you are going to be keeping him for a while. HHBs are the best blocks and most squirrels will eat them without much fuss.
He won't want to drink from the syringe but even if you can get 3ml in him every few hours that's way better than nothing. Keep checking the skin-tent thingy. If it's staying tented, try to increase the amount of pedialyte each time or try more often.
You can only use pedialyte for 24 hours after that use plain water or water with a bit of sugar in it.
You can try to flavour his bottle of water with watermelon or apple juice to entice him to drink from it. You can also try a small shallow dish of water. Wilds are more used to drinking like that than from a bottle. If your dish isn't that shallow, you can put small clean rocks in it so your squirrel doesn't dunk his nose in and snort up a bunch of water accidentally.
Is he using his legs/feet? Looks like he is in the pics. If so, he may be peeing on his own. His belly doesn't look that wet, but he may be dribbling pee if he's not peeing on his own. Do you find any wet spots in his bedding? (Another reason to use fleece/flannel over hay -easier to check on the pee/poop situations :grin2). You may have to continue to try to express his bladder, but if he's not drinking enough, he may not have a full bladder right now. Keep checking for a tight/full bladder. And keep checking his bedding for wet spots. Hard to say what's going on there. As long as his bladder isn't full, you have some time to figure it out. :thumbsup
Is there anyway you can get meds? Would a vet give you Prednisone or antibiotics without seeing the squirrel? Did you get a dose for the infant ibuprofen?
Corn really isn't a good food for squirrels. Strawberries will help with hydration, too. Don't give up on the watermelon - especially if he just gorged himself on rabbit food.
07-09-2014, 04:31 PM
Rabbit food is out. Got another 3ml of pedialite down him. He actually sucked it out this time! Bedding has wet spots and he ate about a teaspoon size of watermelon. The vet actually chuckled at me when I asked for the antibiotic and steroid. Have out in a call to a more backwoods vet. Hopefully he will call me back. I have the children's ibuprophin just don't know how much. I do have cephalexin 500 mg caps and doxycycline hyclate 100 mg
07-09-2014, 05:10 PM
Rabbit food is out. Got another 3ml of pedialite down him. He actually sucked it out this time!
That's great! :alright.gif Go, Chompie, go!
Bedding has wet spots
He might be peeing on his own. But keep checking his bladder for a while to be sure...
and he ate about a teaspoon size of watermelon.
Awesome possum! Did you get some blocks?
The vet actually chuckled at me when I asked for the antibiotic and steroid.
Oh, Dr. Vet, the things you could learn...
Have out in a call to a more backwoods vet. Hopefully he will call me back. I have the children's ibuprophin just don't know how much.
Backwoods vet - sounds hopeful. :) I'm looking back through this thread and I can't find the weight - can you repost it in grams?
I do have cephalexin 500 mg caps and doxycycline hyclate 100 mg
Someone more familiar with these drugs will have to help...
Is there any way you can get video of him moving around on the floor of his cage? Is he using his feet/legs at all? Or are they dragging behind him?
07-09-2014, 05:15 PM
Only got a sec. If you give hte Ibuprophen you may not be able to give the Pred if you can get it. Hold off until I get someone here who knows and can help. I have to run. They'll also be able to dose the IB if appropriate.
07-09-2014, 05:42 PM
Only got a sec. If you give hte Ibuprophen you may not be able to give the Pred if you can get it. Hold off until I get someone here who knows and can help. I have to run. They'll also be able to dose the IB if appropriate.
That would be very much appreciated!!!
07-09-2014, 05:50 PM
Maybe you can call Nancy at 2nd Hand Ranch and she will help to find someone closer to you. She is an expert with LOTS of contacts!
07-09-2014, 08:33 PM
Here is a link to the video of him being mobile. Ty Farrell
07-09-2014, 08:38 PM
Ugh. The video makes me wanna cry. :grouphug
Did someone get you dosing for the ibuprofen? Did you find other meds/call Nancy to see if she knows a rehabber closer?
How's Chompster Bums doing otherwise?
07-09-2014, 08:54 PM
Thanks for taking him in and treating him. To get more water in him you may try a brussel sprout. I cut the dried out bottom off peel off some of the outer leaves rinse in hot water microwave for about 30 seconds cut in half and run under warm water to cool a bit and also fill the voids with more water then see if he will eat it. Some like them some don't. But leave it in his cage for a bit and he may eat it. Good luck and God bless. Prayers to you.
07-09-2014, 08:57 PM
Has someone given you the dosage for ibuprofen? If not, is it INFANT or CHILDRENS ibuprofen? Tell us what the strength of it is from the bottle to be certain.
07-09-2014, 09:00 PM
I just watched the video. He needs experienced help if it is at all possible. Please call Nancy and see if she can send you to someone closer. He is in a bad way...but he is still trying...:Love_Icon
07-09-2014, 09:41 PM
Here is a link to the video of him being mobile. Ty Farrell
07-09-2014, 09:48 PM
:thankyou so much for helping this baby! I have only been here since September, when an injured baby fell into my life, and I came here for help. She could not move her hind legs at first, but she regained use of them, and today she is living a full and happy life! I have determined that she can't be released because she just doesn't have the speed and agility to live safely in the trees, but she DOES use her hind legs now to climb, jump, and do all kinds of squirrely things. I get so irritated when I hear of someone writing off a baby so quickly who has this type of injury. Thank you thank you thank you for giving this baby a chance! My Skiddil is living proof that there can be so much potential present, if only they are given a chance and a little assistance. And she is just one of many squirrels here who has survived a spinal injury, and is thriving today! You are this baby's savior! And you are getting excellent advice from the very same people who helped me. Hang in there! Here is what Skiddil looked like when I first got her. It still makes me cry to watch. But her story has a happy ending! :grin3
I know you have your hands full right now, but if you have a few minutes and want to look, this is Skiddil's thread.
