View Full Version : I need help everyone

07-06-2014, 09:28 PM
I feed birds all the time and the chipmunks do come all the time and grab the food.

So i usually take a stick and try to scare the chipmunks all the time. Purposely i miss them and they get away.


When i was waving the stick, it accidentally hit the chipmunk left side cheek and the food that it stored came out. It was in a slight shock for 2-3 seconds standing still. I was terrified and I prayed to all gods that nothing should happen to the chipmunk

In 3 seconds it was fine and I gave the way..the chipmunk walked slowly and then hopped and went back to its hideout.

I felt so bad that I threw the stick out and kept loads of peanut and bird food near its hideout.

After 10-15 minutes, the chipmunk finished all the food and I was happy. Again i loaded the tray with full food and i saw the chipmunk eating it. But there were two chipmunks so i was little confused.

I am really worried and praying to god that nothing bad happened to the chipmunk.

Will the chipmunk be able to take a small hit on its cheek? will it be a big problem? I am really worried. :( :( :(

I will never scare the chipmunk again :(

(I saw the chipmunk eating, but little confused if it was the other chipmunk)

Kindly help me.

07-06-2014, 09:41 PM
My guess is the chipmunk is alright...they are pretty tough. It didn't fall after being hit...lose consciousness, the food in his mouth probably protected him from the blow (teeth, palate) my guess is just the cheek was involved. I would assume that he or she was one of the two you saw eating later. That all said, I would still keep an eye out and make sure he's ok. I'm not going to give you a hard time for what happened...accidents happen, and I don't believe you were actually trying to hit him. I'm sure you were as shocked as he was :eek Plus...I can see how bad you feel already:grouphug :thankyou for looking for help and guidance...hopefully, this will be a lesson learned ...with no permanent harm done :bowdown

07-06-2014, 09:44 PM
Oh and :Welcome sorry it wasn't under better circumstances .....but hey, you're now a convert and will be feeding your furry friends along with your feathered...I love birds, too.:thumbsup :Love_Icon

07-06-2014, 09:54 PM
My guess is the chipmunk is alright...they are pretty tough. It didn't fall after being hit...lose consciousness, the food in his mouth probably protected him from the blow (teeth, palate) my guess is just the cheek was involved. I would assume that he or she was one of the two you saw eating later. That all said, I would still keep an eye out and make sure he's ok. I'm not going to give you a hard time for what happened...accidents happen, and I don't believe you were actually trying to hit him. I'm sure you were as shocked as he was :eek Plus...I can see how bad you feel already:grouphug :thankyou for looking for help and guidance...hopefully, this will be a lesson learned ...with no permanent harm done :bowdown

Thank you very much shewhosweptforest. I was completely restless for nearly 2 hours. I grabbed all the food i stored for the bird and loaded on the plate for the chipmunk and carefully waited for the chipmunk. He got scared of me from a distance. So i did hide and saw him - he finished one full plate and then the next. Based on the route he takes every time, I think it is the same chipmunk.

THis is a very big lesson for me. When the chipmunk took the hit.. I was in the bottom of the steps and he was on the top. so he had no other route to go and maybe that is why he was standing still for a few seconds. I was terrified and did not even want to go near him and gave the way. He was surprised because i usually block the way and scare him and he would run around and escape. This time when i gave the way, he was not sure, but when i completely moved out of the way, he hopped back again.

This chipmunk would jump from the stairs and fall like a bounced ball and escape cool. But this time when he stood still for 2 seconds and small portion of the food that came out. I was terrified and prayed so badly that i threw the stick away.

From tomorrow, I would keep 2 separate containers - one for the birds and one for the chipmunks :)

Thanks for your explanation. I know for sure it did hit his cheeks because there was no blood or anything.. it was just the food that came out and the part that scared the hell out of me was he was standing still for 2-3 seconds. Thank god. Please pray with me so that nothing happens to that chipmunk.

07-06-2014, 11:11 PM
I'm praying with you :grouphug I'm sure he stood still for a few seconds out of instinct...moving can mean death for a prey animal...you will see many prey animals, when in fear, freeze....then they run like crazy. He was just following his instincts...waiting to see your next move(direction) And remember you couldn't have hit him as hard as you feel, or he would have been knocked completely over, or off the steps...they are small. It wouldn't take much of a hit to send them off. Do you see what I mean. This is horrible, and I do feel bad that it happened and that now you are suffering, worried sick about what you may have done. I'm glad you feel bad, that shows you have a heart ....sometimes we get carried away when we are protective over our friends, your birds. I know anyone who loves an animal, like you feel about your birds, wouldn't purposely do harm to another...and scare tactics usually work...I have tried to scare hawks, a fox, feral cats :dono Try not to beat yourself up....and now you can be a guardian of another one of this Earth's beautiful creations :Love_Icon

07-06-2014, 11:22 PM
I'm praying with you :grouphug I'm sure he stood still for a few seconds out of instinct...moving can mean death for a prey animal...you will see many prey animals, when in fear, freeze....then they run like crazy. He was just following his instincts...waiting to see your next move(direction) And remember you couldn't have hit him as hard as you feel, or he would have been knocked completely over, or off the steps...they are small. It wouldn't take much of a hit to send them off. Do you see what I mean. This is horrible, and I do feel bad that it happened and that now you are suffering, worried sick about what you may have done. I'm glad you feel bad, that shows you have a heart ....sometimes we get carried away when we are protective over our friends, your birds. I know anyone who loves an animal, like you feel about your birds, wouldn't purposely do harm to another...and scare tactics usually work...I have tried to scare hawks, a fox, feral cats :dono Try not to beat yourself up....and now you can be a guardian of another one of this Earth's beautiful creations :Love_Icon

aww. thanks a lot!!! now i feel better. I will never ever scare this chipmunk again. Even if he is going to eat all the bird food, that is fine with me. The backside porch I have is home to

1. Few Chipping Sparrow2
2. Titmouse birds
3. Beautiful Beautiful Cardinal pairs (2 or 3 pairs) and young ones
4. Gold finches and a couple of Doves and the unwanted Bluejays (unwanted because they do predate on the eggs of smaller birds)

This cheeky chipmunk would climb up and catch the cardinals eating food by surprise and scare them and also consume most of the bird food. I would watch all the time and let this chipmunk escape. Sometimes i go there with a stick just to scare him off, but the chipmunk would not care a bit and would come back again in the next minute..lol

This time the experiment went bad :( but your words have comforted me. Thanks again.

07-07-2014, 10:38 AM
aww. thanks a lot!!! now i feel better. I will never ever scare this chipmunk again. Even if he is going to eat all the bird food, that is fine with me. The backside porch I have is home to

1. Few Chipping Sparrow2
2. Titmouse birds
3. Beautiful Beautiful Cardinal pairs (2 or 3 pairs) and young ones
4. Gold finches and a couple of Doves and the unwanted Bluejays (unwanted because they do predate on the eggs of smaller birds)

This cheeky chipmunk would climb up and catch the cardinals eating food by surprise and scare them and also consume most of the bird food. I would watch all the time and let this chipmunk escape. Sometimes i go there with a stick just to scare him off, but the chipmunk would not care a bit and would come back again in the next minute..lol

This time the experiment went bad :( but your words have comforted me. Thanks again.

Update: Chipmunk is doing fine and it's more active :) grabbing bird food.lol

07-07-2014, 10:47 AM
As you have learned, they are very bold. I have two dominant ones this year, Bob and Not Bob (don't ask) who travel from window to window - even up on the 2nd floor - because they know if they can just make eye contact with me, I will cave and go outside to give them treats! So, yeah, basically, I am being stalked...

Just give in and feed everyone!

07-07-2014, 02:28 PM
As you have learned, they are very bold. I have two dominant ones this year, Bob and Not Bob (don't ask) who travel from window to window - even up on the 2nd floor - because they know if they can just make eye contact with me, I will cave and go outside to give them treats! So, yeah, basically, I am being stalked...

Just give in and feed everyone!

he he. you are right. Bold and tenacious. Red squirrels do come to the same spot, but they don't usually grab all the food because they sit and eat there, whereas they cheeky fellows (chipmunks) grab everything they can and do at least 20-25 trips in 1 hour..lol

Red squirrels do not like these guys, but they are very soft :)

Anyway, I felt bad and kept food for everyone.

07-19-2014, 12:19 AM
Hi Everyone..

Last time i wrote about the chipmunks eating all bird food.

Here is more update..

Chipmunk population went from 2 to almost 7 now and I could no longer afford a place. So I wanted to catch them all and leave them in a new place with a bag of food and so that they will get used to the new place.

I selected a mountain reservation area which has near by ponds..and it was a clean forest area.

I did not want to separate the family.. So i caught all the chipmunks in live trap and immediately transported to the same spot one by one and kept a lot of food.. and came back.

I did 4 but the 5th one took time and it was already dark and i got the 5th one. I did not want to release him in the dark in an unknown place because of predators. So i kept him in a safe place in a cage and put food for him for the night..so that next day morning, i can drop at the same place where all 4 are there.

Kindly do not mistake because I could not afford the population of chipmunks so i had to leave them in a forest area.

Now I have some questions.

1. I dropped all 4 at the same place in the forest area with food. - will they be OK? will they be able to get a place and adjust?
2. When i drop the 5th one and 6th one tomorrow, will it be ok? will they be able to reunite with their family and get adjusted to the new place?
3. Mountain reservation area - is very clean and has plenty of secret areas. So will they be able to get a new secret place for living?

Once again, I did my best for a few weeks, I could not do it and therefore had to leave them.

Kindly advise

Thanks a lot.

07-19-2014, 12:29 AM
Now I have some questions.

1. I dropped all 4 at the same place in the forest area with food. - will they be OK? will they be able to get a place and adjust?
2. When i drop the 5th one and 6th one tomorrow, will it be ok? will they be able to reunite with their family and get adjusted to the new place?
3. Mountain reservation area - is very clean and has plenty of secret areas. So will they be able to get a new secret place for living?

to answer such questions is nearly impossible because too many variables, of which humans may not even be fully aware, go into animals' habitats and such.

We don't know what kind of food sources are available to them there.

We don't know what kind of predators are there

We don't know what kind of soil is in there as I am sure chippies do not live just in any soil, just like squirrels or birds will not nest just in any tree

Besides, since it's all done, the answers to these questions do not really matter. Even if someone came and said 'no," that won't change anything, will it?

It's a baby season right now, squirrels are raising their young.
Don't know chippies THAT well, but it is possible to assume that some of them may have their young in their holes/nests.
And those youngs were not trapped and relocated.
So, if some of the relocated chippies were mothers - those youngs are left without mothers.

Animal relocation should be done in the most extreme, absolutely necessary situations.

I don't know what your set up is, but chippies do not really jump on trees and do the same acrobatics as squirrels.
So, perhaps, if bird feeders were placed up high enough, chippies would not be able to reach them.

