View Full Version : Rescued squirrel with MBD
06-28-2014, 03:17 PM
About 2 months ago we found an abandoned baby grey squirrel and it was doing great and thriving. As she was weaning she was just the most active and inquisitive thing you can imagine. About a week and a half ago she started sleeping more and harder. She became less active. Then last Sunday she woke up and didn't have any control ove her rear legs. We did research and figured it was MBD and gave her emergency calcium. It has been a week and we are trying to keep her calcium intake up but it is proving difficult because she catches on to everything we try. Anyone have any good ideas that they normally like. And. How long is normal recovery because she has regained control over one of her rear legs but the other and her tail are still pretty immobile. Just looking for any help possible for little Orin.
Thank you in advance.
06-28-2014, 03:35 PM
Are you following our protocol:
What form of calcium are you giving? How? How much? What is her diet?
Recovery takes a long time for them to rebuild their bones, but as far as paralysis, that can be permanent. You just have to ride it out.
06-28-2014, 07:09 PM
How old is this baby now?? I ask because babies
do not get MBD. Chances are more likely she has
had a fall or accident. Extra calcium would still
be in order.
What we need to know now is what have you
fed her since you found her?
06-28-2014, 09:04 PM
Thanks for taking time to care for one of gods greatest creations.
can you post a pic?
What is the daily diet?
Diet should be fresh veggies and such. There is a nutrtion page on here look it up. Nuts , peanut butter and all the junk squirrels love should be very limited. 2 nuts a day maybe 3 at the most. Sunlight is needed to help convert the nutrients. But no time outside unless in a cage. And they over heat easily so it is a double edged sword. They need shade and water if outside.
06-28-2014, 09:46 PM
We have had Orin about 2 and a half months. Her eyes were already open when we found her abondoned. So my guess is the is maybe 5+ months old. We fed her forumula for a long time till she started wanting to nibble a lot and we starte offering her the occasional pecan or cashew till she didn't really want the formula at all any more. Then we started feeding her mixed nuts and veggies with some oats occasionally. I know now that we did get carried away with feeding her to many nuts and not enough veggies. Since she has been showing signs of MBD we have been sneaking extra calcium into everything. Not every thing we feed her all the time just mixing it into different things to get her to take it because she is so smart she keeps figuring us out lol. I used reptile calcium supplement for the emergency treatment but since have switched to a 36% calcium carbanate suppliment and mix into a small amount of all natural peanut butter twice daily. Also have started giving her rodent block and veggies like broccoli and carrots and such. Her mood and playfulness has improved greatly this weekend. She seems to be improving daily. She still has little blather control and is not bearing a lot of weight on her hind legs.
06-28-2014, 10:34 PM
Have you tried brussel sprouts for her? I feed Kazee at least 2 of them 3 times a day. I trim a little off of the bottom take off a few outer leaves, rinse, microwave for 30 seconds, cut in half, run under water to cool off a bit, kazee eats the middles mostly. Also he eats bella mushrooms really good.
Have tried to give her a fruit flavored tums? I would limit any type of nut ptoducts.
A reptile light may help if she is not getting enough light.
Also plain full fat yogurt. Kazee eats this by the spoon full.
06-28-2014, 11:41 PM
Starting over and following the mbd protocol would be the advisable option
in my opinion.
It's very important that daily calcium requirements are consistent and
maintained during this course of treatment. Just as important that a proper
diet be maintained to supply the nutritional requirements that's needed.
Unfortunately starting a diet of other alternatives (especially nuts) before
block hampers the success of getting them to eat a good quality rodent block
but not impossible. Tough love has turned many a compromised squirrel around.
You mention (very little) movement with the tail and one leg. Does she appear to
have feeling in either or both if you were to gently pinch them?
It would be helpful if you would post a picture of your little so we may
get a better idea of the age and condition you are dealing with.
06-29-2014, 12:58 AM
What kind of formula did you feed? What kind of rodent block do you offer now? These kinds of things are really important because not all things are created equal. Some formula isn't great, and some blocks are just plain bad.
I would also go with the Tums if you can. Have you tried? Some squirrels really like it. And as it says in the protocol, it's important to give it through the day, not just in one big dose. The idea is to keep blood levels up through the day.
I wouldn't give the reptile calcium because it often has vitamin D in it, and while sqs need D, they are very sensitive to too much of it. In fact, it's used to kill rodents by pest control companies.
Part of the reason you should avoid nuts is because they (especially peanuts and pine nuts) are loaded with phosphorous, which blocks calcium absorption, so obviously you want to really avoid that when you're treating for MBD.
06-29-2014, 05:35 AM
Tommy I have alerted 2 members Tara who is right there in
Lancaster and jbtartel aka Laura who is in Ft Mill to this
Resources and vet care will be at your disposal.
SC TSB members rock when a squee is in need!!!:thumbsup:thumbsup
06-29-2014, 06:43 AM
Tommy I've spoken to Tara this morning. She asked me to
have you call her. Sent you her number in a private message.
She is working this morning but can take calls. She wants to
help you and Orin if she can.
06-29-2014, 06:55 AM
I just pmed you.. I can help also.:thumbsup
Hi! Sorry for the delay. I'm here and will help in any way possible. :) Don't hesitate to give me a call! Let's make sure your girl is okay.