I am praying for your sweet baby! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
07-09-2014, 09:58 PM
It is children's ibuprophin and it is expired.
I will get to the store in am for infants and food block
The only rehabber near me wants to put him down and said he would be better off.
He is defiantly urinating on his own
He is getting and taking 3ml pedicare every 1.5 hours
Loving the watermelon now
Never got a return call from vet. Not surprising. Had a baby Canadian goose I had to rehab on my own last year. Was actually laughed at when I tried to find him help
The only vet I have not contacted I was warned by a close friend he would turn me in.
He has also taken almost 3 ml of the ensure
He has become more receptive of my aid attempts
He is in a comfy bed of flannel and cut tee shirt strips as suggested
Did skin test again and had much better results. About three seconds until it returned to normal.
Idk what else to do and am starting to feel like I'm doing the wrong thing :(
I did text nancy earlier today and she referred me to her rehabbers list which again the only one close was pretty adamant of the probability of him being put down.
07-09-2014, 10:30 PM
It is children's ibuprophin and it is expired. Ok, let us know first thing when you get the Infant stuff tomorrow morning.
I will get to the store in am for infants and food block :thumbsup
The only rehabber near me wants to put him down and said he would be better off. :shakehead
He is defiantly urinating on his own :thumbsup
He is getting and taking 3ml pedicare every 1.5 hours :thumbsup
Loving the watermelon now :thumbsup
Never got a return call from vet. Not surprising. Had a baby Canadian goose I had to rehab on my own last year. Was actually laughed at when I tried to find him help :shakehead
The only vet I have not contacted I was warned by a close friend he would turn me in. :eek
He has also taken almost 3 ml of the ensure :thumbsup
He has become more receptive of my aid attempts :thumbsup
He is in a comfy bed of flannel and cut tee shirt strips as suggested (are these squares of fleece or long pieces? No pieces he could get accidentally tangled in - sorry, I should've been more specific. :tilt)
Did skin test again and had much better results. About three seconds until it returned to normal. (good job! getting there.)
Idk what else to do and am starting to feel like I'm doing the wrong thing :( See below. :)
I did text nancy earlier today and she referred me to her rehabbers list which again the only one close was pretty adamant of the probability of him being put down. :shakehead
You're doing the right thing. :bowdown
He's eating, he's moving around, he's taking your attempts to aid him. He *wants* to live. Don't listen to people who are inconvenienced by having to *do* something outside of easy. If he was in extreme pain, if he was struggling to live, if he wasn't eating or drinking, dying, euthanasia would be a gift. Right now, he is wanting a chance.
If you feel you are doing the wrong thing because you don't have the time, resources, energy, experience, legality or whatever else to care for a paralyzed squirrel, we can help you find a forever home for him. We will also understand if you just can't keep him. Many of us know how much it takes to care for these little paralyzed squirrels - who may or may not regain use of their legs - and no one will judge you if you need to find him another home. Let us know, we'll start looking. :grouphug
In the mean time, tell Chompie he has a whole gang of Squeeps from across the globe sending him love and best wishes. And give yourself a hug from us all, too. :)
07-09-2014, 10:45 PM
The blanket is more fleece than flannel. The tee shirt was cut into about 1.5" strips.
I think my current lack of confidence in myself is due to the inability to get him meds so far, and my ignorance not checking the ibuprophin before I left and just assuming it was infants and still good. I live about 18 miles from town. I want to be his forever mom/home/family, if he does not make a full recovery, even though I question that at this point since the life expectancy for his age is 1-2 years and if he makes adulthood it's only 2-4 :( that breaks my heart at the thought. My son helped me a little by telling me not to get so caught up in what isn't going perfect that I neglect the good that's happening so far. I'm home pretty much all day every day.
I will set an alarm for every couple of hours to keep him hydrated.
Will continue to place calls tomorrow to find meds. Just disappointed and frustrated how hard that is.
07-09-2014, 11:13 PM
You're doing great. Do try to see if you can get the Pred, because if you use the IB, you have to discontinue it for some time period that I forget before using the Pred.
His life expectancy is much longer than that. in the wild it's about 4 years, but indoors a healthy squirrel lives a minimum of 8, 10-12 pretty common, and the outside is 20. Your guy might have a shorter life if his paralysis remains as is (paralysis leads to shorter lives in just about every species) but you should have him around for awhile. If there is no recovery, we have all kinds of suggestions for housing, "drag bags" so they don't get sores, etc. We also have suggestions for therapy to try to get those legs going again. And one thing to watch out for is self mutilation. We see that a lot, especially if neuro function is returning. We have suggestions for that too - comes, vests, drugs and herbs, etc.