But when feeding any kind of wildlife, it is important to remember and accept that it is nearly impossible to feed only ONE chosen group of critters.
When people feed squirrels, bird come and steal squirrel food. But squirrel feeding people do not start trapping and relocating those birds.
When people feed squirrels and birds, and there is leftover food - raccoons and skunks come at night.
Likewise, when people feed birds, they have to accept that if there are squirrels in the area - they will come.
And either get squirrel-proof feeders (if there are such), or just ... accept it.
Wildlife are always attracted to food - if there is food, there will be more critters than you want.
But relocating critters just because they eat other critters food is not justified imho.
You relocate some, there will eventually be others (because others will move in into the available area). Can't relocate them all.

I do hope that those chippies will adapt and make it. Hopefully...

perhaps, someone will have a more hopeful answer to these questions

07-19-2014, 12:32 AM
to answer such questions is nearly impossible because too many variables, of which humans may not even be fully aware, go into animals' habitats and such.

We don't know what kind of food sources are available to them there.

We don't know what kind of predators are there

We don't know what kind of soil is in there as I am sure chippies do not live just in any soil, just like squirrels or birds will not nest just in any tree

Besides, since it's all done, the answers to these questions do not really matter. Even if someone came and said 'no," that won't change anything, will it?

It's a baby season right now, squirrels are raising their young.
Don't know chippies THAT well, but it is possible to assume that some of them may have their young in their holes/nests.
And those youngs were not trapped and relocated.
So, if some of the relocated chippies were mothers - those youngs are left without mothers.

Animal relocation should be done in the most extreme, absolutely necessary situations.

I don't know what your set up is, but chippies do not really jump on trees and do the same acrobatics as squirrels.
So, perhaps, if bird feeders were placed up high enough, chippies would not be able to reach them.

But when feeding any kind of wildlife, it is important to remember and accept that it is nearly impossible to feed only ONE chosen group of critters.
When people feed squirrels, bird come and steal squirrel food. But squirrel feeding people do not start trapping and relocating those birds.
When people feed squirrels and birds, and there is leftover food - raccoons and skunks come at night.
Likewise, when people feed birds, they have to accept that if there are squirrels in the area - they will come.
And either get squirrel-proof feeders (if there are such), or just ... accept it.
Wildlife are always attracted to food - if there is food, there will be more critters than you want.
But relocating critters just because they eat other critters food is not justified imho.

I do hope that those chippies will adapt and make it. Hopefully...

perhaps, someone will have a more hopeful answer to these questions


07-19-2014, 12:47 AM

I appreciate your response..

It is not just because they ate bird food, their were running very very deep all around the house. And it is not one, but they were multiplying and everywhere there was holes.

I tried to put the maximum food I can (at least a bag) at the place I left them

I am trying to get all the young ones I can, and transport them safely all to the same spot.

You wrote: "some of the relocated chippies were mothers - those youngs are left without mothers." - this is the one thing that scares me the most. I am trying to get all the young ones too.. but out of 6 I got 4..

I will try to get them at the earliest and transport them to the same place.

There is a big difference when you talked about Bird eating squirrel food.. (i should not talk this on a squirrel board.. still)

I am ok with chipmunks eating bird food, but the question here is.. 50 sparrows and cardinals and other birds share a bird feeder and platform feeder.. THe squirrel proof bird feeder - still a no match for chipmunks because the chipmunks got through the hanging bird feeder and ate the food. Next, when bird come and eat - usually the fight between birds happen not that often, sparrows continue to eat when cardinals eat.. and vice versa) but when the chipmunks come, they chase away all the bird or the birds get scared and move out (even the bluejays get scared and move out)

Second.. I don't know about other chipmunks, but the chipmunks i had would come to the water source and urinate.. in the water source and leave. It was pretty difficult because I had to change water source every single time and it was getting difficult too as i go for work.

Ok all said..like you said, i cannot get back the chipmunks I left in the mountain reservation area.. THey were active and normal, but I could not give them a place so I left them in a safe place (in my opinion)

Now.. like you said.. how safe it is? - i really don't know and my objective is to have its entire family in one place and continue to place a bag of food every 5-7 days for the next month so that they slowly get used to the new place and get their own food.

But the part that how many babies are still separated from the parents? - i really don't know.. i had seen one tiny young one.. still at my place.. that is the part i am very worried because i really do not want to separate any

Hope you understand :( :(

07-19-2014, 01:01 AM
I appreciate your response..

It is not just because they ate bird food, their were running very very deep all around the house. And it is not one, but they were multiplying and everywhere there was holes.

I tried to put the maximum food I can (at least a bag) at the place I left them

I am trying to get all the young ones I can, and transport them safely all to the same spot.

You wrote: "some of the relocated chippies were mothers - those youngs are left without mothers." - this is the one thing that scares me the most. I am trying to get all the young ones too.. but out of 6 I got 4..

I will try to get them at the earliest and transport them to the same place.

There is a big difference when you talked about Bird eating squirrel food.. (i should not talk this on a squirrel board.. still)

I am ok with chipmunks eating bird food, but the question here is.. 50 sparrows and cardinals and other birds share a bird feeder and platform feeder.. THe squirrel proof bird feeder - still a no match for chipmunks because the chipmunks got through the hanging bird feeder and ate the food. Next, when bird come and eat - usually the fight between birds happen not that often, sparrows continue to eat when cardinals eat.. and vice versa) but when the chipmunks come, they chase away all the bird or the birds get scared and move out (even the bluejays get scared and move out)

Second.. I don't know about other chipmunks, but the chipmunks i had would come to the water source and urinate.. in the water source and leave. It was pretty difficult because I had to change water source every single time and it was getting difficult too as i go for work.

Ok all said..like you said, i cannot get back the chipmunks I left in the mountain reservation area.. THey were active and normal, but I could not give them a place so I left them in a safe place (in my opinion)

Now.. like you said.. how safe it is? - i really don't know and my objective is to have its entire family in one place and continue to place a bag of food every 5-7 days for the next month so that they slowly get used to the new place and get their own food.

But the part that how many babies are still separated from the parents? - i really don't know.. i had seen one tiny young one.. still at my place.. that is the part i am very worried because i really do not want to separate any

Hope you understand :( :(

Can someone please tell me how I can find the young ones or the nest because i want to unite them with the family..The ones i got (out of 6, at least 3-4 were small not tiny..)

So if anyone of you can tell me how i can solve this problem it will be great. :( :(

07-19-2014, 01:18 AM
I left the other 3 in the mountain reservation area just today evening.. is it possible to use the live trap and catch them again and bring it back home? Is that possible?

Now the scary thought that i might have separated their babies from their mother (if any) is making me very worried :(

07-19-2014, 01:26 AM
Not sure about the weather where you live, but the chipmunk babies here have yet to peek out of the nest. Our winter was very long and cold, so they were born later. They don't wander from the nest until they are 5-7 weeks old. So, yes... its likely that babies are left behind... because the chipmunks you trapped were probably taking food back to the nest to wean the babies. As far as your squirrel proof feeder...LOL... I haven't seen one of those work on any squirrel :) Im trying to design a bird proof feeder because I am going thru 25 pounds of peanuts a week on invasive bully birds (starlings, blue jays) ... They dive at the squirrels heads while they are up there eating, and they poop everywhere! (my yellow corvette in the driveway now has white polka dots!) Im surprised that your birds are afraid of chipmunks... my cats don't even scare the birds away. All I can tell you is... just watch the nest area... if you see a wee one emerge, just watch what it does. If he seems lost and confused, or approaches you,you may need to find him a rehabber. Relocating him to the same area as the rest would most likely be certain death for him.

07-19-2014, 01:28 AM
Can someone please tell me how I can find the young ones or the nest because i want to unite them with the family..The ones i got (out of 6, at least 3-4 were small not tiny..)
So if anyone of you can tell me how i can solve this problem it will be great. :( :(

Not likely to happen... :shakehead
There are nearly as many preferable habitats for the various types of chipmunk as there are differences between them.
One habitat characteristic that seems to be common among many types of chipmunk is the preference for some sort of rocky outcropping which is used for both burrow creation and shelter.Most chipmunk burrows will be 20 to 30 feet long and have many openings, some of which may be hidden by leaves and debris. The burrow system will typically contain a nesting chamber and several food storage chambers and may be used for many seasons. In the creation of the burrow system, the chipmunk does not leave any apparent dirt mounding near any of its burrow openings; it will carry this dirt away in its cheek pouches and loosely distribute it to help conceal these entrances.

07-19-2014, 01:28 AM
Damn i do something silly and spend my whole night worrying.. My idea was to take them all to one location and food and they all get used to a new place and start a new life :( but when i think about the number of babies i might have missed, it makes me worried :( I am not getting in to this chipmunk thing again :( :( :(

07-19-2014, 01:38 AM
Not sure about the weather where you live, but the chipmunk babies here have yet to peek out of the nest. Our winter was very long and cold, so they were born later. They don't wander from the nest until they are 5-7 weeks old. So, yes... its likely that babies are left behind... because the chipmunks you trapped were probably taking food back to the nest to wean the babies. As far as your squirrel proof feeder...LOL... I haven't seen one of those work on any squirrel :) Im trying to design a bird proof feeder because I am going thru 25 pounds of peanuts a week on invasive bully birds (starlings, blue jays) ... They dive at the squirrels heads while they are up there eating, and they poop everywhere! (my yellow corvette in the driveway now has white polka dots!) Im surprised that your birds are afraid of chipmunks... my cats don't even scare the birds away. All I can tell you is... just watch the nest area... if you see a wee one emerge, just watch what it does. If he seems lost and confused, or approaches you,you may need to find him a rehabber. Relocating him to the same area as the rest would most likely be certain death for him.

Now i am going to have a sleepless night. Can i go back to mountain reservation area and get the 3 chipmunks back using the live trap? because i release them in to that area only today evening at 3 pm

Is there a chance that they will be around there? can i use the same live trap and bring him home?

Is that possible?

Kindly help

07-19-2014, 01:49 AM
I suppose its possible, but I wouldn't think they would be too eager to near that trap again.. ( they wont see it as their bus ride home) . They would have to be good and hungry to do it again.

07-19-2014, 01:54 AM
THank you.. I will go out tomorrow morning and try my best again at 6.00 am or 7.00 am

THey will be hungry because it is a new place.. but i kept lots of food at the place i left them :( :( :(

Will it be ok to live trap them or is it an offence? because i really want to get them back to their babies or transport the babies to their mother or family..since i cannot find the nest burrows.. the only other alternative way is go and find the chipmunks at the place left them..(luckily it was today)

It is a new place so they wouldn't have gone too far from the spot i left them.

If i get them i am going to bring them back..

