View Full Version : From México - First time releasing.

07-01-2014, 02:58 AM
Hey! So heres the thing, I found a 5 week old squirrel about 7 weeks ago and have been raising it myself (there is no such thing as a wild life rehaber in México) using this as guide http://www.orphanedwildlifecare.com/squirrelcare.htm

It's been a long and cool journey, but we are finally in the releasing stage. Me and my wife are lucky enough to live next door to a glen where there's plenty of room for him, and in the last few days we've been allowing him to go throug the fence and into the forest that is actually, facing our patio. He loves it. Spend most of his day there, and is starting to go deeper and deeper into the forest. Since we moved here, we noticed there where not so many squirrels in the forest (There are only two houses ours and our land lord) and in six months we only spotted a few. Today we saw our squirrel and another one near, so we are happy that he's interacting with his new environment and finding other squirrels. He still interacts with me (I was his main care giver) and comes back to his nest box only at night. The nest box has been located on our patio for the last 2 weeks. I was planning to move it into the forest next week, but:

We been spotting hawks near the house. And I mean, really near. In the trees that are less than 3 or 4 yards away from the patio. At least two hawks, my wife thinks their nest might be near, but i have no visual on it.

So, since we saw the hawks for the first time (sunday) and today that we actually were worried about the squirrel because the hawks are getting really near, I suddenly don't know what to do. Our squirrel (named Montaña (Mountain)) cannot stay on the cage, he just loves the outdoors too much, but I feel I might as well just feed him to the hawks, for it will be only a matter of time till they catch him.

Now, I have another option:
My father lives near my house, but haves his own huge fenced backyard where there's even an oak tree (Montaña loves the acorns from that tree) and is also next to the forest with no neighbors. There is a dog, but its old and I never seen him chasing... anything, to be honest.
I've seen a few squirrels in the backyard and usually they pick on the dogs food. I know its not optimal, as it is not the wild-wild, but I could release him there, and my sister could watch out for him (make sure he haves some water and food on stock in the backyard) I would also be able to visit him regularly there. My concerns are the dog (for it is old, but is still a dog) and people (visits or workers that go into my father house and that the squirrel could run to them, there' not that many, but occasionally there's a maid or something like that), and that other squirrels might get territorial on him. There`s also a catch. I usually work at home, so I have tons of time to do things like "go release the squirrel and stay with him till' he feels comfortable and you are ok with that", but this particular week I have to go out all day and come back only at night.
What can I do?
Should I let him go out to the forest even if the hawks are there? Is there a way to scare the hawks?
Should I just put the nest box on my fathers backyard and the squirrel will adapt?
Should I take him somewhere else?
Should I let him caged this week and release him till I can be with him for a few days at his new home?

I know it's a long thread and my English is rusty, but I'm really desperate for some help. I mean look at that face! PS: I know is a lot of pear for a little squirrel to eat, but it was his first time alone in the woods!

Thanks for the help.


island rehabber
07-01-2014, 06:11 AM
:Welcome Ben! What a beautiful baby you have there! I had no idea there were melanistic squirrels in Mexico; they are generally spread over the northern part of the continent but -- you've got one. :) What part of Mexico are you in? Looks like an elevated plateau, with all those pine trees.....

Ok so here were your questions, and my best answers to them:

Should I let him go out to the forest even if the hawks are there? Is there a way to scare the hawks?

NO. They are raising their young right now and will be particularly predatory. It's very hard to scare them away; many here have tried. You can't watch 24/7 and they can fly back at anytime.

Should I just put the nest box on my fathers backyard and the squirrel will adapt?

Not a bad idea. Take him in his cage and nest box to your dad's and have him stay there a couple of days just getting used to the surroundings. Then open the cage and let him come and go as he pleases. Once he's staying in the trees all the time you can hang his nest box up if you want. Doesn't sound like the dog is a big problem; instruct any visitors NOT to interact with the squirrel....in fact if he does go toward others maybe they can clap their hands to teach him to stay away.

Should I take him somewhere else?

ONly if you can do a true 'soft release' somewhere else, with a predator-proof release cage. Otherwise he's just a stranger in a strange land and you won't be there to supervise....

Should I let him caged this week and release him till I can be with him for a few days at his new home?

If he's used to going out every day that is going to drive him insane. I think bringing him to your father's place is your best option.....IMHO. Just be sure that if he is in his cage overnight there, outdoors, there are no predators that can get to him. If there are coyotes or snakes you'll have to take his cage in at night.