07-09-2014, 11:17 PM
Nothing is perfect and the future is uncertain. But you're going beyond what most people would even think to do and at least giving this sweet little guy a *chance* to heal, so don't beat yourself up. :grouphug
You might want to cut fleece up into bigger squares, like mini blankets for him. Put some in a corner so he can bury himself under them. :thumbsup
Then watch this short video of a paralyzed squirrel:
Check out some stories on this board of paralyzed squirrels like Skiddil who may or may not have regained use of their legs.
There's Charley Chuckles:
and Sweet Simon:
and Poppy (who was rescued very recently):
There's many more... these are just off the top of my head.
There is always hope your squirrel can live a happy life regardless how long it is. :)
PeeWee's Mom
07-09-2014, 11:17 PM
:Love_Icon ChristyK and :Squirrel Chompie
Thinking about you both!! :grouphug
07-09-2014, 11:23 PM
Btw, you'll have to tell us about the goose sometime! I think I'm the big duck/goose person on here. I live on a pond and have saved quite a lot of them now. I've never actually raised or rehabbed them because I live in a tiny condo, but I look after them every day and have had to get many to rehabbers when sick and injured. One of them (Gimpy - his foot turns 40 degrees inward) is a good "friend" of mine who eats out of my hand every day. I think we've missed only a handful of days in the last 1.5-2 years. We wait for each other at appointed times and places. Lots of people think geese are pests, but I'm sure you disagree!
07-10-2014, 12:32 AM
Thank you soooooooooo much for caring for this sweet guy. Hope he doesn't live up to his name. There are a bunch of special squirrels here. My boy Kensington isn't paralyzed but he's a dwarf and fragile. His hands don't grip well and he can't sit up without support. He's anything but unhappy. You have been blessed and so has the chompmeister. I just tricked out Kensi's little cage with fleece ramps so he can reach his cube and the floor is padded in case he falls. Your baby will have a wonderful life with you. Just remember, healing a traumatic injury takes time and patience--and the good folks at TSB have your back.
Don't chomp your folks Chompie!
07-10-2014, 12:58 AM
First wake up for more pedialite. He has 3ml in the bag! Syringe feeding him no problem! He even knows what it is now and lunges for it. HE MOVED HIS RIGHT BACK LEG all the way from a dragging position to a normal position!!!! His belly seemed a bit tight (but he has been drinking like a fish thank goodness) so I did rub it again and did get urine. Still not sure if he is actually going on his own or if all the wet spots are bladder leakage. A dear dear friend is sending meds! Over all, I will have to say today is a blessed day thanks to each and everyone of you!!!
When things calm down ill share my gosling story about my feathered friend named squirt! I can't thank everyone enough!!! Excited for what good healings and fortune tomorrow brings! Good night to chompies life line!!!
07-10-2014, 02:46 AM
Christyk.........I told you earlier you had come to a most unusual place.:Love_Icon I think you are starting to understand this. :grin3 You will never be alone, TSB has your back! For whatever reason, each and everyone here has had their life changed by a squirrel. You don't see it coming, its the last thing you ever expected, but there is something almost magical in how they steal your heart. And they are incredibly smart, and loving.
Little Chompie is showing that he wants to live! He is rrceptive to your care. You can consider yourself officially :owned
It's happened to all of us here. We have even moved squirrels across the country, in underground trains. So please, stop beating yourself up, and thinking you are not doing a good enough job. I like your son, he sees whats happening, I love him, he's sooooo right, focus on whats gone right, instead of whats gone wrong. You're doing great! Oh, and btw, there is a reason for everything we are telling you, even if we forget to mention it at the time, for instance, the reasons that proper hydration, (the skin pinch test), is so important, is that if not properly hydrated, squirrels won't eat.
Plus all the obvious reasons, like kidney and bladder function and to simply heal. Any problem you will have, I can guarantee that someone here has had, and there will be plenty who will chime in with ideas on how to resolve it.
So bottom line, you're doing fine, and girl, you are so owned. And you give that smart son of yours a big kiss from us all!
07-10-2014, 09:50 AM
Good morning everyone!!
Czarina, when you said I was owned, coffee came shooting out my nose!!! Your so right!!!!
I hate it I can't share pics :( I even opened a photo bucket account to try and post by URL. When I have more time I'll explore that a bit more.
Chompie is doing very well I believe. He was very eager for his feedings. He took about 3ml of the pedialite (I am aware I have to discontinue the pedialite at 4 pm)
He is loving the ensure, he took about 3ml of that as well.
I'm going to post the correct info into bulletin style so it's not lost in all the wordage.
• I'm assuming his intake is now at a healthy level. This morning we had:
* 3ml pedialite
* 4ml pecan flavored ensure
* and he is currently enjoying a fruit nut melody if watermelon, peaches,
Strawberry, fresh cracked almonds, a walnut, and a macadamia nut. (He went
Strait for the nuts)
• weighed him this morning and we have a weight gain of .6 oz!!!
• his belly is completely wet. I did try to extract his bladder with no results.
• I could clearly feel his spine which I had not noticed before
• I am changing and cleaning his bedding daily, but I am concerned with his hygiene, how should I address his personal hygiene?
• how often should I be offering the ensure?
• when handling, for example weighing, it stresses him, should I cover his face with a small cloth?