If i don't what is the other alternative please? like to find their babies? how to find them? any baby sounds that i can listen too? etc?

thanks again

07-19-2014, 01:56 AM
:dono Lets think about this...as you can see we wish you had asked us about relocating first...that would have saved you and them a lot of trouble..but what is done, is done. You say you caught young ones out with the older ones? I'm not a chipmunk expert...but wouldn't this mean that more then likely we're not talking about very young babies...these were probably being weaned, which is why they were out eating. So if this is the case...the other young ones should come back out tomorrow looking for food...here's your options...now you have to watch over these young ones...or find a rehabber willing to raise them:dono I don't think there'll be a reunion at the mountain retreat :shakehead Don't dwell on your mistake, people make them, at least you feel bad. But now you have to try and make it right. I would still bring food up to where you dropped them off...on the off chance they're still there. These young ones at least know this burrow system and if you keep food and water near by, maybe they'll have a chance :dono :Love_Icon

07-19-2014, 02:05 AM
I'm not sure that will help:dono Lets think about this...as you can see we wish you had asked us about relocating first...that would have saved you and them a lot of trouble..but what is done, is done. You say you caught young ones out with the older ones? I'm not a chipmunk expert...but wouldn't this mean that more then likely we're not talking about very young babies...these were probably being weaned, which is why they were out eating. So if this is the case...the other young ones should come back out tomorrow looking for food...here's your options...now you have to watch over these young ones...or find a rehabber willing to raise them:dono I don't think there'll be a reunion at the mountain retreat :shakehead Don't dwell on your mistake, people make them, at least you feel bad. But now you have to try and make it right. I would still bring food up to where you dropped them off...on the off chance they're still there. These young ones at least know this burrow system and if you keep food and water near by, maybe they'll have a chance :dono :Love_Icon

THanks again..

Here is what happened

only today by afternoon the amazon hawthorn live trap came.. so i did set the trap (only with the idea to transport all to a new place.. not to to trouble them or separate them :( )

All three i caught were not too big.. not too small. they look equal size..but i saw another chipmunk which is still in my area little bigger than these three that i left in the mountain reservation area

These three were not tiny, but small (i am saying small because i saw one bigger than these three)

Now there is the fourth one i got.. but still caged..i did not leave it in the new place because it was dark and i did not want it to be a clear target for predators by leaving it in the dark. so i will release him tomorrow morning..(i thought of releasing him to the same spot where i left 3 today evening)

should i release him at my place or take him/her to the mountain area and release? I am in 2 minds :( this one is also small.. equal size. not tiny

But i saw one more tiny chipmunk smaller than all 4 in my place. very tiny, still coming for food.

I still do not know the burrrow place because it comes from the conservative land.. (back side of my place) with thick shrubs and a pond

I told you what happened..

Now what is the best i can do? :( :(

07-19-2014, 02:10 AM
Well if the three you released were juveniles, then that means the mom and dad are still at your place ...so I would release the trapped one back out there. The other juveniles, that you transferred, can either be recaught or just keep feeding and hope they find a burrow :dono

07-19-2014, 02:14 AM
Well if the three you released were juveniles, then that means the mom and dad are still at your place ...so I would release the trapped one back out there. The other juveniles, that you transferred, can either be recaught or just keep feeding and hope they find a burrow :dono

thank you very much

I am going to go early morning and try to use the live trap and bring them back..

Is it ok to use the live trap in the mountain reservation area? if someone asks, i can tell them what really happened.. hope that is ok?

07-19-2014, 02:18 AM
Well if the three you released were juveniles, then that means the mom and dad are still at your place ...so I would release the trapped one back out there. The other juveniles, that you transferred, can either be recaught or just keep feeding and hope they find a burrow :dono

One last question:

the three chipmunks were equal size and the 4th one is also the same size..

The one i saw at my place is slightly bigger in my eyes.. If my eyes are not that sharp.. then all 5 are of the same size?

what will it suggest? all 5 are adult females? and all 5 would have babies? the calculation drives me nuts and more worried

sorry again

07-19-2014, 02:24 AM
Well, lets hope that isn't the case...did you notice nipples (enlarged)

07-19-2014, 02:26 AM
And the next dilemma.... what if you go trap them and they are 4 different chipmunks? If you didn't polish their nails bright red, then you probably wont know one from another. ... So, you could possibly be leaving orphans there too. I have a colony of chipmunks here... but I don't see them often because they don't like my cats. They are smart little guys tho... my cats catch them and they play dead, so my cats set them down and lay next to them... When I see this, I always go to get the poor thing to bury it, and it comes to life and runs. I swear it scares the crap outta me EVERY time. Just so you have an idea of how the colony works, I will explain how mine works. What used to the original garage is now a living area... The old fiberglass garage door was left in place, with an outside wall built, and an inside wall built. There is a 2 ft step down flower bed with block wall, filled with about a ton of landscaping rocks in front of outside wall.. then a ground level wooden deck walkway with railing, and a ground level flower bed in front of that. Well, they live in that wall.. and to get there... they have to burrow under all that stuff I just mentioned. In other words, without having my back hoe involved... I will NEVER reach that colony. Of course, I can rip the wall out from inside the house... but they aren't causing any damage, and they don't bother me... so I leave them alone. Once in a while, they scratch at that old garage door in there, and its like nails on a chalkboard... but Im amused watching my cats attack a wall, so its all good :)

07-19-2014, 02:28 AM
those questions should have been asked BEFORE, not after trapping.

1. If the new area has its own chipmunks, then, you risk trapping the local chippies, unless you can tell apart those from your area from the local ones.

2. It does not matter how many of them were coming to your feeding place, if there were tons of them, or they were all over the place or whatnot. It does not justify relocating them.
If anything, it's the feeding place that attracted them, i.e., you.
As far as they were concerned - a new food source appeared in their neighbourhood and they were all going to use it.
They did not know it was "Your" territory, or that it was "Birds" seed or whatnot.

It was THEIR territory, too. And if you noticed an increased number of critters in your area because of your bird food - that was of your own making.

3. Feeding wild critters cannot be confined to just one species/category/family etc.
It is their world, and in the wild - if there is a food source, EVERYONE who lives in the area will try to be there.

Feeding wildlife is not for everyone, because not everyone can deal with, accept and come to appreciate everyone who shows up at the feeder.
If you found those chippies too much of a nuisance and whatever - then, perhaps, you should have stopped feeding birds.
And most likely, the numbers of chippies in the areas would have gone down once the food source was removed.

Eg., when people end up with too many squirrels showing up at the feeders - that's what they often do. They just stop feeding to avoid accumulating too many critters.

4. Trapping and relocating is done only in life-threatening (to human or animal) situations, and only as the last resort, when all else fails.

AND BEFORE trapping and relocating, people research the potential new location to ensure that it will meet the needs of the given animal.
You cannot just bring them somewhere without first researching whether or not the new place is a suitable habitat for them.

There have been very serious situations with predators and feral animals, and even then people were debating and were really torn trying to decide to trap or not to trap. And in most cases, they didn't.

As for finding potential/possible babies - it's impossible.
And unless you are a chippie pro, you won't be able to tell a juvenile chippie/younger from an adult one just by looking at them.

07-19-2014, 02:35 AM
And the next dilemma.... what if you go trap them and they are 4 different chipmunks? If you didn't polish their nails bright red, then you probably wont know one from another. ... So, you could possibly be leaving orphans there too. I have a colony of chipmunks here... but I don't see them often because they don't like my cats. They are smart little guys tho... my cats catch them and they play dead, so my cats set them down and lay next to them... When I see this, I always go to get the poor thing to bury it, and it comes to life and runs. I swear it scares the crap outta me EVERY time. Just so you have an idea of how the colony works, I will explain how mine works. What used to the original garage is now a living area... The old fiberglass garage door was left in place, with an outside wall built, and an inside wall built. There is a 2 ft step down flower bed with block wall, filled with about a ton of landscaping rocks in front of outside wall.. then a ground level wooden deck walkway with railing, and a ground level flower bed in front of that. Well, they live in that wall.. and to get there... they have to burrow under all that stuff I just mentioned. In other words, without having my back hoe involved... I will NEVER reach that colony. Of course, I can rip the wall out from inside the house... but they aren't causing any damage, and they don't bother me... so I leave them alone. Once in a while, they scratch at that old garage door in there, and its like nails on a chalkboard... but Im amused watching my cats attack a wall, so its all good :)

I agree with you..Yes i made the mistake..

But luckily.. this place when i looked around and researched a bit before dropping off, did not have any chipmunks that i know of..

Also, i left them only today evening..

Also, I had put some food out there, i want to go and take my chance to see if they are out there?

Should i try or not try?

07-19-2014, 02:36 AM
Well, lets hope that isn't the case...did you notice nipples (enlarged)

It was very active jumping.. so i could not look and that was my other mistake :(

07-19-2014, 02:58 AM
If it were me... I would try it... If you actually see them when you return... its probably them. If they were natives there, they would hide. The ones you left there are probably sleeping outside because they have nowhere to hide... so tomorrow, they may be frantically digging. Good Luck :)

07-19-2014, 01:11 PM
If it were me... I would try it... If you actually see them when you return... its probably them. If they were natives there, they would hide. The ones you left there are probably sleeping outside because they have nowhere to hide... so tomorrow, they may be frantically digging. Good Luck :)

I did try today morning.

I saw my chipmunks. they recognized me. so i set up the trap and came back. It was pretty close.. one of the chipmunks came close, but there was this big squirrel that came down from the tree, so the chipmunk got scared and went back.

THen the big squirrel fell in to the trap.

It was real frustration for me :( i had to release the squirrel and then set the trap again.

Hope this time my chipmunk gets in so that i can reunite him with his group :(

07-19-2014, 04:41 PM
I did try today morning.

I saw my chipmunks. they recognized me. so i set up the trap and came back. It was pretty close.. one of the chipmunks came close, but there was this big squirrel that came down from the tree, so the chipmunk got scared and went back.

THen the big squirrel fell in to the trap.

It was real frustration for me :( i had to release the squirrel and then set the trap again.

Hope this time my chipmunk gets in so that i can reunite him with his group :(

Good news at last - i reunited 1 out of the 3.

Two more left.. spotted the second chipmunk. He came near me. I have set a trap to reunite him. Hopefully the second one will join his family by the end of the day.

Now the trickiest part is the 3rd one. I have not seen him.. have to keep searching :(

07-19-2014, 08:17 PM
Good news at last - i reunited 1 out of the 3.

Two more left.. spotted the second chipmunk. He came near me. I have set a trap to reunite him. Hopefully the second one will join his family by the end of the day.

Now the trickiest part is the 3rd one. I have not seen him.. have to keep searching :(

Now 2 out of 3 are united with their family and fed well.

Only 1 is missing. I went again to the same place and set the trap with lots of good. Hope I get the last chipmunk and take him back to his family :) pray for the chipmunk :)

If i finish this one, I have set right everything..:) It was really a long long day.. patiently waiting for hours and getting the two chipmunks..

Now finally the last one :(

07-19-2014, 08:41 PM
Well, you're almost there :Love_Icon hopefully you'll be able to get the last one...did you ever see it again? Did the two you brought back home run for their burrows...you know follow the same pathways they usually use? That way you'll know it's them :thumbsup Good luck on the last one...I praise you for your tenacity in trying to fix this...you have a good heart :Love_Icon

07-19-2014, 08:44 PM
So glad you were able to get 2 ! :thumbsup

07-19-2014, 08:50 PM
Well, you're almost there :Love_Icon hopefully you'll be able to get the last one...did you ever see it again? Did the two you brought back home run for their burrows...you know follow the same pathways they usually use? That way you'll know it's them :thumbsup Good luck on the last one...I praise you for your tenacity in trying to fix this...you have a good heart :Love_Icon

Immediately when i released, they ran straight to their burrows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

07-19-2014, 08:52 PM
So glad you were able to get 2 ! :thumbsup

THank you and thank shesweptforest for your prayers - you both replied very decently and positively and that positive attitude is what made this possible. I wouldn't have gone today to the mountain area if sidmommy had not given me that confidence..

thanks to you both!

