View Full Version : Need to run by experts

06-27-2014, 11:32 AM
Here is a 5wk old baby, 103g (as of 3am).

Finders must have overfed her (Fox Valley), because her poop was pristine-snow white at 3am.

Since 3am she's been only on pedialyte to flush out overfeeding and restore her poop.
By about 8am her poop became very pale yellow (guess, some improvement? )

She also aspirated. There wasn't audible clicking yet, but heavy, laboured breathing, lots and lots of sneezing (not the usual pfts and such) and somewhat without much energy.

So, she was started on the course of baytril to address the aspiration (at 3am).

So, to sum up:
1. She is on pedi b/c of overfeeding
2. She is on baytril

I've seen her "overfed" poops, and at 3am she gave a few drops of pee.

BUt I have not seen her pee since then.
It is very probably that she peed on her own and it's hard to tell because her blankies are dark colour.

Could you please:

1. Look at the poop? - just would like to confirm that it is "overfeeding" 'poop and not anything else.
If the poop does not clear up quickly - should I continue with pedi, or should I start FV at one point? HOw long can she stay on pedi alone?

In reality her poop looks paler (it's brighter yellow in this pic).

2. Look at her belly? - just want to make sure it looks ok size-wise.
It was not bloated, it's squishy and normal.
But still - need 2nd opinion to make sure nothing is being missed.
Expert eye may be able to stop something I am not seeing.

Please ignore her sad-looking fur - it will be taken care of once she is stable.
It looks like some milk burn/not thoroughly cleaned formula/something.
So, once she is stable, the fur will be taken care of.

Thank you!

06-27-2014, 11:56 AM
Never mind.
She just passed ...

Abbi's Mama
06-27-2014, 12:10 PM
I'm so sorry :(
From the way her face looks in those pics, she looks like she was barely hanging on.
I'm not an expert, but to me, that poop doesn't look like it was merely over feeding poop...seems to look like there's a slimy spot or two...which could've indicated an infection.
Again, not an expert. Maybe a more experienced member will have more insight for you.

06-27-2014, 12:17 PM
Godspeed little one......:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

06-27-2014, 01:41 PM
:( Gods Speed little squirrel.

06-27-2014, 03:40 PM
So sorry....:grouphug

06-27-2014, 03:49 PM
Every loss ..takes a small chunk of your heart....
Adios , ardilla pequena.

06-27-2014, 05:39 PM
thank you all,

This is just so, so sad...

I got her at 2am and she was gone by noon... was our help too late?

Trying to think of what could have caused this...

I feel like something was really wrong with her GIT:

1) Apparently, the finders (despite Iwonka's instructions) overfed her and fed her with a 10cc syringe (no wonder she aspirated).

2) what seemed sort of strange to me was that she kept pooping.
When I took her out of the book, there was poop.
When I put her on the scale to weigh, she pooped
When I gave her meds, she kept pooping
When I came to give her pedi - there was lots of poop
An hour later, there was lots of poop

It looks like she kept pooping on a on-going basis.

Has anyone dealt with something like this?

Does it mean that her system was either overloaded, or something else was going on?

Now, as I rewind back, I understand why her little anus was a bit larger than normal and irritated - she kept pooping and pooping.
And her poops were pretty big: first pasty, but after a pedi feeding, they firmed up a bit, but still were rather larger for the most part, and stuck together.

Her belly wasn't bloated or hard or any of that, but it doesn't mean there weren't problems.

And between Monday and today she didn't gain weight: she was about 100g on Monday and when I weighed her at 3am today she was about 103g.

She did have some diarrhea at one point, just don't remember whether it was between Monday and today, or before.

It could also be Fox Valley again, because, apparently, when the finders fed her cow's milk (not knowing), she seemed to be doing a bit better than this.
Then, they got Fox Valley (and on top of that they overfed her with a 10cc syringe).

After a dose of bayrtil and some pedi, she perked up, was crawling all over, curious, gave me armage and seemed to be doing better than when I first got her at 2am.

But she kept pooping and pooping...

in addition, she may have needed to be treated for aspiration earlier (based on the available info, sounds like she got aspirated a couple of days ago)...

Also, she tended to lean on her left side.
But on Monday she wasn't doing that.
We don't know what might have happened to result in this leaning. Might the finders have dropped her or something?
Or could it be a consequence of the major GIT mess up?

... just so, so sad... she was so tiny, so thin, with all that sad-looking fur... and it would have been such a joy to see her improve and make it.

She is buried next to Charlie (a 6wk old that looked like a juvie in the pic)

thank you all

06-27-2014, 05:41 PM
Every loss ..takes a small chunk of your heart....
Adios , ardilla pequena.

couldn't be any truer, Stosh...and when old scars reopen, one's heart never stops bleeding

Nancy in New York
06-27-2014, 07:06 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this little one passed.
BUT I am glad it was with someone that has
the heart and soul of an angel.
Thank you for making her journey to the bridge
filled with love and tears.

06-27-2014, 08:41 PM

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-28-2014, 07:36 AM
The color of her stomach isnt right, too dark, reddish purple look, maybe her stomach ruptured from over feeding.

06-30-2014, 04:19 PM
thank you NINY, Anne, SSM.

SSM - wouldn't a ruptured stomach result in some sort of bleeding?... and she didn't seem in pain either.
but you might be on to something, because the whole thing just wasn't right.

I so hoped she'd make it, especially, after she kind of perked up.

Her name was Maria.

06-30-2014, 04:46 PM
Godspeed Maria...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Astra, you know, sometimes all we can do is make them know love... You did that for sure...:grouphug:thankyou:grouphug

06-30-2014, 05:43 PM
thank you NINY, Anne, SSM.

SSM - wouldn't a ruptured stomach result in some sort of bleeding?... and she didn't seem in pain either.
but you might be on to something, because the whole thing just wasn't right.

I so hoped she'd make it, especially, after she kind of perked up.

Her name was Maria.


This is a West Side Story song that Always comes to mind when I hear the name MARIA...
"The most beautiful sound I Ever heard....MARIA"

Carol Lynn
06-30-2014, 08:20 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that this little sweetie has passed. She sure was a cute little thing. Thank you for caring and for doing your best. :grouphug

07-01-2014, 07:16 PM
Thank you, SM and Carol L.

Stosh - thank you for the link. That's a lovely song, indeed.


07-01-2014, 09:02 PM
Poop was likely her poor overfed body trying to rid itself of excess. Poor little sweetie. Why do people ask for help and totally ignore perfectly good instructions. Likely there was more going on than either over feeding or aspiration. Sweet sleep little Maria :Love_Icon