• any advice on handling
• what else should I be doing?
• scattering some unshelled nuts for his entertainment and teeth
• pet store visit for food block
• holding off on ibuprophin because steroid is on it's way
• addressing hygiene (I saw somewhere about urine burns and I want to prevent it
07-10-2014, 11:23 AM
He's moving his legs! WOOOT! :alright.gif Great news!
I'm going to answer some questions as best I can - hopefully you'll hear from others about the rest of the questions or about more tips/ideas.
• his belly is completely wet. I did try to extract his bladder with no results.
He's peeing on himself because he can't stand to pee or he's laying in his pee because he's not moving around much.
Try to keep him as dry as possible by changing the blankets often. Fleece repels water, so it will stay wet for a long time if he pees on it. And even if he doesn't lay in his pee he might be dragging himself through it.
I use small flannel receiving blankets where my paralyzed squirrel sleeps - I change these whenever I find wet spots. Under that is another flannel sheet that covers the entire cage - this gets changed nightly.
You may have to clean/change his bedding more throughout the day for now, while he is recovering more use of his legs/bladder.
When you take him out to feed him, you could try stimulating him to pee (gently flick a cloth or cotton ball back and forth on his penis until pees). If he does, you can easily wipe him clean. This might help to keep him from peeing as much on his bedding for now... :dono
• I could clearly feel his spine which I had not noticed before
Can you feel a break? Swelling? Is the spine straight?
• I am changing and cleaning his bedding daily, but I am concerned with his hygiene, how should I address his personal hygiene?
Not sure what you mean? The wet belly? You can use a warm, wet cloth and give him a sponge bath if the belly is just a little wet. Then dry off. Try to clean the area as soon as possible when you notice it wet.
If it's really wet, fill the sink with warm water (check for hot areas by swishing around!), loosely burrito him with some material that is absorbant. Slowly lower him into bath up to lower ribs (or a little higher if you need to - but only if you need to) without taking the cloth away (let him hold on to it). I like to slowly bounce them up and down in the water - for some reason they like that and it tends to calm them.
Then hold the squirrel with one hand and gently clean the belly, legs, chest, etc. with the other (the burrito is loose on the bottom so you can wash the squirrel and a little tighter around the chest where you're holding). Take squirrel out and take the wet cloth away as you place squirrel into dry towel. Dry off. I usually put the squirrel into another dry towel again. Sometimes, a third dry towel. Dry off as much as possible. And hold him for a while until you are sure he is completely dry and warm.
If he can be lowered into bath without cloth - great, even easier! I just use it because some squirrels will bite and this gives them something to bite (edge of cloth) and to hold on to. Plus I find them easier to handle this way. Experiment and see what works. :thumbsup
• when handling, for example weighing, it stresses him, should I cover his face with a small cloth?
Yes. You can burrito him, too, if it helps. Don't forget to weigh the material you used to burrito him or cover him with and find the difference.
• any advice on handling
If you aren't doing this already: take a piece of fleece that you can wrap around him enough to "burrito" him. You want to wrap the fleece firmly around his body - not tight but not loose. You'll have to experiment with an open top, a hoodie, or covering his face. See which he likes best. Burritos will keep him relatively still, keep his back straight, help him feel more secure, and it will be easier for you to feed him/handle him. I keep the bottom open so I can easily stimulate, express bladder, clean belly, etc.
• pet store visit for food block
You could also order HHBs as well ( ( since they are the best blocks out there. Get the cheaper ones at the pet store and use those for now.
I even opened a photo bucket account to try and post by URL.
So, you've uploaded your pics to photobucket but for some reason you can't post them? :thinking Under "links" for each pic, you should be able to copy the IMG code and simply paste it in a post here. If this isn't working, I'm not sure what could be wrong. You could email your pics to me for now (address on last page) or farrelli again (I don't think he'd mind :tilt) until you figure it out...
07-10-2014, 12:08 PM
Thank you for all your help and info!!
No apparent break in spine and no noticeable swelling. Appears strait
Its about time for his pedialite so will do the burrito squirrel dunk afterwards.
Going to gather some rocks and get the sterilized and get him a water dish going. He has no interest in the water bottle. Want to I entice him to start drinking on his own. Will continue to supplement fluids until confident he is not only achieving as well as maintaining this need on his own.
Waiting on the boys to wrap up a few chores in the kitchen so I can bathe him. I let the boys watch his last feeding and he was non the happy about the new audience. He prefers just him+I+silence.
07-10-2014, 12:10 PM
Oh, and I keep his "bedroom" (hate the idea of calling it a cage) I keep it covered with a blanket. Throwing that out there to make sure that's a good idea
07-10-2014, 12:20 PM
Firweed's post above provides good answers to your questions.
I just wanted to say that you are doing a wonderful job with Chompie! :thumbsup
I am also treating a badly injured wild and the TSB has been a fountain of support, expertise, supplies and encouragement! Good luck with Chompie! :)
07-10-2014, 12:45 PM
Seeing that you're in for the long haul. here's the proper diet thread:
And yes, you should buy Henry's blocks if you can afford them. A bag will last a month. If they're too pricy, some people just give one a day in combination with cheaper blocks. The Kaytee from the pet store are just a stop gap until you can get something better, like Harlan Teklad.