07-19-2014, 08:53 PM
Immediately when i released, they ran straight to their burrows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

:highfive :hyper Great news :grin3 Good work! :thumbsup

07-19-2014, 08:54 PM
Well, you're almost there :Love_Icon hopefully you'll be able to get the last one...did you ever see it again? Did the two you brought back home run for their burrows...you know follow the same pathways they usually use? That way you'll know it's them :thumbsup Good luck on the last one...I praise you for your tenacity in trying to fix this...you have a good heart :Love_Icon

Thanks a million shewhosweptforest.. you have a great positive attitude. you both are awesome.. thanks again for all your help

07-19-2014, 08:57 PM
Thanks a million shewhosweptforest.. you have a great positive attitude. you both are awesome.. thanks again for all your help

I am praying to almighty god tonight so that god make the third chipmunk go in to the live trap so that i can get him out of there early morning :(

07-20-2014, 12:01 AM
Im just happy you understood the possible impact of relocating... a lot of people don't care, so long as their problem is solved. You value the life of even a pesky critter.. and that's all that matters :) Now, we need to figure out a way to keep them out of your bird feeders... and still get them a nibble or two a day :Love_Icon

07-20-2014, 09:54 AM
Im just happy you understood the possible impact of relocating... a lot of people don't care, so long as their problem is solved. You value the life of even a pesky critter.. and that's all that matters :) Now, we need to figure out a way to keep them out of your bird feeders... and still get them a nibble or two a day :Love_Icon

Yeah you are absolutely right..sidmommy. I never thought i would get them back.

Happy update: I got the last chipmunk today. Interestingly, now I learnt something - how to identify male and female chipmunks. Luckily all three i caught before were male chipmunks. And when i got them from the mountain reservation area, I got all the 3 male chipmunks and when i released all 3, they all went to the same burrow :)

Thanks to the lord.

Now I think i have set things right. I still have to figure out a way to feed birds and chipmunks separately

Thanks again.. i feel so relieved now. (it was easy to catch, but to retrieve them back to their original home was a tiring process)

Thanks everyone. God bless!

07-20-2014, 10:18 AM
Oh this is wonderful news :bowdown :Love_Icon You had a very busy, emotional weekend...but you should be proud that you were able to accomplish this task. I think prayers "were" being answered:bowdown

:tap Boys...no Momma's :grin3 oh well, chances are they would not have survived there...so you did a wonderful, unselfish thing bringing them back home...it is their home, too.

I know they are greedy little guys...my friend Tomcics feeds them and they take way more than his Greys and Foxers ....I wonder if you greased the bird feeder pole with cooking oil, if that will help stop them from climbing up...it works with squirrels...and ants :thumbsup but of course you have to apply it again and again...because as they continue to try they wipe it off with their fur. But it still would probably be once a day, or every other day. :thinking We'll come up with something:thumbsup

:thankyou again for all your effort to correct this :Love_Icon You have a wonderful heart :Love_Icon

07-20-2014, 11:20 AM
Oh this is wonderful news :bowdown :Love_Icon You had a very busy, emotional weekend...but you should be proud that you were able to accomplish this task. I think prayers "were" being answered:bowdown

:tap Boys...no Momma's :grin3 oh well, chances are they would not have survived there...so you did a wonderful, unselfish thing bringing them back home...it is their home, too.

I know they are greedy little guys...my friend Tomcics feeds them and they take way more than his Greys and Foxers ....I wonder if you greased the bird feeder pole with cooking oil, if that will help stop them from climbing up...it works with squirrels...and ants :thumbsup but of course you have to apply it again and again...because as they continue to try they wipe it off with their fur. But it still would probably be once a day, or every other day. :thinking We'll come up with something:thumbsup

:thankyou again for all your effort to correct this :Love_Icon You have a wonderful heart :Love_Icon

THank you very much Shewhosweptforest. I honestly think this happened with complete grace of god. Imagine a acre of Mountain area with water source and trees and shrubs and with abundance of insects etc.. They could have gone anywhere.

The only good thing I did was when i originally left the three chipmunks and I did put a lot of food at one source and also created a path for them to get to that food source and came back. So initially they did not go anywhere outside of that perimeter. Of course it was a new place so naturally they had their limits on the first day. So that helped me a lot.

If i thought - "well, ok, let me see.. after a week I can go back and get them" - it would have been very difficult or not possible.

A couple of folks told me that it was not possible to bring them back it was a huge mountain reservation area.

The first time when i thought i got them, it was the squirrels that got trapped and that added a lot of frustration :imp and doubts whether i would get them back or not.

Then came the prayers. :) :) :thankyou

I got them back and even before releasing them offered them food :) and after seeing them eat food, I was happy. I noticed all three were "yawning" a couple of times. That also proved it was the same chipmunks (from my area) because in a new place, they got scared and probably never slept or did not sleep well :)

Now for that bird feed - cooking oil - wow i never tried that and I will try it :):thankyou

Any way, happy ending and of course with all your prayers.

One thing i have learned so far: TO separate from the family was very easy.. it took me only 2 hours to separate 3, but to bring all 3 back, it took me 1.5 days :grin3

Thanks again.. :) God bless

07-20-2014, 12:54 PM
If you feeder is mounted on top of a pole and they are climbing the pole to get to it, put a baffle between the top of the pole and the bottom of the feeder. They will climb the pole but they can't make the turn to get past the baffle.

07-20-2014, 02:27 PM
If you feeder is mounted on top of a pole and they are climbing the pole to get to it, put a baffle between the top of the pole and the bottom of the feeder. They will climb the pole but they can't make the turn to get past the baffle.

Thank you very much crittermom. will try that:thankyou

07-20-2014, 03:07 PM
Thank you very much crittermom. will try that:thankyou

They even make them for that purpose with a hole in the middle to accommodate the pole. They are domes - you want it dome side up, open side down when you mount it.

07-21-2014, 01:16 AM
YAY! so glad you found them ! Chipmunks prefer to stay on the ground... so if you get some dry corn on the cob, and randomly stash them in the yard (opposite direction of the feeder) .. In the bushes, under porch, etc.. its funny to watch the little scavengers on the hunt. Also, you can get them a squirrel bungee.. and hang about a foot from the ground.... they will entertain you all day long :)

07-23-2014, 03:00 PM
YAY! so glad you found them ! Chipmunks prefer to stay on the ground... so if you get some dry corn on the cob, and randomly stash them in the yard (opposite direction of the feeder) .. In the bushes, under porch, etc.. its funny to watch the little scavengers on the hunt. Also, you can get them a squirrel bungee.. and hang about a foot from the ground.... they will entertain you all day long :)

Seriously.. they are funny..

Soon after releasing them, they ran to their burrows.. But in 1 hour, they were back on duty to grab the bird food :)

Now what i do is.. if i want to touch them and play with them.. i catch them with the live trap.. and then give them lot of food :) and touch them..(though they bounce) and it was really cool when the first time, they did nibble when i put my fingers..

But this time, after eating good food, this cheeky pesky guy - when he bit me, it was stronger :) still all fun.. no blood came, but his teeth is getting stronger :D :D

I catch him for like 10 minutes and immediately release him after taking a bite..lol

07-23-2014, 03:05 PM
Seriously.. they are funny..

Soon after releasing them, they ran to their burrows.. But in 1 hour, they were back on duty to grab the bird food :)

Now what i do is.. if i want to touch them and play with them.. i catch them with the live trap.. and then give them lot of food :) and touch them..(though they bounce) and it was really cool when the first time, they did nibble when i put my fingers..

But this time, after eating good food, this cheeky pesky guy - when he bit me, it was stronger :) still all fun.. no blood came, but his teeth is getting stronger :D :D

I catch him for like 10 minutes and immediately release him after taking a bite..lol

Awww :rofl4 you're cracking me up...now you're bonding with them....you've been bitten (literally) by the squirrel bug :eek Prepare to be owned :owned :Love_Icon

:thumbsup Good update :Love_Icon

07-23-2014, 03:15 PM
Awww :rofl4 you're cracking me up...now you're bonding with them....you've been bitten (literally) by the squirrel bug :eek Prepare to be owned :owned :Love_Icon

:thumbsup Good update :Love_Icon

very funny..yes because..when this guy thinks my fingers are like peanuts or something and he shakes his head in the cage when nibbling :D

07-23-2014, 03:35 PM
You don't need the cage.

Sit on the stoop - you can read or something - and set a bowl of goodies a couple feet from you. They WILL come to the bowl. Then move it a little closer to you. And closer. And in your lap - and they will hop right on you. Soon they will just sit there to eat and you can very gently stroke them. They are bold, inquisitive little things - it doesn't take long! I have done nothing to tame mine and I have to budget twice as long to do outdoor chores because they are all over me and I don't want to hurt anyone. Nothing seems to frighten them - mine come checking me out when I am working with a saw or sander making a racket!

07-23-2014, 03:42 PM
That's hysterical! When I read your thread the other day I felt so bad thinking of how badly you must've felt and also for the lil lost chipmunks. I was really happy to read how everything has worked out and how you have found a new awesome lil animal to enjoy along with your beautiful birds.! :thumbsup :grouphug

07-23-2014, 03:45 PM
You don't need the cage.

Sit on the stoop - you can read or something - and set a bowl of goodies a couple feet from you. They WILL come to the bowl. Then move it a little closer to you. And closer. And in your lap - and they will hop right on you. Soon they will just sit there to eat and you can very gently stroke them. They are bold, inquisitive little things - it doesn't take long! I have done nothing to tame mine and I have to budget twice as long to do outdoor chores because they are all over me and I don't want to hurt anyone. Nothing seems to frighten them - mine come checking me out when I am working with a saw or sander making a racket!

REALLY wow that is awesome.I have many chipmunks around my house they play in my gardens I will absolutely have to try that I would enjoy that greatly!:grin3

07-23-2014, 03:54 PM
You don't need the cage.

Sit on the stoop - you can read or something - and set a bowl of goodies a couple feet from you. They WILL come to the bowl. Then move it a little closer to you. And closer. And in your lap - and they will hop right on you. Soon they will just sit there to eat and you can very gently stroke them. They are bold, inquisitive little things - it doesn't take long! I have done nothing to tame mine and I have to budget twice as long to do outdoor chores because they are all over me and I don't want to hurt anyone. Nothing seems to frighten them - mine come checking me out when I am working with a saw or sander making a racket!

Wow that's cute. I guess it will take time?

07-23-2014, 04:03 PM
That's hysterical! When I read your thread the other day I felt so bad thinking of how badly you must've felt and also for the lil lost chipmunks. I was really happy to read how everything has worked out and how you have found a new awesome lil animal to enjoy along with your beautiful birds.! :thumbsup :grouphug

Absolutely true.:) i never hated them because I myself a Biologist (but now in to computer science developing applications) but i always wanted to share food to every animal :) but initially these cheeky chipmunks got away most of the time :D

So I wanted to transport them all to a different place so that they all can be happy together..