06-29-2014, 08:22 AM
The formula we used was about like ensure and had lots of vitamins and calcium. We are using a reptile UVB light to help with the calcium absorbsion.The rodant block we have started Orin on is Oxbow mouse and young rat block from Petsmart. I have tried to attach a photo of Orin hopefully it comes thru. We are limiting her nut intake. We only give her a small amount of all natural peanut butter mixed with calcium carbanate without vitamin D(only thing we have found that she takes freely) a couple times a day. We have tried tums and other things but she fuses and spits it out. Thank you all so much for the help so far and will be in contact with the one who left numbers this afternoon. Thank you again:tinfoil
06-29-2014, 10:08 AM
Tommy I have vet care if u can get her to me.. and supplies to help get her back healthy... call me as soon as u can I pm my number to you too..
The formula we used was about like ensure and had lots of vitamins and calcium. We are using a reptile UVB light to help with the calcium absorbsion.The rodant block we have started Orin on is Oxbow mouse and young rat block from Petsmart. I have tried to attach a photo of Orin hopefully it comes thru. We are limiting her nut intake. We only give her a small amount of all natural peanut butter mixed with calcium carbanate without vitamin D(only thing we have found that she takes freely) a couple times a day. We have tried tums and other things but she fuses and spits it out. Thank you all so much for the help so far and will be in contact with the one who left numbers this afternoon. Thank you again:tinfoil
She's beautiful! :) jbtartell has a wonderful vet! I've taken my LG there! :) If you need any help, just let me know.
06-29-2014, 03:42 PM
Wanted to thank everyone so much. Spoke with jbtartell today and am going to get her to look Orin over and evaluate her this week. Thank you all so much and keep Orin in your prayers that she continues to recover quickly.
Nancy in New York
06-29-2014, 04:26 PM
Wanted to thank everyone so much. Spoke with jbtartell today and am going to get her to look Orin over and evaluate her this week. Thank you all so much and keep Orin in your prayers that she continues to recover quickly.
06-29-2014, 04:58 PM
Orin remains in my prayers:grouphug.
06-29-2014, 05:13 PM
I will be seeing them hopefully tomorrow evening.. and will make sure they have what they need to get her back to health and she will need to get lots of those famous TSB prayers.. I know they work.. :grouphug :Love_Icon
06-29-2014, 05:25 PM
I will be seeing them hopefully tomorrow evening.. and will make sure they have what they need to get her back to health and she will need to get lots of those famous TSB prayers.. I know they work.. :grouphug :Love_Icon
:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:grin3:grin3:thumbsup:t humbsup:thumbsup
06-29-2014, 05:32 PM
Thank-you Laura!!! Prayers for Orin continue...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
06-30-2014, 11:38 AM
Another angel steps up to the plate. Thanks Laura. And thanks Tommy for finding help. These little guys need special care when they're with us. Get better sweet Orin. You've got TSB at your back and loving prayers to help you along. :Love_Icon
06-30-2014, 11:39 AM
SammysMom, I can't offer you any advice, but I can give you and precious Orin lots of prayers!! I do believe they know when they are loved and it helps them fight... TSB is AWESOME!!
07-01-2014, 03:16 PM
Hi I am sorry, I had an emergency yesterday and orin is coming today. in about 2 hours.. I cant wait to meet her. and her parents.. I will update tonight on her.:thumbsup
07-01-2014, 08:14 PM
got to meet them all tonight and they are very committed to getting her better.. she went home with them but will be back by sunday, she does have mbd and I want to be sure she gets xray to make sure there are no injuries.. she is using her back legs in a bunny hop which is good considering she could not use them at all before.and she is moving them. I gave them some kaytee block and fox valley. she said she would drink formula which is a plus. I did not hold her because she was stressed and scared but they held her while I checked her bladder and felt her. She is peeing on her own but I did not see too much tail movement. she looks happy and as of now I don't see her being releasable. I explained the long term to them and they understand. I also let them know I am here if the need anything from questions to taking her if they want. most of us have been there with our first squirrel, I will keep you all informed as we get her better.:thumbsup
07-01-2014, 08:33 PM
Thank you so very much jbtartell for looking at Orin and all the help and supply's. We stopped on the way home and got her some avacado as you suggested. Have not feed her any yet because she was give out after all the stress and curled up in her nest when she got home. Will start the Fox valley first thing in the morning. Thank you again for everything.
P.S it was a pleasure meeting you, your squirrels and raccoons. Also please tell rocky I won't hold it against him for nipping my finger. Lol
07-02-2014, 12:25 PM
ohh my I will tell him.. I gave him a good talking to for it.. he has never did that before.. maybe lucy is in season or could be ur a man and he felt he had to show u don't know. a new one for him..:grin3 and I am glad to help.
07-08-2014, 11:43 AM
update on orin had her checked out and she has mbd for sure a healing broken back in lower spine and a healing fracture near shoulders (above heart looking at xray)of spin and a older crack in front leg that could have happened when she fell from tree when she was smaller. the spinal stuff is from mbd.. week bones.. the lower break is healing and that is why she can move her legs now but her bladder is not working and her tail is not working from the same break. may heal enough to regain but may not, its a waiting game. soo she has to be expressed at the least 3 times a day... and she has to stay on the calcium protocol. no nuts and limited activity. in 2 wks will re assess.. she is brite eyed and full of spirit. the protocol is helping and you can see on the xrays her healing... just look at the spin how smooth most of it is and where it don't look the same is where the problems are.. also in the back legs she showed me where it is brite white there has been some healing of the bones there.
07-10-2014, 06:45 AM
did anyone see this??:poke
island rehabber
07-10-2014, 07:04 AM
I am so glad you posted it, Laura. This shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that MBD treatment -- the protocol -- works, and at least in a young squirrel, it works FAST. Very very interesting and very encouraging!
07-16-2014, 03:31 PM
update on orin.. she is sitting up now and eating with out being on her belly... yayyyyy
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