07-10-2014, 02:15 PM
Oh, and I keep his "bedroom" (hate the idea of calling it a cage) I keep it covered with a blanket. Throwing that out there to make sure that's a good idea
If he is really scared, this is a good idea. But if he is relatively relaxed, I would just cover the cage top and three sides for now - let him feel secure in his 'nest' but give him something to look out on if he wants. If the cage is near you, he can get used to you that way, too.
The better and more relaxed he feels, the more you can remove the cover from the sides in increments. Eventually removing the whole thing.
For now, though, he probably likes the safety of an enclosed space - but I wouldn't cover it completely if you don't need to.
07-10-2014, 02:34 PM
Oh, and no more macadamias. I think they are bad for some reason.
07-10-2014, 03:20 PM
If he is really scared, this is a good idea. But if he is relatively relaxed, I would just cover the cage top and three sides for now - let him feel secure in his 'nest' but give him something to look out on if he wants. If the cage is near you, he can get used to you that way, too.
The better and more relaxed he feels, the more you can remove the cover from the sides in increments. Eventually removing the whole thing.
For now, though, he probably likes the safety of an enclosed space - but I wouldn't cover it completely if you don't need to.
Also, try to locate it so that it is UP - so you aren't walking over to a cage on the floor and looming over him. To squirrels, height = safety and he will be a lot happier with everything if he is able to be closer to your height in his cage.
07-10-2014, 07:14 PM
I believe you will have the package on Saturday. Be sure to come on here and check with us before giving any meds though. I did include some ABs for a "just in case" situation.:Love_Icon
07-11-2014, 08:56 AM
Good morning!!!
I have opened the front flap of his cover giving him a better view
The noises in the house seem of less concern to him!
Due to all the intake, his Bowles and urination have been In hyperdrive. He is no longer dehydrated!
Bath time is a favorite if his!!! He gets so relaxed! But, he also knows ill warm him a towel in the dryer and we have a bit of snuggle time afterwards. He usually cat naps in my arms.
Yesterday's pet shop adventure was unsuccessful. No rodent blocks. Today I am off to the bigger city and a local petco.
The breakdown:
• we are putting on more weight. Today we weighed in at 1.22 pounds.
• he has not shown me any aggression in 24hrs now. He even lets me pick him up with minor fuss. (I still use towel, he is named chompie for a reason)
• unfortunately that's all I have to report
• pedialite was removed yesterday around four. I used the blender and liquified some watermelon with water, by this morning he is taking mildly sweetened water.
• still supplementing with ensure 4x a day @ 4ml ea feeding.
• hazelnuts have been removed.
• due to all the hyperdrive waste and urine, I have to bathe 2x a day
• going to petco for rodent block and will order online today
• he is bright and alert, eager for his feedings, but he does not move about his nest at all :(. He seems to be becoming less and less active.
• his stools have went from solid pellets to soft form. Not runny but soft.
07-11-2014, 09:06 AM
"Soft" stool is likely because he is now hydrated. It should be firm but sort of soft. You should have that package tomorrow and that will help to determine what the true potential outcome will be. Have you given him the infant ibuprofen? Just remember that it has to be 24 - 36 hours between that and giving prednisone.
So glad to hear that he is bright and alert. If he hurts, he won't move around. Neither would I :grin3
You are doing a great job with him! Keep up the good work!:thumbsup
07-11-2014, 09:18 AM
Ty sammysmom!!!
I never gave him the ibuprophin. Never knew the dosage and When I heard he couldn't take the other meds, I never gave it to him.
So I should have little concern in his lack of being active?
07-11-2014, 09:21 AM
As long as he is hydrated and eating and pooping/peeing, I would think that he is doing what he can do. Others with more experience with injuries may have other advice so let's see. For the moment, I would not be particularly worried about lack of movement.
07-11-2014, 09:44 AM
Injured squirrels spend a lot of time just hanging out during the day. Hopefully, as he heals and gets stronger, you will see more activity.
07-11-2014, 09:55 AM
About to place an order through Henry's. Searching the HHB it states for squirrels 6months +. Should that be a concern?
07-11-2014, 09:59 AM
About to place an order through Henry's. Searching the HHB it states for squirrels 6months +. Should that be a concern?
What about the high protein blocks for babies and flyers?
07-11-2014, 10:33 AM
You know. if I were you, I would pop for the Picky Bites - they are $2 more per bag but they are made with more of the stuff squirrels really like - pecans, and they tend to like them more. Him being a wild boy, I would go for the tastiest. The nutrition will be FINE with them - I have been buying and feeding them for years.
07-11-2014, 10:45 AM
You know. if I were you, I would pop for the Picky Bites - they are $2 more per bag but they are made with more of the stuff squirrels really like - pecans, and they tend to like them more. Him being a wild boy, I would go for the tastiest. The nutrition will be FINE with them - I have been buying and feeding them for years.
So the picky bites are more tasty than the wild bites? I always though thout it was the opposite Henries blocks<picky blocks<wild bites in order from least tasty to most tasty.
I have both and the Wild bites has more chunks of nuts visible.
07-11-2014, 11:01 AM
So the picky bites are more tasty than the wild bites? I always though thout it was the opposite Henries blocks<picky blocks<wild bites in order from least tasty to most tasty.