But i guess, the amount of food i keep for the birds - these chippy's will not get even in the forest :D so they loved grabbing all the food.

I have a pair of red squirrels (wild not tamed) - they are the cutest because - when they find the food, they take the food.. quickly do a 180 degree turn and use their front paws to examine the food and eat slowly :D

Some times the red squirrel allows the chipmunks to take the bird food, but most of the time they do not allow their own group to take food :D

Some say red squirrels are more friendly... than chipmunks - but to me both are the same :D THese chippies blink sometimes and it is very cute to see :D

07-23-2014, 04:20 PM
Wow that's cute. I guess it will take time?

Not much. Once they associate you with food - not much. I doubt it will take you more than one or two "sessions" before they are climbing on you for food and then just sneak you hand in and stroke a tummy! :grin2 Always better to approach from below the animal like than than to reach down from above to pet or touch it - that feels an awful lot like a big bird swooping down.

07-24-2014, 12:16 PM
Not much. Once they associate you with food - not much. I doubt it will take you more than one or two "sessions" before they are climbing on you for food and then just sneak you hand in and stroke a tummy! :grin2 Always better to approach from below the animal like than than to reach down from above to pet or touch it - that feels an awful lot like a big bird swooping down.

he he he. I will try that for sure :D:thankyou

07-24-2014, 01:01 PM
Oh my gosh...this is just the best :thumbsup I love how this thread turned around:grin3 makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside:grouphug

:tap I wish I had chipmunks :dono

08-21-2014, 11:24 AM
Oh my gosh...this is just the best :thumbsup I love how this thread turned around:grin3 makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside:grouphug

:tap I wish I had chipmunks :dono

I am extremely upset today.

THis is what happened.

I became too friendly with the Chipmunk and always prepared food even for chippies and for the birds. As i told you before, I always wanted to touch the Chipmunks face and skin and so I would set a catch release trap and once the chippies get caught, I give them plenty of food to see them eating and play with them to bite me. he he. I did this catch release trap game for many many times (around 20-25 times) and release them immediately after i see them eating food.

But yesterday tragedy struck.

As usual I kept the catch release trap with food and went out for a job assignment (for 2 hours) and when I came back there was a chipmunk inside but not moving and was lying on one side. Terrified, I immediately took the chipmunk and poured water to see if it was in shock or something.

I checked the whole body, there was no visible wounds or blood or injury. But there was a skin rash near its back (like it was a disease or something) when I poured water and applied some first aid spray, it started to breathe heavily looking at me.

I did not know what to do. I gently tapped the body to see if there was any puncture wounds or something. There was none. It was a male chipmunk and its testicles were bigger (compared to what i saw with the other chipmunks)

I tried giving water and it drank just a tiny drop and looked at me. THe reason why I usually do this catch trap and release is not to harm the chipmunk, but I started loving this chipmunks, and never wanted to touch and play in this situation. I tried everything I could do, but it looked like it was very very tired and breathing heavily

Finally after a few minutes, it died in my hand and I started crying.

I also want to know if I had done anything wrong? - every time I used to do the same and when I come back, I could see chipmunk eating the food inside the trap and would play and release him after he eats the food.

This time what could have gone wrong? It was on a place with plenty of sunlight and air. No predators because they could not penetrate the trap and there was no visible wounds in the body. No blood or anything.

I am feeling terrible and want to know why it died? because of old age? or something I did wrong? :( :( :(

08-21-2014, 11:44 AM
so sorry :( my heart goes out to you!! I dont know if it were anything you had done or not, it would be hard to say. I know those live traps can be loud when they snap shut. I have had to use them on Ferrel cats. They scare to cats to pieces and stresses them. They will panic. I have often wondered if the sound and stress could provoke heart attacks. NOT saying this is what might have happened at all, so pleases don't take me wrong. It could have been any number of things. I have discovered though, that just by watching chipmunks and feeding them, they eventually begin to trust your presence. And for that reason they will come closer to you. It takes a lot of time, but once they trust you they feel comfortable getting close to you and can at one point trust you enough to take food from your hand. I wouldn't recommend just sticking your hand down to them as to startle because you will likely get bit if they dont run away first. When it comes to wildlife respect and understanding of nature and the wildlife is a huge must. There is a reason they fear people. Please dont take the little ones passing to be something you have done. Because speculation could only make you feel worse. and it is truly hard to determine what may or may not have caused its death. Just enjoy watching them frolic, eat and beautify the environment. Much prayers to you dear, :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Lo ve_Icon :)

08-21-2014, 12:03 PM
so sorry :( my heart goes out to you!! I dont know if it were anything you had done or not, it would be hard to say. I know those live traps can be loud when they snap shut. I have had to use them on Ferrel cats. They scare to cats to pieces and stresses them. They will panic. I have often wondered if the sound and stress could provoke heart attacks. NOT saying this is what might have happened at all, so pleases don't take me wrong. It could have been any number of things. I have discovered though, that just by watching chipmunks and feeding them, they eventually begin to trust your presence. And for that reason they will come closer to you. It takes a lot of time, but once they trust you they feel comfortable getting close to you and can at one point trust you enough to take food from your hand. I wouldn't recommend just sticking your hand down to them as to startle because you will likely get bit if they dont run away first. When it comes to wildlife respect and understanding of nature and the wildlife is a huge must. There is a reason they fear people. Please dont take the little ones passing to be something you have done. Because speculation could only make you feel worse. and it is truly hard to determine what may or may not have caused its death. Just enjoy watching them frolic, eat and beautify the environment. Much prayers to you dear, :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Lo ve_Icon :)

THank you Linda :(

I started to love them very much. Many times I have done the catch release trap. It just makes a sound but not too loud and I had seen the chipmunks get the initial shock and run a couple of times and they settle down eating the food. At that point I come in and start giving them cashew nuts, peanuts or even date fruit and they would take from my hand and eat :D

Since they were not extremely close, I used that catch release trap and touch their body and even get a bite because when they are young, the bite does not pain. THey would grab my finger and think of it as a food and start biting and loved it. They would look at me but run a few times. After I watch them eating food, I release them and they quickly go back to their burrows. THis happened like 20-25 times.

THe reason why I continued to do this catch mouse trap was because - I saw many times that other than that small sound, it did not have sharp edges or something and the chipmunks would continue to run around and not get tired.

But this Chipmunk when i saw it was in a weird position.. It had not eaten the food i kept and it was not above the plate inside the cage. I felt very very bad and even now, I do not feel good thinking that I might be the cause. But honestly, I have observed this technique of catch release trap and when i knew it was not harmful, i continued to use them so that i can get close to the chipmunks :( :( :(

I am stil, scratching my head as to what could have gone wrong?

If it was the heart attack, why would they still be breathing till i got back? If heart attack was the cause, I will never feel good again :( :( :(

08-21-2014, 12:14 PM
Unfortunately, the chipmunk likely died of stress and/or heatstroke. :( You left the trap too long (you should never leave a trap unattended or an animal in a trap for more than 5-10 minutes while you move them) and you left it with "plenty of sun and air" so the chippie could've easily overheated in no time. A little chippie who is trapped is going to get stressed and work himself into a frenzy which could easily kill him. Even the chippies who were in your trap before, the ones running around seemingly fine, could've been stressed and you didn't realize it.

I was under the impression you weren't going to use the trap again after being told not to. I guess we should've been more clear that you should never use a trap for fun and games, never use a trap just to pet an animal. Those traps should be used only when you have no other choice but to humanely relocate an animal, or in emergency situations when an animal is in need of help.
Never force an animal in to a situation just so you can pet them or feed them etc. If you want to pet an animal, allow them to come to you on their own terms, then slowly build up trust so you can reach out and pet them.

Be careful about feeding your birds and chipmunks because soon there will be more and more and more! You will have more chipmunks than you had in the beginning - which is what led you to start trapping in the first place.
Yes, chipmunks are extremely cute and sweet but I would hate to see them become a problem for you because their population exploded! They will dig under your house and make holes in your yard, they will chew things around the yard, eat plants in your garden etc.
Think very carefully about feeding more animals, please.

I like what LindaR said: Just enjoy watching them frolic, eat and beautify the environment. We don't need to feed them, pet them, trap them, or otherwise 'own' them in any way to truly enjoy them. Chipmunks are a riot to watch in their natural environment - away from any food left by humans. Get binoculars and you can sit for hours watching them play, climb, forage, and interact. :thumbsup

Rest in peace, little chippie. :sad

08-21-2014, 12:54 PM
Unfortunately, the chipmunk likely died of stress and/or heatstroke. :( You left the trap too long (you should never leave a trap unattended or an animal in a trap for more than 5-10 minutes while you move them) and you left it with "plenty of sun and air" so the chippie could've easily overheated in no time. A little chippie who is trapped is going to get stressed and work himself into a frenzy which could easily kill him. Even the chippies who were in your trap before, the ones running around seemingly fine, could've been stressed and you didn't realize it.

I was under the impression you weren't going to use the trap again after being told not to. I guess we should've been more clear that you should never use a trap for fun and games, never use a trap just to pet an animal. Those traps should be used only when you have no other choice but to humanely relocate an animal, or in emergency situations when an animal is in need of help.
Never force an animal in to a situation just so you can pet them or feed them etc. If you want to pet an animal, allow them to come to you on their own terms, then slowly build up trust so you can reach out and pet them.

Be careful about feeding your birds and chipmunks because soon there will be more and more and more! You will have more chipmunks than you had in the beginning - which is what led you to start trapping in the first place.
Yes, chipmunks are extremely cute and sweet but I would hate to see them become a problem for you because their population exploded! They will dig under your house and make holes in your yard, they will chew things around the yard, eat plants in your garden etc.
Think very carefully about feeding more animals, please.

I like what LindaR said: Just enjoy watching them frolic, eat and beautify the environment. We don't need to feed them, pet them, trap them, or otherwise 'own' them in any way to truly enjoy them. Chipmunks are a riot to watch in their natural environment - away from any food left by humans. Get binoculars and you can sit for hours watching them play, climb, forage, and interact. :thumbsup

Rest in peace, little chippie. :sad

And in the case of the chippies, it is completely unnecessary. They are the boldest little creatures out there! If you WANT to interact with them directly - now this time of year it is not quite so easy - they are beginning to get a little manic about stashing their chow for winter and they get very single minded about it. But in early summer, I swear, a bowl of peanuts and a good book are all that is needed. Sit down - on the stoop, or deck, or wherever you see them, toss a few peanuts to the ones you see, set the bowl down about 3 feet from you, and start reading. You won't get far before they have cleaned up the tossed nuts and are helping themselves from the bowl. Every time you refill it, set it a little closer to you. Trust me, the day you put it in your lap and they climb up onto you to get their treats will mean a lot more to you than trapping and letting them go ever could. Once they are comfy climbing up onto you, sneak a finger in for a tummy stroke. I have had wild chippies that were very comfortable getting petted like a cat while they sat in my lap!

08-21-2014, 02:50 PM
Unfortunately, the chipmunk likely died of stress and/or heatstroke. :( You left the trap too long (you should never leave a trap unattended or an animal in a trap for more than 5-10 minutes while you move them) and you left it with "plenty of sun and air" so the chippie could've easily overheated in no time. A little chippie who is trapped is going to get stressed and work himself into a frenzy which could easily kill him. Even the chippies who were in your trap before, the ones running around seemingly fine, could've been stressed and you didn't realize it.

I was under the impression you weren't going to use the trap again after being told not to. I guess we should've been more clear that you should never use a trap for fun and games, never use a trap just to pet an animal. Those traps should be used only when you have no other choice but to humanely relocate an animal, or in emergency situations when an animal is in need of help.
Never force an animal in to a situation just so you can pet them or feed them etc. If you want to pet an animal, allow them to come to you on their own terms, then slowly build up trust so you can reach out and pet them.

Be careful about feeding your birds and chipmunks because soon there will be more and more and more! You will have more chipmunks than you had in the beginning - which is what led you to start trapping in the first place.
Yes, chipmunks are extremely cute and sweet but I would hate to see them become a problem for you because their population exploded! They will dig under your house and make holes in your yard, they will chew things around the yard, eat plants in your garden etc.
Think very carefully about feeding more animals, please.

I like what LindaR said: Just enjoy watching them frolic, eat and beautify the environment. We don't need to feed them, pet them, trap them, or otherwise 'own' them in any way to truly enjoy them. Chipmunks are a riot to watch in their natural environment - away from any food left by humans. Get binoculars and you can sit for hours watching them play, climb, forage, and interact. :thumbsup

Rest in peace, little chippie. :sad

I agree.

I think I did not word it correctly. The trap had plenty of sun and air - yes, but it was not out in the hot sun. Previously I kept them in the grass. This was kept on the upper deck and it was definitely not hot probably little warmer than grass.

I agree that it is better to let them come in their own terms. Since nothing happened in the last 20-25 times, I thought this would be the same. I agree with Crittermom that it was absolutely unnecessary.

When I came it was breathing and first poured water (slowly) in its body and gave water. It did take a tiny drop but was breathing and there was a rash like a skin disease or something near the back. Other than that, it was just a bigger Chipmunk. Many times, they would sit and eat and after they finished, I would release them and they would run to their burrows.

It was my mistake that I wanted to be close to them in a quicker time frame. :( but I never realized if they had stress because there was no injury whenever i catch them and release them.. usually when i catch them, it was like 30-45 minutes, but I would be with them and release it. This time, it took 2 hours, but kept plenty of food inside and in a safe place :(

I feel very very bad :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

08-21-2014, 03:30 PM
Well, you can make up for it by tossing his little friends some treats when you see them. Up here - I see you are in NH - they are very sociable with humans from the time they first emerge from their dens in the spring until around mid-July. At that point they still want the chow but don't seem to stick around as much for the social stuff - they are in hoarding mode and it is literally all they think about - laying in enough food to get them through a New England winter.

I go to Arizona every April to see my mom and a friend from NJ comes up, stays in my house, takes care of my critters, and even sometimes does early spring yard work for me! He always has peanuts in his pocket for the squirrels. I guess he sat down on the porch swing for a rest and fell asleep - and was awakened by two chippies going through his pants pockets and relieving him of the peanuts! He had made no attempt to befriend them - basically it was a mugging. That is how bold they are. Give them a little extra help until they disappear this winter and next spring, engage them when they start to emerge. Trust me - you will be rewarded. They are adorable.

08-21-2014, 03:31 PM
I am not going to be as PC as other people tried here to be.

You were told not to trap them.

From previous "relocating" idea you were also given to understand that you should ASK FIRST before attempting ANYTHING regarding these rodents.
Eg "you "didn't know" that relocating could be so bad, so you should have asked first since you "had no knowledge/no experience."
IN this case, since you had "No knowledge/no experience' that trapping for self-gratification is dangerous and wrong" (as it appears from your post), you SHOULD have asked here first.
Although it is strange, to put it mildly, that someone thinks that trapping a wild animal just so that s/he can touch and whatnot that animal is totally ok.

Please, leave those chippies alone.

If admins want to edit this post - whatever, fine.
BUt this thread is just extremely extremely upsetting, to put it mildly

08-21-2014, 04:09 PM
I am not going to be as PC as other people tried here to be.

You were told not to trap them.

From previous "relocating" idea you were also given to understand that you should ASK FIRST before attempting ANYTHING regarding these rodents.
Eg "you "didn't know" that relocating could be so bad, so you should have asked first since you "had no knowledge/no experience."
IN this case, since you had "No knowledge/no experience' that trapping for self-gratification is dangerous and wrong" (as it appears from your post), you SHOULD have asked here first.
Although it is strange, to put it mildly, that someone thinks that trapping a wild animal just so that s/he can touch and whatnot that animal is totally ok.

Please, leave those chippies alone.

If admins want to edit this post - whatever, fine.
BUt this thread is just extremely extremely upsetting, to put it mildly

Look Astra or whoever you are..

If you really do not want to reply. stay away from this thread. I am not asking your advice if you don't want to ? Is that clear?

I am already upset with myself on what had happened and now don't try to act too smart!.

Simple - if you don't like. do not reply. Is that simple enough?

I am asking for some advice from genuine people.

So just stay away from replying.

Thank you!

08-21-2014, 04:16 PM
I am not going to be as PC as other people tried here to be.

You were told not to trap them.

From previous "relocating" idea you were also given to understand that you should ASK FIRST before attempting ANYTHING regarding these rodents.
Eg "you "didn't know" that relocating could be so bad, so you should have asked first since you "had no knowledge/no experience."
IN this case, since you had "No knowledge/no experience' that trapping for self-gratification is dangerous and wrong" (as it appears from your post), you SHOULD have asked here first.
Although it is strange, to put it mildly, that someone thinks that trapping a wild animal just so that s/he can touch and whatnot that animal is totally ok.

Please, leave those chippies alone.

If admins want to edit this post - whatever, fine.
BUt this thread is just extremely extremely upsetting, to put it mildly

Mind your business. Please do not reply my thread. I do not like your reply and I do not want to hear from you again. Go monitor some other thread.

08-21-2014, 04:21 PM
I agree that unless an animal is in need of care or humanely relocating there is no reason to trap them. If wild animal chooses to interact then that can be a wonderful experience but forcing an animal is totally not appropriate. Like my momma taught me, "look but don't touch." If you want something to cuddle and pet then the pound is full of domesticated animals that would love to have someone to love on them.

08-21-2014, 04:26 PM
I agree that unless an animal is in need of care or humanely relocating there is no reason to trap them. If wild animal chooses to interact then that can be a wonderful experience but forcing an animal is totally not appropriate. Like my momma taught me, "look but don't touch." If you want something to cuddle and pet then the pound is full of domesticated animals that would love to have someone to love on them.

I agree, but since I did it a couple of times and fed them that way and nothing happened, I thought it was OK. THat was my biggest mistake. I never thought they would die. I did not expect this at all. I feel very very bad now

08-21-2014, 04:27 PM
I agree, but since I did it a couple of times and fed them that way and nothing happened, I thought it was OK. THat was my biggest mistake. I never thought they would die. I did not expect this at all. I feel very very bad now

not couple of times - a couple of months*

08-21-2014, 04:31 PM
not couple of times - a couple of months*

Any way I am out of here. I will not post again. I feel very bad. Bye

08-21-2014, 04:36 PM
I agree, but since I did it a couple of times and fed them that way and nothing happened, I thought it was OK. THat was my biggest mistake. I never thought they would die. I did not expect this at all. I feel very very bad now

We all make mistakes in our lives. It's sad this one cost an animal it's life though and I know you feel bad. Drunk drivers drive home many times and have the same reasoning until that one time when something bad happens. We can't correct mistakes like this but if we learn from them and change our behaviors then it ends up being a good lesson. I feel sorry for those who continue to repeat the same mistakes and never learn from them.

Chippies are beautiful creatures but they can also be mean! I had a cat years ago that brought many to me and catching them in the house required some creative thinking and some super tough gloves. I don't know who was more relieved about them going back out to the woods, me or them. :grin2

08-21-2014, 04:36 PM
Ok so let me get this right before I react too harshly.
Did you trap these wild animals so you could pet and play with them?
If you did that was extremely irresponsible. If you want advice from people on here the advice from me would be. DO NOT TRAP ANY ANIMAL UNLESS YOU ARE INTENDING TO CAUSE IT SERIOUS OR DEADLY HARM.
If you want to interact that badly with these chipmunks just be patient an feed them. Put the food closer and closer to you until they trust you will not harm them. They will get bolder and more trusting with time and patience.

I'm inclined to believe that this poster may in fact be a "troll" who is posting stuff like this to antagonize us members of TSB.

08-21-2014, 04:46 PM
We all make mistakes in our lives. It's sad this one cost an animal it's life though and I know you feel bad. Drunk drivers drive home many times and have the same reasoning until that one time when something bad happens. We can't correct mistakes like this but if we learn from them and change our behaviors then it ends up being a good lesson. I feel sorry for those who continue to repeat the same mistakes and never learn from them.

Chippies are beautiful creatures but they can also be mean! I had a cat years ago that brought many to me and catching them in the house required some creative thinking and some super tough gloves. I don't know who was more relieved about them going back out to the woods, me or them. :grin2

It is my fault. Whenever i catch, I sit with them or within 20-25 I will be there to feed or release it. But this was my horrible day and I don't want to blame on anything else (like traffic or work activities) I still remember vividly I was in 2 minds whether to set the trap. I thought I will come back in 30-45 minutes. Since many many times nothing happened even after 45 minutes, i thought this would be ok. One time when I had a chipmunk inside, when I came back it was quietly chewing the peanuts and cashew nuts. I was very happy and touched them and gave more food and released it immediately.

I know very well that it is not appropriate to force any animal.. but I had so much love that I wanted to touch and play but I used the wrong route. Specially when nothing happened so many times, I thought this would be the same. When I came back and saw the chipmunk was not moving. I was really upset. I did not know what to do. Even now, I really don't think the heat would have killed him because it was in a safe place not hot, but just slightly warmer. I kept plenty of food.

May be the stress?, but I am not sure because most of the chippies were active. But this one, only god knows what really happened. Anyway, I fully take the responsibility though i never did it intentional and I never even thought in my dreams that it would kill an animal. :( :( :(

Anyway, Thanks all. Bye

08-21-2014, 04:50 PM
Ok so let me get this right before I react too harshly.
Did you trap these wild animals so you could pet and play with them?
If you did that was extremely irresponsible. If you want advice from people on here the advice from me would be. DO NOT TRAP ANY ANIMAL UNLESS YOU ARE INTENDING TO CAUSE IT SERIOUS OR DEADLY HARM.
If you want to interact that badly with these chipmunks just be patient an feed them. Put the food closer and closer to you until they trust you will not harm them. They will get bolder and more trusting with time and patience.

I'm inclined to believe that this poster may in fact be a "troll" who is posting stuff like this to antagonize us members of TSB.

Thanks for your advice. You can have your own imagination. I don't give anything and so please get that clear into your thick skull. I felt bad (still feeling bad) and so please stop replying me or to this thread.