I have both and the Wild bites has more chunks of nuts visible.
The "Picky" blocks were made for our spoiled little squirrels that get tired of the others. The Wild Bites have a little more "junk" in them (I apologize,l Leigh - that is a terrible choice of words) - they are sweeter, have more nuts, etc., to appeal to the wilds. I honestly think the Picky's are a better product...
07-11-2014, 11:21 AM
The "Picky" blocks were made for our spoiled little squirrels that get tired of the others. The Wild Bites have a little more "junk" in them (I apologize,l Leigh - that is a terrible choice of words) - they are sweeter, have more nuts, etc., to appeal to the wilds. I honestly think the Picky's are a better product...
Got it. That is what I thought. I use Picky blocks in my boo balls and Wild Bites for my wilds (injured ones and young ones) who need food that is more healthy than just nuts.
07-11-2014, 11:23 AM
Trying to place order through Henry's. They are asking breed, rehabber, and such. Is it safe to order????
They even want my TSB user name
07-11-2014, 11:26 AM
Trying to place order through Henry's. They are asking breed, rehabber, and such. Is it safe to order????
They even want my TSB user name
I usually just check out as a guest. They are good people and are often on the TSB offering nutritional help. Your info is safe with them but if you want to just give name, address and payment then select the guest checkout option. You can also call them and talk directly and they are willing to offer advice and help.
07-11-2014, 11:26 AM
Trying to place order through Henry's. They are asking breed, rehabber, and such. Is it safe to order????
They even want my TSB user name
Leigh with Henry's is a user here. It is totally safe to order from her at Henry's. It is good to be cautious though! I can guarantee Henry's is safe. :grouphug
07-11-2014, 11:33 AM
They even want my TSB user name
That's for your 10% discount. :thumbsup
07-11-2014, 11:35 AM
Leigh with Henry's is a user here. It is totally safe to order from her at Henry's. It is good to be cautious though! I can guarantee Henry's is safe. :grouphug
Leigh is a member here - she also gives a little discount to TSB members so do tell her. I bet 90% of the people here do business with her. :thumbsup
She likes to read the threads when there is a health issue - if she has ideas she will even contact you with them. She doesn't post on the board because the food thing makes it kind of a conflict of interest, but she IS our go to for things nutritional, and takes WAY more than a passive interest in the squirrels.
07-11-2014, 02:38 PM
You said you removed the hazelnuts? There's fine as treats. It's the macadamia nuts that should be removed. I can't wait until he gets his drugs tomorrow.
07-11-2014, 03:19 PM
It was the macadamia nuts I removed
Trip to petco was terrible. Didn't have the blue bag of food. I suppose it will do until my order for Henry's comes in.
That boy LOVES the ensure!!!
Doing good with lightly sweetened water too
Did get the Kaytee Rat and Mouse feed to make due until blocks come in. I assume I should continue the ensure until they arrive
After his 2 pm feeding I warmed another beach towel in the dryer and we snuggled on the sofa for a bit. He loves his little head massaged. He is doing so good with my ha deli g now. He took about a twenty min nap in my arms. Even my coughing didn't seem to bother him.
His foot with the puncture wound is almost three times the size of this other little back paw. Good news is there appears to be no fever in the foot at all. Wound looks to be healing void of infection.
I did notice a very small drop of moisture on his little nose. Something I will have to monitor. I do worry about pneumonia with his lack of activity. Another reason I have been snuggling more is to get him more up rite
07-11-2014, 03:51 PM
Can you give a pic of the foot? You can email me like before with anything you want posted. I'm mostly here for the next several hours. I'm worried about the possible infection and discharge.
07-11-2014, 04:46 PM
So happy you two are getting closer. Bath time, warm towels, and snuggle time sure help with that. :Love_Icon
Please do get a pic of the foot. That does sound like a possible infection.
07-11-2014, 04:53 PM
Fortunately SM sent ABs!
07-11-2014, 04:56 PM
His foot.
07-11-2014, 05:09 PM
Fortunately SM sent ABs!
When the foot was mentioned I remembered and did a little happy dance in my head. :alright.gif
That foot does look three times the size of the other one - but hard to tell from the angle/pic. That could be another reason he's not so active.
Can't wait for the package to get there! Did she happen to send HHBs? :dono And maybe the kitchen sink? :grin2
07-11-2014, 05:25 PM
His foot is three times the size of the other
I do believe she sent steroids and ABs
07-11-2014, 05:32 PM
I just emailed better pics
07-11-2014, 05:39 PM
Better pics.
07-11-2014, 05:52 PM
Ok, those are better pics! I'm no expert, but I think his foot looks pretty good. The wound is healing, doesn't look infected. There may be some swelling in that foot, but it doesn't look that bad. I'd keep an eye on it for sure and make sure it doesn't get worse - but it looks like it's healing well.
07-11-2014, 07:12 PM
Take pics every day. It can be hard to notice changes (good or bad) over time. With pics, you can refer back and compare.
07-11-2014, 10:05 PM
My husband is home and had the first opportunity to spend some time with chompie. HA! I'm not the only one that is owned!!!! He even helped with bath time!!!