08-21-2014, 05:00 PM
I will not reply to you again.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if you care about these animals please try to put yourself in their shoes. You would not want to be trapped and harassed by a giant scary animal. Empathize with these little ones and realize how stressful and scary this is for them.

08-21-2014, 05:02 PM
I will not reply to you again.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if you care about these animals please try to put yourself in their shoes. You would not want to be trapped and harassed by a giant scary animal. Empathize with these little ones and realize how stressful and scary this is for them.

got it. thanks

08-21-2014, 05:07 PM
I will not reply to you again.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if you care about these animals please try to put yourself in their shoes. You would not want to be trapped and harassed by a giant scary animal. Empathize with these little ones and realize how stressful and scary this is for them.

I did not do for fun or to kill time. I really want to pet them because I started loving them after making that one big mistake of relocating them. I did get them back and fed them regularly, but I wanted to feed them closely or to see them eating in close view. I took their bites and liked them very much and it all looked fine until this happened yesterday. I know i took the wrong route to begin with.

08-21-2014, 05:08 PM
You may stay or leave as you wish. We are militant squirrel people - many of the folks here barely sleep trying to raise and rehab many, many animals, plus answer posts on the board. The best way to get folks riled up is to injure or kill one. I take you at your word that you didn't mean to.

Little prey animals - those guys who's place in the food chain is to be EATEN, become stressed very easily, and being confined is particularly bad. Their entire life revolves around getting away from things that are trying to kill it, and being restrained so that they cannot do that is very scary for them. Since you were not observing, you have no idea what might have happened - a neighborhood cat could have strolled by and spent time terrifying it. Almost anything could have happened - or nothing; simply being confined and unable to get away may have been enough, especially if it was already compromised (you mentioned a skin condition).

I think you probably learned your lesson. I wish it hadn't been so expensive...

08-21-2014, 05:14 PM
:shakehead I'm sorry for the chipmunk and I'm sorry for you birdlover ....I don't believe you meant to hurt the chipmunk :boohoo I'm just sorry this happened. The lesson from all this is "wild animals can unexpectedly die from capture" ...for what ever reason :dono we once had a squirrel here on the board that was trapped by landlords, :shakehead she repeated bashed her face against the cage to escape (doing major damage to herself) :( All animals react in their own way....they are individuals...this little guy reacted differently from the others you've trapped...I understand what you're saying...but now you know that this can happen. So I know you'll never take the chance again ....as CritterMom said...enjoy them now till Winter....and then in the Spring when they have more time on their social calendar :grin3 work on developing your friendship with them.

What's done is done....learn from this mistake and it will be a lesson...rather than a mistake. I think it was brave of you to come here and bare your soul...that took courage...and you did not try to sugar coat anything in your favor...I admire that. And most all here feel your regret....try to be understanding tho, when some people get upset....everyone here has a great love for animals, just as you, and they're upset. I'm sure you fussed at yourself when this happened...it's natural for people to react to their gut feelings. Don't take it personally....everyone here is caring, this is a loving community ...and you're welcome to stay and be a part of it :grouphug Just learn from your mistakes ...as I think you have repeatedly said you have. I understand, and empathize with your desire to commune with Nature's creations...just do it the right way :grouphug

08-21-2014, 05:15 PM
You may stay or leave as you wish. We are militant squirrel people - many of the folks here barely sleep trying to raise and rehab many, many animals, plus answer posts on the board. The best way to get folks riled up is to injure or kill one. I take you at your word that you didn't mean to.

Little prey animals - those guys who's place in the food chain is to be EATEN, become stressed very easily, and being confined is particularly bad. Their entire life revolves around getting away from things that are trying to kill it, and being restrained so that they cannot do that is very scary for them. Since you were not observing, you have no idea what might have happened - a neighborhood cat could have strolled by and spent time terrifying it. Almost anything could have happened - or nothing; simply being confined and unable to get away may have been enough, especially if it was already compromised (you mentioned a skin condition).

I think you probably learned your lesson. I wish it hadn't been so expensive...

:goodpost Count me among the sleep deprived!

08-21-2014, 05:19 PM
Well, you can make up for it by tossing his little friends some treats when you see them. Up here - I see you are in NH - they are very sociable with humans from the time they first emerge from their dens in the spring until around mid-July. At that point they still want the chow but don't seem to stick around as much for the social stuff - they are in hoarding mode and it is literally all they think about - laying in enough food to get them through a New England winter.

I go to Arizona every April to see my mom and a friend from NJ comes up, stays in my house, takes care of my critters, and even sometimes does early spring yard work for me! He always has peanuts in his pocket for the squirrels. I guess he sat down on the porch swing for a rest and fell asleep - and was awakened by two chippies going through his pants pockets and relieving him of the peanuts! He had made no attempt to befriend them - basically it was a mugging. That is how bold they are. Give them a little extra help until they disappear this winter and next spring, engage them when they start to emerge. Trust me - you will be rewarded. They are adorable.

I really really wish if i could get the babies. I swear to god, i will take care of them if they are near me. Even today, there are a total of 9 chipmunks in my yard. There are

1. Snakes
2. Rabbits
3. Doves
4. Brewers bird (dark blue neck dominant ones - i hate them)
5. my beautiful beautiful Red Squirrels
6. Blue jays and small chickadees and finches

I always carry 40 lbs of bird food in my car for all birds and animals.

I agree - first I was so irritated when the chippies stole most of the bird food. After I got them back from the forest area, I had a change of heart and started loving them seriously. One thing always disappointed me. I could not get close to them. I tried many many different things and they always ran away from me.

A few of the young chipmunks were very cute and and even if I had them close, i allowed it to bite and there were very cute and adorable. I tried the first experiment of catching them and feeding them - unfortunately and painfully i regret even today - that technique worked for some odd reason. They did get food from me and ate them.

So I was on the thought that it would not harm them because they did eat the food and hopped around when i released them.(both male and female species though the female species was biting a lot) and that was the wrong route i chose and everything was normal till yesterday's incident

I am sorry if I offended anyone of you. I just can't get over this loss and feel very bad.

08-21-2014, 05:27 PM
:shakehead I'm sorry for the chipmunk and I'm sorry for you birdlover ....I don't believe you meant to hurt the chipmunk :boohoo I'm just sorry this happened. The lesson from all this is "wild animals can unexpectedly die from capture" ...for what ever reason :dono we once had a squirrel here on the board that was trapped by landlords, :shakehead she repeated bashed her face against the cage to escape (doing major damage to herself) :( All animals react in their own way....they are individuals...this little guy reacted differently from the others you've trapped...I understand what you're saying...but now you know that this can happen. So I know you'll never take the chance again ....as CritterMom said...enjoy them now till Winter....and then in the Spring when they have more time on their social calendar :grin3 work on developing your friendship with them.

What's done is done....learn from this mistake and it will be a lesson...rather than a mistake. I think it was brave of you to come here and bare your soul...that took courage...and you did not try to sugar coat anything in your favor...I admire that. And most all here feel your regret....try to be understanding tho, when some people get upset....everyone here has a great love for animals, just as you, and they're upset. I'm sure you fussed at yourself when this happened...it's natural for people to react to their gut feelings. Don't take it personally....everyone here is caring, this is a loving community ...and you're welcome to stay and be a part of it :grouphug Just learn from your mistakes ...as I think you have repeatedly said you have. I understand, and empathize with your desire to commune with Nature's creations...just do it the right way :grouphug

Thank you. I cannot control happiness or sadness and If it is happiness I cherish for a long time and if it is sadness/pain, I regret it for a very long time. if you remember when I relocated the chipmunks to the forest area and when I came here. a couple of them said they might be the moms and their babies will be searching for their mom and I never slept for 2 days and did get them back. THat pain/grief was there for a long time even after i got them back.

I really don't know if god would forgive me for this though i never never did it with an intention of harming or killing the chippies. :( :( :( :(

08-21-2014, 05:33 PM
Thank you. I cannot control happiness or sadness and If it is happiness I cherish for a long time and if it is sadness/pain, I regret it for a very long time. if you remember when I relocated the chipmunks to the forest area and when I came here. a couple of them said they might be the moms and their babies will be searching for their mom and I never slept for 2 days and did get them back. THat pain/grief was there for a long time even after i got them back.

I really don't know if god would forgive me for this though i never never did it with an intention of harming or killing the chippies. :( :( :( :(

2 weeks back I was feeding sparrows at my work place - the regular brown sparrows. It was just a regular side walk on a road with big tree and lots of shade. The sparrows would come there and I usually keep them food and water and they would all come around me and have their food. One day, after I kept the food and they finished it all in 5 minutes. Again i kept another load of bird food and had to leave. Just as i got in to my car and checked the rear view mirror, a brewers bird (big black crow like blue head) started attacking the birds blindly. There were 50 sparrows and every sparrow wanted to escape and unfortunately one sparrow got knocked off in its neck and was dying in pain. I tried to apply medicines and the poor bird died in my hands :( :(:( :(. From that day I never left the place when the birds were eating. This time it is the chipmunk that died in my hands :( :( :( :(

08-21-2014, 05:56 PM
You're putting a heavy burden on yourself :nono I don't know how old you are....:dono but, I'm old enough to know that "life happens" we have little control...the sparrows were not your fault ...it was nature....cruel as it is....the Black Crow has to eat, too....:shakehead I am an observer of Nature...and I don't always like what I see...but there is a reason for all that it does...only when we interfere does it add trouble. The chipmunk was your fault.....and you have "owned it" ....it was not done with malice....and God would know that..correct? So please don't beat yourself up anymore than you already have. Learn and move on....if it makes you feel better plant a bush or shrub that has berries for the chips and other animals to eat....do it as a memorial to this little lost wild...remember him and the lesson....but remember you are only human. We have all made mistakes in our lives...no one is "mistake free" :bowdown Ask God or a higher power for forgiveness....and make amends.:Love_Icon I have already forgiven you :Love_Icon and I'm a mere flawed hoomin :tilt

08-21-2014, 06:46 PM
Ok so let me get this right before I react too harshly.
Did you trap these wild animals so you could pet and play with them?

I'm inclined to believe that this poster may in fact be a "troll" who is posting stuff like this to antagonize us members of TSB.

I completely agree Sandy. ESP after they had had it explained to them that the trapping for relocation could have ended in tragedy.

08-21-2014, 07:00 PM
Sandycheeks and Mommaluvy :Love_Icon I understand your distress....but I think if you go back and look ..it was never mentioned that trapping them would hurt them. Just that it was wrong to do it for the inconvenience they were causing:dono She even said she caught them and played with them...but I don't think she mentioned the trap...I assumed she was catching them when they were coming to her for food. If she had mentioned the trap....I'm sure someone would have advised against it....and this wouldn't have happened :dono

I believe birdlover understands now...and is dealing with the pain and guilt :shakehead I think he or she is loathing themself enough :Love_Icon

08-21-2014, 07:29 PM
Sandycheeks and Mommaluvy :Love_Icon I understand your distress....but I think if you go back and look ..it was never mentioned that trapping them would hurt them.

THis is not an excuse in any way.

From the relocation trapping birdlover has already learned that s/he does not know any specifics about these animals, and HENCE SHOULD ASK FIRST before attempting anything, especially, trapping.

If this were a responsible mature adult, s/he would learn the lesson, especially, because s/he "felt bad" and was all remorseful and stuff.
And had s/he TRULY felt awful about causing those poor chippies so much distress by relocating them, s/he would have ASKED FIRST before trap-release them only so s/he could touch them.

from the very beginning, this is what it looks like, and here I am addressing birdlover (for the last time, don't worry):

What seems to be happening is this;

you fed birds because you WANTED TO. It pleased you, and you liked it and so on and so forth.
You didn't like that chippies were eating bird food.
You came here asking for advice.
People shared.
But you didn't like what you heard.
So, you disappeared for about two weeks (or however long it was) and came back simply stating the fact about what you did. You relocated the chippies because you WANTED to so that they wouldn't eat the stupid bird seed.

Then, again, you disappeared for over a month, doing your own thing again.
And came back only after you killed a chippie by doing your own thing. And why were you doing it?
Because you wanted to.

So, you seem to be one of those people who do what they want to do, what pleases them, what works for them WITHOUT prior research to see how your actions will affect the animals towards whom you undertake your selfish actions.

Then you mess up. And you come here for some absolution and relief of guilt, looking for someone to say "It's ok," to make yourself feel better.

From your posts you don't seem to be holding yourself accountable for the fact that you chose to follow your own wishes instead of FIRST checking how your actions/wishes will affect the animals.

When I and a few others say that it was wrong, you get all defensive, making it all about you. Self-centered.

If it had happened only once, then yes, it's an accident.

But this is no a "Once" thing. It seems like a pattern.

Had this chippie not perished like that, you would have continued doing it because you had been doing it for "two months" (or whatever). This means that you REALLY did not care how your actions were affecting poor chippies.
YOu didn't bother to find out if this awful trap-release nonsense was traumatizing the rodents.
You just kept doing it because you WANTED to.

You do what you want to for self-gratification, whether it is feeding birds, or trapping animals just to touch them.
When you mess up because you didn't really care, you come here looking for someone to take your guilt away by saying "it's ok."

And that's why no plead of ignorance can be an excuse.

I am not going to mince words and try to be nice.
A little chippie will never see the sun because of you.

And, honey, FYI: this is a public board, and anyone, including myself, can "monitor" any thread.
I will post what I have to post. You don't like it? - tough stuff..
And if admins decide to edit something out - that's their right.
But I had to post what I had to post.

And certainly, you can come and go, leave and whatever.
You are not following the suggestions people give you here anyway.

Anyways, don't worry - I won't post here again, have more important things to do. But had to say this because a little chippie is gone because of your selfishness.

PS and honestly - this whole business of "didn't know that trapping them and releasing them could be harmful to them" is just beyond lame from whatever angle you look at it. A 5yr old could use this excuse, but not an adult who claims to be a bird lover

08-21-2014, 07:30 PM
True. I may have over reacted

08-21-2014, 10:22 PM
THis is not an excuse in any way.

From the relocation trapping birdlover has already learned that s/he does not know any specifics about these animals, and HENCE SHOULD ASK FIRST before attempting anything, especially, trapping.

If this were a responsible mature adult, s/he would learn the lesson, especially, because s/he "felt bad" and was all remorseful and stuff.
And had s/he TRULY felt awful about causing those poor chippies so much distress by relocating them, s/he would have ASKED FIRST before trap-release them only so s/he could touch them.

from the very beginning, this is what it looks like, and here I am addressing birdlover (for the last time, don't worry):

What seems to be happening is this;

you fed birds because you WANTED TO. It pleased you, and you liked it and so on and so forth.
You didn't like that chippies were eating bird food.
You came here asking for advice.
People shared.
But you didn't like what you heard.
So, you disappeared for about two weeks (or however long it was) and came back simply stating the fact about what you did. You relocated the chippies because you WANTED to so that they wouldn't eat the stupid bird seed.

Then, again, you disappeared for over a month, doing your own thing again.
And came back only after you killed a chippie by doing your own thing. And why were you doing it?
Because you wanted to.

So, you seem to be one of those people who do what they want to do, what pleases them, what works for them WITHOUT prior research to see how your actions will affect the animals towards whom you undertake your selfish actions.

Then you mess up. And you come here for some absolution and relief of guilt, looking for someone to say "It's ok," to make yourself feel better.

From your posts you don't seem to be holding yourself accountable for the fact that you chose to follow your own wishes instead of FIRST checking how your actions/wishes will affect the animals.

When I and a few others say that it was wrong, you get all defensive, making it all about you. Self-centered.

If it had happened only once, then yes, it's an accident.

But this is no a "Once" thing. It seems like a pattern.

Had this chippie not perished like that, you would have continued doing it because you had been doing it for "two months" (or whatever). This means that you REALLY did not care how your actions were affecting poor chippies.
YOu didn't bother to find out if this awful trap-release nonsense was traumatizing the rodents.
You just kept doing it because you WANTED to.

You do what you want to for self-gratification, whether it is feeding birds, or trapping animals just to touch them.
When you mess up because you didn't really care, you come here looking for someone to take your guilt away by saying "it's ok."

And that's why no plead of ignorance can be an excuse.

I am not going to mince words and try to be nice.
A little chippie will never see the sun because of you.

And, honey, FYI: this is a public board, and anyone, including myself, can "monitor" any thread.
I will post what I have to post. You don't like it? - tough stuff..
And if admins decide to edit something out - that's their right.
But I had to post what I had to post.

And certainly, you can come and go, leave and whatever.
You are not following the suggestions people give you here anyway.

Anyways, don't worry - I won't post here again, have more important things to do. But had to say this because a little chippie is gone because of your selfishness.

PS and honestly - this whole business of "didn't know that trapping them and releasing them could be harmful to them" is just beyond lame from whatever angle you look at it. A 5yr old could use this excuse, but not an adult who claims to be a bird lover

Don't even act like mother Teresa. I never read your whole bs. I knew I made a mistake. Take your "I don't make mistake" attitude somewhere else coz I don't give anything.

Jesus once said.." Oh let the one who have not done any sins throw the first stone.

The way you reply speaks a lot about your ego and arrogance that only you care a lot about animals and you were the one sent by god to do that. Stop that bs and only god knows what you had done.

I made a mistake and it was purely unintentional and sane individuals will understand. I don't need your advice. God knows what really happened. I really don't want to use foul language here. If god still think it was completely my fault, I will take the punishment and still I don't need your bs advice.

08-21-2014, 10:26 PM
THis is not an excuse in any way.

From the relocation trapping birdlover has already learned that s/he does not know any specifics about these animals, and HENCE SHOULD ASK FIRST before attempting anything, especially, trapping.

If this were a responsible mature adult, s/he would learn the lesson, especially, because s/he "felt bad" and was all remorseful and stuff.
And had s/he TRULY felt awful about causing those poor chippies so much distress by relocating them, s/he would have ASKED FIRST before trap-release them only so s/he could touch them.

from the very beginning, this is what it looks like, and here I am addressing birdlover (for the last time, don't worry):

What seems to be happening is this;

you fed birds because you WANTED TO. It pleased you, and you liked it and so on and so forth.
You didn't like that chippies were eating bird food.
You came here asking for advice.
People shared.
But you didn't like what you heard.
So, you disappeared for about two weeks (or however long it was) and came back simply stating the fact about what you did. You relocated the chippies because you WANTED to so that they wouldn't eat the stupid bird seed.

Then, again, you disappeared for over a month, doing your own thing again.
And came back only after you killed a chippie by doing your own thing. And why were you doing it?
Because you wanted to.

So, you seem to be one of those people who do what they want to do, what pleases them, what works for them WITHOUT prior research to see how your actions will affect the animals towards whom you undertake your selfish actions.

Then you mess up. And you come here for some absolution and relief of guilt, looking for someone to say "It's ok," to make yourself feel better.

From your posts you don't seem to be holding yourself accountable for the fact that you chose to follow your own wishes instead of FIRST checking how your actions/wishes will affect the animals.

When I and a few others say that it was wrong, you get all defensive, making it all about you. Self-centered.

If it had happened only once, then yes, it's an accident.

But this is no a "Once" thing. It seems like a pattern.

Had this chippie not perished like that, you would have continued doing it because you had been doing it for "two months" (or whatever). This means that you REALLY did not care how your actions were affecting poor chippies.
YOu didn't bother to find out if this awful trap-release nonsense was traumatizing the rodents.
You just kept doing it because you WANTED to.

You do what you want to for self-gratification, whether it is feeding birds, or trapping animals just to touch them.
When you mess up because you didn't really care, you come here looking for someone to take your guilt away by saying "it's ok."

And that's why no plead of ignorance can be an excuse.

I am not going to mince words and try to be nice.
A little chippie will never see the sun because of you.

And, honey, FYI: this is a public board, and anyone, including myself, can "monitor" any thread.
I will post what I have to post. You don't like it? - tough stuff..
And if admins decide to edit something out - that's their right.
But I had to post what I had to post.

And certainly, you can come and go, leave and whatever.
You are not following the suggestions people give you here anyway.

Anyways, don't worry - I won't post here again, have more important things to do. But had to say this because a little chippie is gone because of your selfishness.

PS and honestly - this whole business of "didn't know that trapping them and releasing them could be harmful to them" is just beyond lame from whatever angle you look at it. A 5yr old could use this excuse, but not an adult who claims to be a bird lover

I said I do not want to hear any more advice from you.. You don't get it and that is because you have an ego bigger than a mountain. If you really get this in your thick skull you will not reply.

08-21-2014, 10:37 PM
:ohthedrama "Aint' nobody got time for that!" Going to feed babies and focus on more positive things. Being insulting is a big turn off in my book and name calling is for children.

08-21-2014, 10:44 PM
I said I do not want to hear any more advice from you.. You don't get it and that is because you have an ego bigger than a mountain. If you really get this in your thick skull you will not reply.

This goes to the insane individual Astra ..

Read your posts again and only a person with a dirty mind will say - you disappear for a month and come back after you killed a puppie and you wouldn't be here if this had not happened because you said you have been doing for 2 months

My response: you silly minded egoistic individual

Any one can make a mistake and it is easy to hide it. I came out and expressed it here because it was freaking absolutely unintentional. If I had an intention of harming or killing, there is no need for me to come here and say and it would have been a happy ending in others view

I am true to myself and whether you freakin believe it or not, the chip pies were playing - biting and getting food from me even when I caught them and felt better after they ate fully. I never kept them to harm and would release them in 20-30 min.
So this playing and eating from hand went successfully for 2 months which is why I did not show up because everything was normal. I did not trap them every single day..

Are you seriously on drugs to write this bs?

I have 9 chip pies in my backyard and I admit - initially I did not like them because I thought they were grabbing food, but I started to love them sincerely but just because one time when they ate from my hand in the trap, I thought it was fine and nothing happened. Every single chippie I see them today have grown and continue to eat bird food along with birds.

Have some common sense before you write garbage. This was purely unintentional and I never thought it would kill because every single chippie was very active except this one I freaking don't know why. Get that?

Now bark as much as you want and I don't care.. Bye