It was so cute!!!! After chompies dunk, while I was drying him, he washed his face! It's like he knew it was time to freshen up!! I'm so in love with him! Tomorrow's adventure, I'm going to attempt to make diapers for him. I don't mind baiting him especially since he seems to enjoy it so much, but, I'm good with a sewing machine and I'm thinking panty liners and I may have something. Thoughts???
07-11-2014, 10:34 PM
Did a quick read on this thread. Hope Chompie gets stronger and better every day.
Two things - The Soda Can you had early in the thread. Not sure what that was about?
But a squirrel can get injured if they are curious or feel like pushing there nose into the can, following the aroma.
It can cut and hurt them - like getting stuck partially in the can.
Curious how others feel about the diapers. May feel very unnatural. Cause chafing around the legs. Prevent air flow.
Just asking others opinion on this.
07-11-2014, 11:42 PM
Snuggle pic.
07-12-2014, 12:00 AM
Did a quick read on this thread. Hope Chompie gets stronger and better every day.
Two things - The Soda Can you had early in the thread. Not sure what that was about?
But a squirrel can get injured if they are curious or feel like pushing there nose into the can, following the aroma.
It can cut and hurt them - like getting stuck partially in the can.
Curious how others feel about the diapers. May feel very unnatural. Cause chafing around the legs. Prevent air flow.
Just asking others opinion on this.
The soda can was a temp way to do size comparison.
07-12-2014, 08:22 AM
You can give it a try with the diaper idea but I am not sure that will work. One other thing, as you know, urine left on skin can cause irritation/inflammation (urine burn) and I wonder if a diaper will make that worse since urine will be trapped and held in?
I am sure some others here will chime in about diapers.
It sounds like you are doing a great job with him!:thumbsup Trying diapers is certainly thinking outside the box although I am not convinced it will work.
07-12-2014, 08:31 AM
Yeah, the diaper idea could be problematic - first, it feels alien to the squirrel, second, you want the urine AWAY from the body asap so they don't get urine burns, which is basically diaper rash.
I do not use it for squirrels, but I think that using Carefresh bedding in the bottom of the cage might just be a good idea. It is extremely absorbent, wicking moisture away, and the shape of it allows it to dry super fast, too. Even laying in one place, the moisture is pulled away from the animal to dry.
If you do this, you can buy Carefresh at any pet shop, but it is expensive. The very best pricing I have found on it is through Locally, Tractor Supply is least expensive.
07-12-2014, 08:44 AM
Yes, that was my point. I think if one has a truly forever NR, who is very familiar and comfortable and into a routine with you for six months, and you keep changing the diaper, it is doable. But at this stage, it would be more trouble than its worth to both of you.
07-12-2014, 09:18 AM
The diapers are just a thought. Defiantly something I intend to explore. My points are to try and keep the moisture pulled from him instead if him lying in it. He is taking two baths a day because he is so saturated. Here's wheat I think:
Noting the nasal moisture, also he lounges more than active due to recovery, and the fact that he is being bathed 2X a day, concerns me for pneumonia. I will get out my stethoscope and start taking a a few listens. As far as the diaper, I will explore using materials that will draw moisture away. Also, I would probably take a few days and just use standard cloth to see if he will tolerate it. I don't want to cause him to chew on it or create a situation where he chews on himself. On the flip side, he may have just been urinating much more than normal because we was dehydrated and I spent three days focusing on fluids.
I have not woke the mister up for his ensure yet this morning. After his feeding I will post his usual update. ITS PACKAGE DAY!!!
07-12-2014, 09:46 AM
Oh I hope that package gets there today!:thumbsup Just let me know as soon as it is there. It went Priority on Thursday so I believe it will be there today. I have been worrying, because the tracking info I got isn't showing anything online.:tap
I picked up the envelope and purchased the postage without having the stuff ready. I then went home, packaged it and brought it to a central post office in New Haven. I am not sure why it never showed the tracking because the woman who sold me the postage and put the tracking sticker on the envelope said it would. I hate the post office!
Keep up the good work.
07-12-2014, 11:29 AM
The snuggle pic is cute. Amazing how used to you he is already. :thumbsup
I don't want to cause him to chew on it or create a situation where he chews on himself.
This is what worries me the most about the diapers.
07-12-2014, 03:38 PM
If you think about pee pads in your research, stay away from the dog ones:!
I think that the human ones are OK though.
07-12-2014, 04:22 PM
No package today :( I did score several receiving blankets at some garage sales!!!
How do you guys get the urine smell out of the bedding? I have washed it twice :(
07-12-2014, 04:30 PM
Oh damn it! I am so sorry that it didn't get there yet! Do you live in a particularly rural area? I hope he is okay until Monday...:sad
I wish I had just paid to send it next day... I am so sorry!
07-12-2014, 04:36 PM
No package today :( I did score several receiving blankets at some garage sales!!!
How do you guys get the urine smell out of the bedding? I have washed it twice :(
Good score on the blankets! Woot!
Why is it so hard to get the smell out? Does he have particularly concentrated urine? Is he hydrated enough?
What kind of bedding is he on now? I find fleece keeps smells more once they soak through...
I wash the bedding once with detergent, then again without anything but water and I get the smell out. :dono
07-14-2014, 07:38 AM
My sweet Chompie passed away during the night last night. I think I'm in shock... I thought he was doing so good.
07-14-2014, 07:50 AM
Oh, I am so sorry - we thought he was doing good too. I am guessing that whatever happened to him initially was worse than we thought. Internal injuries are so hard - because things can change in there even as the healing is starting, and without the benefits of x-rays and ultrasounds, we can only go by their actions and behavior. He knew true love before he passed - because of you. Lots of animals - heck, lots of people pass without that.
I am so, so sorry.
Nancy in New York
07-14-2014, 08:32 AM
I'm so very sorry to read this. :Cry
Rest in Peace
Precious Chompie 238972
07-14-2014, 08:34 AM
Oh no... I am so sorry...
Godspeed Chompie...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
You gave him peace and love...that was what you were meant to do...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
07-14-2014, 09:28 AM
:Cry Chompie :shakehead Thank you for caring for Chompie he was so lucky to have been cared for and loved by you (and the hubby) I'm soooo sad :shakehead Sending love and healing vibes :Love_Icon :grouphug
:Love_Icon Chompie :Love_Icon
07-14-2014, 10:52 AM
Oh, no. :( I thought he was doing better, too. I'm so, so sorry.
Remember, he was destined to die alone, afraid, cold, hungry. You changed all that and went above and beyond what most would even think to do, and you gave him love, safety, warmth, and good food. Baths, warm towels, and snuggle time, too - Chompie relaxed in your arms. He knew you cared. :Love_Icon
Like Crittermom mentioned, he likely had more going on than the paralysis. In that case, there's little any one of us could've done differently to ensure a better outcome. Internal injuries are frustratingly difficult to deal with and often fatal no matter what you do to help.
I'm so sorry, Christy. It was clear from your posts how much you loved and cared about your little friend. :grouphug
Rest in perfect peace, Chompie. :sad
07-14-2014, 11:07 AM
I am so very sorry. I am sure you are devastated. But as others have already said, you brought him in and showed him so much love and care. He was warm and safe and had food which he would not have been able to get in the wild. You were his angel. I am so sorry.
Godspeed little Chompie.
:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon
07-14-2014, 12:19 PM
I'm so, so very sorry. He seemed like a wonderful squirrel, so very well tempered for indoor life, and you were so clearly well suited to squirrel parenthood. You cared so very much! Please do stay with TSB! We need more people like you. And when you're ready, perhaps you could help another little guy out. We frequently need either temporary help or permanent homes for NRs and IL seems to be a place where we could really use someone like you.
Again, I'm so very sorry.
07-14-2014, 05:48 PM
I almost can't believe this, he seemed to be doing so well. :( I know that squirrels with these types of injuries often dont make it but you were doing such a great job with him. I don't think anyone could have done anything better or differently, Chompie just was not fated to spend much time here.
I am very sorry to hear this. I am glad that chompie found you to share his last days, since you showed him such gentleness, love and kindness.
Gods Speed Chompie, you now have wings!
07-14-2014, 06:02 PM
I'm so sorry. You cared for him and gave hm a place in this world. I know he takes your heart with him to the next. God speed Chompie. You're free.:Love_Icon
07-15-2014, 07:22 AM
I'm so sorry for the distance. Thank each and every one of you for your kind words. I know my Chompie was special. He proved that to me time and time again. This place you have here is equally special. The warmth, care, and eagerness to help is a Godsend at times like this. You guided me in the right ways to care for him and I'm eternally greatful. Thank you for being so kind to my chompie and myself.
I have no intentions of abandoning people who share similar passions of God's hidden Edens. We are caretakers of his gift of Earth and all it's bounty. I honestly didn't know folks like me existed in such great numbers.
Chompie was as equally good to my family as we were him. It gave our four children ( ages, 8, 14, 15, 16) to witness compassion in its rawest form. A moral lesson I hope follows them throughout their life's journey.
My heart is still heavy. It amazes me how quickly priorities in life can change. I went from waking to the thoughts of laundry, breakfast, cleaning, and patio sitting with my cup of coffee to the eagerness to see this dark coal eyes eagerly waiting for a couple syringes of ensure, a warm bath, warm towels, and his company on the patio during coffee while being swaddled like an infant.
This groups encouragement and praise were such a blessing. Without it I would have questioned my evey move and decision. I would have been clueless as to proper care. Even beyond Chompies time with us you continue to embrace my heart with the encouragement and insistence that I provided more good than harm. Another TSB gift that minimizes the natural self inflected burden of guilt due to his passing.
I look forward to the day when I can repay the priceless gifts of friendship and guidance.
For anyone who wants to add me, my Facebook is emersonchristyk -at- I'm here for you in any compacity I can be.
My admiration and appreciation to all,
07-15-2014, 07:52 AM
07-15-2014, 08:41 AM
You are now on "the list" so when we have someone needing help in IL, you will be hearing from us! :grin3
07-15-2014, 10:13 AM
I keep thinking about this. It was such a perfect situation and you both seemed so suited for each other. :( I know that in time another squirrel will find you. That's just how it seems to work. Once one has found you, honestly, others seem to when they're in need.
07-15-2014, 10:52 AM
I mean it when I say I'll be glad to help!! Farrelli, I posted the goose story for you. It's in the unrelated thread.
I'm honored to be added to the list. Soon I will research how to become official and licensed.
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